
Highschool passion

Jessica Willams who formerly had a simple life meets Julian Gade who she couldn't resist even at first sight. Well, he is not as he turns out to be instead he's just the opposite of all that she wants for a first love. She's surprised with not only the suddenly change she feels because of him but also how more histrionic JK (her new transfer high school) can be. ...... Well, Jessica who doesn't want to be on the players lists tries everything she can to resist him it all doesn't work as she can't even control herself. She keeps her tracks on him not only because he's the best option that she's got but because he also won't let go. Will all this new changes MAKE or BREAK her? Welcome to my first book and I hope you enjoy it! Guyyysss! We’re backkk! Are you ready?

Favour_Olokungboye · Teen
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162 Chs

Chapter 41 A feeling that looks real.

I peeped through the window to confirm if Julian was outside and as I predicted he was there with his sister, Jane.

With a sigh of relief, I began to draw back because I realized that they were talking intimately and it seemed to be a very important issue because Julian's face was very serious. I didn't want to interfere. But the little cute girl came.

"Aunt Jessica, what are you doing here?" She asked with a loud voice and I cursed inwardly.

I looked back and I saw that those two who seemed to have been serious with their conversation a while ago were now gazing at me. My heartbeat thundered as I looked back at them.

'What will I do? What will I tell them? Will they get angry thinking that I was eavesdropping on them?' I thought as my heart continued its uncontrollable beating.

And the worse thing was that their gaze wasn't helping, they looked worried and angry. With a buried face, I went out of the building and I apologetically looked at them.