
High-School & Sakura

In the bustling world of Modern Day Tokyo, "High-School & Sakura" follows the journey of Sakura Hiroshi, a determined and compassionate teenage girl. Unbeknownst to Sakura, the city is built upon an ancient power source called "Sakura Essence," granting unimaginable abilities to those who can harness it. Sakura, chosen as the current Sakura Guardian, is tasked with safeguarding the delicate balance of her city.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Harmonizing Future

Sakura and her friends stand at a crossroads as they near the end of their high school journey. They must decide how to balance their personal aspirations with their roles as Sakura Guardians. A significant decision must be made: whether to continue their guardianship while pursuing their individual paths or to pass the mantle to a new generation. As the cherry blossoms bloom one final time, they come to realize that unity doesn't always require proximity; their bond and the city's safety will persist through the essence that binds them.