
Highschool dxd: Cursing this second life from zero

Issei Hyoudo, after being killed by his girlfriend Yuuma, discovers that he has gone back in time a week before meeting her. With this second chance, he will avoid making the same mistake at all costs. But soon he will discover that it is difficult to escape from the increasingly familiar death

Thewitchcult · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: Starting from the beginning

"Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, I could feel all my senses returning to my body again.

"Ring, Ring, Ring, If you don't wake up I'll kill you, Ring, Ring, Ring, If you don't wake up I'll---"

Slowly he turned off the alarm that was next to his bed, getting up, he quickly began to inspect his body and surroundings, immediately touching his torso with his hand, he felt relieved to see that his organs were in place, he lay back heavily on the bed.

"So, I'm back, huh?"

After saying those words he looked at the date , Exactly one week before his death, It was undoubtedly creepy, It didn't feel real, Going back in time? A woman with black wings and a magic spear? It sounds like a silly TV show. But it was real. The pain of death was embedded in his soul letting him know it was real. In the past he had thought that having the power to stop time or go back in time would undoubtedly be the best thing ever. He could take advantage of girls without consequences. But now experiencing that power first hand, He understood how disgusting that power was. And the worst part of all, the method to make that power work was undoubtedly....anyway that wasn't important now.

"Yuuma, that damn woman killed me at the same time. She said the same words to me. She even pierced my abdomen in the same way. Does she have some fetish for piercing abdomens with magical light spears?"

While he said those words with mockery and contempt, he sat on the bed, inspected his room. Nothing had changed, everything remained the same, it was as if nothing had happened in the last year, as if the only one who had changed was him.

Knock, knock, knock, knock

"Issei, it's time to get up, it's time to go to the academy, you'll be late if you keep sleeping"

With his gaze lost in the ceiling, a voice was heard on the other side of the door. Upon hearing it, he immediately replied,

"I know mom, I... in a second, I'll be out in a minute"

"Are you okay? You sound a bit sick. If you're feeling bad you can miss today"

"Don't worry, it's nothing. I'll be out in a moment"

As he replied, he got up and immediately went to the bathroom. When he opened the door and entered the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. As he looked at his reflection, an attempt at a smile appeared on his tired face and his dead eyes.

"Tch, damn fool. If you can't at least pretend that you're okay in front of your parents, you should just die"

He said those words of contempt to himself as he looked in the mirror. Then he started to splash water on his face. If he showed such an unpleasant expression to the people around him, they would distrust him. After all, he wouldn't trust someone with a look like a lunatic either. As he put on a fake smile again, he went to get ready to start a new and long week.

After saying goodbye to his parents, who luckily didn't notice anything strange, he slowly headed to Kuoh Academy. As he walked, he noticed that everything remained the same. Everything followed the same pattern as last time. When he arrived at his classroom, his two best friends Matsuda and Motohama started talking to him. Thus reuniting the well-known group of perverts from Kuoh Academy.

"Hey Issei, Motohama got the latest from Momo-chan "Kamen Rider Pinky", it's super exclusive. We thought about watching it at his house after school, you're coming with us, right?

After declaring that they would watch an adult DVD out loud in the middle of the class, the murmurs of the people began to arise.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes, disgusting."

"Why do we have to spend a whole year in the same class as the perverted trio?

"It's incredible that they haven't been expelled yet."


As Issei looked uninterested out the window, he said something unexpected to his friends.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do after school, next time will be."

His friends were shocked to hear what their best friend told them.

"Eh, what can be so important-, No wait Issei, don't tell me that..."

As Motohama looked at him in shock, Matsuda continued with the question.

"Issei you bastard, D-don't tell me that you, have gotten a g-girlfriend...."

As his two friends looked at him with shocked faces, waiting for an answer just like several of his classmates, he only responded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's nothing like that, I just have to take care of an errand for my mother after school."

His friends were relieved to hear that.

"Certainly, it's impossible for you to get a girlfriend before us, we'll let it pass this time. By the way, we'll have a secret meeting at recess."

As Matsuda recovered, he said that the three would have a meeting about a secret hole they found in the girls' locker room.

"Sure, although I have something to do in the library first, I'll meet up with you guys after I finish."

While showing a smile, he responded affirmatively to Matsuda, thus classes began. For Issei, all this conversation, all the content of the class, every expression of his classmates, he had seen it all many times before. Everyone said exactly what Issei remembered they would say, they reacted in the same way he remembered. It's as if he was watching a first-person movie, certainly terrifying.

After the bell rang, he headed towards the library, he had to check something before starting this week correctly.


With a big sigh, he looked at the ceiling of the library with a tired look.

"Certainly, I managed to synthesize cyanide correctly, even though he ingested a large amount nothing happened to him at all. Although it was predictable, using normal methods to kill a supernatural monster is inefficient, although I currently have no other more effective methods."

As he closed a book, he leaned back in his chair looking at the ceiling, he still didn't know how to get out of this death loop. He had tried different ways to finish her off, tried to poison her drink, tried to stab her, pushed her in front of a car, exposed her in front of many people, even got a firearm and still failed at everything. In the end he ended up dying in every attempt anyway...

"Is this my death number 88, isn't it?"

Sighing with fatigue, he looked at a new book that was on his table.

A woman with great appeal, fully functional black wings protruding from her back, certainly...

"A fallen angel, I never thought something like that existed in real life. If they had told me before entering this loop, I would have discarded it as a fantasy. Although no book says anything about their weaknesses. Is it something they hid from the world?"

Holding a book about legends and religion, he was reading the section on types of angels.

"She's behind me. Why? She's killing me for no apparent reason. What did I do to that wretch to take my life dozens of times without provocation on my part? There's no reason to go to those extremes."

Certainly that's what he thought. But he couldn't forget the words she always repeated to him when she killed him in each loop.

"Sacred gear" as he whispered that word he closed his eyes. According to the information she provided him with, it was something like a power given to certain humans. If it was true, it could explain his power to restart time every time he dies.

"But even so, making me taste death dozens of times because I'm a supposed danger to your people is really ridiculous excuse. I would even accept the excuse that you killed me for looking at your breasts throughout the date" As he got up from his chair, he started walking out of the library towards the place agreed with his friends.

N/T: There were some references to Re Zero's ifs. I would like you to give me your opinion on the story so far. And which faction do you think Issei will join in the following chapters? Maybe I can take your suggestions.

N/T: If there are major errors in the translation, let me know. Remember, this is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English.

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