
Highschool dxd: new kingdom

a soldier reincarnated into a new world there are all kinds of beings that he will encounter. as a man who lived his life to serve he gets a new chance. although he has knowledge of the world it is different from what her remembers. follow his journey and see what he will make of this new life. warning there will be r18 content in this story it will be a harem and there will be scenes where there is Yuri content there will be incest no ntr all love interest will be single at the time of action. there may be sex slaves if you do not like these concepts don't read. before you drop for not liking an aspect let me explain the Yuri is between harem members. usually with Mc involved as well but sometimes he can only take a few at a time and other girls get excited hearing him. he is ok with this as they are all lovers and he is promoting it that way they are a big family not just individual members of his harem and it does not touch his bottom line i don't own the characters or the background of the story it is a fan fic for entertainment only.

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training time and power and consequences

In the last 4 years Alex has begged and begged but venalena refused to let him trian his body as it was a sure fire way to harm him in the future. She tried like he'll to get him interest in other things.

She even went as far as to ask her son and daughter to let him meet ajuka to see if he was interested in that. But the little shit refused. She was finally at her wits end with this boy. There were 3 things she was grateful for though and they were all gifts from there first birthday 2 pillows and a lovely maid.

The pillows were enchanted and no matter how much energy they had once there heads hit it they were out in 5 minutes. She thought about abusing this many times. And even though rias was not as hyper Nad rambunctious about training and fighting she was with girl things.

The stress a mother has to go through with twins is insane. As well as running a pillar clan. If she could have thanked God for grayfia she would have.

So by this time she figured he was old enough to start his training. And as she was not a fighter she had to recruit and sirsechs had the best peerage in the underworld. So as his mother she volunteered them.

Alex was standing beside a cute little girl whose read hair was flying to the middle of her back. She was complaining the entire time. As Alex had talked her into training with him.

It was pretty easy for him to manipulate a 5 year old he felt wierd doing it but he knew it was for her own good. They were standing in a training yard waiting for there first instructors.

Because Alex did not have any power he could not partake in the practical magic lessons while rias could. Sirsechs decide that his knight and rook were going to teach his brother about body training as they were two of the best in the world. And grayfia would do her practical training for magic and light physical training. While his bishop would do the theoretical magical training which Alex wanted to join.

He at least wanted to know what he could get himself into it was a wise decision. For today grayfia and the rook a bulky devil who's name was thorkel he was massive man standing over 7 ft tall he had blond hair and he usually had an axe strapped to his back.

He was a viking when sirzechs found him it was very rare to find them and people mostly just called them pirates at that time. He was stabbed in the back by his mutinous crew who were jealous of his wealth. Sirzechs found and reincarnated him he is now one of the best touki users alive.

The last person they were waiting for was soujirou okita he was the knight who would teach Alex sword fighting. He was the best of the best and if he said he was number 2 noone claimed to be number1 at least in the underworld.

Thorkel ran as fast as he could and stopped directly in front of the kids. He has met them before so no wied introduction was necessary. However if grayfia hadn't come with them and was shielding them the pressure from the wind would have blown them away.

Okita landed gracefully infront of them after flying in. He had the personality of a true mentor and Alex was getting pumped as everyone was here. Grayfia told she was going to take rias and teach her she left Alex to the men.

Thorkel and Okita decide to star with physical training they wanted him to run and run hard. So thorkel being a brute grabbed his axe and told the 5 year old to strat running as he chased after him. Grayfia and rias looked over at the screaming boy and giggled as he ran for his life while thorkel swung his axe over his head.

Grayfia knew he was safe that why she giggle instead of taking action such a dutiful maid.

She laughed even harder at how comical it was a giant chasing I small child at extremely slow speeds. It looked like he was walking.

Afte an hour Alex ran out of stamina huffing and puffing trying to catch his breathe he laid ther legs sore and stomach cramping. Thorkel shouting is that all you got boy while laughing his ass off.

Alex sat up and when he could feel his legs stood. The shook a bit but he was determined. He was not done yet.but okita had the next drill in mind he swung a wooden sword until his arms felt like jello. This type of training lasted a few months for Alex till his body was a more resilient

Also by some miracle rias stuck with her training grayfia made it enjoyable for her. As she would teach then let rias play then teach more.the only physical training they did was to stay in shape. Which everyone was fine with as she was not and will never be a front line fighter.

Later that week they had ther theoretical class and sirzechs bishop macgregor was teaching this class he was a human magician for 100 years befor sirzechs recruited him to his peerage he was a genius when it came to spells.

In the 2 hour lessons he was able to get the kids to know and remember magical element spells and rules about magic circles and crafting of formulas for them. He also made them learn a rune system for runic spells. Alex learned how to properly defend from magic as he could not use it.

The intense training and taxing magical knowledge lessons left him beat every day sirzechs peerage love his strong will to never give up also the fact that he was borderline ajuka smart. One of the enhancements he recieved from that being. A true prodigy. It was a shame he had no demonic power they thought.

The training went well for years it was now ther 8th birthday. And incredibly enough they had both passed the tests to be considered high class devils. Even though they were by birth Alex demanded to be examed as it was the only way to prove him self.he had a strong and fast body.

He could use touki to strengthen him self and even blast a shock wave like siraorg did in the animes. He joke and called himself one punch kid. Which made the instructors howl. He could also use a sword with proficiency of okitas high standards. If he wanted he can maintain this level and live a good noble life.

He did not though he would push himself harder in the future. As for rias she was happy and slacked off a bit but as an 8 year old high class devil noone complained.

Her attitude did shift through this though she is no longer a spoiled brat like what she appeared to be in the show. Alex was happy about that as he was not fond of her attitude. But now he is more accepting of her whims as they are far and few between. Still spoiled but not as bad is how he sees it.

After the test the family got together to talk about when they would get there pieces it would be in a few months as they were not the only kids of this generation that will be getting evil pieces. The clans that had the kids were all close and the children knew eachother so they planned to do it all together a week after the last ones birthday.

For the next few weeks Alex trained hard. It was a month away from the date of the ceremony and party. Surprisingly grayfia came to him for new training. It was dancing lessons she had explained that there will be a banquet offer the ceremony and there will be dancing and fun. For the next Gen high class devils.

Even though he was a genius and an amazing talent at fighting in any kind or weapon he was struggling. There were many time he wanted to quit and just say no to dancing. It wasn't like anyone would dance with him anyway do to his lack of power. These were just the thoughts of a child even though he has power not magical which is important in devil society. But his will to never give up continued. He tried so hard. But couldn't get it right. He knew the movements and everything he needs to do he mastered those in the first day.

However you add a person to the mix and he struggled. Well that's at least what he thought. He was being a child and blaming grayfia. For being to tall and making excuses.

The training continues and he was still failing. Grayfia realized he had never failed at anything befor so this situation is very hard for him. She tried to help but he almost shut down. He did not give up with the lessons and kept try the same things over and over. He remembered a line from a movie he saw.

That the definition of insanity is doing some thing the same way over and over and expecting diferent results. It got to the point where he was getting furious with himself that he could not dance.

Grayfia tried to cancel the lesson but he would not let her his pride was taking a hit and he hated it. He realized after training to his level he was a very proud devil it could be consider one of his sins.

There was only a week left befor the celebration and he was still stuck . He could be seen doing the moves on his own and looking graceful. Venalena came to watch today but she sat by a wall hiding her presence. She was proud of everything he has accomplished with his own strength.

She started to see him get flustered when grayfia would step in to be his partner. And then he would fail. She relized its all in his head as well as grayfia had weeks ago. Finally he couldn't take it and his inner child raged.

Grayfia notice it first as she was right next to him magical particles started flowing through him and out like pulse it was not demonic energy or mana or the touki he had. They had no clue what it was but it was rapidly expanding.

Grayfia noticed venalena near the wall and rias at the door this was a power she believed neither of the two could handle and not to mention Alex himself she tried to get closer but the power hurt her far worse the any holy light ever could. she jumped back and did the only thing she could think of as faster then sound she reached rias and her mother put rias in her mother's arms and teleported the two away...swoooosh...

She arrived back at the still pulsing energy it was coming out of him in a sphere she could not get close or she would die. so she called upon her clan trait of ice manipulation and froze the entire hall herself included. It was one massive block of ice.

However the ice did nothing to freeze Alex he was lost in that that power it continued to pulse and expand destroying the ice until it finally reached her grayfia was being consumed by the pulse and she felt herself slipping away untill she she was gone.

The pulse stopped all that remained was a completely frozen hall. The cold swept through the gremory household like the middle of the winter.

Venalena teleported back as quickly as she could she needed to save her baby. But the ise was so thick and stron even with her power of destruction she could not break it. A true testament of grayfias power.

In a panic she forgot she was still holding and 8 year old girl it was a good thing she was close to her mother or that it was her mother's subconscious that did not let her destruction touch the girl.

Still panicking she teleported to sirzechs and grabbed him and came right back interrupting his meeting with the phenix clan. His grandparents were still there though unfortunately. As this will bring a bad consequence for there family.

When they arrive he saw the ice and his mother having a heart attack he tried to calm her down but she only yelled at him to break the ice to get to the middle. Worried becuase he could not see Alex he did exactly that.

He entered his pod mode at full super devil power. And started walking through the ice. As he arrive close to the middle what seemed like a wall shattered then all the ice in the room crumbled and vanished as if the source of magic stopped. He was standing in the middle of the hall alone.

He noticed the energy fluctuations in the area and tried to break through it but could not. Even with his full power he could not. He looked back at his mother as she was about to collapse. He moved faster then lightning and caught her and laid her on the ground. Rias crying and screaming what asking what happened and where her brother was and grayfia. And what was wrong with mother. She sent her self into a panic attack he calmed her down and teleported them both to rias room and he laid rias head on the pillow she still has and she was out.

Sirzechs calls the only person he knows that may know what happened there. Ajuka arrived instantly and the two went to the hall.

Ajuka has even better energy control then sirzechs but he was still dumbfounded.

After Hal an hour he finally had an answer not one sirzechs would have liked to hear tho. Ajuka told that he could feel a new dimension in the hall how ever even with his special formula he could not enter it. The good news was that noone has died he was able to figure that out.

A week had passed and still nothing new ajuka was there everyday and practically moved his lab to that hall. Sirzechs had Yara stay with him to update him on anything new. Ajuka was not the only new resident of that hall venalena and rias have not left it since that day.

The party was about to begin and sirsechs had finally managed to get both girls to agree to go so rias could still get her pieces on time. To calm her self she said that her jerk of a brother did it on purpose so he did not have to dance.

They giggle a bit then cried agian. Rias recieved her pieces and the night was a disaster. As her grandparents announced that she would be marrying riser phenex to try and lighten there mood but when the lucifer representing the gremory clan suddenly left and never returned. They thought it a slap in the face and required compensation.

With rias as the next head there son would be the lord of that house and if he can control rias he can control the gremory clan.that was there thought.

It has been a depressing year but rias did find a silver lining in her new best friend akeno himejima her new peerage member who is her queen. She also went on many mission not for herself but for her brother.

Alex new many things about the world. And he let some slip to his sister. When he disappeared she went into a panic. And for some reason thought that if she did what he planned to do he would come back.

So she got to work.