
High School Theater

Hi, my name is Raina. High school isn't an easy place, especially for someone like me who is awkward and always feels invisible. However, everything changed when I decided to join the school theater club. From embarrassing moments on stage to unexpected friendships, a story full of laughter, tears, and valuable lessons began to unfold.

Navisme · Teen
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2 Chs


As the morning sun spilled its golden light across the city, Raina's day began with a whirlwind of urgency. Racing against time, she bolted out of her house, the crisp morning air carrying the fragrance of blooming flowers from nearby gardens. Her school uniform slightly askew, Raina's determination outshone any hint of panic on her face as she hurried to conquer the day ahead.

"I might be tardy, but I refuse to be defeated. Today, I'm giving it my all. I need to prove to myself that I've got this."

Despite her sprint, Raina found herself once again arriving late to school, breathless at the closed classroom door. With cautious steps, she slipped inside, hoping to avoid the spotlight.

In the Classroom

Teacher: (eyebrows raised) "Raina, late again? That's three times this week."

Raina: (with a sheepish smile) "Sorry, Ma'am. Overslept."

Teacher: (sighing) "Consequences, Raina. After school, you're helping me return all these books to the library." (gesturing to a towering stack of books on the desk)

Raina: (eyes widening at the sight) "All of those, Ma'am?"

Teacher: (with a mischievous grin) "Every last one. Be here right after the bell."

Raina: (sighing but still smiling) "Okay, Ma'am."

The final bell rings, and the students rush out of the classroom. Raina walks towards the teacher's desk with slightly heavy steps, but still with a smile on her face.

Raina begins carrying a large stack of books in her hands, followed by the teacher who is also carrying several books. They walk down the now quiet corridor. Other students who are still around smile or wave at Raina.

At Library

Arriving at the library, Raina carefully deposited the books on the desk, greeted warmly by Mrs. Sari, the librarian. The Teacher followed suit, adding more books to the collection.

Mrs. Sari: "Raina, quite the book haul today. Trouble again?"

Raina: (sheepishly) "Yes, Mrs. Sari. Late to class."

Mrs. Sari: (chuckling) "Consider it a workout, Raina. No more tardiness, alright?"

Raina: (grinning) "Yes, Ma'am. Thank you."

With determination, Raina dove into the task, each book finding its rightful place on the shelves. As the stack dwindled, Raina's curiosity piqued.

Raina: (eyeing the remaining books) "Ma'am, what are these? More returns?"

Teacher: (with a mysterious smile) "These are scripts for the upcoming school play."

Raina: (surprised) "Oh, really? That sounds fascinating!"

Teacher: (with a meaningful look) "Why not borrow one, Raina? Dive into the world of drama, give it a review."

Raina: (hesitant) "But, Ma'am, I'm already swamped with schoolwork. I don't think I have time."

Teacher: (raising an eyebrow and smirking) "Come on, Raina. Think of it as a break from all that boring homework. Plus, it's not every day you get to be a theatre critic."

Raina: (grinning) "A theatre critic, huh? What if I end up loving it and decide to run away to join a drama troupe?"

Teacher: (laughing) "Then I'd say we've discovered your true calling. But for now, let's just aim for reading the script. No running away just yet!"

Raina: (sighing playfully) "Alright, alright. I'll give it a shot. Who knows, maybe I'll find my inner drama queen."

Teacher: (winking) "That's the spirit!"

After finishing the punishment

With a script in hand, Raina stepped out of the library, her initial reluctance melting away, replaced by curiosity and excitement. As she walked home, she couldn't help but flip through the first few pages, her mind already captivated by the world of drama.

When she arrived home, Raina sat at her desk, script in hand. She realized that the world of drama was a new, uncharted territory for her. As a devoted lover of novels, reading a drama script felt like venturing into a whole new realm.

But as she started reading, her excitement quickly faded. The script was poorly written, the characters flat, and the plot uninspiring. She struggled to maintain interest and found herself bored even before reaching the climax.

Raina: (groaning) "This is worse than my last math test."

She sighed and closed the script, feeling a bit disappointed. Raina set it aside and reached for one of her favourite novels instead, instantly feeling the comfort of familiar, well-loved words.

Back to her routine, Raina lost herself in her beloved book, a smile returning to her face as she immersed herself in the captivating story. She was swept away by a tale that spanned the enchanting hours between dawn and dusk.