
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

AnimeDamon · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

DxD 42 – Calling of the Abyssal King (1)

The Black Gate Faction.

They are a new faction within the Supernatural, as they are both famous and infamous for many different reasons.

Like for one, they are infamous for having the infamous Devourer as they leader, who at some point in time, begin to call himself the Abyssal King.

Many know of the Abyssal King, who once called the Devourer, who appeared within the Supernatural three years ago, like a storm.

It is unknown the main reason why the Abyssal King became a centre of attention of many within the Supernatural.

Maybe it is because he is an unknown creature himself?

Or maybe it was the sole reason why he is infamous and even feared in the Supernatural as the Devourer?

Because the day he became the Devourer, was the day when the Devourer went on a rampage, betrayed and devoured his clients and follow mercenaries in his rage.

Not many knew the true reason why the Devourer betrayed his clients, and devoured his follow mercenaries that came on the job with him.

But yet again, betrayal isn't really all that surprising in the world of mercenaries. And even when the truth of why the Devourer, who soon will be known as the Abyssal King, did such a thing. Many wouldn't bothered why he did it, even if some were.

Instead, they were more interested in the capability of the monster known as the Devourer. As the unknown monster he is, many seek him to be their pet, a tool, or even add him to their collection.

And there also those like the Church that wanted him dead. Because they see him as he is, as a monster that must be put down before it was too late.

However, no matter how many those righteous factions in the Supernatural send, or who they send. The Devourer proves to them again and again of how unrealistic his existence truly is.

Most of the time, it is nearly impossible to location the Devourer, due to his ghost like aura around him. Not to mention his ability to escape from any kind of situation is far superior compared to anyone they met.

Of course, there are times when the Devourer doesn't flee, but when he doesn't, the hunters will become the prey, as the Devourer once again show the true reason of his nickname within the Supernatural, as a black sinister looking mist will devour them.

Even now, many don't know if the Black Mist is the one that devours them, or maybe the Black Mist is the one that takes their bodies somewhere for the Devourer to eat later on.

It is because of that very reason, many either became interested in the Devourer, or afraid of him.

But when he became the Abyssal King, things became different.

It wasn't the shock that people are willing to follow such a monstrosity. After all, it is fairly common for powerful beings like the Abyssal King to have their own minions as well their own Faction or be part of someone else's Faction.

But what shocked the Supernatural wasn't the Abyssal King, who stood behind the Black Gate Faction as their leader, and founder. But their weaponry, their magical technology that can rival even the low tiers of Scared Gears, and even mid-level ones.

Artificial Scared Gears, it is something that Grigori, or more like their leader, Azazel is currently working on. But the Black Gate Faction also can create these Artificial Scared Gears in the forms of advance futuristic weapons, that often seen welded by human armies.

Of course, the main reason why most are eyeing the Black Gate Faction isn't just because they can create Artificial Scared Gears. But the fact they can mass produced them, like any normal firearm are made in normal gun factory.

It is no wonder why many are keeping an eye out on such a Faction, who are capable of creating such weaponry.

This made many willing to do anything to find the secrets behind the creations of those Artificial Sacred Gears, that are used by the main forces of the Black Gate Faction.

And even right now, one of those so-called people that willing to do anything to find the secrets of the Black Gate Faction, are facing what they do to such people that dared to peek into the secrets of the Black Gate Faction.



In some rainforest, flames danced around the once peaceful forest, and within the middle of the flames, and the massacre of dead bodies, that spattered all over the place. Stood four people, and surrounding the four people, are nearly countless people.

Most of these people can be split into three kinds.

The first kind are those that are wearing advanced futuristic looking black tactical armour, armed with firearms.

They all seems like elite soldiers of some very advanced human country's army. But if one look closer to their armour and weaponry, they are dozens of years ahead of the current warfare technology that the current human armies are capable of.

Not to mention, if a Devil or an Angel were to sense their weapons, or even their armours. They will notice each piece of armour, be it the helm, the protected arm and leg protectors, or even their boots. All has pluses of magical power flowing within them. And even their assault rifles, shotguns, or other such firearms, and even their combat knives, are the very same, all have magical power pulsing within them.

This makes them no different to Artificial Scared gears.

These people that are 640 of them in total that are wearing and welding such weapons are known as Third-Class Dark Knights within the Dark Knight Order, the main army of the Black Gate Faction.

Meaning these 640 people that are surrounding the chaos before them, are those that can rival Low-Class Devils in one-on-one battle with their physical strength alone. But if it were to use their firearms, maybe three or four Third-Class Dark Knights can take on a Middle-Class Devil by themselves.

Than you have the second kind of people surrounding this chaos. These people total at 80 of them, and each one of them are wearing the same black tactical armour as the Third-Class Dark Knights have. However, if one look closer at their armour, they will notice their armour has red lines on them.

Showing they are of different ranks and strength compared to the Third-Class Dark Knights.

And these 80 people are the Second-Class Dark Knights of the Black Gate Faction, meaning in terms of strength, each one can rival a Middle-Class Devil with their strength alone, and capable of harming even High-Class Devils if they use their own weaponry that slightly more powerful compared to the ones the Third-Class Dark Knights are carrying.

And lastly among the three kinds of people within the crowd watching the chaos ahead. Are 8 people that has completely different auras compared to the rest of them. Not to mention, unlike the Third and the Second-Class Dark Knights, these 8 people are not wearing black tactical armour.

No instead, they are wearing thick sinister looking knight armour, they look more like real knights, compared to the other Dark Knights, that look more like soldiers, than real knights.

But if one closer to the designs of these sinister looking knight armoured men and women, that has powerful magical power within them. For some reason, the design of their armours, seems to be a mixed between a sinister fantasy dark knight would look like, and a certain superhero who flies around in a suit of armour.

Almost as if, the one who originally came up with the design, created it based on those two factors.

They are the First-Class Dark Knights of the Black Gate Faction, and they alone can rival High-Class Vampires and Devils alone with both physical strength, and magical abilities, as well their weaponry, that are heavier, and powerful compared to the ones used by the Second and Third-Class Dark Knights.

All of these 728 Dark Knights of the Black Gate Faction locked their eyes on the four people before them.

They did nothing before the chaotic battle that just ended not long ago, and just stood on standby, waiting for further orders from the two of the four people ahead of them, whose ranks are higher then themselves.

Even higher compared to the First-Class Dark Knights, who serves has captains within the Dark Knight Order.

In the middle of the chaos, lies a man who wearing a similar armour compared to the First-Class Dark Knights, but he has no helm on him, and in one hand he is carrying a huge futuristic looking hammer, that leaned on his shoulders. And the other hand, he grabbing the face of unknown man before he slammed that person into the ground.

"You the only one left, you know." Went the helmetless Dark Knight, who has many scars on his face, as he looked at the person, who once the leader of this place, that used to be some Faction within the Supernatural, who are now been massacred by the Black Gate Faction overnight. 

"H-How dare you! Who the fuck are you…!? H-How can I, a Pure-Blood, Ultimate Vampire lose to the likes of you-!?" The unknown man, or Vampire he seems to be, roared in madness as he tried to get up from the ground.

However, a blast of Demonic Power, as well magical power mixed with the helmless Dark Knight's armour, strengthened the Dark Knight, before the helmless Dark Knight slammed his heavy boot onto the spine of the once prideful Vampire Lord.

"Arrgghh!?" Cried the Vampire, as he felt his spine shattering into pieces. Even if he could recover, but it makes no difference, compared to the monster, whose strength could rival his own, is on top of him!

"You know, us Dark Commanders, has personal armours, that are different compared to the First-Class Dark Knights used. My is mostly based on brute strength you see." Went the middle-aged man, as he increased the strength of his boot, ripping through the flesh in middle part of his body.

"S-STTOPP!" Went the Vampire Lord, as he cries his eyes, with the pain of having his middle part of his body ripped through.

"So tell me mister Vampire, since you a Vampire and all, and a male at that, was it the Tepes Faction that ordered you to spy on us? Yet again, I can't see why you prideful Vampires be interested in our wares, or maybe you are a bitch from the Carmilla Faction? And yet, same with the Tepes, I don't get why either side be interested in our wares, don't you think so as well?"

Asked the Dark Commander of the Dark Knight Order, Theodosis Macrotis. Not only he has strength to go against an Ultimate-Class Devils and beings, as a Dark Commander ranked Dark Knight.

But he also the leader among the 728 Dark Knights with him, who makes up the Second Battalion of the Dark Knight Order.

"He's neither, Commander Theodosis. This person was once the Lord of Mondragon, one of many Vampire Clans under the Tepes Faction. However, now he is a traitor to the Tepes Faction, as well the House of Mondragon."

A bell-like charming voice sounded behind the former Vampire Lord, Simu Mondragon and Theodosis.

Upon hearing the charming young woman's voice, Theodosis didn't say a thing, besides removing his foot from the insides of the former Vampire Lord of Mondragon. And noticed the expression on the pained Simu Mondragon that once under his boot.

His crimson red eyes, like all Vampires have in common, widen upon hearing this bell-like voice, almost as if he has heard this voice once before.

"T-That voice… where did I heard it before… no that can't be right!" Simu Mondragon, the former head of the Mondragon Vampire Clan, who used to be a part of the Tepes Faction, who are one of the two main Vampire Factions, Tepes.

Within the Supernatural, there are two main Factions among the Vampire Race. The Carmilla Faction and the Tepes Faction. The Tepes Faction are a male-dominated faction, while the Carmilla Faction is a female-dominated.

Other words, Tepes where Simu Mondragon came from, means that female Vampires has less rights compared they do in the Carmilla Faction, where males have less rights, compared to Tepes where male Vampires' words are the law.

One can say, because of their nature and backgrounds, the Carmilla and the Tepes, even if they both as racist towards the other races, as the prideful Vampires they are. They cannot stand each other, due to their dominated natures.

Simu turned his crimson red eyes towards two people, that are very different compared to the 728 Dark Knights, that been on the standby since Theodosis and Simu were fighting not long ago.

These Dark Knights knew, the moment two Ultimate-Class beings fought, even if some of them are High-Class themselves, made no difference that when two Ultimate-Class beings fought, destruction will follow. Which is why Simu's former base has turned into these ruins, all because of his fight with Theodosis, which he has lost to.

That is why, the Dark Knights remain on standby from the distance. Knowing full well, they stand no chance against him. But these two, these two women before him are a different story.

A duo, a teenager girl, and a mature looking woman. Even if it is hard to tell who they are due to their long hoods over their faces.

However, it is impossible to hide their body shapes under their long overcoats they are wearing.

Since the beginning of the fight between the Ultimate-Class Vampire, and the Dark Commander, these two remain where they are, they didn't move out of the way, when they fought. No the older one of the two hooded women, just simply casted a barrier over them, as they watched the fight.

He even noticed, while they fought, the older woman show indifference towards the fight between him and Theodosis, while the teenager girl, seems interested in the fight itself.

Not only that… from time and time again he could also feel bloodthirst from one of them. This is one of the reasons why he lost focus in middle of their battle.

Of course, each time he does lose focus, he gets his bones broken each time, when Theodosis's heavy hammer smashes into him.

It unknown to Simu who the one has such bloodlust within them, that he felt. But when he looked at the matured looking hooded woman and saw what he could see under her hood.

Crimson red eyes, and a flicker of white snow hair, as well pale skin.

Then it clicked together, a charming voice, the appearance he could manage to see under her long hood. It no wonder she felt familiar to him.




Author Notice

What you think?

I am kinda back… I said kinda because I don't know if I will be carrying on this fanfic.

To be honest, this fanfic is over the place, as you can see. Not to mention, for some reason people think this fanfic is a google translation fanfic.

Sorry to disappoint you all, but it isn't translated novel. I am English, it just I am that 'good' at writing.

Enough with jokes. I shouldn't rush chapters for this fanfic, like I did in the beginning, this made a lot more errors than good.

Not to mention, due to my mental and physical problems, sometimes it gets hard for me to write, without making a mistake. Even now, I my belly feels like it on fire, yeah… acid problems, and the most wonderful thing is, it runs in the family.

What I mean, when I did this fanfic, I was more focus on the quantity of this fanfic at the beginning, than the quality of this fanfic. And this fucked it up.

Not to mention, in these three months, I got distracted and created total of three DxD fanfics besides this one. Shame two of them are failures, but the third one… I don't know, honestly, I think it is good.

So yeah, once I proofread about give chapters of that fanfic, while doing the ten chapters of this one. I will let you lot see if it good or not.


Anyway, if I will drop this fanfic or not. Is another question. However, let not think about that until I finished off vol.2 of the fanfic.

As for my newest DxD fanfic, I will post the first five chapters when I get around with it. Hopefully it will before summer.


Thanks for reading this fanfic of mind.

Like always, sorry for the grammar, least its readable, right… right?