

Mom fed me fruits. I was not willing to eat anything but then looking at her face I gave up and ate those fruits. I know I hated them or may be it was not hate but just anger . I wanted only one answer .

Hurting them was never my intention. Afterall I lived nine years as if I was an orphan. Thanks to my grandma I was not that.

Missing my parents for nine years was not that easy for me but in those years I learned to depend on myself . I could not refuse her as before but sat down in middle of them.

Dad opened that bag and took out the gift. It was a doll dressing book. They thought I was like girls in my age. No!, I was certainly not.

Resisting them to love , would only going to hurt them. I ate fruits and accepted the gift. After that they left. I was confused but was proud on me .

Sitting whole day in a room was not going to be fun for me. I requested butler to take me out. Butler got tensed after I mentioned, he looked at my dad and asked him" baby Pahi wants to go out! saheb". The words were like a gesture for permission.

Dad came closer to me . He looked at me and picked me up in his arms,"okay! then let's go ".

My father agreed and even picked me up . His affection for me was strange to me. I felt little embarrassed "I was twelve! not two".

Dad took me outside in parking . He called mom and that pretty girl Siya. All of us were going out but I wanted butler to come with me.

Butler was hesitating but I insisted him to come with us.

Dad was driving and I was feeling relieved. While feeling cold air on my face I suddenly realized was there anything that I did not remember from past. What could be the reason for such parents, leaving their child for nine years.

I was standing while dad was driving . Mom pulled me down and covered me tightly. She was hesitant in leaving me and I fell asleep in her embrace, why?.

Mom was so worried, her eyes were filled with tears . Some drops of tears fell on my face. I was angry on her for years but seeing her worried for me and crying was unbearable pain for me. My heart was sitting on two boats of anger and other emotions.

I pretended to asleep until dad stopped driving . I opened my eyes and saw a temple.

Mom opened door and lifted me in her hands. As if they again forgot they were treating me as two years old. Siya covered my face with hat and an umbrella.

Dad came out of car and took me from mom. We entered temple and dad finally put me down but he did not left my hands. I did not noticed before but dad handcuffed me with him. I was surprised to see their cautious moves. Were they scared of losing me?.

After worshipping we sat in a garden for a while .

Mom was patting on my head and dad was sitting next to me .I was somehow feeling like surrounded with guards.

We left the temple after few hours.

Dad droved car straight back to home. I was surprised to see their protective behavior.

I asked Siya about that . She told me "ever since sir decided to take you home back , he is being protective. He increased the security before taking you back home .Your mom does not meet any guest at this villa, instead she choose hotels for guest meeting. Butler Hari and I are strictly instructed to keep you safe".

I was confused but why? what could be the reason?. I came back to my room and sat on a chair. After a while I felt bored.I called Siya. "Yes baby what do you need " enough words to understand why she brought whole army with her. Servants in row were standing as if it was a market and they were trying to sell me something. "No! I don't need anyone. All of you may go, except Siya ". "Siya i want to do drawing but i am not able to find any tool" . "Baby come with me , I will take you to Drawing hall ,there you can do painting as much as you want", she took me to the drawing hall. I was surprised to see those big paintings. They were all made by mom. I knew she was a great artist. She was good at belly dance and Kathakali. She had many awards for singing as well. She was owner of a clothing brand named Pahi. She opened her brand when I was born.

It was a small start and was hard to continue. Grandma use to tell me about mom's stories. Ofcourse I ignored those stories , who would want to listen about someone who did not care about you.

I took a big canvas for painting and a stool to reach its top. I painted a girl sad and crying in a dark room under blanket. Maybe that's what I wanted to tell them for so long. I was about to finish its corner with dark blue colour but my legs suddenly slipped. "Ahh" my scream echoed in entire room. Dad's study was next to mom's drawing hall. When he listen voice of drum and falling bottles. He rushed into the room and saw me covered into blue and white paint. He did not care about anything neither scolded me. He panicked when he saw a piece of glass under my feet.

Mom brought medicine box and dad laid me down on sopha. She was crying while taking out that glass piece. I was just looking at them with mixed feelings. I did not cried in front of them although it was too painful for me.

Dad took me to my room. Mom changed my clothes and laid me down on bed. Both of them were sitting near me untill I fell asleep.