
Chapter 11 : Cat caught tongue

The school day was now at its end once again much to Issei's relief as he made his way out of class. Tiamat seemed just as bored as he was and let out an over exaggerated sigh, "Damn, I thought that was never going to end. I can't believe people actually do this school stuff every day in this world."

Issei glanced over at her and shrugged, "Yeah, it's pretty lame. Half of the things they teach here are irrelevant to me."

"Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so," Tiamat said with a grin.

Vali shook her head at the two of them, "No knowledge is a waste, no matter how insignificant or boring it may seem. There are things I remember learning from my youth that ended up saving my life later on. You just never know with some things. You should learn to value all knowledge…because all knowledge is power."

Tiamat deadpanned at her, "Nice speech, Vali, but do you really think us learning about Japanese history is a worthwhile endeavor? I know enough about them…I don't care about whatever deity or shrine that lame teacher was droning on about. She lost me whenever she stopped talking about Orochi. Why can't that teacher talk about me and how awesome I was terrorizing Eurasia and Mesopotamia? Ah Babylon…now those were the good days…"

"I'm sure they were. I imagine having all that ancient knowledge probably makes life around here seem dull in comparison," Issei nodded in understanding.

"Hmph, it could be worse. You're at least entertaining enough around here," she said with a shrug.

"I'm not here to entertain you, your majesty. I already told you I'm not your servant or lackey…" Issei stated strongly.

The dragon woman turned towards him with a serious stare. She didn't say anything for a moment as the two briefly locked gazes. Issei took this moment to admire her beauty. Her pale blue hair and tan complexion were certainly an exotic feature that he liked. She was slightly shorter than him, but taller than Vali and most other people around. Her eyes were the most unique thing about her however. They had a slight reptilian look to them with barely noticeable slits and a golden green color that had a bluish ring around the pupils.

After a moment Issei realized he was staring and spoke up, "What?"

"You're not afraid of me…I find that both intriguing and confusing. Most dragons look away if I stare at them like that. Hehehe I admire your bravery," she said approvingly.

"Oh…" Issei said not really sure how to reply.

'What the hell was she doing, Ddraig?' Issei asked mentally.

'That look she just gave you was a territorial stare. Your staring back at her is a sign of you expressing dominance and having no fear. Had you looked away it would have been a sign of subservience to her. Now she's going to think you're more powerful than you're pretending to be…that or assume you're trying to impress her. Both of which are bad…especially the latter.' Ddraig explained.

"Say, Issei, why do you even go here? What's the point of going to school in this world?" Tiamat asked as the three walked down the hallway. Luckily their conversation was quiet enough to not be heard, but they were still noticeable as their presence drew another crowd of onlookers.

"That's a good point. You look like you're from here…is there any reason you chose Kuoh to live in? I mean your house looked kind of mediocre for what I'd expect a dragon to live in. Do you live with anyone?" Vali asked curiously as her sapphire gaze lingered on Issei for a moment.

"Kuoh is where my family lives," was all Issei could really think to say.

"Your family? Hmm…so are you only half dragon then?" Vali wondered.

'Shit why did I say that without thinking…damn it, I might as well just play along with this. They're bound to learn about my parents and childhood sooner or later anyways.' Issei thought to himself.

"Half? He doesn't even smell human to me…and he never said he was. He's a special flame dragon, right Issei?" Tiamat said doubtfully before glancing at the delinquent.

"Yes and no…" he sighed.

"Hah…is that what you meant you said you were unique?" Tiamat chuckled, "you're just embarrassed you're a half-breed? Hahahahaha."

Issei gave her a sharp glare and said nothing as he looked away.

"Hey now, don't get all offended…you're still a dragon," Tiamat said punching him in the arm.

Much to his surprise it was way harder than he was expecting, but thankfully he didn't show any reaction to the hit. His stoicism was duly noticed by Tiamat as she grinned at his painless expression.

'She's testing you…' Ddraig said with a horrified voice.

'For what?' Issei asked. Unfortunately, Ddraig never responded much to his annoyance.

Vali pat the brown-haired teenager on the back as they continued walking, "Don't listen to Tiamat, there's nothing wrong with being a half breed, Issei…"

"Yeah…" was all he said in response as he looked forward again.

"Look, we don't hold it against you for not telling us the truth about it. Half-breeds are hated everywhere. Trust me if anyone would understand, it's me," Vali said seriously.

"I'm done talking about this," Issei said bluntly with a cold expression.

Vali nodded her head empathetically at his demeanor before Tiamat let out another chuckle of amusement, "I don't think any less of you for it Issei. So, cheer up already, will ya? At least you're not a half-devil like Vali."

The silver haired girl sent a fierce glare at Tiamat, "What was that?!"

"Huh? What?" Tiamat pretended to be oblivious with a mischievous smile.

Vali shook her head, "Don't make me fuck you up, Tia…"

"Hey woah…easy there Ms. Lucifer. Miss me with the attitude will ya? Jeez I thought you could take a joke by now,' Tiamat responded quickly.

'Well my cover story isn't holding quite as expected, but at least now I don't have to worry about them coming around the house or finding out about my parents,' Issei thought somewhat relieved.

As they walked outside and made their way to the parking lot, Vali checked the time and looked serious, "Oh shit…we're late, Tiamat."

"Late for what? Oh…that meeting with the Brigade," she said remembering halfway through her sentence.

"Sorry, Issei, but we don't have time to ride with you today," Vali explained as the three walked up to their motorcycles.

"You don't have to explain yourselves to me, I don't really care what you do," Issei said carelessly.

Vali simply rolled her eyes at his statement, "You're lucky we have somewhere to be or I'd beat your ass in a race today, tough guy. I guess we'll see you around."

"Take care," Issei waved as Vali revved up and started to drive off.

Tiamat punched him in the arm again as she rode by. He had no idea why as the dragon lady stuck her tongue out at him before taking off after Vali.

After they left Issei let out a heavy sigh of relief, 'Well that was…close. I hope they don't stay here for the rest of my high school life. Those girls are a hassle to deal with and I've only known them a few days.'

Issei chose not to think any more on the matter as he got on his bike and began to drive home. He only made it about a block or so before he decided to go eat something.

Pulling into a nearby restaurant, he parked up front and quickly walked inside. The workers and customers of the establishment immediately froze up as he walked in. Issei was used to this reaction as most people assumed he was a gangster there to cause trouble or extort someone.

The delinquent teen walked up to the counter and watched surprised as the entire line let him pass to the front. 'Jeez…do I scare people that badly?' he thought somewhat amused as he walked up and ordered his food.

Upon getting his meal and sitting down to eat, Issei began to wonder about how he was going to deal with his current situation. He certainly wasn't afraid of the situation, but he was dreading on how to inevitably handle with the storm of turmoil that would arise once all the devils at Kuoh Academy found out who and what he was.

Vali and Tiamat would also be problems. Issei couldn't help but wonder if he was going to have to kill everyone at the school at some point. Deep in his thoughts as he ate his meal, Issei barely noticed someone approach him at his table.

"Umm…excuse me, are you Hyoudou-san?" a nervous voice spoke.