
Chapter 7 : Twist & Turn of Dragon's Tale

'Issei…she's a dragon. I know her…Tiamat is one of the Five Dragon Kings! Please don't let her find out…' Ddraig said telepathically.

'Why? Is she powerful or something?' Issei asked telepathically.

'Compared to you? No…but I still owe her, and I would rather she not find out who you are unless you want her to stalk you for the rest of your life.' Ddraig replied.

'She your ex or something?' Issei asked.

'Not exactly…but I sort of owe her for breaking a treasure of hers. She's come after me and my hosts ever since then. Trust me…she's not the kind of drama you want to deal with,' Ddraig said concerned.

"So…you're just a mystery then? How interesting…You must be a devil if you're this deep into their territory and they haven't done anything to you. Or maybe an undercover angel hiding his power and scent. Whatever you are, I will find out," Tiamat said as she got really close to Issei and started to sniff him again.

She immediately stopped when the voice of someone else called out, "Tiamat leave him alone. Let me do the talking here."

"As you say, Vali…" Tiamat said curtly before backing off.

Vali walked up to Issei and looked over him, "I don't care what you are. Angel, Devil, whatever…I'm half human myself. The name's actually Vali Lucifer. Nice to meet you Issei Hyoudou. I hear you are kind of a badass around Kuoh Academy. Word is you manhandled some student council white knight earlier."

"Is there a reason you're introducing yourself to me personally?" Issei wondered.

Vali shrugged, "Well not particularly. I just thought we'd touch base with you before anything else happens at this school. I don't make it a habit of approaching people or interfering with their privacy unlike Tiamat. I just wanted to let you know that we're not associated with the devil dens in this school."

"Neither am I," Issei replied casually.

"That's surprising, but it's good to know. If you'd like, you can join with us. You seem like the type of person worth keeping around," Vali said approvingly.

"Vali Lucifer…are you a devil?" Issei asked curiously.

"Yep…a high-class devil heir," the silver haired beauty said as she flashed eight black demonic wings before quickly receding them. He took this moment to fully take in her appearance now. She had beautiful blue eyes, long styled silver hair, and an aesthetically beautiful face. Her arms and legs looked very well-toned and she had a respectable bust and a really nice ass thanks to her athletic build.

Issei was genuinely surprised by the reveal of her devil wings as he stared at her uncertainly, "So you're a big-shot devil? What is she then?"

"Tiamat is a Dragon…one of the Dragon Kings. Specifically, she is the Chaos Karma Dragon. We're allies, and we have been for several years now." Vali explained.

"What are you doing at Kuoh Academy? What possible reason would a super devil and a dragon king have here? Why reveal yourselves to me?" Issei asked.

"I am looking for allies to join the Khaos Brigade and this town is rife with paranormal activity, so I was quick to assume it was a good place to scout for a while. This city is mostly part of the Gremory and Sitri territories, but it's got other variables here as well…such as yourself. I honestly didn't expect to find a suitable recruit on our first day," Vali replied.

"That makes sense…but what's the Khaos Brigade?" he asked.

"A group of individuals that are aligned against the angels of Heaven, the fallen angels, and devils of the underworld. We work for the Infinite Dragon God Ophis," Vali explained.

"Ophis the dragon god is your boss?" Issei said disbelievingly.

"Yes, and she said this town also had a dragon in it. I'm guessing that's what you are," Vali concluded.

'Oh shit…damn I better play this down if I can. She doesn't know I'm the Red Dragon Emperor…maybe I can pretend I'm just some other dragon.' Issei thought on his feet.

"Ha…good guess. I am a dragon. Nothing quite as impressive as a Dragon King or anything like her though," Issei pointed at Tiamat.

"Oh, he's a dragon? How come I couldn't tell? That's odd…" Tiamat said shaking her head.

"One of my special abilities is concealing myself to others' senses. I prefer to keep it that way as angels and devils tend to despise my kind unless we're serving them," Issei explained.

"Fair point…though you seem more powerful than a simple dragon and you don't really smell like a human. I also don't know you and I know all of the great dragons." Tiamat said skeptically.

"Guess I'm not that great or powerful then," was all Issei said with a shrug.

"Regardless, we could always use another member of the Khaos Brigade. Besides, I'm sure Tiamat could train you up well," Vali suggested.

"Look, no disrespect Vali Lucifer and Dragon King Tiamat, but I sort of just do my own thing around here. We can be on good terms, but I don't care much for causes and taking orders from self-righteous people…no offense," Issei replied.

"So, you just intend to side with nobody? That's ridiculous! If the devils in this school found out what you were their clans would immediately try to recruit you into their ranks. That or they would kill you. If you're not that powerful, you wouldn't stand much of a chance against entire devil clans. You need allies in this world if you intend to stay alive. You can't just hide in plain sight forever. What interest do you even have in the human world?" Tiamat protested.

"It's relaxing for the most part. Honestly, I don't see much of a difference between your faction and the angels and devils. It's all pointless politics that literally means nothing to me. I don't care about angels, devils, gods, dragons, and whatever else. I just want to ride my motorcycle, do what I want, and not have some bigwig boss me around. I do that just fine living in this town," Issei said strongly.

"You're definitely a dragon…not interested in following others I see. Very well, Issei Hyoudou, we won't pressure you to join us. You have my word on that. However, I will take you up on your offer of being friends," Vali said with a sly grin.

'Friends?! When the hell did I tell them I wanted to be friends? Being on good terms is not the same as being friends. Hmph…well at least they're not being super pushy about the recruiting thing. Besides these two look pretty…and pretty tough. I guess if it keeps them off my back,' Issei thought as he checked them both out.

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