
Highschool DXD: An Unexpected Situation

A man that had retired from the life of an assassin is thrown into a world that he only remembers from anime, This is his story as he tried to make sense of what is going on.

noob_writer · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

chapter 4

After I mastered the skills I bought from the store to a sufficient level, I entered the second floor of the dungeon through the teleportation circle, what I found on the other side left me completely speechless.

It was Jungle full of wild feelings like Lions, Tigers, Leopards and so on, Normally it would not have been a problem for me to defeat them if not for a small problem.


And so, I spent the next few days hunting these oversized cats and had many near-death situations that made me regret ever entering this dungeon, but finally, after an entire week, I managed to find the Boss of this floor and just like the previous Boss, this one was also an Undead and was easily recognizable as Leone from Akame Ga Kill.


Undead Assassin Brawler

Name: Unknown

Race: Undead(Former Human)

Level: 70

HP: 4000/4000



Ancient Martial Arts (Lvl MAX): An ancient form of martial arts developed in a long-forgotten era, easily surpasses all forms of modern Martial arts and excels in the art of killing.

Ancient Human (Lvl MAX): Before becoming an Undead, The wielder belonged to the race of ancient humans that were said to be strong enough to fight high-class Devils and Angels with three pairs of wings on equal footing, gives the user a boost in HP and physical traits.

Sacred Gear: King of Beasts Transformation: Lionel (Unique)

An artificial Sacred Gear crafted from the flesh and soul of primordial monsters, gives the user traits of the primordial monster it was forged from, in this case, it gives the user the powers of a Lion type primordial monster, enhanced senses, enhanced physical traits and animal-like appearance.


And true to her counterpart in the Anime and manga, she was one hell of a fighter, evident by my badly bruised body and her pristine condition.

Every time I closed the distance and tried to strike her using my martial arts, she easily countered all of them. When I targeted her temples like with Mine, She dodges the attack easily and counters with a blow either towards my solar plexus or towards my Diaphram, I narrowly dodge her attacks every time and her sharp claws were not helping at all.

But as I continued to fight, I started to find a pattern, she never attacked first and only center attacks when I initiate an attack, so I tried to stay still and try to recover my strength, which proved to be a bad move, thus my bruised body. Apparently, she hated waiting and started to become more aggressive, reducing my chances of survival by a lot.

This leads us to the current situation.

I continued to study her fighting pattern and managed to find openings for me to dodge her blows and initiate counter-attacks which started to slowly drain her HP, now if only I could land a blow on her head to get some time-

Any further thoughts were stopped when a fist connected directly with my chest, I felt as if an elephant had decided to breakdance repeatedly on my chest, I saw through clouded vision as blood flew from my mouth, I felt as if I was breathing flames and my lungs were burning, I felt my heart stop momentarily.

And then the Gamer's body skill kicked in.

Suddenly, my vision cleared and all the pain left me, I could still feel that my heart was not beating in the right way and I still felt my lungs having difficulty taking in air, but I was now clear-headed and ready to fight again, and then I looked at my status.


Level: 30

HP: 500/1300

MP: 600/840


Damn!!, that hit directly took 500 HP from my health, I cannot get hit another time unless I want to die, which I do not.

Suddenly, I felt the air being displaced by tremendous force as I turned back, Time slowed down as I watched the fist of the woman headed straight for my head, I knew that there was no way for me to dodge in time, this time I would definitely die. I closed my eyes and thought back to the first and only time I felt this helpless, the day of my first assassination, the day I took the life of another for the first time, I remember the feeling of the gun's hammer cocking back in anticipation, the feeling when it hit the bullet casing, the feeling of the friction between the bullet and the chamber as it left the gun.

Suddenly, I felt a strange warm feeling origination from my soul and traveling throughout my body, I felt it enhancing and replacing the weaknesses in my body that I did not even know existed, I felt strength unlike any other.

One moment, I was watching the fist coming close to my head, promising certain death, the next moment, I was standing a few feet away from her and watching as her fist struck the earth, blowing a crater in it. I also felt as if my body was on fire, every muscle fiber in my legs screamed in pain as they were torn apart.



Through a series of sheer luck and coincidence, you have unlocked your Magic circuits and have learned the skill Reinforcement.

Skill: Reinforcement (Lvl 1 {Next level:0%})

Reinforces the concept of any object by filling the conceptual holes in the said object. can be used for self-reinforcement.

Using in combination with your Earth Alignment magic circuits has resulted in a boost of the skill prowess by 50%.

+20(+10) Strenght

+20(+10) Agility



Hidden Quest Complete:

Quest objective:

1. Learn a new skill without relying on the System.

2. Learn to unlock your magic circuits without the help of the system.

Quest Rewards:

Light Saber(Red Kyber Crystal version) x1

Force manipulation (force youngling level)

Title Unlocked: Force Youngling


Suddenly, the pain in my legs disappeared as I used the only healing potion I had and dismissed the string of messages from the system. just looking at the words Lightsaber and Force manipulation was enough to make me giddy.

Now I finally had the long-range attacks and reach advantage I so desperately needed against Lionel.

I immediately equipped the lightsaber and started the counter-attack.

With my Lightsaber in hand, I had effectively stopped her from closing the distance between us in the same way Mine did to me on the previous floor.

I immediately used a Force choke on her but due to the low level, I only managed to stop her momentarily, enough for me to start my center attack.

I swung my saber in an arc aimed towards her neck, she bent back to avoid it, only for me to use Force push to push her away a few feet, breaking her balance, I immediately followed up with a downward slash, she avoided by hastily stepping to the side, I followed up with an awkward hook which she blocked easily, as expected by me, I immediately jumped and planted both of my feet on her chest with enough force to throw her a few feet away and crash into the wall of the cave we were in.

I followed up with a thrust aimed at her heart, she narrowly avoided it, but still ended up being pierced through her shoulder, I immediately used a Force Push to press her against the cave walls, immobilizing her, I did not waste any time and swung my saber which was still stuck in her shoulder in an arc, removing her head from her body.



Undead Assassin Brawler defeater


1x Healing Potion

1x Skill Book: Ancient Martial Arts(Lion Style) (Unique)

10x Essence of the Ancient Human(Legendary)

15,000 Gold

1x Memory Fragments of the Ancient Dragon(Rare)

EXP 50,000


Finally, I sat down on the ground as I looked at my stats.


Name: John Constantine

Race: Human/??? Hybrid

Age: 20

Occupation: The Gamer

Title: ????? , Planeswalker, Former Assassin, Pervert, Novice Magician, Force Youngling

Level: 31 (next level:5%)


MP: 200/870

Strength: 60(+20)(+10) Agility: 100 (+20)(+10) Intelligence: 40 Wisdom: 60 Luck: 10

Available Stat points: 8


Gamer's Body: LVL 10(MAX)

The body of the host has been modified in such a way that it is now immune to the natural laws and is only governed by numbers like in a game.

Gamer's Mind: LVL 10(MAX)

The mind of the host is now immune to all kinds of mind-related negative effects, however, it is not immune to the host's own emotions.

The Snake: LVL 10(MAX)

A high-level martial arts skill utilized by a selected few assassins in a different world, it was created by refining multiple lethal martial arts and combining them into a single technique that was extremely efficient in killing.

Muay Thai: LVL 9( Next Level:60%)

A ferocious technique that incorporates the use of elbows and thighs to maximize the damage to the opponent, originating from the country of Thai and is known as 'Art of eight limbs' in its home country.

Krav Maga: LVL 6(Next Level:40%)

A Style that focuses only on causing maximum pain to the opponent in the smallest of time and least number of attacks, an effective and ruthless style of martial arts.

Tracing: LVL 4 (Next Level:50%):

It allows the user to read the history of any object that the user focuses on, only works on non-living and semi-sentient things. Using the skill together with skill Projection results in a superior copy of an object.

Projection: LVL 5 (Next Level: 20%):

It allows the user to project anything that has been seen by the user in his life.

Mana Manipulation LVL 3 (Next Level: 10%):

a superior version of the magic power used by every other race on the planet except for higher beings such as deities, dragons and spirits.

Reinforcement: LVL 1 (Next Level: 0%):

Reinforces the concept of an object by filling the conceptual holes and weaknesses in the said object.

Force Manipulation: LVL 1 (Next Level: 0%):

Gives the User the ability to manipulate 'The Force'

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I guess It was worth the effort if my level and skills skyrocketed like this in just a few week's time.

But what is this 'Memory Fragments of the Ancient Dragon'?

When I clicked on the item, it gave me this message.


Memory Fragments of the Ancient Dragon(Rare)

One of the four memory fragments of an Ancient Dragon who wishes for salvation.

Used to cure ????? of his amnesia.


Well, I guess it not of much use to me anyway, I should rest and get ready to head to the third floor.