
HighSchool Love On

Faced with the unfamiliarity of a fresh academic life, Susan's determination to succeed is unwavering, nevertheless, she quickly realizes that she can't do it alone. As Susan strives to make her mark, she catches the attention of two different classmates: Edmond and Augustine. Caught in a whirlwind of choices, Susan finds herself torn between two paths. She struggles with her decision, feeling the weight of her future hanging in the balance. The dynamic between Edmond and Augustine adds a layer of complexity to her journey, and as their personalities clash, so do their influences on Susan's life. As the semesters unfold, Susan's reliance on the two men in her life deepens, leading to unexpected friendships, personal growth, and even moments of love and heartache. Will Edmond or Augustine be the key to Susan's better future, or will her own actions be her downfall?

Author_Miriam · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight

"Small girl, you don't ask your older ones to keep quiet" I said in a disciplining tone.

"Eunice, I think you have to do something about this little girl" the girl beside the short girl advised. I laughed at her foolishness.

"Who's the little one here between me and Eunice?" I asked, addressing her by her name.

"Leave here before we deal with you" Katie warned in a hard voice. I wasn't scared of it, little children, that's what they are to me.

"You'll do nothing to me" I replied with a challenging tone and she laughed.

"You poor thing, I think you'd better leave now that Katie's being nice to you" a girl chipped in. I gave her a hard glare, and she kept shut.

"Who are you?" Eunice asked. I looked at her and laughed. For real, looking at this girl is really like looking at a real comedy. A short girl fighting someone bigger. This is similar to the story of David and Goliath. But the difference between it is that, it's opposite, the little one here is actually the troublemaker, while the big one is the victim. So funny to look at.

"My name is Susan Wiggs" I replied.

"Seems you don't know us" the girl beside Eunice spoke up again.

"Esther you are foolish, how do you expect someone like this to know us" The last girl spoke.

"I agree with Claire," Katie said.

"Tell me who you are" I asked.

"THE INCREDIBLE FOUR" they spoke at once.

"The incredible four?" I asked with a mocking tone.

"Yes, are you scared?" Esther asked. I laughed hard at their stupid title. What's so incredible about them? Or is it the short lady with them that made the squad incredible?

"Hell no" I responded and held my stomach. It was hurting from too much of the laugh.

"Then what?" Claire asked.

"Why are you even laughing?" Katie asked in an irritating tone.

"Yes, why are you laughing?" Eunice chipped in.

"Because of the 'Incredible four'" I replied and continued laughing. I caught sight of Allison and Augustine. Seems like they are waiting for their car. Rich kids.

"Hey Allison" I shouted. He looked at me and rushed over.

"I thought you left school for home" he asked as he smiled, showing me his perfect teeth.

"Yes my dear" I replied and continued laughing. He frowned, then suddenly started laughing.

"Who's this little lady here?" he asked as he stretched his finger towards Eunice.

"Oh! So you can also see the short lady?" I asked.

"Yes, she's so small" Allison mocked.

"Just like my old grandma" I added. Just then I remembered the girls at the center. "Straight to business" I'm going to deal with them today.

I glared daggers at the so called incredible four, I'll teach them the home training their parents had failed to teach them.

"Hey short lady, leave before Susan steps on you. You know you are small" Allison mocked, but I didn't laugh.

"Shut up Sir, I'm not short" Eunice retorted angrily.

"Oh yes you are," Allison stubbornly replied.

"The four of you should go on your kneels" I commanded, making everyone, including the twin brothers, look at me in surprise.

"What the hell are you saying?" Claire asked with an irritated tone.

"Who do you think you are to punish us?" Esther angrily asked.

"Won't you say anything about this Senior Augustine?" Katie looked at Augustine with a pleading tone.

"What do you expect him to say?" I asked and looked at Katie, whose attention was focused on Augustine, then I turned to find Augustine staring at me. "What?" I asked him.

"Senior Augustine, can we go home?" Esther asked with a pleading tone.

"I have no business or relationship with any of you" he replied with a cold tone and looked at Allison. "Let's head home" he said and Allison hissed in frustration.

"Can't be just....." Allison was about to protest, but Augustine shot him an angry look. "Okay, Okay, let's go home, Susan goodbye" he said and they both walked away.

"Don't kill the girls" was the last thing Augustine said before leaving, then I looked at the girls triumphantly.

"Hey, both of you can leave" I said to the girls in the middle.

"Thank you, Senior" they replied with an excited tone and ran away.

"You…" Eunice glared daggers at me, but I didn't mind because I was not scared of them.

"You still have the guts to open that little mouth of yours" I said and shook my head in pity. "On your knees ladies" I ordered, but they didn't kneel. They were all standing like statues, looking at me. "What's with that look?" I asked them but did not get a response. Then I looked behind me to be certain I wasn't the one they were looking at. I was shocked when I found Edmond standing behind me with his hands in his pocket.

"What's happening here?" he asked.

"Nothing" I replied.

"She asked us to go on our knees or else she will beat us" Katie quickly replied.

"Be quiet" I snapped

"Why should she be quiet?" Edmond asked.

"Because she's not the one you asked" I replied.

"The question wasn't meant for just one person, it was directed to all of you here" he said.

"Wow, I thought it was meant for only me." I said and shrugged.

"It wasn't" came the short reply from him.

"So you want everyone to give a reply to your question?" I asked and he gave a slow nod. "I don't think I have that time" I said.

"Yes you do"


"You have the time to bully your juniors, but you don't have the time to explain why you were bullying them" he said.

"Bullying who?" I asked and frowned.

"Bullying your juniors" he replied and sighed.

"So who is the bully here? Am I the one or?…." I asked him.

"Of course it's you Susan, you are the bully here" he exclaimed.

"What have I done?" I asked him and folded my arms.

"You were caught by me bullying your juniors" he replied. "Explain why you are bullying them" he requested.

"They were also bullying some girls" I replied.

"Which girls?" he asked again, I was fed up with his questions.

"Ask the bullies" I replied and was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"You don't walk out on me, Susan, it's disrespectful" he replied.

"Why?" I asked and frowned.

"Because you are also a culprit" he replied.

"Culprit of what? In which matter? How am I even a culprit in this matter? I only rescued two innocent students who were about to be bullied by these girls and you, Edmond, you stand here and call me a culprit. I thought you were smart" I voiced out my frustration.

"I insist you stay here" he said with a calm tone.

"But I'm not among the bullies" I said, trying to defend myself, but he was adamant.

"They were trying to bully some students, but you saved the students. And I caught you attempting to bully these girls" he said and I laughed crazily.

"Oh Edmond" I said and laughed.

"Lol what?" he asked and frowned.

"I thought you were the smartest guy in school" I said and continued to laugh.

"Of course he is" Eunice chipped in, and I stopped laughing to look at her.

"Did I just hear you speak?" I asked her and walked closer to her, she looked scared.

"Of course you did" Edmond replied. "You want to beat her while I'm here?" he asked.

"No, I only asked her a question" I replied and eyed Eunice scornfully.

"Come with me to the disciplinarian's office" he said, and the four bullies followed him, but I didn't.

"You are among Susan" Katie said.

"Shut your mouth and leave, " I said.

"Senior Edmond? Susan wants to escape" Esther quickly alerted Edmond, he looked at me with a frown on his face.

"My mom's waiting for me, she's probably getting worried about me since this is my first day here" I said.

"Just follow me" he said.

"But my mom is sick" I said and faked a pitiful face. "I don't want to add to her worries Edmond, her temperature might rise, please let me go" I begged and pretended to cry. He was confused as he looked at me, he was about to speak when Claire spoke up.

"She could be faking the tears, senior Edmond" Claire grumbled.

"Yes senior Edmond, those years might be fake tears" Katie and Esther both joined Claire, grumbling.

"Susan, please join them and come with me to the disciplinarian's office" he said and walked into the school compound, I grumbly followed him.
