
Highschool DxD: Infinite Lives!

Arayoshi Reiji, a young resident of the city of Kuoh possessed a strange ability that was not destined to activate until the moment of his death, but suddenly becoming involved with the supernatural world, Reiji is stabbed, and a message appears in front of him on his deathbed. [Do you want to try again?] [Y/N] Clarifications: -I rely on a translator and my poor English writing skills. -The MC will have its development but don't expect to see it so fast. -And last but not least, this is my first fanfic, don't be so rude...

BeixuanLovell · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Now not only Reiji, Koneko, and Rias were in the club room. Akeno had arrived to help Reiji with his process for accepting contracts.

"Are you ready?" asked Rias.

Reiji just nodded without saying anything, as he was impressed by the magic circle that formed under Akeno.


"Don't be so impressed by these things. This will probably be your every day from now on." Akeno said, as he continued to work on the magic circle.

Suddenly, Reiji felt a tug on his hand and blushed slightly as he saw Rias holding it.


With one of her fingers, Rias drew a strange symbol on Reiji's hand.

"That's the mark of the Gremory clan."

Reiji could feel a strange sensation emanating from the mark. It was like when he was around the other magical beings, but it was too slight.

"Don't just stand there, come on, get in the circle."

"Y-Yes!" Reiji stuttered a little due to being slightly intimidated by the imposing appearance of a magic circle.

Akeno stepped aside and gave way to the center of the circle to Reiji.

"Here we go." Reiji relaxed his body, and a strange blue message appeared in front of him.

[Your mana is being consumed by a magical formation]

'This is new!'

[Mana 0/5]

[Your Mana is depleted. Estimated regeneration time: 7 minutes]


Suddenly, the magic circle completely engulfed Reiji's body.



In a room full of mangas, posters, and figures, a magic circle appeared on the floor.


These were the thoughts of a man with long hair and round glasses.

The man looked fervently at the figure of light formed by the portal, hoping it was the demon he normally contacted.


'I-I think I feel nauseous...' The teleportation slightly confused the brain of the boy who appeared there.

"W-Wait, A-A boy?" The man was stunned to see a boy appear.

Taking a big breath of air, the man shouted, "YOU ARE NOT KONEKO-CHAN!"

"N-No! My name is A-Arayoshi Reiji. I was sent here to sign a contract with you." The boy said as he bowed politely.

"Tsk. I wanted to play with my beautiful Koneko-chan." Whispered the guy, but quickly pulled himself together.


'Play?' Reiji wondered at those words, and inspecting the room further, there was a large amount of Lolis posters of the most current anime and manga.


'Th-This guy is an L-Lolicon!' Reiji worried about Koneko's situation.

"W-What kind of games do you mean, by any chance?" Reiji had the phone ready to call the police.

"Well, that depends. I usually give her some cosplay and..."


Reiji had pressed a number on his phone discreetly, but the man heard him.

"HEY W-WAIT-YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED LISTENING!" The man was alarmed to imagine what Reiji was thinking.

Clearing his throat, the man continued.

"I make her hold me like a baby."

'EH!?' Reiji almost vomited blood from hearing such nonsense as that.

"W-what kind of weird fetish is that?" asked Reiji, as he thought about calling the asylum.

"It's funny to see such a small body being strong. T-That's it, I swear."

Somewhat reluctantly, Reiji left his phone.

"Okay, I'll believe you for now..."

Reiji put the subject aside and sighed before speaking.

"Well, going back to what I was saying earlier, I was sent here to sign a contract with you."

"Huh? Who do you think you are? For me to sign a contract with you you must offer me something in return, you know? Quick, tell me what your skills are." The man sat down in front of Reiji.

"M-My skills... I think I'm strong enough to c-charge you as Toujo-San does." Reiji said somewhat embarrassed.

"Forget that. Holding me is just something Koneko-Chan is allowed to do. Any other skills?"

"Uh... Let me see." Reiji took his backpack and rummaged through his things.

"I can juggle a dagger." Reiji said, pulling out his daggers and putting on a little show.

"That doesn't look like a supernatural ability! Come on, I want to see something a human can't do!"

'if I throw my dagger at him and leave...' Reiji was getting fed up with the situation.


"I don't have many powers, you know, I'm hardly new to this demon thing." Reiji said somewhat reluctantly.

A pair of wings extended from the young demon's back.

"I guess this is as supernatural as I get."

"..." The man said nothing and just stared at Reiji with an incredulous face.

'Did I scare him?' Reiji wonders in some panic.

'If I don't get a contract, then I won't be able to get stronger!' Reiji was about to try to fix the situation, but the man broke the silence.

"S-Surprising..." He whispers.

"Huh?" Reiji didn't understand why the man said that.

"I hadn't noticed it before, but your figure..." The man's glasses glittered strangely.

"W-With those wings, you're a lot like the main character in my favorite manga..... DRAGO SOBALL! W-Wait here!" The man ran out to his closet and started pulling out a large amount of cosplay.

'I should have thrown the dagger when I had the chance...'

"HERE IT IS! Teru's legendary armor." The man pulled out a poorly made cosplay of the armor worn by the protagonist of Drago Soball.


"Y-YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME WEAR THAT!?" Reiji's face was red with embarrassment at the mere thought of wearing something as silly as cosplay.

Reiji was certainly an otaku, as was the man in front of him, but he always had his limits for such things.

"Do you want me to sign a contract with you, or not?"



Reiji was walking down a dark street, dressed in a poorly made cosplay of a suit of armor.

As much as Reiji didn't want to, he had to walk back home and inform Rias using his cell phone. The academy was too far to walk there and then go home.

Reiji lightly rubbed his back.

'That madman made me fly all over town... My wings are sore, I don't think I'll be able to fly for a week.' Although Reiji was exaggerating, his wings were still like another muscle in his body, so naturally, after excessive use, he would be tired.

As he continued to grumble with life, a strange message appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations, because you signed a diabolical contract with a human soul, you have moved up a level!]

Reiji stopped suddenly.



'I-I can really become stronger if I make contracts with humans...' Reiji was unable to believe his eyes.



LV: 2





MANA: 6/6





'Now there is even a level category...'

Reiji resumed his walk while thinking.

'This is actually literally like an RPG system. Hmmm. Does that mean I can get stronger if I kill enemies?'

'But in real life, there don't seem to be enemies like in RPGs? K-Killing fallen angels w-will count as a valid enemy?' Reiji quickly shook his head.

'I don't like the direction this is going. I have to think of something else...'

Trying not to think of more chaos, Reiji closed his eyes but was forced to open them suddenly.


Reiji felt a strange sensation and when he opened his eyes, he found that a car had been thrown in his direction.

[DODGE 2/4]



Reiji dodged the car and looked at the view.

Reiji thought he would encounter another fallen angel trying to kill him, as was always the case, but nope.

His eyes opened when he encountered a giant ball of flesh, at least five meters long, with four legs, and where there was supposed to be a head, there was the body of a person.


Uhh, I feel this chapter has more errors than usual. notify me if you find one, please! *Dogeza*

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