
Highschool DXD: An Unexpected Situation

A man that had retired from the life of an assassin is thrown into a world that he only remembers from anime, This is his story as he tried to make sense of what is going on.

noob_writer · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

chapter 2

Kuoh Town, Japan.

Let me start by saying this, the Anime and the novels did absolutely zero justice to this town.

It had been two days since I arrived in Kuoh town and frankly, I am blown away by the sheer beauty of this town.

It is so full of nature, so quite, such friendly people, although the cost of living was fairly high it was still the most ideal location to settle down.

Unfortunately for me, I had no luck of even entertaining the thought of settling down because of this shitty system.

Anyway, I spent the last few days searching for the location of 'The Crypt of the Ancient Empire' all over the town and have come across a few interesting discoveries that failed to fill me with confidence.

It was a day ago that I ran into the very person I wanted to avoid like a plague. It was none other than the resident pervert that lived in this town and, apparently, already a part of Rias's peerage, but if I had to guess, I would say it was only yesterday that he had been killed, this conclusion was driven by the fact that I saw him shouting at two other boys of his school about not remembering a woman called Yuuma.

But I degrees, The thing that caused me no small amount of depression was the data I got by using Appraisal on him.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race: Reincarnated Devil (former Human)

Occupation: Pawn of Rias Gremory

Title: Super Pervert

Level: 5

HP: 3000/3000

MP: 20/20

Strength: 100

Agility: 100


Wisdom: 20

Luck: 60

Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear (Dormant)


Just looking at those stats made me want to find a hole and die in it, I know that being a Devil game him a huge boost in terms of physical abilities but this is ridiculous, and what is up with that HP?? and I need to consider the fact that he has yet to unlock the Boosted Gear, damn.

Even though I stopped watching the Aime after the Kokabeil debacle and faintly remember the novel which was not so helpful, but even then I knew that the Boosted Gear was one of the stronger Longinus-class Gears.

I need to avoid the devils until I get strong enough to at least defeat a few of them at once, which will not happen for a long time, so I did the most practical thing possible.

I turned the opposite direction and ran as if the Grim Reaper himself was hot on my heels.

It was after I had my narrow escape from the random encounter that I finally discovered the location of the Crypt.

Kuoh Central Park.

The same f*cking park where Raynare killed the idiot from before and a place that was so public that any suspicious activity would instantly be noticed by the resident devils.

At this point in time, I knew for a fact that whoever was responsible for all the quest I was receiving was playing pranks on me on purpose. Let me make this clear, the day I get my hands on that little shit, he or she will know the meaning of the word 'hell', but I digress, after I found the Crypt entrance I wasted no time in entering the dungeon and that has led me to the current predicament.

I barely dodged to the left and avoided the flash of a magically condensed laser beam that was aimed at my heart, but I had no time to relax as I abandoned my dignity in the face of survival and rolled on the ground to the side to escape another laser pulse targetted unnervingly at the same spot as before, I immediately jumped into the air and threw a relatively large stone towards the head of my assailant aided by me peak human level strength.

She dodged the rock by merely tilting her head and making it look hilariously easy, but I already took advantage of her delay in shooting and ran at top speed to her, trying to shorten the distance, but I was denied my advance as she immediately took aim at me and shot with her large magical laser gun.

You guys might be wondering just who I am facing in this ancient Crypt and who would possess a laser gun of all things in a universe that is based on magic and sacred gears?

Well, here is your answer.


Undead Assassin Sniper

(Area Boss)

Name: Unknown

Race: Undead(former Human)

Level: 50

HP: 1500/2000



Sniper (Lvl MAX): A skill developed over the entire life of a girl that belonged to a group of assassins that worked in the shadows to overthrow a tyrannical Empire, gives the wielder unparalleled accuracy in aim when using a ranged weapon.

Ancient Human (Lvl MAX): Before becoming an Undead, the wielder belonged to the race of ancient humans that were said to be strong enough to fight high-class Devils and Angels with three pairs of wings on equal footing, gives the user a boost in HP and physical traits.

Sacred Gear: Roman Artillery: Pumpkin(Unique)

A sacred gear that was not forged by the hands of God but in the hands of a human using the body parts of primordial monsters, creates magically compressed beams of laser, the greater the danger to the wielder, the stronger the laser beam.


Yeah, no matter how I looked at it, this was definitely Mine from 'Akame Ga kill', which makes me wonder just how the hell did she get to this world in the first place? and that skill called 'Ancient Human'? that was bullshit through and through, but that does not mean she is infallible, At the beginning of the fight I had managed to land a few blows when she got careless and allowed me to close the gap between us, being a former assassin has a few perks, I managed to use 'The Snake' surprisingly well considering my unfamiliarity with the skill, it was as if I had known this skill my entire life, I contemplated on using the other two forms of martial arts on her but gave up when I considered the fact that the other two arts were designed to cause unimaginable pain, which an undead did not have the privilege of feeling, only the snake was useful as it was designed to destroy the enemy thoroughly no matter if the target was capable of feeling the pain or not.

But I ended up underestimating the undead in front of me, even though she was not sapient, she was still sentient enough to adapt in the middle of the fight, it only took her a loss of 500 HP till she started to deny me any chance of closing the distance and attack.


Shit!!, I got distracted and paid the price with a strong pulse of the laser hitting right beside me, the shockwave throwing me a large distance away from her.

I started to look around the room to find anything I could use-

Now that I look at the surroundings, this place resembles the place where Mine and Tatsumi finally settled down in the manga after the Empire fell.

I immediately ran toward the small wooden cabin that was visible near the cliff-


That scream sounded very angry and came from the direction of the Boss, I immediately ran with everything I had towards the cabin which was clearly important to the undead but was cut off as the undead suddenly appeared in front of my face only separated by two feet, I could see the absolute hatred and rage in the semi-sentient eyes of the undead girl but instead of feeling fear, I felt my lips curve to a vicious smirk.

"Plan Success" I muttered before the Undead by swallowed in a storm of blows courtesy of my martial arts.

If the manga and the anime were anything to go by, I knew for a fact that Mine would not take kindly to anyone approaching the location where she and Tatsumi lived, I wanted to capitalize on that blind rage and have her forget her strategy of keeping me at a distance, but now that she had willingly arrived in front of me, in the range of my attacks.

Hehehe, you are done for, undead girl.

Elbow strikes to the temples, resulting in the opponent being unfocused for a single second, enough for another followup.

capturing the outstretched arm, using the knee as a pivot and bending the appendage backward, resulting in a shattering noise followed by the bones sticking out of the elbow joint, follow up with another hit to the temples.

channeling the potential energy all the way from the feet to the forearm and striking the ball joint in the shoulder of the functional arm of the enemy, resulting in dislocation of the joint, both arms are now inoperable, sacred gear usage nullified-

I barely managed to lean back and dodge as the undead used her broken arm like a baseball bat and tried to strike my head, I noticed that the bone fragments poking out of her arm were slowly being pushed back in the arm because of some form of regeneration factor, I need to make this fast.

I immediately followed up with another hit towards the temples, but this time, she caught the elbow aimed at the spot, but i was ready, I immediately followed with a left hook and kneed her in the temples, a noise of shattering bone resounded, I did not know if it was me or her who got their bones broken, I immediately followed up with a hit on the spine.


Huh?, that hit took over 200 HP directly, I guess I found the weak spot then.

For the next hour, I continued to tango with the undead girl until I finally managed to put her down.



'Undead Assassin Sniper' defeated


EXP: 1000000

1x Healing Potion

1x Skill Book: Tome of Mana (rare)

5x Essence of Ancient Human(Legendary)

100,000 Yen


Okay, first things first, i need to know about those skill books and that essence thing, and the HP potion is a real boon for me because of my low level.


Skill Book: Tome of Mana(rare)

A skill book that can be used to learn the rare skill of mana manipulation, a superior version of the magic power used by every other race on the planet except for higher beings such as deities, dragons and spirits.


Unlock: mana manipulation

Title Unlock: Novice Magician.


Essence of the Ancient Human(Legendary)

Used in the creation of the item 'Bloodline of the Ancient Human(Mythic)'


For those who do not know, all the items in the shop of the system, as well as the drops from the monsters in this stupid dungeon, and everything else in the world, are divided into the following,







When I had finally visited the shop, I was pissed at how I had been ripped off by the system when It had forced me to buy the inventory function with my skill points, because this was how conversion system of the shop,


1 Skill point: 1000 Gold

10000 Gold: 1 Skill Point


It meant that if i wanted to sell my skill points, then I would get a thousand gold for one skill point while if I wanted to buy a skill point I needed to pay ten thousand gold. this was vastly different from the way the system robbed me of my skill points where it only gave 10 gold for one skill point.

This system is toxic as hell.
