
Ch. 13 March on Lucifaad

A few days after the Battle of Guison castle town, the Ajuka army continued its march towards the capital city of Lucifaad.

They had taken the time to treat the injured and tally the dead properly, while also relaxing after a tense but short battle.

Taking the town had only taken about a day, but a day of constant fighting was tiring for the great majority of devils.

Well, all this was true for the Furcas, Vassago and Astaroth armies anyway. The Azaroth Legions on the other hand hadn't even suffered any casualties due to the overwhelming force they had had against their opponents. So they just enjoyed a couple of days of eating, drinking, bragging and friendly competitions.

After resuming their march, they had received word regarding the Serafall army's progress.

It was reported that a similar situation to the Ajuka army had arisen, with Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus blocking their path instead of Tsufaame Leviathan in the abandoned Valefor territory.

What followed was the initial domination by the Serafall forces over Asmodeus, but the Satan faction sent arguably their strongest card, Grayfia Lucifuge, with an army from the Six Houses of Lucifer to reinforce the Satan. This began an absolutely awe inspiring battle as the two strongest women in the Underworld fought for ten days, leaving the Satan Asmodeus feeling totally outclassed and unable to contribute to the fight.

Sirzechs was ordered to reinforce Serafall, forcing Grayfia and Damaidosu to retreat. As Serafall chased Grayfia and her army, continuing their duel along the way, Sirzechs used that as an opportunity to hunt down Damaidosu Asmodeus. As Sirzechs nearly had reached Damaidosu's base, he was attacked by Euclid Lucifuge, Grayfia's younger brother and heir to Lucifuge, unfortunately for him, Sirzechs easily defeated him without injuring him too much, almost certainly because he was the younger brother of the woman he had loved ever since they had first met.

After taking care of Satan Asmodeus and having captured Euclid Lucifuge, Sirzechs was going to bring him back to an Anti-Satan faction camp to either hold the Lucifuge as a prisoner or hostage, but was suddenly attacked by a Beelzebub descendant he had apparently humiliated in his youth. Said descendant, using a part of the rumored Malebranche's power as he called it, transforming into a giant Fly Chimera and releasing a deadly poison, targeting members of both sides of the conflict.

This poison was strong enough to incapacitate the Lord Lucifuge who had been leading the army from the Lucifer Six houses while his children were engaging the Anti-Satan faction aces. This caused Grayfia to stop her fight with Serafall and tend to her father.

Due to his kind nature, Sirzechs took Euclid to the Lucifuge base and convinced Lord Lucifuge to withdraw his troops as he dealt with the Fly Chimera himself. Sirzechs After trying in vain to convince the maddened Beelzebub to surrender, began to fight, understanding that he could not convince him through words anymore. The two began to fight and Grayfia came to assist Sirzechs to avenge her father and stop the mad chimera, but not wanting the woman he loved to be poisoned as well, Sirzechs assumed his True Form, reported to be a humanoid form of pure destruction, and destroyed the Fly Chimera from the inside together with the poison, leaving no trace of them and ending the battle at the Valefor territory.

Confirming their lost, The troops of the Lucifuge Clan surrendered as Lord Lucifuge was succumbing to the effects of the poison from the Fly Chimera. The Lord had also told Sirzechs his last wishes before passing, which soon was followed by the dissolving of House Lucifuge as a whole.

After resting from the grueling battles they had undergone, the Serafall and Sirzechs armies began marching towards Lucifuge.

It was also reported that while the battle of Valefor Territory was happening, the Satan faction took the opportunity to attempt a direct attack on the field Headquarter of the Anti-Satan faction located in former Eligos territory.

Seizing the chance they had after Sirzechs was ordered to reinforce Serafall, the Satan faction sent 200 of their best elites under Houses Agaliarept and Fleurety.

House Eligos had been a direct subordinate of House Fleurety in the past, which resulted in the latter knowing many secrets regarding their territory. They used said knowledge to sneak their men outside of the Anti-Satan Headquarters and began a heavy bombardment in the hopes of killing Anti-Satan leadership and throwing them into disarray.

Unfortunately for them, all of their attacks were blocked by Falbium Glasya-Labolas as he revealed his unique ability; Absolute Defense. It allowed him to absorb all of their attacks energy, permitting Falbium to use the absorbed energy to generate a blast of Kinetic energy, wiping out nearly all of the opposing force, with the exception of the Heads of the House Agaliarept and House Fleurety and a few other soldiers, as they were taken into custody.

As a result of all these successive events, the Anti-Satan faction leadership had a meeting to report everything properly.

-Eligos Territory, Anti-Satan faction HQ

Here were the 5 most important figures in the faction: Zekram Bael as faction leader, Falbium Glasya-Labolas as Commander-in-Chief, Sirzechs Gremory, Serafall Sitri and Ajuka Astaroth as Army Generals and Aces.

"It would seem fortunes has favored our cause greatly as of late.

Two of the Satans defeated, a large part of their armies in shambles, House Lucifuge dissolving, Houses Fleurety and Agaliarept Heads captured, and our armies are in good shape.

But I would request to know of any possible problems. Fortune is a fickle lady after all." Zekram Bael calmly said as he looked at the younger generation before him.

"I am embarrassed to say that Euclid Lucifer escaped during the confusion and chaos surrounding the transformed Beelzebub descendent.

I can't be sure of his status, but he may try to rally remnants of his House. He seemed fanatical regarding the Satans." Sirzechs reported, feeling some guilt over his dilemma of fulfilling his duties as a leader of the Anti-Satan faction and his feeling towards his beloved.

"Noted. You have said that you were able to subdue him with relative ease yes?" Zekram asked as he acknowledged the threat that a Satan-Class devil represented, even if he had been soundly defeated before.

"Yes." Confirmed Sirzechs.

"Good, then he shall be yours to handle should he reappear." Zekram declared authoritatively, "Anything else?"

"I couldn't stop Grayfia from leaving either. But I don't think she will fight us after her dad died and her House was dissolved. I could tell that she was forcing herself to fight in the first place." Serafall reported feeling a down for being the only one who hadn't defeated her opponent and that her friend had lost her father.

"She won't fight anymore." Sirzechs suddenly declared with certainty.

"And you guarantee this how Sirzechs?" Questioned Zekram.

"Because we met after the battle and before as well." Answered Sirzechs as he surprised everyone beside Ajuka who knew of his friend's meeting with the 'enemy', "We buried her father together and she declared her withdrawal. She said her duty had been fulfilled with the end of her House."

"Understood." Zekram simply replied as he knew of the character of the famed Grayfia Lucifuge. "What about you Ajuka? Anything to report?"

"The battle went well. Too well even due to the presence of Azaroth troops." Ajuka cautiously answered as he feel suspicious about the young Lord.

He had appeared at too convenient of a time and was far too strong. This showed he was talented, charismatic and no doubt intelligent since he succeeded in concealing all of his movements and history from them. Even now the Anti-Satan faction knew nothing except what he told them and revealed.

"Really!? Lith is that good?" A now very curious Serafall asked.

"I cannot say Serafall. Lord Azaroth did not actually participate personally in the battle beyond confining mine and Tsufaames Leviathan's fight." Ajuka answered evenly.

"You mean to say his troops alone were enough to sway the battle into such a quick victory?" Zekram Bael asked as he too felt some form of danger from the young hybrid.

"Yes. He took down his assigned area so quickly that it was reported to me that his Ultimate-Class followers had been bored, so he sent them to assist the other groups.

Meanwhile Lord Azaroth simply let his familiar, a unicorn named Sigil who has also reached the Ultimate-class, mow down the opposing forces while he simply watched." Ajuka told the others.

"Truly?" A completely surprised Sirzechs uttered.

Sirzechs actually had a very pleasant impression of the younger devil. During this time House Gremory and Azaroth had actually brokered mutually beneficial deals which will help thousands of devils affected by this civil war.

To find out he had such military might and powerful subordinates was quite surprising.

"Come on Ajuka, you have to have some idea of how strong Lith is right? I'm really curious and he wouldn't tell me anything when I visited, saying it was gonna be a surprise." Serafall said to the devil she knew was too intelligent for his own good sometimes.

She remembered when he blurted out a list of lovers a certain female devil had at a youth gathering, with all of them being present, which caused a massive brawl to break out. He didn't even spy on anyone or had people look into the devil, he just noticed how certain devils looked at her and she them, put together some gossip and rumors, and voila. That night was pretty funny for Serafall.

"He hides his strength very well." Ajuka started off with, "But from his actions so far and the way his demonic power felt when he used his portals or the barrier he deployed during my fight, he has the power of a Satan-Class but isn't one yet, while his powers have a strong relation to teleportation or even space magic."

"Lith is actually that strong?" A surprised Serafall blurted out as she thought of her friend.

The revelation even made Falbium react a bit, while Zekram grew serious at the implications of a Satan-Class devil specializing in teleportation or space magic. It would certainly explain his ability to bring armies with him and infiltrate Castle Bael undetected.

"I can't judge is actual combat abilities, but he has certainly trained himself physically to absurd degree for his body to be so well developed at his age, was capable of easily withstanding mine and Tsufaame's demonic powers and casually defended himself from her standard attacks which should kill or cripple normal ultimate-classes. The barrier he used during that fight was also an extremely high level application of Space magic I still haven't come to understand." Ajuka revealed almost mechanically.

"Can we trust him?" Zekram asked after the Astaroth's analysis of Lith Azaroth.

"Yes." Serafall immediately answered without any doubt. "Lith wants what's best for his people. I saw it, I experienced it and felt it. His city is full of hopes and dreams of the future, while his people are ready to fight for what they have.

So as long as we fight against those who would oppress them after Lith gave them freedom and not attack him first, Lith and his people will be our allies."

The seriousness in Serafall's usually almost childish voice was enough to trust her opinion regarding this matter.

"Good. Then we shall stay the course and continue as planned." Zekram declared as he believed that mutual benefits would keep the Lord Azaroth as an ally, "Your three armies will join up together and commence the final assault on Lucifaad. As long as we defeat Bidleid Beelzebub and his supporters, this conflict will be finished and we can begin recovering properly."

-Meanwhile in Lucifaad, Leviathan mansion

"What do you mean everything is gone?! It was there only yesterday!" A Leviathan descendant shouted as he looked at the empty vault he was going to take from before escaping.

The entire Leviathan household had heard about the death of Tsufaame by now and they were basically abandoning ship like the cowards most of them are.

"Lady Leviathan's heir had ordered everything hidden so that she or her descendants may rise again in the future as revenge. This includes books, treasures, important documents and the family fortune." The servant answered as the Leviathan descendant became erratic at his answer.

"Tell me where everything is or I'll kill you were you stand!" He shouted as he prepared a bolt of demonic energy to seem more threatening.

"I am sorry sir, but only Lady Leviathan knows where everything is and she has departed already." The servant nervously replied.

"Aaarrgh!" The enraged descendant yelled as he killed the servant and ran.

The descendant would never know that the servant had lied and that a similar situation had happened to a few other descendants already.

The official Heir of Tsufaame had actually no clue this happened since she had been smuggled out by her mother as soon as she confirmed the death of her sister.

She already had her own wealth and believed taking the things in the mansion would slow them down in their escape, so she had left everything.

The Leviathans also couldn't know that very similar events were happening in the Beelzebub and Asmodeus mansions, with descendants killing servants in frustration as they took anything they could from the decorations, walls and jewelry boxes they could find before escaping the incoming Anti-Satan faction.

They all knew that defeat was coming. The strength the Aces of the Anti-Satan faction had shocked them all and none believed the Satan Beelzebub could turn things around. Especially since the disappearance of the Lucifers.

-Azaroth Army Camp, Lord's tent (1st person POV)

"Welcome back Fia. How did everything go?" I asked my loyal maid as she walked through a portal.

"Everything has gone perfectly master." She dutifully answered as she handed me the current approximation of the loot.

Just the initial estimates were simply ridiculous. It would allow me to build an entire city out of gold if I wanted and then make a mansion out precious stones. But that would be stupid, so instead it would allow me to develop my territory without having to fear for my finances for the next few thousand years.

I'll probably have more money by the end of it too. Gotta spend money to make money after all and due to being a devil I can make very long term investments. Actually had a few in mind already, but that was for the future.

"Excellent. And only those I've chosen for this task were involved yes," I asked as this was a very serious operation.

If the other Lords caught a whiff of what I had done then I have no doubt they would do everything in their power to take my spoils for themselves.

After all, we are talking about the wealth, knowledge and treasures of the three of the four original Satan families.

"Yes master. Everything is being executed precisely as you've ordered." Fia replied with certainty.

I trusted her to not slip up at the finish line to handle this matter. She allowed me to be seen publicly while I stole everything and had been with me every step of the plan after all.

What she had to do was have my specially prepared brainwashed servants, who would not remember anything which happened during the sorting, organizing and calculating of the spoils. This would also be happening in a secret dimensional vault I had created specifically to house everything.

I felt bad about forcing them to work like this, but no one beside my most trusted servants knew of this plan of mine and their minds were very well protected and they were almost impossibly loyal.

"Liiithhh!!" A woman's voice energetically called out as a blur entered my tent, jumped and landed right into my now open arms since I knew exactly who my guess was.

"Hello Sera. How have you been? Heard you had a tough fight." I asked as I felt amused by her sudden tackle hug.

I ended up settling her on my lap since she wouldn't let go or allow me to stand up.

"I'm fine. I was showing that nasty Asmodeus what for, but then Fia came to help him. I felt sad that I had to fight my friend, but also kind of excited since we never had a fight against each other. It wasn't really dangerous because we didn't actually want to hurt each other, but we both didn't want to lose so we fought seriously. That was my toughest fight ever too! But I won't lose to her next time!" She animatedly told me as her expressions constantly shifted to display her feelings.

"I didn't know you and the Lady Lucifuge were friends. Any other Satan-Class friends I should know about?" I lightly asked, but thinking about it, it did make sense that the two were friends.

Both from powerful houses, were/had been female heirs, were incredibly strong, from the same generation, had likely attended many of the same social gatherings and likely had some shared interests.

"Hmmm… Sirzechs and Ajuka are kinda childhood friends, but I'm closer to Sirzechs since he's nicer and Ajuka is more his friend. I could never get close to Fia's little brother since he always acted mean or stuck up." She answered honestly. "But apparently you can count as one too! I was really surprised when Ajuka said you were that strong!"

"I did say I was very strong. But I still need a little bit before I'm a real Satan-Class." I frankly told her.

"Like what? Shouldn't you be able to just do it? That's how it worked for me. I was training my ice magic and suddenly it just felt right and then bam! Satan-Class." She told me which hinted at her absurd talent.

"I need a way to use a lot of power to get things going, but it would be too destructive without a real fight. That's why I'm planing to go after Beelzebub once we attack Lucifaad. I need to do it to progress without destroying a chunk of the Underworld and it'll be enough contribution to get that Lordship." I told the girl as she seemed to enjoy remaining on my lap.

"But wouldn't you leading your army be enough? I don't want you getting hurt." Serafall replied as she looked up at me in worry with her clear blue eyes.

'Way too cute to be a walking Antarctica creator.' I thought as I patted her head to calm her.

"Don't you worry. I am actually quite the difficult opponent for people like that Beelzebub who rely on purely magical attacks. His King of the Flies won't make a difference." I gently told her.

"Are you saying you can beat me?" A suspicious Serafall said as she suddenly had a competitive look in her eyes.

"I'm not actually sure about you or Falbium, but I'd lose for sure against Sirzechs and Ajuka's rumored true forms, while on the other hand I believe I could soundly beat the any of the three Satans." I honestly answered in the hopes of not starting anything by accident.

"Then we'll find out after this war is done then." She replied with a nod to herself.

"Yes yes. And after that I can visit your place." I responded in the slight hope that she would either forget or be too busy after the war.

What followed was a pleasant evening as we ate together while chatting about our lives, funny stories or interesting moments.

It was a nice way to relax before one of the most important events in Devil history neared it's conclusion.

-Sitri Camp, Lord tent

"Why am I feeling like murdering a certain beast?" Lord Sitri asked himself before shrugging due to that being a frequent urge lately. "Now where is Serafall? She should be back from her meeting by now."

-Now former Lucifuge Territory, Hidden glade

One could find a lone figure mournfully watching over two simple gravestones.

"I knew I could find you here." A gentle male voice said which made the figure turn around to show Grayfia Lucifuge herself, with clear signs of tears having marked her face.

"Sirzechs…" she softly called as she quickly wiped her eyes to conceal her tears, "Why are you here?"

"Looking for you." The red haired devil gently said as he slowly walked forward.

"Why? To take me in?" She replied as she readied herself for a fight.

Even if almost everything in her told her not to fight him, she didn't want to let her fate be decided by the Anti-Satan faction.

"No, to fulfill my promise to your father and myself." Sirzechs answered gently as the answer made her falter.

Grayfia had loved and respected her father, and hearing that made her heart ache.

"What promise?" She asked as she did her best to maintain a neutral expression.

"To take care of you." Sirzechs emotionally answered, "I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you at that social gathering all those years ago.

Those feelings have only grown as I came to know how strong, caring, loyal and dedicated you are.

Every time we met in secret I wanted to tell you my feelings, but I understand that I can't wait anymore or I feel like I would lose you.

So please, Grayfia Lucifuge, will you be mine?"

Those words made the usual stoic and proud Grayfia's tears run down her face as she simply lost control of her emotions.

She felt so happy that the man she had secretly loved as well reciprocated her feelings, but lost now that she couldn't see a way for them to be together.

She was no longer a noble and had fought against the ones who would most likely lead the underworld soon. It didn't help that the lost of her father was very fresh and that her brother had gone missing in the chaos the Fly Chimera created.

"Why did you wait so long you idiot? Now we can't even be together. You're the heir of Gremory and I'm just Grayfia now." The vulnerable young woman said as she cried.

Sirzechs rushed forward and wrapped her in the warmest and most loving hug he could as her supported her.

"I was afraid the only woman I ever loved would reject me, but now I'm not waiting anymore nor will I take no for an answer." He admitted as determination laced his voice. "I'll take care of everything, all I ask is that you believe in me and to not disappear from my life."

"*Sniff sniff* I always believed in you Sirzechs." She softly replied as she felt his warmth ease her pain and worries.

Seeing the woman he loves in his arms, Sirzechs gently used his hand to lift her face so her could look directly into her beautiful Ruby eyes.

"That's all I'll ever need in this life." He gently said as he kissed her supple lips softly, trying to show her his love and determination.

Surprised by receiving her first kiss, Grayfia melted into it as she let her own feelings guide her into professing her love openly for the first time.

This set off a passionate evening as the two forwent words and professed their feelings for one another through action.



MWAHAHA! Take that all you Grayfia Simps! I told you all she would be with Sirzechs and now it is done.

As sexy as she is i am a SirzechXGrayfia man! Only in pure smut/porn/hentai writings will I permit her being stolen!



The reason for basically just summarizing the other major battles of the civil war was because the wiki basically says the were happening about at the same time.

I also feel like I messed up some details or events in some things for some reason, but i'm doing my best.

But yeah, stealing from assholes who had accumulated thousands of years of wealth and probably knowledge is fun.

This is pretty much the last chapter before the civil gets taken care of. After that is rebuilding, political nonsense, and improving the situation for devils, but that's mostly going to be the new Satans.

Lith's mostly going to be doing his own thing afterward.

Pre-final civil war battle chapter.

Thought showing that people aren’t immediately trusting mc like most fanfics. Sirzechs has a pleasant feeling about Lith while Serafall is the only one who truly trusts him.

Also thought it was a good time to initiate the grand theft plan to rob 3/4 of the Satans. Rizevim was too risky to mess with and was going to leave anyway.

Just using canon for the battle Lith wasn’t involved in.

And finish with some nice interactions.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts