
Highschool of the Dead---Save us

Jen is a really shy girl who never talks to anyone, ever. but when the zombies come they change her life compltely. She becomes someone new and different....

Jaden_yuki · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The life of a Ghost

(might be spelling errors :)

As I walk through the streets, these horrible destoryed streets. I wonder to myself,

"How did this happen? Why did this happen?"

Back when life was normal, I was a very shy girl. So, I never talked to anyone, I had no friends. There were times where some people tried to be my friend, but I was too scared to talk to them and I ran away. After so many people tried, they stopped. So its like I dissappered, I was a Ghost to them. The only people that talked to me was the school libraian Ms. Rose who was very nice to me and my parents. but with my parents they try to get me to talk to other people but as you know I ran away or hid. Soon they reilzed that I had social anziey. So they tride to help me but it only got worse. By the time I got to Highschool. I felt more scared to be around people.

My freshmen year was the worst. Every older kid made fun of me and were rude to me too. I missed Ms. Rose. All the teachers were super rude adn didn't even care about my disablity, and all the students were the worst, they didn't help me feel welcome at all. Somedays I went home with a new bruize on my face and when i got home, I cried. My parents were worried for me to they moved me to a private school. It was better than public school. Everyone made me feel welcome but, as you know I didn't talk. The students there were nicer to me, and the teachers were way nicer, ececpt one, but you'll hear more of him later. But other than that everything was okay. One day I met a boy his name was Kohta Hirano. He wasn't as good looking like the others but he was different. The first time in years I talked to someone. So we became friends, really good friends. When my parents heard of this, they were sooo happy. My mom was crying happy tears and my dad was hugging me none stop. But after awhile I devolped a crush on him. But kept my feeling secret because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. People bullied Kohta for his looks. But he didn't care nor listened to them. But back to the now. I'm a totally different person than you knew. Ever since the Zombies came life has been different, the whole world is diferent, I'm different.

The world as we know will soon fall apart....