
Highflayer:Lite Night

In the dark continent of Elder Dan. Where the words of light is preached the most. Forests containing beast's that thrive on the weak could be found scattered all along this continent... And within one such forest a new force has began it's reign of terror, death and plague Watch as this force takes the world of Highflayer by storm

James_Piter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Lite's current stats

Strength:24 - 28.53144 / 24 + 11% + 5% + 2% (+ 5%) (+1%)

Agility:24 - 28.53144/24 + 11% + 5% + 2% (+ 5%)

Vigor:24 - 

Libido:14 - (+1%)

Intelligence:5 - 

Endurance:24 - 24.96/24 + 4%

Fertility:13 - 22.1/13 + 70%

Dexterity:24 +(+13%) 

Stealth:15 - 17.25/15 + 15%

Wisdom:5 - 

Charisma:24 - 

[Crystal Rank Valuation: E2] 

(A/N:The percent's that have brackets around them are temporary stat Boost's. And the numbers that come before - are his starting stats without any bonuses )