
Highschool passion

Jessica Willams who formerly had a simple life meets Julian Gade who she couldn't resist even at first sight. Well, he is not as he turns out to be instead he's just the opposite of all that she wants for a first love. She's surprised with not only the suddenly change she feels because of him but also how more histrionic JK (her new transfer high school) can be. ...... Well, Jessica who doesn't want to be on the players lists tries everything she can to resist him it all doesn't work as she can't even control herself. She keeps her tracks on him not only because he's the best option that she's got but because he also won't let go. Will all this new changes MAKE or BREAK her? Welcome to my first book and I hope you enjoy it! Guyyysss! We’re backkk! Are you ready?

Favour_Olokungboye · Teen
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162 Chs

Chapter 34 Leaked emotions.

When I called his name, he turned and when my eyes met with his, his eyes were red as if he had been crying for a long time.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," He replied as he stood up and began to walk toward me.

"Are you sure, earlier I saw your face? You looked sad. So please tell me what is wrong." I demanded but he didn't talk, he just gazed intently at me.

"You have always helped me when I needed help, so please let me help you. Tell me, I might be able to help_"

"Jessica, what does Gabriel mean to you?" he asked sullenly before I could complete my statement and I switched off. Recently, I was the one who was exacting a reply and he was the still one but the table turned as his eyes searched for an answer.

After taking like centuries to put my battered thoughts into place, I finally spoke...

"Gabriel is my friend, my very good friend," I said with my eyes never leaving his.

"And what of me? What do I mean to you?" He asked still retaining his cloudy tone and I didn't know why but my heartbeat accelerated as I heard him.

On the plane, he asked me something like this, he asked me how I would describe him, I knew what he meant then but I couldn't tell him what I didn't cognize. I couldn't give him a reply when I haven't even replied myself when I don't even know how to describe him and when I don't know what he means to me.

Was he my friend? A friend that is always on my mind, a friend that I can't get off my mind, a friend that I always want to see and a friend that I felt odd around!

I closed my eyes and I sighed as I mumbled the words "I don't know,"

When I opened my eyes I tried to apprehend his expression but before I could do so, the door sound interrupted.

I gazed at it casually and I saw Zia standing there.

"It's time for you to perform," She spoke when she saw me and a hint of shock or surprise was not found on her face.

"I will be there soon," I said and she left then my gaze went back to Julian.

"Whatever is troubling you please let it slide away, I will see you soon," I said and without even waiting for a response, I hurriedly left there.

'It's jealousy Jessica and it hurts'


{In back stage}

"Where is Camella?" I kept asking but they all just kept hurrying me.

"Don't you guys get it, I can't go without her!" I tried to explain to them but it was a waste because before the twink of an eye, I was already on stage and the curtains to the backstage closed immediately after they brought me out.

I looked around and I saw the large congregation watching me, waiting patiently for what I was about to offer them but as time passed and as I did not utter a word they became impatient as their thrilling eyes became a confused and angered one.

I felt like tearing up right there, what was I meant to perform? What will I do? I and Camella were meant to perform a group song of which I cannot perform on my own. And again my heart was beating so loud that It was already making a beat, I was so damn scared! I knew I couldn't do it alone!

I removed my gaze from the large crowd and I kept it fixated to the ground. I was trying my best to do it. I didn't want to embarrass myself but even after all my trails I couldn't let out a single sound.

 After some time, I returned my gaze back to the crowd and then my eyes met with these warm and encouraging eyes telling me to go on, telling me that I could do it, giving me all the support I needed with just his eyes.

Then he gave me a smile different from the one I saw a while ago, he gave me a warm and encouraging smile and before I knew it, I tightened my grip on the microphone and sang the only song which suite this moment, a song which suite the warm and secured feeling that he brought.

A song named

"I've fallen for you,"

"What is the feeling, I just can't explain.

When you're near, I'm just not the same

I try to hide it

I try not to show it

it's crazy, how could it be?" I began to sing with my eyes never leaving his as all my memories with him flashed by, from the first time I met him at the garden, how I bumped into him and I couldn't take my eyes off him up to now.

And I felt so warm and happy just by thinking of it. I felt like building more memories with him and I felt like never letting what I was feeling go.

At that moment I already forgot that I was on stage, I forgot this was a performance, all that I could see was Julian and what I was singing then, wasn't to entertain anymore, it was meant for him.

I intensified my gaze at him as I said the last words.

"I finally know how it feels,

So this is love,"

Song: I've fallen for you

Artist: Toni Gonzaga

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