
"Who's There?"

Someone was banging rapidly on my door. I was getting ready to call 9-1-1. Then I heard "Lizz open the door it's raining outside." I quickly opened the door it was just my mom. I told her everything that happened at school " She said "It's ok honey you'll make friend's." And I quickly said "No I won't!" I ran up to my room slamming my door yeah I regret doing that. I plopped down on my bed, And went to sleep. It wasb12:07 when I woke up I realized I was late for school. I got dressed and rushed quickly to school. When I finally got to my class room no one was there. I checked the cafeteria just my luck my class room was leaving lunch. What's next detention. I quickly ran after my class I finally caught up to them. And everyone started laughing, And my teacher said "Lizz detention now!" Yep, just my luck. when I got to detention someone else was there. It was a hot guy well I may or may not have flirted with him. What he was hot. He didn't say anything back to me. Detention was finally over I ran down the hall, And tripped. then the popular girl's laughed at me! One of them called me a slut. I stood up, And said your just looking in the mirror. I felt like a god after that. I walked out of the school, And went home and did homework. And that's how my evening went.