
Highschool passion

Jessica Willams who formerly had a simple life meets Julian Gade who she couldn't resist even at first sight. Well, he is not as he turns out to be instead he's just the opposite of all that she wants for a first love. She's surprised with not only the suddenly change she feels because of him but also how more histrionic JK (her new transfer high school) can be. ...... Well, Jessica who doesn't want to be on the players lists tries everything she can to resist him it all doesn't work as she can't even control herself. She keeps her tracks on him not only because he's the best option that she's got but because he also won't let go. Will all this new changes MAKE or BREAK her? Welcome to my first book and I hope you enjoy it! Guyyysss! We’re backkk! Are you ready?

Favour_Olokungboye · Teen
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162 Chs

Chapter 68 B*tches

I rolled in bed as bellowing noises disturbed me. After a while of rolling over and over again, my eyes fluttered open. I looked by my side and I realised that it was Natalie and Mabel's other crew members that were on the bed chatting as the loud song kept on playing. 

I hastily sat up but when I saw that Camella was still sleeping I laid back in the bed. I didn't have the luxury to deal with these annoying people. 

I used the pillow to cover my ear trying to avoid the noise but it was just too loud. 

Frustrated, I stood up and dashed into the bathroom ignoring them. 

I began to wash my body; pouring soup all over me and after washing my body with soup, I On the shower but no water came out.

'Why wasn't it coming out?! I just used it a while ago!' I thought and I kept trying to switch it On but it didn't work.