
highschool of the dead (HOTD) Oc

FYI this is not mine this is just a translation go to (DEC_Ren) on wattpad "What is this I feel?" I murmured in my mind as I tried to open my eyes. Without knowing for sure how he had come to this new world after I died a few moments ago, I had to face the reality of my situation. Not only had he reincarnated in a new world, but it was also a completely terrifying world. Highschool Of The Dead. Now, reincarnated as a boy named Kei Takishima, I will do my best to survive in this world that awaits a terrifying future and a sad end. I hope you like it, vote and comment positively: 3 In case it is not clear, this is a reincarnation story, especially in the world of HOTD,

Vucols · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginning in Another World

This is just a translation go to (DEC_Ren) on wattpad to read more.

-Narrator I

"What is this I feel?" I murmured in my mind as I tried to open my eyes.

I remember that a few moments ago I was in a hospital bed, connected to different machines and with friends and family taking turns saying goodbye to me.

It was such an emotional moment, it made me too sad to see the tears, the faces of pain and the forced smiles on the faces of those precious people to me. To see my mother totally devastated and to see my father, a strong man, collapsed as if he were just a helpless little boy.

This whole cycle of pain started with one word:


Don't you know what it is? Well, I will tell you the definition that I consult at the time, which says:

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow, the soft tissue in the center of the bones, where blood cells form.

The term leukemia means white blood. White blood cells are made in the bone marrow and are used by the body to fight infections and other foreign substances.

Leukemia leads to an uncontrollable increase in

number of white blood cells.

Cancer cells prevent healthy mature red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells from being made. Then, life-threatening symptoms can occur as normal blood cells decline.

Cancer cells can spread to the bloodstream and lymph nodes. They can also travel to the brain and spinal cord and other parts of the body.

Leukemnia can affect children and adults.

Leukemias are divided into two main types: Acute, which is the one that progresses rapidly. And Chronicle, which is the one that progresses slowly.

Two years ago I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Unfortunately it was too late, and this type of leukemia progresses rapidly.

I only had two years to live, in which I did almost nothing, the symptoms did not leave me and the bone pain was very strong. So I spent these two years mostly locked up at home, while surfing the internet, discovering great entertainments.

Or that was until two months ago, that things were

They complicated and had to admit me to the hospital.

I didn't have much left, I had internal bleeding. So I only had to spend my last moments here, in the company of the people who care the most about me.

I am afraid of death, but I will leave happy, because I know that there will be people who remember me in their hearts.

I remember hearing screams accompanied by my name, and the sound of the machines ringing loudly, but nothing else, from there, everything went completely black.

What happens after death? Nobody knows, more than a deceased person; Although there are several theories, such as the fact that depending on your actions you could go to paradise or directly to hell, or as another that affirms that we are reborn and reincarnated again in another body and in another family, without the memories of the previous one, returning to start again, and another similar one, only that rebirth does not take place in this world, if not in another parallel, it could even be a fantasy world or one similar to ours but with its differences.

Well, now I am supposed to have died, but I feel a discomfort, I am cold and I feel that an intense light is shining directly to my face, I try to open my eyes, but that light is so blinding that I immediately close them.

-Look at your little brother Mio-chan-, I heard what seemed to be the voice of a woman of about 25 years, speaking in a tired, excited and loving way; followed by a small whimper of curiosity from a girl at least one year old.

Try to open your eyes again, this time succeeding. I blinked a bit to adjust to the light, which I didn't seem to have seen in years; When I opened my eyes wide, I found a white wall in front of me, I moved a little to get more visibility of my surroundings and discovered that the other walls were the same color, and a slight smell of disinfectant reached my nose, for which I was able to confirm that he was in a hospital.

I felt cold and shivered a little, but apparently, whoever was holding me noticed it and I became more attached to his body, while he wrapped me up with the blankets.

-Oh darling, he already woke up! - the woman shouted excitedly,

I turned my head up to try to see her. She was a beautiful woman with brown hair and brown eyes, fair skin and delicate features, she was dressed in what appeared to be a hospital gown. She held me with one arm, while with the other she held a small brown haired girl, very similar to her, who was looking at me with curiosity and with a twinkle in her eyes.

The woman was smiling lovingly at me as she approached me and planted a kiss on my forehead, for some reason I felt a warm sensation at such a show of affection.

I heard some footsteps approaching and out of curiosity I turned around again to see who I was now and I ran into a man. He was a slim man, young but muscular and toned, with blond hair and blue eyes; His age did not appear to be more than 20, perhaps 27 or 28, and he was dressed in a business suit.

He looked at me with a smile and brought his hand closer, to which I took mine out of the blankets and also brought it closer by taking one of his fingers.

He smiled excitedly and withdrew his hand. He saw the woman and took the little girl from her, while smiling at her

lovingly. -Thank you ..., I pronounce hugging her. -I love you ...- he said

while he separated a little, leaving their faces very


"I love you too," she said, looking at him lovingly.

The man smiled sweetly at her and moved closer and closer to planting a kiss on her lips.

After that the man went out with the girl and more people came in, I supposed friends and family, because also

older people entered, about 50 or 60 years old, all

looking at me with smiles.

Well, it all makes sense now. The brown-haired woman is my mother, the blond man is my father, and the little girl is my older sister.

While older people are my grandparents, other people may be my uncles and some others are friends of my parents.

I don't know what happened, but apparently they have given me a new chance to live.

But this is ... crazy, this isn't supposed to be real, it doesn't have to be real. The thing is, I hadn't realized it at first, but now that I've looked better, I've noticed that this looks a lot like an anime series.

How do you recognize it?

Well, since I couldn't leave the house too much, the only thing I had for entertainment was my computer, my cell phone, my console and the internet.

So I spent hours and hours on my computer, visiting different web pages, watching some videos on YouTube, playing online games, etc.

And when I was playing a video about "The best anime 2016", I was curious, I did not know it was an anime, so I started to investigate and I realized that Dragon Ball, Naruto and Saint Seya, series that I believed that they were some kind of caricature, it was actually more than that.

They were art, and there were very fond people who called themselves Otakus, a Japanese word.

I knew some Japanese, because I was very interested in languages, well, except English, but languages ​​like Japanese, Chinese, Russian, German and Polish were my favorites.

So I decided that it would be an anime Otaku, since an Otaku doesn't exactly have to be someone who loves anime, it could also be someone who loves action figures etc.

Once with my proposed goal, I took on the task of looking for a good anime to watch.

Luckily I had an Otaku friend from high school and I sent him a message asking if he would recommend an anime to watch. At first he got excited for some reason and said something to me that at last he would see something good, he gave me a little laugh; In the end I wonder what my favorite genre is and so he would recommend an anime according to my tastes, so that I would feel more comfortable.

I thought about it a lot, and in the end I decided on a romantic genre, because I've always been a fan of that genre, I have no idea why, but that's the way it is.

When I told him, apparently he also thought a lot about recommending me anime, because it took him a while to answer. He told me that he was not a big fan of that genre, but that he had seen some, and after much thought, he gave me an answer.

- "I recommend Tsuki Ga Kirei", he told me and gave me links to some anime pages.

And with everything ready, with some difficulty I went to the kitchen for some fruit and a little milk and sat in front of the computer.

I put in the search engine: "Tsuki Ga Kirei chapter 1".

Several results appeared and I chose the first one, which was on YouTube.

"Tsuki Ga Kirei" or "Like the moon, so beautiful". It is a romantic Japanese anime that tells the story of two students, Kotarô Azumi and Akane Mizuno. It was like the typical romance, where they meet in the academy and little by little they fall in love, although it gave me a certain different feeling, because it was a very well developed story and it had almost everything that romance should contain.

I get very excited and there was a part where, I'm not going to lie to you, but I do get extremely excited and cry a little

I finished it in about 6 hours, almost 7, to see each chapter until the end. And not satisfied with that, I went for more fruit and milk and I started to see another and another and another, to the point that I hardly slept and even dark circles came out.

I became a big fan, but I didn't become an Otaku, for that many requirements were needed. My new favorite genre was Gore.

And that's how my adventure in the world of anime began.

Which is why now I say that although I am extremely excited, but at the same time surprised and confused. I mean, it's great that this is so, for an Otaku OR anyone who has seen even some anime in their life, because this would be like a dream come true.

What bothers me is not being able to recognize what anime is, animation, if the type of animation is familiar to me, but I don't remember, I hope to find answers later.

For now, I will focus on my new life, I don't want to miss out on this opportunity. Even though I feel sad for my past family, I know they will get over it, because they are strong. In the same way, my death was something that could not be avoided, so I suppose they must be prepared for this. It does not bother me at all that they stop crying and forget me, because if I always had that in mind, I would undoubtedly feel very anguished. You never want to see your loved ones sad.

A few days passed and we finally left the hospital, I hope I will never visit one again, it is terrifying. Not because of the treatments or things like that, it's just that their environment made me nauseous on certain occasions, maybe I couldn't bear the smell of cleaning or maybe I was somewhat traumatized by spending so much time inside one before dying. Without a doubt, if one day I die again, I hope it is not in another damn hospital and that it is better sleeping or in a calm and painless way.

We got into a very clean black car, it looked expensive, I suppose it belongs to my new father, since he got into the driver's seat. My mother took me in and we were in the passenger seat, while my sister was seated in the back in a baby carrier, it was all very new to me.

I wonder if my family will be rich and if that is the case, what my home and my new life will be like from now on.

In my old world we had a very normal house, it had two floors, and it was very homely, we didn't have a car, but we didn't need it.

But here just by looking at the car, I guess my parents have money. I am not interested in luxuries, in fact, I have always been simple, but I recognize that sometimes it is good to have them, more than good, it is satisfactory and comfortable.

I looked out the window, I am amazed, I know that we are Japanese, because my parents and all people speak this language, and I love that. I am not an expert in the language, but if I understand most of the words, without a doubt if I took classes, I would learn this language much faster, apart from the fact that I was born here.

We arrived at the house and as I expected, my parents are from the well-to-do class. We live in a mansion, it's huge, I can't imagine what my life will be like later on.

Days, weeks and months go by and I have finally turned one year old.

My new name is Takishima Kei and my older sister is Takishima Mio. My parents are Takishima Ryuzaki and Takishima Shuri.

I name them that way, because I will have to get used to it, since in Japan one is presented by the surname first and then by the name.

The Takishima family is one of the most influential families in all of Japan along with the Takagi, in addition to the fact that in the city where we resided, they were the most powerful families.

When I heard the last name Takagi, everything was clear to

me, maybe it could be a coincidence, the odds

were very high, but at the same time not, that is, there are too many

families with that last name.

But for now I have been able to draw a conclusion.

I'm at Highschool Of The Dead.

I am so excited and at the same time terrified, I mean, seeing the zombies through the screen is one thing, but seeing them now really and being able to die at any moment is terrifying, luckily there is still a long time for the epidemic to start. And I'm so excited because maybe I can meet the main characters in first person and above all, my cute Saya.

Well, I met her a few days ago, but I'm talking about knowing her in a more intimate way

The Takagi family came to visit, Soichiro Takagi had his usual cold gaze as did his wife Yuriko Takagi, but that changed when I saw my parents, apparently they and my parents are very good friends, and they brought their only daughter, Saya Takagi, who is my same age, in fact it is only a month that separates us.

As is common in these types of visits, while our parents talked with the Takagi gentlemen, they left me, Mio and Saya in a separate room, so that we could get to know each other better, I suppose.

I do not understand how they intend to do that, Saya will forget all this when she is older, unless we continue to meet in the future and become good friends, although my goal is not that.

I have always liked Saya from HOTD, and now that I have the opportunity to be here and close to her, I will try to make her see that I have an interest in her, of course, I will not force her to anything, I think that in the original plot she was in love with Takashi , I hope I can change that since Takashi doesn't deserve it, I'm completely sure of that.

Well, at the moment it does nothing, I mean, I am still a baby, well, apparently, because in reality I am a 17-year-old boy in the body of a baby.

Regarding my new parents, because I like this family, my parents love each other very much and never neglect us, even when they have too much work or something important to do.

My old family was good, but not so much, sometimes my parents argued all night and I had to intervene so that they did not get to something else, we had money problems and I saw my mother cry in silence, luckily that changed when I was 12 years old, because at that age the problems and all that was put aside.

Even so, I feel weird with this new kind of life, I have never in my life seen a Maid or something like that, and here are many of those and other employees such as driver, gardener, etc. I used to do things on my own or on behalf of my mother, who was the one who took care of me the most during times of internment at home.

After their first visit, the Takagi family comes to visit very often, although only Yuriko Takagi does, apparently Mr. Soichiro has a job, just like my father, he works a lot, but he always has time for us.

The years passed and I grew up with my sister and Saya, who became a very good friend to us. She is very pretty, her pretty pink hair makes her look prettier, I just love it.

Every year I was learning new things, at 2 years old I understood Japanese as if it were my native language, which technically it is, and thus I was able to read some books.

I always liked literature, in fact, in my previous life before reincarnating, when I got bored of watching so much anime, I started writing on my computer, and I taught what I wrote to my friends and family, who congratulated me, well, my father corrected me sometimes, he was a very intelligent man.

At the age of 2 I was also able to walk perfectly, like most children, as I understand that others develop in different ways. Although my development may be this way due to my previous knowledge, or I have no idea, but it is a blessing of good luck.

My relationship with my sister improved, as I was characterized by getting along with my family, I never had brothers my age or older, but I had nephews and young cousins whom I treated like little brothers.

At the age of 3, enter pre-school. I found it entertaining, they taught us about manners and cleanliness, some I already knew, so no activity was very difficult for me.

I was in the same school as Saya and my sister, only

the latter was a year older than us.

There we also met Takashi Komuro and Rei Miyamoto, becoming very good friends.

In all those years I worked in various activities, since I had received a new lease of life, and also because I was in a world full of zombies, I also had to prepare for what was to come in the future.

I practiced many sports to have a better physical condition, I studied many things through books and the internet, which was somewhat old-fashioned from my previous life, but it worked. Besides that I made some strange requests to my parents. At 12 I asked them to go abroad or even stay in Japan, but I wanted to learn the use of weapons, combat tactics and some survival and medicine.

They reacted somewhat surprised, because it is not at all normal for a 12-year-old child to ask for things like that, but my father gave a somewhat gloomy look and nodded, it made me strange, but at least I got what I wanted.

I only left a few months, because according to my mother, due to my studies in Japan, it could not take long and I went alone during a school break, or vacations as it would be known elsewhere.

I made the most of those months and learned several useful things, where I was sent, it was to Germany, the German Special Forces were among the best in the world.

They mostly showed me the use of various weapons, from pistols to sniper rifles and missile launchers. And my survival training was very focused on the urban environment, as well as the combat tactics taught.

The urban environment was something that would benefit me, but I had to return to Japan just before they prepared me for survival training in the natural environment, I knew that in the future I would regret that, because my family did not allow me to return to training. So I had to figure it out on my own.

The one who flatly refused to let me go out again, was my mother and no one could reproach her, for which, reluctantly, they had to accept what she demanded.

Fortunately, they had also taught me some medicine and first aid, as well as some self-defense. Because I couldn't go abroad, at least not to train, I got into various classes of different disciplines, such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kendo, etc.

And I found out how good he was at chess and other board games.

So time goes by and now I am 16 years old and I am

sophomore year at Fujimi High School which is located in Tokonosu, my hometown. Mio was 17 years old and in third year, I easily

I could have advanced to your grade, but I don't like it

stand out, plus he was in the same room as

my beloved pink hair.

A few months ago that we had started a relationship, I think it was already planned, because she and I had many things in common, in addition to the fact that as we grew older, our feelings changed from simple friendship to love.

It was like a dream come true, the memory of the day when I declared myself to her and she accepted me, it is something that will always be among my happiest memories.


It was the first day of school, students who were previously in first year advanced to second and students in second to third, while high school students entered first year.

Saya, Mio and I would walk together while talking about anything,

.... And then Kei comes up with the great idea of ​​spraying our father's clothes with insecticide, according to him so that the insects do not bite him Hahahaha! -, my sister laughed next to Saya while I blushed of shame.

That had happened a long time ago, when my parents were going out to Brazil for their anniversary, and I had read that it was very hot there and there were too many insects, so it occurred to me to spray my father's clothes with insecticide, so that they insects stay away.

It was stupid, but I wanted to give it a try, plus there were some things I didn't have a chance to do in my previous life. My father came back from the trip very pissed off and it caught my attention, but even so I do not regret anything, since at least I did not arrive with insects. Although I could ruin her night of passion.

-Really Kei-kun? - Saya asked me amusedly and I blushed more.

She had become the beautiful girl from the anime, with her pink hair tied in two ponytails and her beautiful golden eyes, she wears the girls' high school uniform which consists of a short green skirt with a white long-sleeved shirt with a black tie.

I could only nod my head making her laugh louder.

I loved her laugh, she looked beautiful smiling, I

I was appreciating your beautiful face, for a very good

weather. She apparently realized so she stopped laughing

and he looked at me with another cute confused face.

"What's wrong?", He asked me and I just smiled at him.

"What happens is that you looked so beautiful," I replied with all the sincerity I had at that time.

As I had said, I was going to let her know that I was interested in her, so I did not miss any opportunity to flatter her beauty, just as I had learned from my previous life and from light novels, anime, magician and porn.

Because even in porn they got romantic and I'm not ashamed to show the world the conquest tactics that I learned by watching porn, what's more, it gives me great pride, fagots those who deny the great teachings of porn.

When I said that I could see that her cheeks took on a nice blush, which in my opinion made her look even more beautiful.

We both looked into each other's eyes, without looking away for a single moment, I don't remember how many seconds we were like that, but a slight cough brought us out of the trance. Turning in the direction of the sound, we could see my sister Mio, who was looking at us with a smile.

-Come on guys, this is no place to flirt, besides that we will be late for class- he said smiling mischievously at what I saw that Saya blushed one more.

I also blushed slightly, but didn't stop smiling.

So we decided to follow the path to high school amid jokes and laughter.

When everyone arrived they went to their class, I greeted Takashi and Saya to Rei.

The two of them didn't talk much since Rei started

to go out with Hisashi. I think Takashi is an idiot to

get depressed that way, not that he had

taken the initiative.

But hey, I think he has to solve his problems, since I also have mine. But, to a certain extent, I can understand it, taking the initiative is not often easy.

Speaking of initiative, I have already made the decision, today I will invite Saya to go out and tell her my feelings, I want that if we are going to have a relationship, it begins in a still normal world and not in an apocalyptic one, because I understand that the pandemic zombie will start in a few more months. Besides that in the world full of zombies my feelings are possibly ignored due to all the tension to survive.

At approximately 3 in the afternoon the exit bell was heard, all the students began to leave the facilities towards their home.

I was talking with Saya, my sister had gone ahead with her boyfriend Tsunoda.

I do not know what he saw in that idiot, if from miles away you could tell that he was only interested in our money.

He was in the same class as my sister and was considerate

as one of the high school bullies, along with his group of friends. When I introduce him as her boyfriend, I didn't take it well, and neither did my parents take it well, which caused

we had our first disagreement in years, but still

so we continued to be very close.

When we were at the exit, I decided it was time.

"Hey Saya," I called her to what she turned to me.

Yes? -, I wonder curious.

"I wonder, if you want to go out with me for a while," I asked, I saw how she blushed, but I quickly hid it and smiled.

-Okay- she said and I smiled and we left the school

Somewhere to hang out

We visited many places, including a cafeteria, an amusement park, etc.

At the end it was 7 in the afternoon and the sun was already setting, we were both in the viewpoint of the city, admiring the landscape and the beautiful sunset.

I think it was a suitable environment.

I sighed nervously, I looked at the time, it was 7:30, it was time.

-Saya ..., call without taking your eyes off the landscape.

"What's wrong?" I ask myself in the same way.

I stopped seeing the landscape and turned to her, apparently she noticed it and did the same.

There were a few seconds of silence, which for me was an eternity, until I took the courage to continue.

-I have always thought that you are a great girl, you are intelligent, beautiful, sophisticated and strong; these characteristics of yours have made me fall madly in love with you ...-, she opened her eyes in surprise, and I continued speaking. What I want to get to is ..., I stopped for a moment and looked at the landscape again, while I calmed down, my heart was beating very fast, I saw her again with determination, -What I want to get to is what. .. I can no longer hide it, I like you, no, I do not like you, I love you, if I love you and I want you to give me the opportunity to just show you my ..., I was going to continue talking, but she did not let me , she had hugged me tightly.

I heard little sobs from her. I feel sad, maybe she doesn't feel the same and that's why she cries.

I went through this many times, so I thought it wouldn't affect me at all, but for some reason I couldn't help but feel a lot of pain, despite everything, due to my mental maturity, I just started to accept it.

-Saya, if you don't feel the same about me, no problem, just

I hope ...-, she interrupted me again. `` IT'S NOT THAT BAKA! '' She yelled at me and I was surprised, she is from

strong character, but she had never done it to me.

I stop sobbing and lift her face to meet my eyes.

-What happens is that, I too ... I love you ... I have always done it, she told me and I opened my eyes in surprise, although this is what I longed for the most, I did not think it was possible, or well , I had already accepted another kind of destiny, one full of a lot of alcohol.-D ... since we were little, I dreamed of this moment, the moment when you declare yourself and ask me to be your girlfriend-, she said blushing and avoiding my look.

I was very surprised, and I did the only thing that came to me

To the mind.

I took her by the chin and made her look at me, I moved closer to her face until we both felt our breaths.

May I? - I asked her before doing anything, I will not do anything without her consent, even if I want it so much.

She just nodded and I brought our faces closer, until we kissed her.

I felt in paradise, I always wanted this. Saya's lips are very soft and sweet. The kiss was somewhat awkward, it was their first kiss.

In my previous life I had had girlfriends and I had kissed, I had even had sexual relations with the last one, although it was with some desperation, because I did not want to die a virgin, that would be something very sorry.

But now I felt like a beginner and got carried away. The kiss became more and more passionate and I took her by the waist, while she crossed her thin arms around my neck.

We separated due to lack of air, while a thin thread of saliva joined us, she was very flushed, in fact I was too.

I kissed her again and so we spent the next few minutes, between kisses, both absorbed in our world, where nothing mattered, just her and me kissing.

After almost half an hour we both parted and I hit our foreheads while not taking my eyes off his.

Do you want to be my girlfriend? I asked and she smiled giving me a little kiss.

"Yes," she said and I hugged her, so we stayed a few minutes, until it was too late and I decided to take her home.

After leaving Saya at her house, and saying goodbye with another kiss, I went to mine.

Between and my mother told me to have dinner, to which I refused and said that I was sleepy and wanted to sleep. The truth is that I was very happy.

-Flashback fine

We decided to keep our relationship a secret for a few weeks, until we finally decided to announce them to our families, I was nervous about the penetrating look Saya's father gave me, but even so I never lowered my head.

Our mothers were more than happy, apparently they already expected it, and my father, he looked at me with a slight smile, while my sister hugged us both tightly.

-¡Kei, Saya-chan huh !..

My mother's scream made me come out of my thoughts, as I finished fixing my uniform.

I took one last look in the mirror and smiled. I look a lot like my father, with blond hair and blue eyes, somewhat greenish, besides that I have a good physique, because I train martial arts.

I am also the current captain of the men's Kendo team and I got the second place in the past nationals, only being surpassed by Bujishima Saeko, the champion of the past nationals and the captain of the women's Kendo team, I must say that she is a beast with the Bokken.

I like my appearance, if I have learned anything from the world, it is that appearance is important, well, it is what Japan

I teach, so I eat healthy and I exercise, although I don't need it much, because I have the condition that I can eat as much as possible but I don't gain weight. Already arranged, I took my suitcase with my supplies and left my

room in the direction of the dining room.

The house had not changed much, there was only a few new furniture, as well as a shelf of trophies, each and every one of mine, each one was different, be it from knowledge contests, sports, or any other, I always tried hard to Maintaining the first place in everything is difficult, since I did not used to work so much, but I decided that if God or some being gave me a new opportunity to live, I was not going to miss it, unfortunately the only stain there, is the second place in Kendo Nationals.

But, I smiled when I saw the trophy that said "First place award in Chemistry achieved without Saya, because I was not very good at that subject and she was the one who helped me study.

Unfortunately all this is not going to be worth anything, well, maybe my knowledge, ability to deduct and strategy yes, but the trophies no, luckily I had also trained in other things, such as survival, handling of weapons, and I took some courses plumbing, carpentry and electronics, I prepared very well,

The surprise was that, underneath, in the basement of our house, there is a huge safe, in which I recently began to store supplies. In fact, it is a secret room that only father and I could access, for some reason he was the one who imposed the construction of it.

Look at the date and sigh ... today is the day.

I do not care much about my parents, they are well protected behind the walls of the house, and they could shelter survivors.

I better stop looking at the trophies and hurry to the dining room.

my sister and my girlfriend, they were all having breakfast, Saya has breakfast here from time to time.

I saw that Saya was going to get up, so I hurried over and take hold of the shoulders preventing her from doing so.

a small kiss on the lips.

-How cute-, said my mother blushing more, I just laughedshort.

I approached my parents and my sister and I also greeted them, I gave my mother a kiss on the forehead and I hugged her, I just hugged my father, in men it is not very common to greet each other with a kiss, and my sister also hug and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

And after greeting everyone, I sat next to Saya and a few minutes later Mrs. Chiyo, who was the cook, came in with my breakfast ready, I thanked her and looked at my breakfast.

Chiyo knew what I liked, and she always prepares my favorite foods for me.

At breakfast I didn't like things that were too sweet, so I simply liked having a cup of coffee without sugar with a slice of multi-grain bread, two eggs, whether they are starred or whatever, and some citrus.

We had breakfast quietly, sometimes my parents would bring up a topic of conversation.

When we finished, Mio, Saya and I got up and thanked us for breakfast, while we grabbed our things and left for Fujimi High School.

He was holding hands with Saya, in a comfortable silence, simply enjoying the closeness of the other, while Mio spoke to us.

When we arrived, we entered our respective classes, I prepared to wait, I already had a plan to quickly get out of here.

It was the last hour, I was playing math class with Shido-sensei.

I don't like Shido, he will be a very big obstacle.

I saw Takashi who got up and went straight to the exit.

-Komuro, where do you think you are going ?, Komuro returns to your place-, I heard Shido speak, but Takashi did not pay attention,


I did not understand Takashi, I was stressed by his childish attitude, always, since I saw the anime, I asked myself: Why don't you just go with another girl and forget Rei?

In the canon I had options, there were Saeko, saya and even Shizuka-sensei. Now I'm not saying go for Saya, she is mine and if the idiot tries something with her I will break his face, but he can go for some other girl at school, it is not that he is so ugly.

Finally Takashi came out and I saw that Shido sighed annoyed, I suppose he must be thinking things like: "What does that brat think to do what he wants".

After a few minutes, he did what he already expected.

"Takagi, please bring Komuro back to the classroom," the sensei asked, to which I got up right after she did.

"Sensei, I would like to go too," I asked kindly.

Shido looked at me with his disgusting smile, I know he was thinking wrong, Saya and I still don't do that kind of thing, we were brought up to be good people.

-Okay, just don't take too long, he said and I opened the door for her to go through first, but not before sending a serious look at Shido.

We got to where he was and found Takashi leaning on the railing, destroyed staring at the clouds.

"Komuro!" I called Saya.

"What's wrong Takagi?" He asked without turning to see her, something that bothered me.

She walked to be close to him, I just followed her. "The sensei says to go back to the classroom," she said looking at him.

He sighed and turned to see us.

"Okay," he said. -I understand what the sensel says, but sometimes you need a break, he said looking at us with a smile.

"Well, you rest all the classes," I said laughing a little, Saya laughed too and Takashi just looked away.

"That's not true," he said without wanting to admit it.

"How can you skip a class? I don't like doing it," Saya reproached.

-True, neither do I, support my girlfriend, and it is true, I do not like to skip classes or at least miss a day, because when I return I feel out of place.

-I understand what you mean, I don't feel comfortable doing this either, but I needed to clear my mind, he said.

"Because of Miyamoto?" Saya asked, and he fell silent.


-Takashi, you must stop thinking about her, and look for someone else, this is not good for you- I said as I approached and with one hand I took him by the shoulder and with the other hand I took Saya's hand, at the same time. that she just squeezed mine

"I'd like to drop the subject," he said, I sighed again, I don't know what to do with him.

-Okay, but don't say I warned you, I said for the last time.

`` Sure, but I think it's time for them to come back, or else sensei sent someone else to bring us, '' he said and the three of us laughed, we got along well since we were little, although Rel is a bit distant with us, we still consider her a friend and we will always support you

-Love, what do you think if you go back to the classroom ?, I'll go in a while-, I said to Saya while giving her a kiss, really, I got addicted, and I don't miss any opportunity to taste her lips, but of course, also I give her her space, I don't want to mess her up.

"It's okay Kei-kun," she also said giving me a quick kiss and went upstairs back to the classroom.

Takashi and I just stared at the people near the gate,

which is why I told Saya to go to the classroom, so it would not affect her so much to see how this started, since

I knew it was going to happen soon.

And in fact, it already started.

A noise took us out of our thoughts, there was a man at the gate making a fuss.

- "And there it is" - I thought seriously, it was time to put the plan into action.

"They have arrived...

to be continued...