
HighSchool DXD - Rise of A King

I don't own the series (DXD). I DO THIS FOR FUN. The profile is also owned by Dragon Lord https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/792703971890883273/

Ecchi_Dragon · Others
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16 Chs

New Power

Ezio: 'I feel so hot…'

Ezio is still unconscious, but even though his passed out his body started to have some transformation.

LuLu: I can feel his magic power going up… If this continues he might unlock his other power.

It's been hours and Ezio is still unconscious, even though it's been hours LuLu stayed there all the time and watched her master.

Ezio: ugh *Huff* LuLu…

LuLu: master congratulations you've succeeded.

Ezio: hahaha I did it…damn that took a toll on me.

LuLu: well master it's not just your power that change… you should check out yourself *giggle*

Ezio: what the?... wait when did I get this big…

Ezio look at his new body that is more muscular, his body is more chiseled now. Even his height got a little bit taller.

Ezio: If I just knew that getting that pill would be this badass, I would've gotten that pill from the beginning.

Ezio: damn I'm really impressed right now.

LuLu: master how about your new skill have you check it.

Ezio: oh yeah! I forgot…


The first thing that Ezio check was his stats.

Name- Ezio Dragnar

Age- 7

Race- Human(Sealed)

Bloodline- (Sealed)

Char Stats:

Strength- 579

Magic- 150

Agility- 136

Speed- 186

Stamina- 197

Ezio: my stats has definitely boost up.

LuLu: master your current stat is now close to a low tire demon (fallen angel, angel, etc.)

Ezio: that's good I guess, at least now no humans can harm me.

Ezio: Now let's check that skill that you were talking about.

When Ezio open his other tab 'skill' what he saw was two tabs that says

Apocalypse- (Sealed)

Dragnar- (Unlocked)

When Ezio saw the second tab that says Dragnar, he was surprised because that was his last name that is written on it. He click the tab and information and skills pop up in front of him.

Dragnar - the strongest clan of dragon slayer that manipulates fire and destruction, because of their ruthlessness the Dragnar clan were feared by the dragons and other faction in the past. During the great war they also participated in sealing the powerful Dragons of the sky, Albion and Ddraig.

Ezio: your telling me I'm a dragon slayer?!

Ezio: this is crazier than I thought…. I never thought that I'd be a dragon slayer.

Ezio: hey LuLu don't worry I'm still myself, and I'm not gonna let any bastards touch you.

LuLu: hmm hehe master is a good guy so I know that master will never hurt me.

Ezio: well… the only time that I might hurt you is in bed, you know hahaha.

LuLu: master you ecchi~

Ezio: the only problem is Alice… she's a kind person so she will definitely listen to me, after all I want all of my woman to get along.

LuLu: you really are ecchi master *giggle*

Ezio: now.. now.. I should check this dragon slaying power.

Ezio scroll down and in the bottom of the information was the thing that his been waiting for, his new skills.


Fire Manipulation (lvl.1)

Fire Resistance (lvl.1)

Fire Absorption (lvl.1) - converts the absorb fire to power up the user.

Crimson Lotus (lvl.1) - a reddish fire that burns it's enemy all the way to the bone.

Hellfire (lvl.1) - a fire that destroys everything it touches.

Fire of Darkness (lvl.1) - a fire that take over it's enemy's mind and make them suffer from within

Ezio: that's a lot of fire stuff… So LuLu if one of these skills are upgraded what would happen.

LuLu: if it's a magical power then the power or destruction created by the skill can go up. And If it's a physical skill such as resistance then your resistance to that object will also go up.

Ezio: then that would mean I have control on fire elements now. I might even surpass the Phoenix Clan if I upgraded my skills.

Ezio: why don't I try this power.

Ezio focus all his power to his hands, his hand started to produce smoke and after a while ember fire started to lit up in both his hand. After focusing all his power to his hand, he created a small reddish fire.

All the animals started to run away from them as they felt the magical heat that is coming from Ezio.

Ezio: that's it?!

LuLu: master your stats on magic is still low, if your stats go up then so does your skills.

Ezio: then I better get back to training.

Check for grammar guys

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