
Highschool CxC (Cursed Chicken) (SI/WC)

An anime fan wanted to show how an ELEGANTO Villain should act, but acts more like a Brainrotted, Meme-filled Hypocritical Millennial, Hopefully he can do better than the opening villain in an ecchi harem anime. 1st Fanfic so suggestions and criticism on how to improve would be appreciated. Cover belongs to kalak 39

Nauty_Rus · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1: The Cursed Chicken

"How many times do I have to say it, but I will never marry you Riser!"

My head is throbbing because right in front of me is one of my very first waifu when I was young, Rias Gremory. However my vision is clear, before I had to use glasses just to see in front of me because my eyesight was so bad but now my eyes can see in super ultra high definition 120 fps.

It is so clear that it just adds to my throbbing headache. Like shit, my surroundings look so beautiful like the clearest view in nature but it's so beautiful that it hurts. It's a good thing that my phenex regeneration can mitigate some of the pain.

"Are you even listening to me Riser? Just go home in the underworld and leave me alone!" My musings were interrupted by the beautiful girl in front of me.

Rias Gremory really is a beautiful girl with long crimson hair, voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes, and a buxom figure. Like seriously how her breasts are real I don't know, I mean those are some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers, packin some dobonhonkeros, massive dohoonkabhankoloos, big ol' tonhongerekoogers. 

And her queen is someone with even bigger boobs like bonkhonagahoogs, humongous hungolomghononoloughongous.

"Rias, our family decided to marry us off because of the precarious state of the underworld right now. The 72 pillars have been reduced in half, less if you don't count the houses who only have one person left in their clans. This marriage has to happen to replenish the number of pure blooded devils in the underworld. And Queen of Gremory can you hand me a mirror please, any will do." I told Rias calmly, but inside I am freaking out.

Even if this world was one of my favorites in anime there is no doubt that this is a dangerous world. But it should not be a coincidence that I am here, I also have a suspicion of why my eyes have greatly improved. If I am right then I have at least a fighting chance against this world.

"My family, my father and brother both, are too in a rush, I will not say it again, I will not marry you." Rias states with a hint of anger in her voice, while her queen silently hands me a small pocket mirror she got from who knows where.

And as I looked in the mirror, I ignored my supposed fiance as I saw my eyes. They were blue the same as Riser's previous eyes but now they're like the skies, blue, free, brighter, and more powerful than before, these eyes have a weight to them as they belonged to The Honored One. Not to mention my face looks like a certain king from my favorite series.

And I couldn't help but laugh uproariously, I was right, now that I confirmed it I can feel the cursed energy flowing through my body, I can feel both of my techniques waiting to be used. I can even feel the shape of my soul emitting joy.

"What are you laughing about? Do you really think that I am that weak that you can just shrug off what I say Riser.!" Rias roars now with real anger in her voice.

"No no, I was just thinking how selfish you could be to doom the devil race." Well this is just me being dramatic as hell. "and how spoiled you really are that when your parents finally asked you to do one thing you couldn't even do it, and how lazy you are that you didn't even train to become stronger to oppose your fate, you just waited for someone to save you and surprisingly your luck is so great that the Red Dragon Emperor just fell in your lap." I mocked her as much as I could while I could.

And I could see how angry she was at my statement by how red her face was, it was almost as red as her hair which just made me laugh even harder.

You may be wondering why I am mocking my waifu but that is just the thing, she was my waifu when I was young but as I matured I started to hate her character.

Because she reminds me of myself, someone lazy, just waiting for good things to happen to them, someone who doesn't want to work a day in their life, and someone that tried to kill…

Nevermind, "Rias, if you didn't want to marry me then you should have gained the power to at least beat me, but you haven't. You are just a pathetic king that never even got the full potential of your peerage. Your only choice now is to marry me and fulfill your duty."

"Never call my family pathetic, Riser!" she says as her demonic power rises up and is about to leak.

In response I also channeled my demonic power to the surface and for the first time I felt the difference between demonic and cursed energy. Demonic energy is dark, and an impure energy, an unholy energy, but cursed energy is pure malevolence, the pure evil of humanity. And I just find it funny how energy coming from humans is worse than demons, haha.

"Enough." A cold as ice voice stopped us from escalating into a fight. And as I looked to the side my mind blue screened as I looked at the Sakuya expy. Fuck, why the hell is every supernatural creature so beautiful that it just makes my brain go oonga boonga.

"Lady Rias, Lord Riser, I was sent here by Lord Sirzechs to keep this discussion peaceful, if you don't stop, I will not hold back."

"Haha, calm your tits maid fetishist.", oh? was that a twitch I saw there haha, "I was just joking anyway, we all knew this was gonna happen so just make the proposal so I could go and leave this victorian chuuni building." I told her as calmly as I can even if inside I was laughing my ass off, I was able to get in the nerves of the strongest ice queen of hell.

The ice maid ignored me and continued, "My master anticipated that this would happen. As such, he has assigned me a last resort, should things break down."

"What do you mean by a last resort, Grayfia?" asked the redhead, with a hint of hope in her voice.

"If My Lady insists on her wishes then she can settle the issue with Lord Riser with a rating game."

Rating game, basically a battle royale between two groups. A colosseum gladiator battle that is the entertainment of the devil nobles.

"You know that you won't be able to win this, Rias" I taunted her. "Not only am I more powerful than you, I also outnumber you with my peerage, and you can't even control one of your pieces. Just give up now, if that won't convince you then look once more at my peerage."

I wasn't planning on doing the same as the original Riser but it seems that he actually planned this in advance, it would be a disappointment if my peerage was just standing around waiting to get called and I just didn't, though it would be pretty funny.

With a snap of my fingers, a fiery magic circle with the emblem of the phenex family appeared brightly to the side and my whole peerage harem came out of them.

All beautiful and cute in their own right, though I am going to have to train them to my very high standards now, like Gojo Satoru did.

"Oi, how dare you have a full harem in your peerage bastard!!!" an indignant and whiny voice comes from the side. "What an asshole, what a man!!!" followed by him crying from both awe and jealousy.

"Rias, your servant is looking at me and weeping pathetically at me." I said unsure if I should even follow the canon route.

"His dream is to have a harem." my fiance told me tiredly. And even I could tell myself.

"Disgusting." my sister expressed her, well, disgust at the low class devil.

Hmm, in canon Riser kissed and groped his queen in front of these low class devils because he didn't really see them as anything of worth in his eyes but the current me is possessive of what belongs to me so I don't really want him to see my girls like that. I mean you could see Yubelluna's nipple while he groped her in canon and he just gave her such a sloppy kiss.

But I am a gentleman who doesn't kiss and tell so how should I make him hate me while still being classy.

You may ask why I want him to hate me but that's because I want a challenge, I want him to be as strong as possible so I myself can grow stronger, after all a devil and a sorcerer grows stronger through life and death battles.

Hmm, ah I got it.

"Yubelluna, come" I ordered my queen.

"Hai, Riser-sama."And obediently she came to my side and I pulled her to my front, and then I started my lecture.

"You see low class devil-kun, you don't get to aspire to have a harem," slowly I started to touch Yubelluna from her hips using the full effect of my sticky fingers, not just a tingling feeling but a full body electrifying pleasure flooded her senses as she immediately started to pant heavily.

"The harem life will choose you, you can't strongarm a harem unto yourself, because that would be forced and it would just mean that you can't even make your girls like you," slowly, ever so slowly, I start to trail my hands up to her stomach to just below her breasts, and I make sure to be extra careful to not even touch her breasts, even if it was so tempting.

"One of the humans that I actually admire, is the modern Solomon, someone who had a 100 girlfriends who really, really, really, really, really loved him." Yubelluna started grinding on my hips but I stopped her with one of my hands and I trailed my free hand to her neck.

"And he didn't choose to have a harem, he just wanted a normal relationship, but the harem life chose him, so he weathered everything to make sure all his girls are happy. But you, you will never have something like a harem, because to aspire to have a harem is to see girls as nothing but toys to collect, and you will never have a bond like this." turning to Yubelluna, seeing how red her face is, really worked me up.

But she is so on edge that just a little bit of stimulation will release her tension, and so turning her to face me with both of my hands in the side of her face, I whispered to her. 

"I love you, Luna." I whispered and pecked her on the lips, not even a sloppy kiss like Riser did in the canon but just a peck 

"Hnngg!!!, Riser-sama, I love you too." she whispered to me as her legs buckled and she came right on the spot.

Damn, the company does good work, amping up sticky fingers to their max potential is insane. Maybe my teasing on her went a bit too far, I had to support her on her feet. Looking at the rest of my peerage even they are a blushing mess.

"You will never know how to touch a woman like this, let alone have a harem like I have, you low class devil." I taunted him to work him up even more.

"Shut up, after I marry the President, I will get myself an even bigger harem than you, you KFC bastard." shouted the pervert indignantly at me.

"Really, just no introspection on your part huh, how pathetic. You can't even get on my level scrub, and watch how you talk to me or I'll mince you to pieces" I threatened him but it seems like it had no effect as he is still looking at me furiously.

"I don't care! My role is to be President's servant,"

"That's enough Isse-" Rias tried to put a stop on him but was cut off by her servant.

"Nothing more, nothing less! We don't need any games! I'll defeat all of you right here right now!" He jumped and tried to punch me. "Boost!"

"He's a cocky little shit isn't he?" I am actually impressed how big every shounen protagonist's ego is, I mean just look at Ichigo, or Naruto at the start of their series, just a little bit of power and they become cocky little shits.

Sadly this is real life now, and I am not Riser Phenex. I am someone whose ego is even bigger than he is, I am after all the Honored one, the Disgraced one, and most importantly the biggest hypocrite in the world.

And so I don't call upon Mira to step in to show him the difference between us, instead I did a more direct approach and tried using limitless for the first time.

I raised my hand and pointed at his left foot and intoned calmly. 


I watched in fascination as his entire left leg twisted like that bald guy who wouldn't shut up about making racks out of people.

"Aaaghh!!!" Shouting in pain, Issei doubled over as he lost the use of his left leg and fell down entirely. Looks like I can't control my input yet, I was just aiming for his foot but his entire leg twisted. Hmm, everyone in the room looked shocked, even my peerage, and my sister especially is looking at me with a questioning look.

"Issei!!!" Rias ran over to her servant worriedly. Holding her pawn she pleaded "Hang in there, Asia please heal him!"

"Hai!" The panicked healer rushed over and used her sacred gear on the bleeding servant.

"I'm sorry President" He passed out from the pain I guess, or from blood loss.

Looking at the phenomenon with the six eyes was fascinating, it was like the reversed curse technique, just pure positive energy encouraging the body to heal but not quite the same. How curious, I wasn't able to observe the boost properly, maybe next time.

Actually for that matter how the hell can the six eyes even see magic energy, it was only supposed to be able to see cursed energy, I'll go and find out later.

"Ah, sorry about that, I was testing a new technique I figured out some time ago, here a phenex tear should fix him right up." I apologized

"Fine, we'll settle this with a rating game, I will blast you away Riser!" she glared at me with hatred as her eyes were filled with the power of destruction.

"It is decided then" the maid finally made herself noticed.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it, I hope you can at least put up a fight, Rias. I'm even going to be benevolent and let you have more time to train, let's do it in a month from now, good luck~~~" I led my queen and I to the rest of my peerage and with a dramatic flair we were teleported from the human world to the Phenex manor in the underworld. And finally, I can break down and think a little bit more for myself.


Hello everyone, this is my very first fanfic so please be kind. I am open to criticism and corrections so feel free to review and such. Nobody would hire me for work so I figure I should just do what I am passionate about and just write.

Check out my patreon if you want to support and motivate me more.

Just change the @. Thank you

p@treon. com/Nautyrus