
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

Goksumr · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Final battle with Augusta

third person pov

As soon as Daniele and the others entered the forest, a fog surrounded them,When they emerged from the fog, they came to the entrance of an ancient Shinto Shrine. 




In front of the entrance to the temple were David , Barakiel and a handsome man with brown hair and silver eyes who they assumed were Satanael. 




"...Barakiel-sensei?"/"Mr. David" 




Both sides couldn't help but call out to their own protectors. 





Smiling when he saw them, Satanael began to speak. 




"——The imitation god and each of the Four Fiends. Nice to meet you. I am Satanael And of course my dear intruders " 




He said the last part looking specifically at Daniele and Regulus. 



"...The aforementioned beautiful man.... This is the person, the one who made a deal with Koga-kun." With Shigune's words, everyone increased their attention 




[around us surrounded]



<their races ....>




[Humans but... They smell blood, too much blood]




Daniele frowned when he heard Regulus' words. And he kept talking to his mental connections 




<How many people are they>




[Three or four this damn fog is somehow clouding my senses a little ]




As the two continued talking, Jin was secretly looking around, his ears and nose twitching occasionally. Realizing that he was finally surrounded, albeit with a slight time difference from Regulus, Jin radiated the intent to fight and kill without making a sound or growling. 




He was going to kill all of Tobio's enemies, that wasn't even up for debate. 




Noticing Jin, Satanael's smile widened and he started looking at both Jin and Regulus in turn. 




"heheheh, seriously two longinus from the same mythology are together, what is the possibility of this?"




First of all, he turned to Tobio and started talking to him. 




"Your Sacred Gear bears a certain will within it. ——Are you perhaps aware of the being known as Lycaon?"




"...I heard a little bit from Governor-General Azazel."




Daniele pov



Then he started telling the story of Lycaon, the king of Arcadia. And the other will of Canis Lycaon is the strongest sword of Japanese mythology. And the same sword also killed Kagutsuchi, the Japanese god of fire, who blessed the Himejima family. 




Now it's in the hands of Tobio, a descendant of Himejima....Heh irony 




But seriously how did GOB get all these object




 Anyway, it's not time to get lost in my thoughts, focus. 




<What are our chances of winning ,regulus>




[Low is very low, the opponent is a mid-ultimate class, we lose one on one right now with everything we have]




<well if we use <em>'that' spell >




[I won't even ask where you came up with such a ridiculous spell, it's even more ridiculous that you succeeded even if it was half-finished. ]




<Don't underestimate the power of mahou shoujo>




[.....Seriously .But anyway, it can still be said that it is useless to provide the necessary environment for that spell.It would have been extremely useful if David, Barakiel and Satanael had fought before we arrived. ]




<So it's still not time huh>




[Be patient partner, when the time comes, that spell will make things worse]




Meanwhile Satanael finished his speech and turned to me and Regulus. 




"Of course, we can't forget Regulus nemea. That ax containing one of the fiercest of the Nemean lions .Both the ultimate attack power and ultimate defense are seriously fascinating...."




He continued speaking with a slight shine in his eyes. 




"The ax that can split the world in two and the sword that can cut the concepts themselves, seeing them together is truly indescribable.When you both have finally mastered your longinuses, I want to see the possibilities you create ."









"Ara, I hope you don't leave so soon, after all, I have questions too." Accompanied by sound Suzaku Himejima came here in the shadows 




She was wearing the crimson outfit from before, but this time she was wearing black pantyhose. My eyes lingered on her for a few seconds without noticing, and then I came back to my senses. 




[Partner you -]      <no regulus you are wrong>




[I haven't even said anything yet!!] 




fucking puberty



" Himegimi of the himejima family .Are you hunting the remnants of the 'Utsusemi Agency'? Or else did you come to capture the Dog God?"




In response to Satanael's query, Suzaku spoke while producing flames in her hand.




"The former of course. My subordinates are already concealed throughout this entire area. Though there are only a few of them, I shall have them capture the remnants of that agency. Please do not hate me though should those practitioners from Oz, as well as thy own subordinates, end up being injured or even arrested while that is ongoing. That incident that developed before was because of thou after all."




"As always you are at least quick when it comes to brushing away the sparks involved with your household. After speaking with a friend, I was  able to see the face of the dog I even got to see the lion king .There's nothing else that interests me here, I can leave the rest to the 'purple flames' "




"Satanael!" Barakiel shouted but it was too late, Satanael disappeared in a flash of light. 




"Oji-sama please go after him, leave this place to me "








"Don't you even trust me, Oji-sama?" 




Barakiel made a confused expression and then finally left. 




"You go too, Mr. David, this is Satanael's territory now, if Barakiel loses, we will lose our advantage."




Even though David clenched his teeth, he eventually listened to my words and followed them. 






"When do you plan to appear? It is obvious that Satanael has sent you here to fight us." 





Suzaku said looking at a certain spot after the two separated 




Four people came out of the darkness 




The guy using the statue from earlier had his burned arm wrapped in a bandage




A handsome new man with a good physique 




Another dude with a bandaged arm 




And what caught my attention the most was a girl with her black hair falling to her sides in a double braid, holding a strange teddy bear wrapped in badajes. 




They were all wearing abyss uniforms, which were modified nephilim uniforms.




In the files Barakiel gave, there was information about them, in short, they can be called the children whose lives were ruined because of the sacred gear. 




But more important than that 












the girl saw me looking at her  and answered my question




"Never mind, you looked like someone I know" 




The girl had a strange expression for a while, but eventually took over the conversation. 




"....So, how many people did you kill? 5, 10 or more? "




The three men in the background giggled ominously at her words. 




"Needless murder is stupid" Natsume intervened and said 




"So, should we wait for them to kill us?!"




She shouted harshly and then turned to me 




"Yes, how many did you kill?" He asked once more 



I looked and looked and looked at the girl in front of me and I finally decided to answer 




"hmm, although I don't know the exact number, I'm not sure if it's 7 or 8." 




The girl smiled brightly at me and Tobio, Sae,Shigune and Natsume behind looked at me in shock. There was some understanding in Suzaku's eyes 




"Then you are one of u----"    "No way " 








"Maybe you killed to protect yourself in the beginning, but the killings you made after that were intentional and you thoroughly enjoyed this "




"alright and y—" I held out my hand and interrupted her. 




"Of course I killed too, but the difference is this, while I killed a werewolf who caught and ate children, you killed an innocent woman, I killed the magicias who used people for experiments,You killed an innocent child, you killed an innocent man while I killed a stray who ate people , "While I killed to save my life, you killed for your pleasure",




"These are the curse of God who gave the—"



"Don't try to mention his name with your filthy mouth, he gave you these powers but he didn't direct you or give you orders, don't try to put your responsibility and crimes on others. "




True, the data provided contained more than personal information. These trash murdered many innocents and disguised them as accidents on the battlefield just to spread their misery to others. 




"That's my job as an exorcist, to purge ,crazy idiots like you." 



third person pov 



While Tobio and the others looked at Daniele in surprise, Daniele walked towards the braided girl with the Excalibur blessing in his hand. 




"I will not forgive.....I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU " 




The braided girl shouted as the toy in her hand began to change shape, turning the little bear into a giant aggressive plushie with razor-sharp bladed hands and sharp teeth for 3 meters.This was also in the data, there is lethal poison in its claws 





When she first attacked Daniele the giant teddy bear, Daniele slowly dodged without panicking and got closer to the bear. 




He suddenly swung his sword upwards and completely severed his left arm. 




At that moment, a slit opened in the bear's chest and a single sound was heard as the teeth in this slit were preparing to bite Daniele. 








Accompanied by the word, the bear lost its balance and slid into a sideways fall position in the air. 




Using this to his advantage, Daniele split the armed bear in two with a single attack and continued to walk  towards the braided girl. 




Suddenly, a green slimes appeared from his right, flying towards him, but was blocked by a golden lion that flew in front of him. .Daniele continued on his way without being surprised. 




"hahahaha, what will you do now, your pet will be killed by my slimes" 



The sacred gear of the good-looking man was to create slimes from his stomach and expel them from his mouth. 




It acts like a parasite, attaching itself to its opponent and eating it from the inside, guaranteed to inflict pain. 




[*giggle*calling me a pet you got some balls there brat]




""W-what is a talking independent avatar?" 




Regulus blasted an aura and the slimes surrounding him instantly disintegrated. 




"W-wait a second "




Regulus rushed at him without allowing him to say anything else. Even though the opponent threw more punches at him, they shattered  as soon as they hit Regulus and the opponent was hit in the body by Regulus. 




When it hit the tree behind and the tree broke apart, a large amount of blood gushed out of the man's mouth and he fainted with his eyes open. 



When the man with the bandaged arm removed the bandages from his arm, a hand with many mouths was revealed 




It is also a deadly sacred gear, as the sounds coming from these hands can drive those who hear it crazy. 




As soon as the mouths on the man's arm started whispering something, Daniele immediately accelerated and cut off the man's right arm from the root with Excalibur Blessing. 








When Daniele approached the braided girl and she saw his cold golden eyes, she fell back in fear and a magic circle appeared on her ear. 




"Kazuya get he out of here, now!!!"




At the girl's words, Daniele was surrounded by the same fog as in the forest, but he jumped back and dodged it. 






"Daniele!!!" Hearing the familiar voice, Daniele looked back and saw Shigune about to be surrounded by fog . Just as the grinning Poh was about to open his mouth, Shigune tightened the arms holding him.At that moment, Poh closed his mouth and remained silent. 





Giving a tsk, Daniele immediately ran towards Shigune. 




"Regulus!" Hearing his partner's voice, Regulus immediately ran after Daniele and the three of them disappeared into the fog. 




"heh hehahahaha what are you going to do n—" As  braided  girl was about to speak, a kick hit her in the face and threw her away. 





Suzaku the one who kicked, she lowered her foot and walked lightly, stretching her shoulders, sparks of flame dancing around her. 




"And finally it's my turn" 





Return to Daniele and Shigune 



The two of them were currently elsewhere in the forest 




"We came to another place, I think we should meet the others as soon as possible."



Daniele spoke, looking around, then turned back to Shigune. 




"But before that, here's why you stopped Poh "




There Daniele saw Poh ready to swallow the fog but suddenly stopped, Shigune could only be responsible for this 




"I....Mr. Barakiel and Mr. David said so" 





"If you're talking about them saying Poh is dangerous, did you seriously just giv—"



"Not that much!" 




Daniele was surprised when Shigune suddenly raised her voice. 




"That beautiful man--, when Satanael caught us they tried to take out Poh and Poh ate them all, anything done towards him was destroyed by Poh, What if this time he destroys one of my friends who is close to me!!!"



"Shigune Nanadaru liste—"




"You're right, beauty, that little thing in your hand is very dangerous, so you have to give it to us." 




Daniele pov


*sigh* Why does everyone keep interrupting me!!!!



I made Regulus instantly alert when he looked at where the voice was coming from, 




The guy was wearing long purple and black magician robes that were open at the front, he had spiky black hair and purple eyes. 




Shigune hid right behind me 





"Hmm, I guess those little worms couldn't defeat you, well, we never expected them to be successful anyway, they were expendable pieces after all, like pawns."




<Regulus protect shigune>



[Are you sure, it could be dangerous]



<there's no one more dangerous here than shigune, if she gets out of control we're doomed, plus she's in shape to fight right now>




[leave it to me]




<thanks buddy>




"Who are you"




"hmm, Well, I will introduce myself to someone like you,I am tenma and I am Augusta-sama's one and only disciple!!!!"




"I thought her disciple was the gothic girl"




At your words, the man bowed his head and remained silent for a while. 




Finally he started shaking and screamed 




"Don't stop talking about that little bitch with me!!!!I should have been Augusta-sama's disciple! That's not the bitch, it's ME!!!"




Aaaaaand, talk about being obsessed ,seriously wow




"You don't believe me either, do you? I'll show you why I'm worthy!!!"




Tenma reached out his hand to me and black purple flames shot out from his hand .Even though I immediately blocked it with Excalibur blessing, I slipped back a little. 




He was still releasing flames from his hands and I blocked the flames with my sword. 



"hahahahaha did you see, it is my destiny to be Augusta-sama's student, this is vritra gear blaze black flare, purple-black flame disciple of purple flames"




Yeah this guy is crazy 




I increased the holy power of Excalibur Blessing and completely cut off the attacking flame. 




I then extended my left hand towards him. 





Little energy ball formed around me 




†9 spirits of wind… Make shackles capture my enemy. Magic Arrows, Capturing Wind.†




These nine energy balls suddenly turned into wind arrows and attacked Tenma, restricting his target by wrapping him in wind bonds. 






I immediately attacked him with my sword and threw Excalibur' blessing towards his throat. As the raft was about to hit him, an explosion of flame appeared around him accompanied by a scream. 




"Don't overestimate yourself, brat!!!"




I stepped back immediately because of the flames exploding around the man. 




"You're just like them, you despise me because I don't have the talent to do magic, right, you bastard? But even if I don't have any magic skills to show you, I am worthy enough to be Augusta-sama's student. BALANCE BREAKER "




third person pov


The whole area seemed to be covered in flames . Even though Daniele tried to move, his movements seemed restricted. 




"This is my subtype balance breaker, you won't even be able to move in this field of flame, I will kill you and take the taotie and prove My worth."




Daniele couldn't help but give a "tsk". The flames were completely restricting him and he felt that his strength was decreasing every moment, now the official Daniele had no good feelings towards vritra gears!




While Taotie was still waiting motionless, Regulus began to tear apart the flames surrounding him with his pure strength. Even if it was a balance breaker, Regulus' destructive power that would shake the world could not be easily contained. 




He could hold back for a few more minutes at most, then he would definitely tear this strange guy in front of him to pieces. 



But Daniele couldn't use his power because he was away from Regulus. 




"die now"   Tenma threw spears of black flames at Daniele and sent the flames flying. Flames strength also seemed to increase even more as a side effect of the balance breaker. 



<regulus now>








Daniele and Regulus suddenly changed places 




Flame attacks hit Regulus and didn't manage to cause excessive damage, only some scratches and minor burns at most. , and Daniele appeared in front of Shigune. 




"W-what the hell?" Tenma was surprised when the two of them switched places, what kind of spell was this?He suddenly fell back when he saw the cold golden eyes of Regulus, who was now standing in Daniele's place. Regulus was about to escape the flames and Tenma noticed it too. 




He immediately concentrated the power of the Flame Field on Regulus, and Daniele's movements became a little more relaxed, but Regulus' restriction increased. 




"You , kill you and this monster will disappear " After saying this, he stretched out his hand and a giant fireball of purple and black flames formed around him. 




He seemed to be throwing everything he had into this attack 








Daniele looked at the ball of fire coming towards him, its size was half times bigger than him.Due to the Balance Breaker's focus on Regulus, he swung  Excalibur Blessing into a ball of fire with his body, which he could move more easily. 




Excalibur Blessing failed to destroy him when hit by the black fireball, and the black flames seemed to be trying to eat the sword. Daniele immediately activated the holy power of Excalibur Blessing as much as he could and split the flame in half accompanied by a giant light, but unfortunately 







Excalibur Blessing also shattered at this time 



Tenma stared blankly at the situation, this was his strongest attack and he had put everything into it.



He then looked at the boy who had cut the fireball and saw its cold golden eyes staring back at him.





"Y-don't come closer you monster "Tenma turned around and ran away, but his Balance Breaker was still active and Regulus couldn't chase him. 





Daniele immediately returned to Shigune 




"Make Poh devour these flames otherwise he will run away"




"I can't, what if it gets out of control, what if it hurts you or Regulus?"



"do it " 











"ME.....me"  Finally her voice began to calm and her flattering arms tightened.




"do it now or never, Shigune "




Shigune looked at the Poh in her arms, the same Poh that protected her and completely devoured anything that tried to harm her. 




"Poh, please... please devour all these black flames completely!!"




There was no sound from Poh for a few seconds, but suddenly his flat mouth under the mask twisted into a grin that showed his wide, sharp teeth.




He jumped in Shigune's arms and landed on the ground. He opened his mouth, all the black flames were sucked into his mouth, just like a black hole. 




Freed from the restraint of the flames, Regulus instantly jumped up and reached Tenma, who was still running away, and with one blow, he inflicted an extremely deep wound on his chest.Tenma, the last thing he saw were deep golden eyes, fainted at that moment, but if not intervened, he would definitely die after a while. 




Finally relieved, Shigune released her strength and fell to her knees, her legs shaking. 




"Good job" Daniele, seeing the Tenma  in Regulus' mouth that he dragged from the back of the clothes to the ground, turned around and said to Shigune. 




"what should I do "




"What do you mean, what should you do?" Daniele looked confused at Shigune's question. 




"Even if I have succeeded now, what if one day Poh gets out of control then....."




"Then I will take responsibility". Hearing Daniele's words, Shigune looked blankly at the young boy in front of her. 





Shigune was stunned, but Daniele continued speaking. 




"I'm the one who convinced you, if it gets out of control I will definitely stop you.I swear by the name of the Lion King"




Taking advantage of Shigune kneeling down, Daniele reached out and headpat. 




Normally it wouldn't be possible due to the height difference, but Shigune kneeling gave Daniele this opportunity. 




For some reason Shigune didn't resist, she just let him headpat there. 




On the ground believe Poh also turned around and fell back into shigune's arms, but his mood was definitely happy, probably because he was eating the flames 



Daniele sighed as he looked at the sword  pieces on the ground




Griselda would definitely would pay this 




"See, Samejima Kouki, I told you they were here." 




Daniele pov




I turned to the sound to see Vali, Koga and Kouki coming out of the forest. 




"Yo, Daniele Berti, so what happened around here?"




Because of Tenma's balance breaker, many places in the surrounding area were dried or shattered. 




{Also why do I feel vritra's aura}



I let out a *sigh* 




"We were fighting the Black Blaze Flare user and the damn dude had a balance breaker" 





{Gah must be annoying ,Vritra may not be the most powerful dragon king, but he is definitely the most problematic due to his skills}



Albion's voice coming from the plush on Vali's shoulder seemed to console us. 




[You can't even guess] While Regulus and Albion were talking 




"what a balance breaker!!! Damn why did I come so late?"




Vali was was angry  about missing the war




The others looked at the bleeding robed guy Regulus was holding in his mouth. 




"Still, to put someone who has reached Balance Breaker like this heh, of course my eyes did not see anything wrong."





I rolled my eyes at the Vali's arrogant tone, but a smile appeared on my face at the same time. 




I pointed at Shigune 




"Actually the hero of the day was  her" 





When everyone looked at Shigune, Shigune got embarrassed and lifted Poh up to cover her face. Her ears were a little red. 





"So what will happen to him? " Kouki asked while pointing at the unconscious Tenma on the ground. 




"He'll probably die if he stays any longer." 




[so how about bringing it to me] I was surprised when a voice different from Albion's voice came from the plush on Vali's shoulder. 




[Speaking directly for the first time, hello the lion king of this generation. I'm Governor General Azazel, and I'm very interested in buying vritra parts, of course you can set the price. ]




"Do you think I would give a sacred gear to the Fallen Angels just because you'll give me something I want?"








Damn you are right , But before that 





"What are you going to do to him?" 




[We will remove his sacred gear and he will probably die trying]




I acknowledged the voice of azazel who answered without hesitation.




"It suits me"




[THIS IS!!Good decision exorcists boy,So what do you want in return ]




"I want to tell you face to face at the end of this mission"




[hooh~~~ very interesting, suits me ,Vali please transfer it here ]




Vali did what Azazel said and a blue magic circle appeared under Tenma, after a while with a flash of light he went to a place I thought was Grigori. 




As for what I want from Azazel, I think it's worth it considering what he does in the future. 




"By the way, why are you separated from the dog and the others?" 




Are you realizing this now? 




"teleport type sacred gear" When I said it briefly, he nodded his head in understanding.




"So let's find them"With Vali's words, we set out by holding Shigune's hand and making her stand up, for some reason she was walking closer to me. 




We set out together 




After a while 



Finally we saw Tobio,sae and Natsume running towards us but there was something wrong with their expressions and where is Lavinia?




"Where is Lavina?"Vali asked, but I noticed the harshness in his voice that surprised the others. 




Tobio and the others began to explain what happened next. Apparently, Augusta had met with Lavinia's master and then taken over her body. 




"And you abandoned her and ran away!!!!!!"Vali asked with a look of absolute anger that surprised us all. He then turned towards where Tobio and the others were and prepared to run. 




At that moment I reached out and held his arm 




"Let me go now!!"




"The opponent has two longinus, one is incinerate anthem, the holy relics of the church are in the front,  holy power will destroy you instantly "




"You don't care, that man was not affected in a similar situation, so I won't and I will save her."




That man? probably Rizevim 




"Calm down, I will help you"




"...What "




"I already promised in the car, and the reason David and I are here is Incinerate Anthem, so yeah, let me help you."




[phew, I thought you'd never say ]








"Azazel,can we save Lavinia"




Vali shouted at the plushie on his shoulder 




[Actually, I had a few ideas, the original plan was for Tobio to separate the two with the balance breaker, but with the promise of help from our beloved exorcist, we now have another option.]




When I heard Azazel's words, for some reason I felt like this guy was planning for me to say this. 



"So what is this plan? "




[Before that, Do you all agree on this? You will risk your life, your opponent is a powerful witch with two longinus. ]




"I abandoned Lavinia-san before and ran away, this time I will definitely save her if there is a way."




"Me too, me and Griffon will definitely give it our all"




"tsk, I owe that witch a debt, so count me in too." 




"*shrug*well, we've come this far, so I can probably help, and I'm also curious about the other side's strength."




"I'm ready to use armor , azazel"





[not yet completed, may hurt you]




"it's worth it, I won't hesitate"




[stubborn brat ,how about you two, Shigune Nanadaru , Daniele Berti]



Shigune looked at me for a few seconds before answering. 




"I will do my best with ... Poh!"




"As I said before, Incinerate Anthem is the church's issue, it is my duty to take her down, and I will keep my promise to that woman."




[Pffftt, you're seriously a bunch of misfit brats, but that's fine, after all, it's more interesting this way.Okay, listen to me plan.....]



third person pov



Everyone was now prepared and waiting by the lake.



They stood hidden and in a position according to plan 




Suddenly, as their surroundings began to cool down, someone appeared from across the lake.




She was a woman with a very voluptuous body, wearing a white magician outfit, but the disgusting expression on her face did not suit her beautiful face. -Augusta, who took over Lavinia's body, her been revealed 




When she stepped into the lake, instead of her feet sinking into the water, the whole lake was freezing. 




As she continued walking, the lake continued to freeze 




Augusta laughed lightly as she looked around. 




"Where are the white, black and gold? Did they set a trap for me? How interesting? "




As soon as she said this, the coldness around her increased even more and a being appeared behind her, it was an ice doll with four thin arms and pointed claws, dressed in a princess outfit. One part of her face was full of spines and on the other side she had six eyes, almost like a mask 




It was exactly 10 meters tall, which surprised the surrounding people even more because Lavina's ice doll was at most 3 meters tall. At the same time, many magic circles appeared around her. 




Natsume, Kouki and Koga took action they took action 




While Natsume was attacking with wind from the Griffon, Kouki turned one of his hands into a spear and used lightning attacks, But they couldn't even pass the defensive magic circles created by Augusta.




Then sounds started coming from Koga's glove. 





*Si-Xiong HúnDùn Over Booster*




Koga once again changed into his previous armor, accompanied by a black light. 




"Stay behind, after all, you are made of flesh and bones and you will quickly become a ash."





"Thank you, and there's nothing we can do! After all, I can't return the Griffon to its original form."




"hmm then "



The long black hair of Koga's armor grew out from behind. It was entangled in griffon and byakusa and energy passed through the black hair.When these two energies were transferred to the two of them, they shined in the same light as the Koga and returned to their original forms. 




Griffon-True to its name, it transformed into a four-winged creature with a lion's body and a hawk's head. –Taowu





Byakusa-He was in the form of a saber-toothed tiger with many tails tipped with blades, and there was a lot of lightning around him. –  Qiongqí





"I transferred to you too much power that I could not control"




"So the Balance Breaker created by Satanael's experiment can return the Four Fiends to their original forms. "





"Let's go Taowu/Qiongqí "




Augusta's relaxed expression began to change as she was attacked by Koga's hair whips and the stronger attacks of the two Fiends who had returned to their original forms. 





The others rejoiced when they saw that the plan was starting to take effect, the second phase of their plan had begun. 




A white light descended on the field, Vali appeared and was surrounded by an aura incomparable to before. 




"So you finally appeared, Hakuryuukou pipsqueak."




Vali spoke with an extremely displeased facial expression.




"...How careless that was. If it's on the level of the aged Witch of Oz, I had successfully evaluated that she alone should have been sufficient to serve as opposition. Truly, with her benefactor being on their side...that must have had some negative influence on her sacred gear."




Having heard those words, Augusta, displaying a smile dripping with unpleasantness, made use, of all things, of Lavinia's tone of voice.




"Vah-kun, I wish you wouldn't get so angry about this. Do you not want to be the cool Vah-kun just like you always are?"




That——most likely, was taboo. That was a line that mustn't be crossed.




The aura enveloping Vali's body——was ejected at an extraordinary level. The youth's expression had become one of rage.




"...With that face and voice, you dare call my name...? Stepping into my territory...with such filthy feet..."




Trembling, Vali shouted.




"I'll continuously slaughter you in just half a minute!!! Balance Break!!!"




"Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!"




A white light shone, and when the light faded, Vali was dressed in pure white armor, looking perfect despite his small stature. 



<Regulus, if we fought now>.



[you don't have a chance partner, it will be a momentary defeat, you won't be able to keep up]




Daniele mentally asked Regulus as he observed from a distance, He clenched his fists upon his partner's response, and hoped to himself that he would reach the balance breaker as soon as possible. 




{Vali you have 10 seconds at most}



"more than enough!!! Now ...HALVE"




Vali suddenly disappeared from his place, touched Augusta and returned to his place. 




Augusta immediately created magic circles around herself and unleashed extremely powerful attribute attacks. 







{ Divide divide divide divide divide}




He dispersed all the attacks with a wave of his hand before the attacks were constantly split in half. 




Augusta fell to her knees




"So this Lucifer, that is, this heavenly dragon, even when he was such a little boy...."




Vali then did the same thing to Absolute Demise. 





{Divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide}




While Vali was trying to divide her power, Absolute Demise was resisting it with her ice blue aura, but he could not overcome her because Vali's aura was much weaker than when he first arrived.





"No, not now, if I can't even do this much, it is impossible to bring down that man .....Rizevim . I will not allow a kind person to be harmed in front of me!!!!!!Now divide in half!!!!!"




{Divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide}





Even the area around Absolute Demise began to deteriorate, eventually disappearing as it slowly began to disintegrate. 





{...it's over, Vali. İt's over}




When his armor disappeared, Vali fell from the sky, fainting from exhaustion with innocence on his face.




Natsume and Kouki caught Vali before he fell.






The last phase of the plan came into play, Tobio and Daniele appeared on the battlefield. 






"Damn you are so cool Lucidra-sensei .Tobio, exorcist boy, the rest is up to you!!!!"





Natsume shouted similar things as tears flowed from her eyes. 





Both Daniele and Tobio slowly started walking towards Augusta. 




They both had partners with them 




Daniele pov 



"Then let's get started, Tobio İkuse"








Tobio continued to move forward when I stopped, unfortunately I can't afford to waste energy right now.




When I looked at Tobio walking in front of me, he started chanting. 




<< — Behowlest the slaying of one thousand mortals >>

<< — Besingest the slaying of ten thousand  goblins>>

<< — Mine name, which tis immersed in deepest darkness, tis the Imitation God traversing the Polar Night >>

<< — O ye, perishest by mine own black blade >>

<< — Fools ye art, deformed Creator Gods >>



When the chant ended, the entire area was covered in shadow and swords appeared in the shadows. 




The bracelet in Tobio's hand was starting to crack, they acted as a seal to prevent the balance breaker from getting out of control, but it was short-lived. 




"Canis lycaon now, damn you, are there problems with this generation's longinus users?"




After Augusta's words, a flaming giant appeared, bearing a cross. ----Incinerate anthem




Tobio and Jin attacked  flame giant respectively, Augusta was screaming in pain with every cut they made. 



"Don't underestimate me, you brats."



Upon Augusta's words, flame giant created by Incinerate Anthem suddenly exploded and flames covered everywhere, the shadows that Tobio spread around were slowly disappearing with the holy power of the flames. 




Finally it was our turn 



<let's get started regulus>



[leave it to me]



And at that moment, he started running at extreme speeds towards Augusta's body. 




As he moved towards the surrounding flames, Poh suddenly appeared on top of the Griffon and began to greedily suck the flames into his mouth. 





So I started making calculations in my head. 



Regulus took advantage of the disappearance of the flames and suddenly jumped on Augusta and knocked her down by pressing on her arms with his claws. Of course, he did not apply much pressure.After all, this is still Lavina's body 






At that moment, Regulus and I changed places once again. 



I got a huge pain in my head .Damn that's the weakness of this spell, the calculation required is too much and it's tiring on my mind but I have to bear it for now 




While I was holding Cross in my left hand, I held Augusta's face with my right hand and started singing a different chant than Tobio's. 



I will kill. I will let live. I will harm and heal. None will escape me. None will escape my sight.

Be crushed.

I welcome those who have grown old and those who have lost.†




With the chant I sang, holy power exploded around me and Augusta. 




Augusta's eyes widened in fear. 




"Baptism, damn it!!!!"




That was our right plan 







[Our plan is for Daniele Berti to be baptized]



"This is almost impossible, I know how to perform  baptism rite, after all, it is a basic and compulsory spell to be learned in the church, but still, the rival Augusta"



"Why is it hard?" Natsume asked 



"The name baptism is a ritual-style spell used in the church created to expel evil spirits, that is, it is effective on souls and those who are weak to the holy power,But augusta has the incinerate anthem, one of the few most holy objects in the world .It basically makes your soul extremely resistant to holy power."



[I know,Originally the plan was to let Tobio separate the two with his sword in balance breaker form, but the risk was also too big. One wrong step and Lavinia's soul would be cut off, so this is the best option, so first the others will tire her out as much as possible, also since she now has Absolute Demise, the resistance should have decreased a little]




"This.....should be possible "






†Devote yourself to me, learn from me, and obey me.

Rest. Do not forget song, do not forget prayer, and do not forget me.

I am light and relieve you of all your burdens.

Do not pretend. Retribution for forgiveness, betrayal for trust, despair for hope, darkness for light, dark death for the living†



While I was continuing the chant, suddenly the sacred purple flames exploded around Augusta and of course I, the closest one, started to burn with flames, some of my hair, my face and various parts of my body started to burn.




"aggghh" I couldn't do anything but grit my teeth and resist the pain. If I stopped now, everything would be in vain. 




The fiery giant appeared behind me again and swung  purple cross in his hand at me, but Regulus appeared behind me and stopped the cross by biting its with his teeth. Flames began to surround Regulus 




†holy drive†




When Regulus entered holy drive mode, the holy flame did not affect him much and he continued to stop the giant purple cross with his teeth. 




I mentally thanked Regulus and continued chanting. 



†Relief is in my hands. I will add oil to your sins and leave a mark.

Eternal life is given through death.

— Ask for forgiveness here. I, the incarnation, will swear.†



When I finished chant I suddenly found myself in a place of ice 




When I looked around, a girl around my age was crying behind a wall of ice, with her arms wrapped around her knees and her knees buried in her faces. 




She was wearing pure white clothes and had long blonde hair, it wasn't hard to figure out who she was. 








"There's no point, after all, even Glenda lied to me, there's no place for me in this world."




As soon as I heard these words, a flash went through my mind. 




I bowed my head slightly as my hair shadowed my eyes. 




Of course I knew what that feeling was like .In the original, I was in a world and story that I shouldn't have been in, I didn't belong to this world. 




There were moments when thoughts like this haunted my mind. 








Various scenes played out in my mind .



That quiet but peaceful table where I sat with my mother and father 




Dulio, who brings me snacks from everywhere and sometimes who made, me , Irina and xenovia miss class (İmage of Dulio ,escaped from the window, carrying Daniele on his back and holding Xenovia and Irina in his arms. )



Griselda, who educates us harshly and scolds us, but then blushes a little and gives us sweets or takes us on special outings. (Image of Griselda blushing and coughing lightly placing a box of donuts in front of them) 




Grandfather Vasco, who educated us harshly but was always kind (The image of vasco that reminds the three children around him of their youth memories)




Everyone else in the church (Image of various people giving them towels or encouraging them post-workout)




(Finally, A pair of girls with long blue and chesnut hair with twin-tailed hairstyles, their faces invisible because of the sunlight ,They extend their hands to Daniele, who lies on the grass under open eyes .)




And of course those two 



And of course you 



I reached out and a familiar golden ax appeared in my hand. 



My lips curled into a smile and I turned into the crying girl 



"Are you sure about this? Wasn't there anyone who really cared about you?"




"Mephisto Pheles, Vali , Class Barakiel members(Tobio and others.), and others. Was there seriously no one who was kind to you?"




Lavinia lifted her head and let me see her teary eyes 








Various scenes came to her mind. 




The teachers who taught her(Mephisto) 




Also others on Grauzauber who helped her with things she didn't understand 




Others who did not hesitate to help her even though it had been a short time since they met. 




"You seem to have noticed, if this world symbolizes your loneliness, let me destroy it once and for all."




I approached young Lavinia and stood near the ice wall, lifted Regulus Nemea into the air with both hands.....then suddenly I swung  its towards the ground with all my strength. 




Even though the ice wall shattered with one hit, I didn't stop and continued to increase my strength until I sank into the ground. 




As soon as the ax sank into the ground, the earth-shattering cracked and the cracks spread around accompanied by golden light.When the whole world was full of cracks, I reached out my hand to young Lavinia 




"Then let's go back, the others are pretty worried."




third person pov 



Before getting up, Lavinia looked behind Daniele and saw an ice baby -Absolute Demise. She placed her hands on her chest, made one of the nobility salutes and disappeared accompanied by ice blue light. 




Lavinia did not hesitate and reached out her hand and took Daniele's hand, Daniele suddenly pulled her up. 




"Kyaaa". Levinia, who couldn't help but make a sound, suddenly found herself hugging Daniele. (Think of it like Ash and Serena's childhood  scene)




Lavinia closed her blue eyes and buried her face in Daniele's shoulder 



".....Yes, Let's go back"




When Lavinia slowly opened her eyes, she was surprised. There was a burned hand in front of her. When she looked to understand what it was, she couldn't react to what she saw. 




The right side of Daniele's face and many parts of his body were burned. 




"took too long stupid"




When Daniele finally fainted, he found himself in a very soft place. 




Lavinia had buried Daniele in her big breasts.



"... Sorry"



They both fainted at this moment and the others ran towards them, but no one noticed that the flame-damaged cross (given by Irina)in Daniele's hand glowed purple for a moment as he fell.