
I Know Who You Are.......

Hey I'm Noelle Easton, and unfortunately for me and the rest of this damn forsaken school of weirdos, Our principal's been killed and now we are just a group of dimwits about to go schooless well or so we thought.

We're presently in Maths class but as my usual routine I space out and then.... " Noelle Easton, would you mind solving that problem on the board" Mr Grey Hamster who just so happens to be our Maths teacher called me out, i already told myself I was gonna snap his neck one day . *sigh* I walked up to the board took the marker * all I need to do is add this part of the equation find the symmetrical difference and divide it using long division and then I'll arrive at my final answer 157009, butttt I'm not gonna play the smart student i never have and never will * I thought to myself but although I knew the answer I just didn't want to be a teachers pet and besides this isn't a school where brains decide things

"Your answer is totally wrong, the right answer is 157009 try to pay more attention in class rather than daydreaming" Mr Grey said to me as I walked back to my seat it's not like I was listening to his capping anyways. [door opens] *great, now she's here. Our homeroom teacher Miss Jade Foster bet she's here to take attendance of the class*. "Hello class, now please I want all of you to take your seats as I call your names "

And that's how she called our names and unfortunately for her no one for missing "now let me introduce our newest member of the class Ishio Takio please take a seat front of Noelle right there" Miss Jade said grinning from chin to chin, *i think I'm gonna include her to my death list* I wasn't sure why at first but then it occurred to me the reason why all the girls were blushing after Ishio showed up in class, he's handsome and for some reason he strikes me... Tasty

"Hey Noelle" I heard my name being yelled from a distance, people don't usually call my name that often so I was rather curious to know who it was but then it turned out to be him my tasty price Ishio. "You, you got a death wish how dare you scream my name like that " I said grabbing him by the collar but he just kept on smiling then he said " now, now let's not get too hasty I wouldn't want to get into a problem on my first day[quits smiling] how about tomorrow" he said with a scary face but I wasn't moved at all only one thing surprised me... his eyes... they changed their color, "i know who you are" i said then he smiled broadly and said "long time no see, Evangeline".