
Highschool passion

Jessica Willams who formerly had a simple life meets Julian Gade who she couldn't resist even at first sight. Well, he is not as he turns out to be instead he's just the opposite of all that she wants for a first love. She's surprised with not only the suddenly change she feels because of him but also how more histrionic JK (her new transfer high school) can be. ...... Well, Jessica who doesn't want to be on the players lists tries everything she can to resist him it all doesn't work as she can't even control herself. She keeps her tracks on him not only because he's the best option that she's got but because he also won't let go. Will all this new changes MAKE or BREAK her? Welcome to my first book and I hope you enjoy it! Guyyysss! We’re backkk! Are you ready?

Favour_Olokungboye · Teen
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162 Chs

Chapter 48 Suitable dress.

As our lips parted, Julian looked at me with an amazed gaze as he saw my reddened face. He lifted his hands and he slowly caressed my hot cheeks, then he moved his hands to my lips and used his thumb to caress them gently. I just stood there stiff as I looked at his eyes - I didn't even dare blink. 

I didn't know how to react to him right now? Should I smile? Or be neutral? Or hug him? Or...I was just so confused!

I subconsciously raised my hands to touch my lips which were still hot and I could hear Julian smirk.

"Come over here," He dragged me to sit beside him on the white sand.

I looked at him as I settled beside him and I smiled widely but it didn't take long for me to hide my face on his lap.

"Hey, come on. Stop." He tried to lift my head but I wrapped my hands around his waist to prevent him from doing so.

"Why are you so shy? You taste so good." He said and I swallowed as I still kept my face hidden in his lap.