
Highschool dxd: Cursing this second life from zero

Issei Hyoudo, after being killed by his girlfriend Yuuma, discovers that he has gone back in time a week before meeting her. With this second chance, he will avoid making the same mistake at all costs. But soon he will discover that it is difficult to escape from the increasingly familiar death

Thewitchcult · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 3: Yuuma amano

The mission they ordered was simple, to watch over Issei Hyoudo. Although this type of work was normally assigned to low-ranking fallen angels, it was annoying and boring to have to take care of it anyway. So he decided to have a little fun and act on his own.

"E-excuse me, are you Issei Hyoudou from Kuoh Academy?"

Feigning visible shyness, he asked his target that question.

"Yes, why?"

With unnatural confidence and a suspicious look, Reynare hesitated a bit. According to the information given about his target, he was an ordinary high school boy ignorant of the existence of a world beyond his own. It was impossible for him to suspect anything.

"Hyoudo-kun, are you dating anyone?"

With a fake nervous smile and pleading eyes, she asked him that question. Looking at him closely, for some reason she felt that he wasn't surprised by that question. It was strange. He was supposed to be an outcast at his academy, not popular with women. This question should have surprised him enormously coming from a girl as attractive as her. But he reacted as if he had been asked this question dozens of times before.

"No, not currently."

Hearing that somewhat gruff affirmation, she feigned happiness. Although she already knew his circumstances.

"Phew, that's good. You... would you go out with me?"

"I always see you crossing this bridge, so I... fell in love with you. So... what do you think?"

She said that with feigned blushing and shyness. It wasn't unusual for her to use these kinds of deceptions and lies. You could say it was her way of life. Lying, deceiving and in the end killing was something she loved. In the end she couldn't resist acting when she was assigned to watch over this naive boy. Wanting to see his last moments of life, seeing his eyes of resignation as he is drowning in his own blood, was something that gave her satisfaction. Although of course, that wasn't the only reason behind wanting to kill him.

"You haven't told me your name yet."

Oh, something so basic had slipped her mind. Lost in her thoughts, she forgot something as simple as introducing herself.

"T-that's right, Yuuma Amano."

With real nervousness, she introduced herself in a somewhat pathetic way. Although considering the circumstances, maybe it could seem cute to introduce herself late. Although it was still pathetic.

"Yuuma eh? Sure, I'll go out with you Yuu~ma-chan."

Hearing those words of affirmation, she felt there was a hint of mockery in them. Noticing it for some reason gave her a chill. It wasn't just because of that, the way he said it, his smile, the way he looked at her were not natural.

"T-that's fine, I'll take care of you Issei-kun."

She responded a bit late and nervously, a superior being like her, feeling something as unnatural as chills from a human, was undoubtedly pathetic. Maybe he was some kind of freak after all. She had heard that he was a perverted beast, maybe that had something to do with it. But it didn't matter, he was a normal human after all. He would be her toy to shake off the boredom of this long week, so she would be more relaxed when Asia arrived. Anyway, the first step is done.


Walking alongside him, they were heading towards Kuoh Academy. Although she had the excuse of walking together since their academies were supposedly close, she really only did it to observe his reaction. Although there was none, just a small smile that seemed unnatural on his face. She hesitated a bit when she saw it. What is he thinking? Although she knew he was a human, when she looked into his eyes, she couldn't understand at all what he was thinking inside.

As they continued walking, she noticed two boys. When they saw them, they stood still, as if time had stopped for them. According to her research, they were Issei's best friends.

"What is this!?

"This can't be possible!"

While the two boys screamed in shock, she glanced at Issei. A smile appeared on his face, although this time she noticed something. That smile was undoubtedly the most authentic so far. It was really repulsive.

"Good morning guys, this is Amano Yuuma."

As he introduced her, she bowed slightly.

"They are my classmates, Matsuda and Motohama."

As he introduced them, she faked a smile at them.

"Nice to meet you."

As they passed by them who were still motionless, Issei touched the shoulder of the one who had no hair and she could hear him whisper.

"And she is my adorable and cute girlfriend, see you later."

After saying that, they continued their way to the academy. Looking back, she could hear the two boys shout something.

"D-damn it! In the end you were right! You had a girlfriend! You were going to meet her yesterday! Damn liar!"

"We won't forgive this betrayal! Remember that Issei!"

As they shouted that, they kept walking. Upon arriving at the academy they separated, agreeing to walk home after class.


At the end of the day, they met to walk home. It seemed that he was a good talker. Although he had a lost look at times, they never ran out of topics to talk about. Now that she thought about it, was he the same boy who was said to be a perverted beast at his academy? She never saw him look at her lasciviously, even when she intentionally showed him her cleavage, he just ignored her and kept talking. For a 17-year-old boy, this kind of stimulus should be enough to make him tremble. But she never noticed him nervous. Did he not think she was attractive? If that were true, it would definitely destroy her pride and she would end up killing him even before she had planned. But luckily, she noticed on the way that he occasionally looked at her chest in a disguised way.


"A date?"

As she proposed a date, she noticed a slight glint of expectation in his eyes. Certainly, in the end he was a high school student, a date with someone like her would excite anyone.

"Yes, this Sunday, don't you want to?"

Speaking in a sad tone, she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Sure, why not? I think it will be very fun~"

As he spoke with a smile, his tone of voice was not very enthusiastic but somewhat playful. What the hell was wrong with him? Did he think that going on a date with her was boring? Shaking her head, she ignored that. In the end, she would end up killing him that day, no matter what he thought. This was something she did out of whim. With that in mind, she started thinking about what outfit she would wear for that day...


The day of the date arrived, she noticed the boy dressed in jeans and a white shirt, although she tried to deny it, he had a certain charm.


When she spoke to him, he turned around. This time she noticed something strange, his gaze. His gaze shone like never before, it was as if he was another person, this took her by surprise.

"Ah, Yuuma-chan, good morning."

He spoke to her with a genuine smile when he saw her. In the end, she understood. He was a normal boy after all. That look of expectation, that naive smile. In the end, it was her imagination after all.

"I'm sorry, did you wait long?"

While she falsely apologized, she bowed her head slightly.

"Don't worry Yuuma-chan, I didn't wait long."

She knew that was a clear lie. He had been there at least two hours before the agreed time. It seemed excessive to her, but looking at him closely she understood. He was blushing. Then she understood that during this week he had been holding back. He had been looking forward to this date since she proposed it. Although he pretended to be uninterested, he was eagerly waiting for her. He was certainly still a naive child. She found this undoubtedly adorable. So the date began.

In the end they went through several stores, several restaurants and talked about various topics. This date was well planned. The effort the boy put into this date was noticeable. As they were walking, she accidentally bumped into someone and her phone fell to the ground.

"Here you go Yuuma-chan, it seems nothing happened to it."

While the boy returned the phone to her with a smile, she also smiled. In the end they stopped at a drink shop. While he talked about his student life, she noticed that occasionally he looked at her drink. Or was it at her breasts? She ignored that look and they continued talking.

The sun was setting. The day was almost over and with it the date. She really had fun. She could count on one hand the times she had fun with things that didn't involve violence. Now the day was ending and with it the life of the boy who was with her should also end. She wondered what expression he would have after being pierced by a spear of light. She started to get excited imagining it. She couldn't wait to see it anymore. They arrived at a fountain.

"Today was a very fun day."

As she said that they were getting closer and closer to the fountain. The final moment was approaching.

"Yes it was, I had a lot of fun. The date went exactly as I planned."

As the boy said that, a smile appeared on his face along with a noticeable blush on his cheeks. Suddenly, he took her hand. Seriously? Was he so blushed just by holding her hand?

They continued walking hand in hand until they reached the fountain. It was time to end this farce. She suddenly let go of his hand and turned her back on him.

"Hey.... Issei-kun, to celebrate our first date... would you do me a favor?"

Slowly approaching him, she whispered that in his ear. She couldn't see his expression very well but noticed a small smile on his face. He moved away from her a bit although she let him pass by. Big mistake! In one second he positioned himself behind her and in a blink...

She felt something hot in her chest when she incredulously looked down what she felt was fear immediately turned around tried to back away with all her strength but it was no use collapsed on the floor almost immediately her chest was bleeding there was too much blood so much that she thought if all of it really belonged to her still didn't understand what happened when she turned her back on the boy something pierced through her and immediately collapsed as if someone had cut off her strings needed to find out what happened immediately looked up and there he was the boy was looking at her had blood on his face and hair while she lay dying on the ground he formed a smile while wiping blood from his cheek then noticed.

"A light sword?"

A light sword, a weapon designed to harm supernatural beings. Although it was extremely effective against demons, it was also effective against other species. If used with precision, a thrust was enough to end the life of even a fallen angel. For example, a thrust to the heart.

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why.

Why did he attack her? Why does he have a light sword? Will she die? Is she going to die? She will die, she will die, she will die, she will die, she will die.

As she looked at him in disbelief, she spoke to him.

"N-no, I don't want to die. W-why are you doing this to me? T-the sword... A-are you from the church?"

As she felt the blood rising in her throat, she asked him that. She was about to die. That thrust had shattered her heart. She could no longer breathe properly. Her thinking was stopping.

"Come to think of it, in this loop you haven't done anything to me that deserves me killing you like this."

The boy spoke distractedly as he wiped the blood from his cheek.

"You could say I'm fulfilling a promise. In the world before this one, even in the world before that one, I repeated it dozens of times. I promised you that I would kill you, didn't I? Yuu~ma-chan."

With a smile, he responded that nonsense. She didn't understand anything. Her life was ending. Ignoring everything, she thought. She had to think of something or she would die.

"By the way, you're wrong about the sword. The white-haired father lent it to me. Amazing isn't it? To think that such a weapon really exists."

Freed Sellzen betrayed her? That son of a bitch! Trusting that bastard was a mistake! Was this boy his accomplice? But when did he do it? When did he ally with him? No, none of that mattered anymore because she...

"Come to think of it Yuu~ma-chan, what's your real name?"

As Issei continued talking that question came up. After so many deaths he knew that wasn't her real name.

"I always thought your name was cute. But I'm sure that's not your real name."

As he continued talking he deactivated the light sword and put it away.

"Will you answer me? Ah, you know what? It doesn't matter. After all you... You're already dead."

N/T: Well, this was the end of Reynare, I thought Issei would kill her in another way, but this is how it ended. What did you think?

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