
Highschool DXD: Alternate humanity

it was always shown that humanity is the weakest of the species in existence, they do not have any advantage over any other race, they serve as nothing more than livestock for many supernatural creatures, But, what if, that was not the case? what if humanity had the power to fight back, what if humanity had a hidden trump card?

ren2345 · Others
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3 Chs


Kuoh Academy,

The Academy that was once a prestigious all-girls academy,

near the grounds of one of the buildings, one could see a trio of boys trying to look through a small hole in the wall, unaware that they were being watched by a group of 4 boys,

suddenly, the boy with blond hair and purple eyes started to stalk towards the three boys with a mischevious grin on his face,

"sigh, there he goes again, i pity those guys for being Izayoi's target from day one," said the boy with red hair and golden eyes,

"Yeah, he had not stopped pranking them from the first day, first he made them scapegoats for his pranks in the teacher's office, then he revealed their hiding spots to girls saying that they were peeping on them," said a boy with spiky black hair and black eyes,

"Touma, don't you have a supplementary class right now?" asked the boy with grey hair and silver eyes to which Touma showed a horrified expression and ran to his class while shouting "Such Misfortune!!!"

the other two boys could not help but laugh at their friend's habit of saying that phrase but three screams interrupted them, the screams coming from their female friends, the two boys immediately paled and looked behind just in time to find a grinning Izayoi and the perverted trio running for their lives, they then saw a pack of girls led by three girls, one with black hair and blue eyes, another with purple hair and eyes, another with white hair and red eyes,

the boys could only pray for the perverts because they were sure that their friends would definitely not show them any mercy,

suddenly, Shirou became serious and asked,

"Yuu, did you find anything?" Yuu nodded and said,

"I sent Pixie to check the surge in tainted holy energy as soon as we got, here, it seems that there are Fallen Angels located in the church of this town, but that is not all, Pixie has detected that there are two Ultimate-class beings in the area, should we take action?" he asked to which Shirou shook his head,

"Not yet, the association has informed us before that this town was supposedly bought by the Devils from the Shinto and is being run by the heirs of the Gremory and Sitri clan, we will not intervene unless human lives are put in danger, as for the others, the Association could care less for the life and death of the supernatural" Shirou said as his golden eyes momentarily flashed silver as strange neon blue patters appeared on his skin, but immediately they retreated and his eyes returned to normal, he then turned towards Yuu and said,

"Call back Pixie, we cannot alert the Devils of our abilities, we must keep the existence of the Association a secret as long as possible," he said to which Yuu nodded,

"Izanagi is becoming very angry with the actions of his children and is becoming harder to keep back from manifesting," Yuu said to which Shirou nodded

during their childhood, after they were sent to the association to join their ESPer project, they were given many different kinds of augmentations and enhancements, it was only in the final stages of the experimentation that they developed their unique abilities,

Yuu had awakened a power called the Persona, it allowed him to summon alternate versions of any and all kinds of supernatural creatures from a place called the Sea of Souls, the only downside was that sometimes, the persona materialized by their own will and caused problems for the team,

Shirou's abilities were based on a very advanced form of projection called Tracing and his inner world called a reality marble, his reality marble was based mostly on the way that he thinks so it is never truly the same at a given time, when the organization learned of his abilities, they pushed him to the limit until he was able to perfectly copy and reproduce a noble phantasm without any flaws, after he succeeded in storing them in his Reality marble, the Organization forced him to trace every single Noble Phantasm that they had in their treasury but they also created a necklace for him that acted as an insurance, If Shirou was to ever abandon his humanity for any other form, them the necklace would overload his magic circuits with True Ether and forcefully destroy his Reality Marbel, taking away all the weapons he had stored in his inner world, all the espers were given similar limitation devices so that the power of humanity does not fall into the hands of the supernatural

Touma had awakened a power that was called the bane of the supernatural, Imagine Breaker, it allowed him to negate any supernatural abilities no matter what it may be, he was even capable to destroying a noble phantasm with a single touch, the only downside was that he was physically weaker than his friends and always had Yuu by his side when fighting someone that was above High-class to protect him from physical attacks,

Izayoi had awakened an ability that had the Association in a bind, his power was simply not possible to identify, hence they gave it the name CODE: UNKNOWN, his power allowed him to have enough power to match a dragon in raw strength, his speed was something that not even an Ultimate-class being was capable of keeping up with, his durability was strong enough to shrug off attacks from Heavenly dragon-class beings, his intelligence was something that only Rin was able to keep up with,he also had the ability to destroy other attacks,

Rin had the ability to manipulate the five elements of air, fire, earth, water, and ether to rediculous levels, she was also a very adept magus that specialized in Jewelcraft,

Illya had the ability to create familiars that so versatile that nothing could compare with their power and variety, she also specialized in healing, the Association believed that her healing power was on par with Twilight Healing,

Sakura had a unique power called Imaginary numbers, it allowed her to access the dimension of Imaginary Number Space, it allowed her to travel instantly to any location that she had once seen, it also allows her to the ability to control deceased souls, it was because of this that she had come into contact with a deceased deity during her training called Angra Manyu who tried to corrupt her, but thanks to Shirou she was saved in time and the deity was destroyed by Touma who used the Imagine Breaker to destroy it's resting place, later, the Association crafted a special tool that was implanted in her heart, it allowed her to control the darkness in her left behind by the evil god, but while she controls this power, her personality shifts into a much crueller version of herself, called Dark Sakura,

as Shirou and Yuu headed towards the Academy gates to wait for their friends, they saw one of the perverted trios, Issei Hyodo talking to a girl standing near the Gate, Shirou immediately became alert as he smelled tainted holy energy from the girl, confirming her to be a Fallen Angel,

"Where are the others?"Shirou said to which Yuu closed his eyes and concentrated on the mental link that existed between all of them,

"Izayoi is with Sona Sitri, She is giving him a lecture about behaving politely and whatnot, Touma just got out of class and is headed to the Cafeteria to eat, Sakura is in the Archery club, Rin and Illy are in the Cafetaria as well," he said,

Shirou used his Reinforcement on his ears and heard their conversation,

the Fallen Angel that was posing as a human was calling herself Amano Yuuma and asking for a date with the pervert, this immediately set off warning bells in Shirou's head, he turned towards Yuu who had a troubled expression,

"What happened?"

"Niðhöggr, he says he sensed the Crimson Dragon Emperor in the pervert, i am having a hard time keeping him from materializing," Yuu said to which Shirou showed an alarming expression, there was only one Crimson Dragon Emperor and he was sealed in a Longinus class Sacred Gear,It suddenly made sense to him why the Fallen was after the boy,

'they are trying to either recruit him like the Lucifer Descended or are going to kill him so that he does not become a problem for them,' Shirou said in his mental link to which Yuu nodded,

'kill who?' came Izayoi's voice in the link as he walked towards the two with Touma, Rin, Sakura, and Illya, all of them had a serious face as Shirou told them everything from his link,

"We need to head home and inform the organization, Yuu send Pixie after the pervert to tail him, if something were to happen to him, then Sakura can take us to him in seconds, we cannot interfere without a valid reason lest we expose ourselves" Izayoi said as the others nodded and headed to a secluded location from which Sakura used her power to transport them to their home,