
HighSchool Love On

Faced with the unfamiliarity of a fresh academic life, Susan's determination to succeed is unwavering, nevertheless, she quickly realizes that she can't do it alone. As Susan strives to make her mark, she catches the attention of two different classmates: Edmond and Augustine. Caught in a whirlwind of choices, Susan finds herself torn between two paths. She struggles with her decision, feeling the weight of her future hanging in the balance. The dynamic between Edmond and Augustine adds a layer of complexity to her journey, and as their personalities clash, so do their influences on Susan's life. As the semesters unfold, Susan's reliance on the two men in her life deepens, leading to unexpected friendships, personal growth, and even moments of love and heartache. Will Edmond or Augustine be the key to Susan's better future, or will her own actions be her downfall?

Author_Miriam · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter Five

"This new girl is really a bad girl," the teacher said.

"I'm not sure" I  murmured.

"You don't talk when I'm talking, just what is wrong with you?" The teacher yelled and hit the table hard with his palms. 

I hope he breaks his bones, then I'll see how he will be able to beat me.

"Be gentle sir, your health matters sir" Edmond said in a calm voice. He shot me an angry glare and I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"I didn't do anything so please stop giving me that face" I said and silently hissed.

"Learn manners Susan," Edmond said.

"I don't think this kind of student can stay  until the school vacates," the teacher said and eyed Susan scornfully.

"Yes sir I agree with you" Sarah chipped in. 

"Keep quiet" he said, she didn't hear him.

"And I also think that if someone like her stays for a long time in this place she will wreak havoc. So I suggest that..."  Sarah trailed off as the teacher hit his desk hard.

"Shut up girl" he roared in frustration and anger. "Now all of you get out of my office. But the new girl should stay" he ordered. The students trooped out of the office, Edmond first as always and the rest followed suit. Allison looked at the men and smiled sheepishly.

"Don't cry if you get whipped hard on your butt" he said and gave her thumbs up. "You are as strong as supergirl" he said and left the office.

"Were you sent ?" was the first thing the teacher asked when he was sure the students had left.

"No sir I wasn't" I replied.

"Then what do you want, why did you embarrass me In front of the students? I would have given you suspension, but I'll consider this as a mistake. But you must never be brought into my office to be flogged. Because if you are brought into my office, I won't hesitate to flog your butts hard and merciless" he strictly warned.

"I have heard all that you said sir, and I'm very grateful you didn't flog my butt. If you had flogged my butt, I don't think I'd be able to sit properly," I  said and started laughing.

"Shut up your mouth and leave my office this instant" he roared and I ran out of the office giggling. He shook his head in frustration when she had left. "So weird".


I whistled loudly as I made my way back into my class, those girls didn't know anything. In Fact they've not seen anything, this is just the beginning. The battle line has been drawn. Oh!Yes Stephanie or whatever she's called. I'll need to make her my ally, so that I'll be able to deal with Charlotte and her group of jezebels quickly and easily without stressing myself.

I increased the volume of the song I was whistling as I walked into the classroom. The students looked at me in surprise, well they ought to be surprised because I didn't get flogged on my butt as they had expected. 

A group of girls surrounded Charlotte,  I guess she's been feeding them with lies. Small witch, I cursed within myself as I walked up to her desk.

"I guess you've been feeding your little fans with lies Miss Charlotte" I said with a mocking tone, the girls made way for me making it easier for me to get to Charlotte.

"I guess your butt hurts hard" she mocked and the girls laughed.

"Oh! Was I flogged?" I asked myself loudly.

"Weren't you flogged by the disciplinarian?" I heard Allison's voice. He walked up to me and held my wrist and smiled sheepishly like a kid.

"Of course she was flogged,"  Charlotte replied and smirked. "Or were you not flogged?" she asked.

"I don't remember me seeing the teacher with a stick asking me to hold his desk while he hit me hard on my butt with the stick" I replied and smirked, Charlotte looked at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?" she asked and frowned.

"So my baby wasn't flogged" Allison said and pinched my cheeks hard. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it backwards making him cry out in pain. 

"Don't you dare pinch my cheek next time" I warned and pushed him. 

"So you don't want me to pinch your hard face?" he asked and I laughed. He acts really childish.

"It's not that I don't want you to pinch my face,it's because....." I quickly grabbed his chin and pinched it hard until it was red. He screamed in pain as he ran back to his seat.

"You are heartless Susan" Charlotte yelled. "How could you do that to him, don't you have sense? Even if you don't have can't you borrow sense?" she asked, making the girls around her burst Into laughter. Some other students, pretending to be busy week also eavesdropping so they laughed when they heard what Charlotte said. I also joined in the class laughter as it's supposed to be called.

"Aye aye aye.....Aishhh" I stretched my tired body as I walked away. I stopped at a distance and looked at Charlotte then laughed.

"The dumb girl is laughing" she said and the students burst into another round of laughter.

"Queen of dumb students" I said and walked towards her, the students stopped laughing as I approached Charlotte. 

"I don't blame you dumb head" she said.

"I would have loved to borrow your sense as you had advised, but I don't think I'll do so any longer cause you yourself don't have sense. You lack brain, sense, memory and so many other things that are in the human head" I said and walked back to my seat.

"Bitch!!!!" Charlotte yelled but I ignored her and sat on my seat. Allison faked an angry face but I ignored him and placed my head on my desk. I yawned loudly.

"I feel tired...uwahhhhhhhhh" I yawned and slept off. I had not slept for up to ten minutes when Allison tapped me, alerting me about the next teacher but I ignored him and continued my sleep.

"The math teacher is here" he whispered and tapped me continuously. But too bad I wasn't listening, and the teacher caught Allison trying to wake me.

"Who's there sleeping when it's time for me to teach?" he roared and walked over to us.  "Stand up young lady" he yelled and I jumped up from my seat.

"My mother's people are also here" I shouted as I stood up from my seat. Sincerely, my mother's people are here, people that shout a lot are my mother's people. Must I meet one of my mother's people everywhere I go? Just what are they planning?  Don't they want me to rest?

"Who are you young lady?" he asked in a funny way. Is he trying to joke with me? Well if he wants to joke with me I'll give it to him.