
High Schooler By Day, Royal Tutor by Night

So what happens when one day you make a mistake, have to tutor a crown prince in an alternate universe, your normal days officially come to an end. It's fine if one transmigrates, no problem, right? I'm a highschool student, who's life isn't that interesting to begin with, a little adventure wouldn't hurt. But who would have thought that this crown prince was so generous and allowed me to stay in my real world during the day, and tutor him during the night?

appricotblossom · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Regain of Ability

Such an opportunity shouldn't be wasted, she was already so excited. She had already walked around the streets of this world, nut that was when she was in Little Merchant Valley, but now they were in the capital, she was going to see how things were in the capital.

"You only recently received your title, yet look at you, already running around, when the Crown Prince learns of this see how he'll discipline you." Xiao Qi said with an annoyed look.

"Trying to threaten me? It won't work! I'm not afraid of Zhang Zhengyang, besides what would he do to me? I didn't do anything wrong, going out to take some fresh air isn't against your country's law is it? What's more I didn't force you to come with me, I already said I wouldn't blame you, if you don't want to come, you're free to return, don't ruin the mood with your bad temper." Zhao Xing knew Xiao Qi was annoyed by her, but how could she be bothered? It wasn't her that ask her to treat herself as the master, it was the Crown Prince himself. She shouldn't vent her frustrations on her.

Though it was already evening, the sky was still bright. Zhao Xing planned to go around for a bit and return early before it got completely dark. Though she trusted the Crown Prince would leave men to secretly protect her, she didn't want to make things hard for him.

She thought for a bit, then turned to Xiao Qi, "Eh, Xiao Qi ah, since you're not returning, it means you also want to come with us. You know the capital more than I do, why don't you be our guide? Show us some fun place to go, so we can return early?"

Xiao Qi looked at Zhao Xing with an expression that screamed 'you're unbelievable!' in the end she realized it was useless engaging her in another argument. Since she had already decided to babysit Zhao Xing she might as well go all out.

"Alright, since you trust me so much then I'll lead the way" Xiao Qi said as she led the group forward.

The Noble Princess Manor was secluded, but after a bit of walking, they soon joined the busy streets, of course while avoiding the Crown Prince's manor.

At first they just enjoyed the view of the bustling street, got some snacks, and chatted along, Lan'er enjoyed it the most, her eyes were shining the whole time. Their little group was full of smiles and laughter, that is if Xiao Qi wasn't having a bored look on her face. But soon Zhao Xing thought it'd be better to have a proper meal. Since they were already out, they might as well eat outside.

"Xiao Qi ah, I'm starving let's find a restaurant and eat, all of us how about that?" She said as she pulled on Xiao Qi's sleeve, annoying her. But Xiao Qi didn't think it was a bad idea, and led them to the nearest restaurant.

Xiao Qi looked up at the darkening sky, "After this, we'll take a carriage and return to the Noble Princess manor."

Zhao Xing had no problem with this and nodded.

Just as they approached the restaurant, Zhao Xing heard someone scream. It was distinct from among the noises in the street. What's more it sounded as if it was coming from nearby. The scream caught her attention and made her stop and stare in the direction from which she had heard the scream.

"Mistress?" Nuo Nuo realized Zhao Xing was slacking behind, and called out to her.

"Xiao Qi, let's head over there." Zhao Xing's face became serious, and she made a U-turn, confusing the three that followed her.

"Where are you going now? Didn't we agree we'd head home once we're done eating?" Xiao Qi's brows creased in her impatience. She caught up to Zhao Xing, and was a bit surprised when she saw the seriousness on her face.

"Hey, what happened?" She asked.

"Someone just called for help." Zhao Xing did hear someone scream, normally in this street one could hear many things, one could hear many people screaming, even at that moment, whether because they were laughing, or just exaggeratedly speaking, or selling or whatever. But the one she heard was different, and when she heard it, she actually saw a vision!

She saw a vision of a dead young lady, and a man that sat next to her, his clothes were shabby as well as his appearance, he had a lifeless look on his face as he held the woman in his hands. If she dared to comment on the scene, it seemed as if the man wanted to accompany that dead woman to the afterlife. She didn't know why she had this vision all of a sudden, but since this scream had reached her ears and caused her ability to awaken, she had to find out what it actually was.

Xiao Qi thought it was strange, as someone who learnt Martial arts since young, her hearing was pretty good, how come Zhao Xing heard someone calling for help and she didn't? Was it because she was too distracted? But Zhao Xing was such a childish person, she was so excited about going to eat just now, so how come she wasn't distracted?

"You must have heard wrong…" Xiao Qi didn't finish speaking but Zhao Xing was already on her way. In the end she could only follow.

Zhao Xing walked a bit and stopped, "Nuo Nuo, Lan'er, you two wait for me at the restaurant, don't move until I return."

Nuo Nuo and Lan'er who intended to follow their master were puzzled when they hear her order.


"Go now." Zhao Xing said calmly, although her expression looked normal as if she was just going for another round of walking around, from her actions they could tell something was wrong.

The two no longer insisted on following anymore, and left.

Xiao Qi could also tell that Zhao Xing wasn't making things up and so she followed closely beside her.

They hastened their feet, and before long arrived at a dark alley, the place wasn't actually empty, some people, that looked to be beggars, sat on the ground here and there. Upon arriving they heard the voice of someone struggling. It was very clear.

"Xiao Qi!" Zhao Xing called out.

The heroic spirit in Xiao Qi made her quickly rush forward without a word, her swiftness scared the beggars and they quickly gave way for her.

"Stop right there!"

She approached someone wearing a hood, as they held a young girl wrapped in dirty clothes. The person with the hood realized some unwanted person had spotted him. And tried to escape.

From the person's stature it was most likely a man, and he seemed to have some skills, from the way he ran.

Xiao Qi scoffed. "Trying to run? In your dreams!"

Zhao Xing watched from where she stood as Xiao Qi's figure almost disappeared from her sight, but she refuse to give chase, she feared she might meet some trouble if she did, after all though the place was full of beggars, it didn't mean these people had only good intentions in mind.

"Xiao Qi, if you can't get him, you don't deserve the title of 'Sister Qi'" She shouted.

Xiao Qi heard her, and her annoyance grew. She quickly caught up with the kidnapper, and blocked his way forward. She had hidden a dagger with her, she pointed it at him.

"Stop, let that girl go if you don't want to have a taste of my dagger."

The man looked at the lady. "You look like you do have some skills, but sorry, this one I found her first, so I'll be taking her with me."

Xiao Qi laughed mockingly. "No one has met me and taken what I want away from me, if you don't believe me, you can try."

"Humph. Just a feisty girl, what do you think you can do to me with your poor skills?"

'Poor skills?'

"Hah, young man, surviving in the martial world for so long, don't you remember the saying, 'never underestimate the enemy?'" With that she rushed towards him.

It was already hard to fight while carrying the girl in his hand. Xiao Qi's attack were swift and ruthless, especially since she had been in a bad mood for most of the evening, she had finally found someone to vent on, this was an opportunity she was more than delighted to make use of.

Xiao Qi kicked on his chest making him almost lose his balance. He realized this opponent wasn't an easy one, he had wanted to escape first, but the lady wasn't going to let him. He resigned to putting the girl he kidnapped down first, so he could freely tackle with the enemy.

He didn't know this would be the worst decision he had made.

Xiao Qi didn't want to hurt the girl he carried before, so her blows were softer, but now that the enemy went ahead and put his captive down, Xiao Qi could only blame him for being foolish and thank the heavens for being fair.

In a short while she finished him off. She didn't kill him, but knocked him out.


Xiao Qi turned to the girl who was still conscious, she had her mouth tied with a cloth. Xiao Qi quickly helped her remove it. The girl looked up at her in confusion. She had no idea why this person helped her.

But Xiao Qi, seeing that the other party seemed to be mute, didn't bother saying anything to her, she straight away carried her over her shoulder, surprising the girl.

"Let's go, you must have been so frightened, I'm sure you can't walk. My…mistress is waiting for you at the end of the alley." She still didn't want to acknowledge that Zhao Xing was her master.

When the girl heard this, she felt a bit relieved. She almost thought she was going to be kidnapped the second time.

Soon Zhao Xing spotted Xiao Qi holding someone over her shoulder and walking steadily towards her. Her mouth went agape.

"Xiao Qi? Do you do weight lifting? How come you're so strong?" She walked up to her and took a look at the person being carried.

"This lady, I heard a scream from here when I passed by, my servant is skilled in martial arts so I asked her to find out what the matter was. Thankfully you're safe. I wonder if that person hurt you."

The lady shook her head as she looked up at the veiled woman that stood before her.

The answer made Zhao Xing confused "Then...Xiao Qi, why are you carrying her like this, isn't it uncomfortable?" Her eyes shifted between Xiao Qi and the lady who was being carried.

"She was frightened, I can't wait for her if she walks slowly."

Zhao Xing: "…"

The girl that was almost kidnapped: "…" 'That wasn't what you said before…'

"Alright, you've arrived put her down, you're not planning to carry her the whole way, are you?"

Xiao Qi put the lady down and helped her unwrap herself from the cloth that was used to cover her.

"Thank you, miss for saving me, I came out for a walk, I didn't bring any servants with me, who would have thought I'd encounter a rogue…" She said as she breathe out a sigh of relief.

Zhao Xing was a bit confused, "This miss, it's not early anymore, though the capital is relatively safe, it still isn't good to come out without a companion, as a young lady as you are."

The girl smiled and didn't say more.

Zhao Xing also didn't ask any more, she decided to introduce herself. "My name is Zhao Xing, I don't leave far from here, I also came out to have fun before it gets dark."

Something flashed in the girl's eyes when she heard Zhao Xing's name. But she quickly adjusted her expression, and curtsied, "My name is Zhao Qing, it's fate that brought Miss Zhao and I together."