

What does it mean to be a peak civilization? A level that stood at the very top of what creation had to offer! A level so advanced that their technological advancement had surpassed nature and was nearing the essence of creation! Since the beginning of creation itself only Five Civilizations have been able to attain Level Nine enlightenment. Among the five Civilizations, only the first ever civilization to attain Level 9 enlightenment were favoured by the Creator of the Universe himself, this civilization commanded awe and fear throughout the Wider Universe standing at the very peak of all existence, this civilization were known as the Primordials dubbed the Proxy of the creator by all the other civilizations. But the Wider Universe is thrown into chaos when a new civilization emerges and rapidly breaks through all of the levels at a frightening rate to reach peak Level 8 enlightenment, only a step away from the pinnacle but before they could cross the last threshold, the Primordial attack almost wiping the entire civilization from existence. The remaining survivors of this civilization managed to escape the pursuit of the Primordials and escaped to a hidden planet on the edge of creation. Two million years later, a young patriach of the fallen civilization who have inherited his civilization full legacy rises on earth and gather his forces to fight his way back to where his civilization rightfully belong, at the peak! ___________________________________ If you've read the entire synopsis, then I recommend you start reading it, it only gets better and better!

Sky_Piecer · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
79 Chs


In the past few days Ellen had been trying to get through to Beatrice but she wasn't answering her calls or emails.

Though she respected Beatrice choice in marrying Luke, she didn't really trust him at all.

It's almost been three days since Beatrice resigned and they were yet to hear anything from her. Ellen had already jumped into the conclusion that Luke has something to do with her sudden disappearance, So she brought Maria and Jane for backup

"Where is Beatrice? What have you done to her? she asked angrily.

"Beatrice has never neglected a call or email pertaining the company, she always calls to check in and see how things are going, but for the past three days she has ignored all our calls and emails and there can only be one reason.

She's in danger, that's the only explanation for this."

Luke looked at her lazily, this secretary sure is funny.

"What makes you think I would do anything to harm my wife?" he asked calmly.

"Besides what would I gain from harming her?, what's wrong with you?"

He was clearly amused by her behavior and dumb logic. Why would he harm his own wife? what was this woman thinking?

Ellen knew she was being rude and unreasonable but in her defence, this had never happened with Beatrice before and it's only occuring after she married Luke who was a total stranger to her.

Maria and Jane stood at the back observing Luke, they were captivated by Luke's charm.

This was the first time seeing Luke in person and he looked much more handsome than the pictures they had seen.

"No wonder the boss is head over heels for him, he is indeed fitting to be her husband in appearance"

Jane muttered to which Maria nodded in agreement.

Jane then walked towards the counter to help the awkward Ellen who couldn't outer a word after Luke's scolding.

"Nice to meet you, am Jane and I'm a director at Beauty Foundation, I apologize for Ellen's rude behavior.

She's just worried about our Ceo being off the grid this past few days, I hope you can forgive her.

Luke calmly looked at Jane, "I hold no grudge against her,

I know she's my wife's secretary and just worried about her but I needed to remind her of how unreasonable and childish her accusations were."

That's lovely to hear, then we can leave it in the past and maybe smile about it someday,"

Jane said with a smile to which Luke's face still remained neutral and calm.

"We are trying to get in contact with your wife, we have important business to discuss with her which could potentially determine the future of her company,

So can you tell me her location and how I can get in contact with her.

Luke still remained unfazed, his expression didn't even flinch.

"Why do you want to get in contact with her? I thought you voted her out of the managing board?"

Jane really didn't know how to respond to that.

"She's still the person with the most shares in the company.

That means she still owns majority of the company and should care about the well being of the company."

Maria joined the conversation.

"Look Mr, is really important that we get to her so can you please help us." Maria said in a pleading voice.

Luke thought about it for a moment and decided to call her though he wasn't sure he could get through.

He picked his phone up from the counter and dialled her number and unsurprising it was immediately answered by Beatrice.

The three women had their mouths opened so wide a plane could actually enter.

They've been trying to reach her for days all to no avail but he suddenly calls and it's immediately answered.

They looked at each other and smiled wryly, maybe this was love?

"Your secretary is here, apparently it appears that something serious has happened at your company and they want a meeting with you."

Beatrice immediately became silent at the other end of the call

"If you don't feel like talking to them or the company you can tell me and I will help you teach them a lesson."

A beautiful smile appeared on Beatrice face when she heard this, It's seems like Luke cares for a her a bit.

Ellen, Maria and Jane couldn't help but snicker within,

Teach them a lesson?, this pauper sure knew how to talk big.

Though he was Beatrice husband, he held no power in the company so how was he gonna teach them a lesson? funny guy.

Joke of the century even.

unbeaknown to them was that the man they were snickering at in their heart was actually the reason behind their current problem.

After Beatrice said she was fine and didn't need Luke's help, she hanged up on him and called Ellen immediately.

After setting a date and time to have their meeting with Beatrice, The three women apologized again and took their leave.

Behind Emotion Palace kitchen was a secret room where the guards were having fun playing video games and cards, they were beer cans lying around everywhere.

This was the place the guardian team hang out and also their method of relaxation.

Luke approved of it so there was no problem.

Victoria who had been curious about the room behind the kitchen, walked in and was greeted by the men having fun and playing games.

Almost like a bar opened 24/7.

She frowned, " What are you guys doing?

Aren't you supposed to be protecting the chairman, how can you people ignore your duty and even have the guts to drink whiles on duty in broad daylight."

The place was taken over by silence, before it was filled with the laughter of the men.

"What's funny about what I said", she asked fuming.

After they all had a good laugh, the savage looking man who was called butcher and vice captain of the Guardians spoke.

"When you are here, relax and chill. Nothing is going to happen even if we drink all day and are attacked by the ending of the day.

We would still be fine

Because we are also on vacation".

Victoria was buffuled.

"This entire place is surrounded by Archman private army.

Though you may not see them, they are here and strictly control everything that enters within a perimeter of 15 kilometers,

nothing gets past them, so there no need to worry, besides every family member of the Archman family is under the protection of the phantom shadows."

When the butcher said this, his eyes were filled with fear and respect.

Victoria was surprised by his reaction and gave him the 'stop over reacting look'.

The Butcher just gave her a side eye and smiled disdainfully.

"I know why you are looking at me like that, I've heard that you found this location through the phantom shadows but don't be fooled.

The phantom shadows you met are just candidate who have the potential to become part of the phantom shadows trainee's.

They are not even trainee's yet so don't get ahead of yourself.

The Phantom Shadows are a mystery within the private army, they were the first branch of the army and they hold unimaginable powers even though we barely see them.

They answer only to the Chairman and no one else not even John, they are more stronger and faster than any soldier within our ranks.

They also have the most advanced battle weapons and armors in the military that has never been seen before on this planet.

If I was still younger I would have tried my luck, joining them is the ultimate glory.

They are the reason why the chairman family can move around without a large number of troops.

They operate secretly and are close to impossible to detect. They are here somewhere but we don't know where.

They are always around him.

Any military person who had seen them in action only had two words for them.

Not human.