
Chapter 5 : Teacher (Ģreåt_Řeđ)

"What the fuck are you staring at?!" Great Red demanded as he flew around in front of Issei looking down at him with a stoic glare.

To say he was intimidated by the Great Red Dragon of Dragons was an understatement. Issei had no idea what to say, but thankfully Ddraig spoke for him, "We were just training Great Red. Forgive my partner for getting in your way."

"Ddraig huh? Now I recognize you…I thought I made it clear the last time that we ain't friends just because we're both red dragons. Get out of here unless you have a death wish! This is my turf!" Great Red said in a low delinquent tone.

To Issei the dragon reminded him a lot of a Bosozoku which seemed unusual for a mythical creature of legend.

"We'll leave, Great Red," Ddraig announced with evident relief in his voice.

"Not so fast…what are you even doing in here? I don't like shady business," the dragon grunted.

"We were training, Great Red. I was doing it here, so I could keep my identity as the Red Dragon Emperor a secret," Issei explained to the titanic dragon.

"Just call me Red…none of that 'Great Red God-Emperor' or 'Dragon of Dragons' bullshit. I'm not some great messiah for you little whelps to gawk at!" Red said threateningly.

"Alright, Red, no disrespect, but Ddraig and I need this place to train in secret. I honestly never expected to see you in here. I thought this place was infinite," Issei explained.

"Hmph…so you're training here to avoid being discovered by the angels, devils, and gods?" Red asked.

Issei nodded, "Yeah that's right. I want to keep my powers a secret, so they can't bother me or interfere with my life until I'm more powerful. When the white dragon finally shows up, I want to be so much stronger than him, that I ultimately crush him and everyone else. After that I just want to live my life without anyone bothering me or telling me what to do…maybe pick up a few girls along the way too."

Red started laughing as his mood immediately lightened up, "Ahahaha! Now that's a pretty good reason for training here. I wasn't expecting that. You don't want to rule the world or destroy it? You just want to be free and unstoppable. I like you kid. You're just like me."

Issei knowing full well what kind of personality Red had at this point decided to go along with his complement, "Yeah, that's pretty much all I've ever wanted. I don't care much for all this drama between mythical factions. I'm glad that Ddraig encouraged me to not get involved with any of it yet. I just want to be strong enough to where nobody ever fucks with me."

"Heh…I like that. You and Ddraig are free to hang out here then. Train hard kid and stay out of my way if you see me coming," Red said with a chuckle as he began to turn.

Seeing an opportunity in front of him, Issei called out, "Wait! I don't want to bother you or anything, but is it cool if we hang out with you in here?"

"I fly alone. Why do you want to come with me anyway?" Red asked strongly.

"I know you're a badass outlaw and all that good stuff, but I just thought it'd be cool to train with the strongest dragon in the universe," Issei suggested.

"You're pushing it kid…I don't have time for that," Red said disapprovingly.

Issei frowned beneath his armor, "Too bad…I was thinking we could make a dragon gang or something."

"Eh? Dragon gang you say? Hahaha, well that's a first. I don't think I've ever heard that before," Great Red laughed.

Ddraig spoke seriously, "What are you doing, partner? He's already granted us freedom to train here. Don't antagonize Great Red any further. He just wants to be left alone. Not to mention, dragons by nature are selfish and territorial. The idea of them being in a 'gang' is unheard of."

"What's your name, wielder of the Boosted Gear and host of Ddraig?" Red asked.

"Issei Hyoudou," said teenager answered immediately.

"I like the way you think. Everyone would think twice about crossing us dragons if we made our own gang to rival theirs. You've convinced me. Now we need a cool name," Red said with an unusual enthusiasm.

"I can't believe he's going for this…" Ddraig seemed to be in disbelief that Issei was actually convincing Great Red to train him.

The Sekiryuutei thought for a moment, "Maybe Dragons of Discord. That's a cool, rebellious name."

"Hah! You and I are going to be good friends, kid. Let's go flying and I'll train you a bit. If you're gonna be my wingman, you gotta be as tough as I am!" Red said enthusiastically.

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