
Highschool DxD Journey of a King

Our otaku mc Indra was killed by THE TRUCK-SAMA and was reincarnated into his favourite world Highschool DxD join him in his quest to be the true king

_Solomon_ · Anime & Comics
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Indra walking on the road after buying the latest manga of the one and only Highschool DxD had an encounter wih the one and only TRUCK-SAMA and you know the rest....

One Eternity latrer:

In the soul of our otaku the MC is floating thinking about his favourite anime the one and only Highschool DxD he then suddenly hears a voice saying:Soul number 184739573830357483 you have no bad karma neither good karma so your fate shall be decided the great wheel of reincarnation....

The first spin shall be on whether you shall be keeping your memories or not,the second one shall be about the world,the third shall be about your race,the fourth shall be about your abilities and remember mortal you shall be given 4 spins you can get abilities that lets you destroy world's or nothing.....

After spinning the wheels the results are:-

1) You shall remember your memories...

2)You shall be reincarnated in Highschool DxD

3)Your race shall be a demigod mortal your mother shall be a true God whereas your father shall be a quarter god so you shall be 2/3 God and 1/3 human....

4)How intersting all of your abilities are all very compatible with each other and they are

All abilities of Gilgamesh the King of Heroes, Unlimited blade works, Instant weapon mastery and Goldy growth rate...