
Highschool's Action

Johan, a grade 10 student who suffer from bullying in the past, even if it's all in the past, that memory still haunts him. One day, he dreamed about a girl who's comforting him after he got bullied. And when he go to school, that same girl who he dreamed about, showed up in front of him. And so the story begins, will he find the solution to forget about his past? Or will that girl makes him remember everything about it?

Wack_Wack · Realistic
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Trouble at cafeteria

Johan, a grade -10 student who lives in a small town in a peaceful and quiet province. He's laying down on his bed and sleeping peacefully in his room. He's in deep sleep and dreaming about his dreadful past.

"Stop... I-" He gets punch in the face by his number 1 bully after that punch the whole squad beat him up. After the bullies finished beating up Johan, they spit on his face and leave.

"Ack!" He sat on the ground and rest his back on a wall and cries after he got beatup. He's very frustrated about himself, he's tall and he's one of the biggest in their classroom. Yet he's being bullied, what did he do to deserve this? While he is crying on the corner some unfamiliar beautiful girl approached him, she lend his hand so he could get up.

"Are you allright?" The girl asked him, she seems worried about Johan.


"Johan! Time for breakfast! Get out in there!" His mom shouting at him on the living room, he got a class today so he can't afford to be late.

Johan holds his head with his right hand while he's laying down in his bed. "Another dream about my past." *Sighs.* "G-give me a second, mom!" He shouts, he get up and get out of his bed, he heads outside of his room and go in their bathroom's sink. He washed his hands, who knows what he did in the night to wash his hands after he wakes up. After he washed his hands, he splash a water in his face and slaps both of his cheeks. "Now, i'm awake." He said to himself and looks at the mirror. He saw an average looking guy, he doesn't care about his looks. He just wants to live a normal life. After he finished doing what he did in the bathroom. He go in their house's kitchen so he could eat his breakfast.

He have a two sisters, one's older and one's younger.

"Big brother, i'll be the first one who'll use the bathroom. I can't afford to be late."

His sister said to him, she's a grade schooler. A top student in her school, she's always annoyed at her big brother.

"Okay, you little twerp." Johan replied, he's almost finished eating up his breakfast. His little sister finished eating and immediately head to the bathroom.

Johan looks up in the clock, it's almost 8:00am.

He'll be late at his class, but it seems that he doesn't care. He's finished eating his breakfast and stand up, his sister is still showering and it's already 8:00am and both of them will be late. After 5 minutes, his sister was done taking a bath.

"You! What took you so long?" He said while rushes through his room to get his towel. After he get his towel, he rushed out in his room and go straight in the bathroom. It took him 10 minutes to finished bathing. "That took too long." He said to himself, his mother was done ironing his and his sister's school uniform. His sister gets on the school without waiting for him. He go straight in his room and put on his undies, slacks, white t-shirt and his schol uniform. After he's done suiting, he looked up in the clock and saw the time. It's already 8:20am and he's very, very late. He kissed his dad and mom on their cheeks and waved them goodbye.

He go outside of their house and rushed through his school.....

He finally got in his school's front gate, seeing one of his classmates being late gives him courage and strenght. And she's one of the beauties in his school, with short brown hair, pure brown eyes, white and smooth skin, a cute height around 5'2" and a average chest.

"Hey, you're late again." *Smirks.* He said to his classmate, while both of them are walking, going in their classroom.

"You're one to talk." She replied, her name is Aira, she's pretty, probably one of the prettiest girl in his grade. She's pretty smart too, but she's a bit loner and doesn't have much friend.

How did Johan can talk like that to Aira? Well Johan isn't that good looking, he's just an average looking guy but he's taller than average. He can talk to her casually because they're always coming to school late. That kinda makes him feels like they're close so he just talk to her casually.

Both of them finally got in their classroom, but they saw their teacher, she's teaching already and they don't want to disturb the class.

"I got an idea, let's just crawl in the back door of the room so she won't notice us." Johan said to Aira, both of them are hiding in the corner, where their classmate and teacher can't see them.

Aira nods to Johan and crawls in the back door of their room. Johan laughs seeing her crawling, he's just joking yet she really listen to him.

"I'll just follow her lead." Johan said to himself, he crawls in the back door of their room and slowly going in their respective seat. Both of them got in successfully but...

"Aira! Johan! What the hell are you two doing?"

The teacher noticed them, Johan and Aira stands up. Aira is very embarrased in front of their class and hides her face with her hands. While Johan doesn't really care, he scratches the back of his head and look down on the floor and apologized.

"We don't want to disturb your class so we crawl in the backdoor because we're late, i'm sorry ma'am."

He said to his teacher while looking down on the floor, he can't hide his laughter anymore.

"Okay, go in both of your seats." The teacher said to them and continue in her discussion.

Johan sat on his seat, at the very back beside to window, while Aira sits on the front.

*Sighs.* "This is boring, i shouldn't waste my time on school." He mumbles to himself.

"Hey, hey, Storm, cover me i'll sleep in class." Johan said to his seatmate.

"Again?....You're hopeless." *Sighs.* Storm replied.

Johan sleeps in the class while Storm is covering him, he always does this since mid schoolyear. Believe it or not Johan manages to have a decent grades despite his attitude.

Johan goes in another deep sleep and dreams.

In his dream he is crying and a girl is comforting him, in this dream he's a little kid a grade schooler perhaps. The girl is gently rubbing his back while he is crying and full of bruises.

"Why won't you fight back? What are you scared of? You're taller and stronger than them." The girl said to him and when he's about to reply.....

"Because i-..." He wakes up.

The first period is still ongoing and all of his classmates are staring at him and his teacher's arm is crossed and her patience is about to burst.

"Storm!" He glares at Storm and his teacher shouts at him and make him go outside. All of his classmates are laughing, he's used to it and he doesn't care anymore. He stands up and go outside, his teacher continued teaching and he's outside sitting on the ground and his back is resting on the wall.

He yawns... "What a boring day..." While Johan is sightseeing, he's turning his head's direction to the right to left and left to right, slowly. He repeated this action so he won't get bored, but someone catches his eyes. A girl whose hair is normaly long and its color is pure black, her skin is very soft,smooth and white just by looking at it. Her brown eyes are so elegant it can attract any male, her figure is so sexy. Her chest is above average, her height is not to tall not to short around 5'6", her nose is pointed and attractive, her lips is so sexy,her eyebrows is so beautiful and the shape of her face is perfect. Johan is very glad to see someone like her passing by, while it's already 8:45am and first period is still ongoing. But wait, Johan thought that she's just passing by, but why is that girl looking at him? Slowly, she's walking slowly and approaching him. She approached him and smiles at him, his heart beats up so fast, his face turns red in an instance. A beautiful unknown girl approached him.

"Uhm, excuse me." The girl said as she approached him.

"Y-Y-Yes?" Johan replied and smile awkwardly, he's sitting on the ground and his back is resting at the outside wall of their classroom. And his face is f#$kin' red.

"Is this grade - 10, section 1?" The girl half closed her eyes and smile at him while she's asking.

"A-ahh, yes, yes, what do you need?" Johan replied and asks her, she really looks familiar but it's the first time he saw her. 'Why does my heart can't stop beating up so fast?' He said inside his mind.

"Ah, i'm new in here, i'm assigned in this room." The girl replied. She smirks seeing Johan being like that, her heart is pounding so fast because she's new in this school. Seeing Johan she assumes that he's her classmate.

"Y-You mean, you're a transfer student?" Johan's face looks very happy and shocked at the same time. He wondered it's mid school year, 1st sem is almost finished and she just transfer out of nowhere.

"Yes." The girl delightedly answer.

//Meanwhile at the classroom.

The teacher looked in her watch and she see that it's 8:50am, she sighs as if she forgot something, she's thinking on what she's forgetting. And she glance at Johan outside of the room and she saw a new girl. She remembers now that she's supposed to introduce a new student.

She immediately throw her chalk on the ground and hurried outside.

"Hey, Johan, you can come in now." She said to Johan and stares at the new girl. Johan is very happy that he can come inside. He walks in his seat's direction and sat on his chair, leaning his face on the desk.

"You son of a b$#@ Storm, you f"@#" sell me." He glares at Storm like he's some kind of bully, threatening him. But in fact, Storm and Johan is best buddies. They met each other at 7th grade and their friendship last longer.

"It's your fault for being late and sleeping at class." Storm replied and he's a bit irritated.

"Whatever." Johan said and glance at the transfer girl outside of the room, talking to their teacher.

The teacher and the transfer slowly walks inside the room, the new girl is very pretty. All of his male classmates are going nuts seeing her. And his female classmates are gossiping.

"Okay, class! Shutup you mingles." The teacher said because the room become noisy...

Johan is sitting at the back row beside the wjndow and he stares at the front. Looking at the new girl, the new girl stares at him and she smiles at him. Johan smiles back but it looks awkward. All of his male classmates saw her smiling at Johan and they all look at him with sharp eyes. Storm seems to not care because he have a girlfriend. And as for Johan, he always minds his own business and world so it's the first time for him being interested in a girl. 'Why does she looks familiar?' He mumbles to himself.

Aira noticed that Johan and the new girl smiles at each other. It looks like she doesn't care, she leans her face on her desk and closed her eyes.

The teacher is about to introduce the new girl at the front of their class. The room became quiet suddenly, all of his classmates are putting their attention on the new girl.

"Introduce your self." The teacher said to the new girl and she sit on her table.

"M-my name is Stella Ramirez, i'm 16 years old, nice to meet y'all." Stella, introduced herself and she smiles to all of them, looking polite.

"Okay, Stella go sit in the front of mr. Johan, that's the only vacant seat." The teacher said and leaves the classroom, her period is done and she go in the teacher's lounge.

Stella, sit in front of Johan, she looks at behined her and greets him.

"Nice to meet you." Stella said and smiles at him.

"Yeah, likewise." Johan's face is back to normal, he wasn't awkward in front of Stella anymore. After he said that he leans his face on his desk and closed his eyes.

Stella stares at Johan, while Johan's face is leaning on his desk.

'If only he can...' He said to herself.

"The second period teacher is here! Go to your places." Said by a random classmate who doesn't want to get scold.

"What's the subject this time again?"

Johan said, and he gets his face up, he looks at Storm.


Storm didn't answer him and just puts his attention to the front.

"Alright class! I'll group all of you in pairs."

Said by their philosopy teacher, he's a cool teacher.

Johan turns his face on the front, he looks confused and lazy.

"Storm, wanna pair up?" Said by Johan, his face is turning on the front and his eyes looks dead.

"No thanks, teacher said he'll pair us himself." Storm said with a ice cold tone. 'Who would pair with an idiot like you, the last time we paired up you throw me all of your works because you're annoyed.' He thinks to himself.

"Geez, fine fine." Johan replied and turns his attention in the front.

"I suppose we have a new student?" The teacher said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes." Said by a random student.

The teacher looks at the Stella for a moment and glares at johan with a grin on his face.

Johan knows what will gonna happen, he sighs, he's feeling lazy today and his teacher will pair him up with a transfer.

His job is to teach Stella about everything in this school so he don't like it.

"First, i'll pair up Johan and Stella." The teacher said with a confidently yet teasingly smile on his face while staring to Johan.

"You two will explore the campus and tell me everything about your experience."

All of his male classmates are glaring at Johan with sharp eyes that could kill you if you look at it directly.

Johan seems doesn't care, while his male classmates are glaring at him. He yawns and stretches his arms upwards, after that, he put his arms down and tapped Stella's back.

"Let's go."

Stella is thinking very deeply, when Johan tapped her back, she get startled and turns around quickly.

"A-Ah okay." She said.

"Allright, both of you can go out now." Their teacher said, he then pairs everyone up and make them do some paper works.

Johan and Stella stands up and go outside of their classroom quietly, both of them are acting shy towards each other. They walk through the hallway, the hallway is quiet because classes are ongoing. After they finished exploring the hallway in their building. Johan suggested that they should go to cafeteria.

"Hey, let's go at the cafeteria." Johan said with a smile on his face.

"Uhm, i'm not hung~" Stella's stomach growls.

"Oop." Johan replied and he held her hand and they would run to the cafeteria.

While Johan is holding Stella's hand, Stella felt a warmth on it. She smile and just let Johan hold her hand until they get to Cafeteria. Both of them are running through the hallway to go in the cafeteria. They're laughing while running and Johan bumps to someone. After the bump Johan falls on to the floor, Stella seems fine.

"What the hell was that?!" Said by the guy they got bumped into.

Johan scratches the back of his head and stands up slowly.

"Sorry about that-" He's about to apologize but the man he got bumped into is their campus' strongest bully, Rocco Fox. Even though he's shocked bumping him, his face is awfully calm.

"That hurts, next time don't run aroun-" Rocco, a man whose height is about 5'9", and has a muscular body. He looks shocked seeing Johan with another girl, and he knows well that he's famous in their school. Solcos' high, Duraflex, what a cringy name for a bully, but seeing Johan act so calm in front of him, after they bumped. Makes his feelings uneasy.

"Ah, okay, okay, i'm sorry, Stella let's go." Johan and Stella goes their ways into the cafeteria.

'That man, he's not normal.' Rocco thinks to himself and go outside of their campus to skip classes.

"Johan? Johan? Are you.okay?" Stella asked to Johan, seeing Johan trembling, Stella scratches her head. Both of them are in the cafeteria now and eating early lunch.

'Crap, i hope he'll forget.me, i'm dead, i'm dead, i'm dead.' Johan thinks to himself and noticed that Stella is talking to him.

He looks at Stella and smile warmly, his trembling is gone now.

"Yes, i am fine." He replied.

"Uh, okay?" Stella answered in confusion, he thought that Johan is a lil bit weird.

While both of them are eating happily and peacefuly, some group of thugs comes in. They are talking about Rocco. In the group of thugs, behind them is their leader. His name is Jayden, he's famous in their school as the only rival of Rocco. Well, that's cringy.

While the thugs are buying some foods on the counter, Jayden is finding some open table they can sit on to, while Jayden is finding some open seats. He noticed Stella, he's planning on hitting on her, until he saw Johan, casually and happily eating with her. His face became pissed and he approached them.

"Hey, babe, can i get your number?" Jayden asked to Stella, while his right hand is resting on Johan's left shoulder. He's squeezing it so he could inflict a little bit of pain to Johan.

"Hey, let go of me." Johan said, he hold Jayden's hand and put it away from his shoulder. He dust of his left shoulder and stands up. "Stella, let's go, there's a large bug." He said to Stella, Stella stands up, turning away and both of them are heading to the exit....

"Wait a minute, you punk dare to lay your hand on me?!" Jayden said to Johan, While Johan and Stella are heading to the exit, Johan stopped and he looks at Jayden's direction.

"You little sh*t is a waste of damn time." Johan said with a pissed off tone.

The thugs who are buying some food are watching in the distance, they are laughing on Johan.

"I'll bet 20 dollars that man who's pissing off Jayden will get beat up badly." Said by a random thug in the group.

"I see, so that's what you want." Jayden said while walking slowly towards to Johan, cracking his knuckles and glaring at him.

-End of chapter 1.


Johan - Height, 5'10", Weight, 62 kg, body type, a little bit musculine but overall, normal.

Stella - Height, 5'6", Weight, it's rude to ask about a girl's weight. Body type, Sexy?

Aira - Height, 5'2", Weight, it's rude to ask about a girl's weight. Body type, Average.

Rocco - Height, 5'9", Weight, 65kg, body type, Muscular.

Jayden - Height, 6'0", Weight, 70kg, body type, Muscular.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Wack_Wackcreators' thoughts