
CHAPTER 1: The bad girl (Tiffany)

I'm in the parking lot of the local park, smoking a cigarette as Joey and Hector sit in the back of Hector's truck, drinking whiskey. I'm on my red and black harley davidson motorcycle, just waiting for the guys to be finished, so that they'd get out of the back of the truck, and so that I can put my motorcycle in it and drive them home, since they'll be to drunk to drive.

"Tiff," Hector says, barely making eye contact with me since he's so drunk. "How about you finally have a drink."

My eyes go wild as I stare at him. I drop my cigarette on the ground, stepping on it as I get off my motorcycle. I heading towards him, and he thinks I'm agreeing to take a drink, so he holds out the bottle of whiskey. I take the bottle from him, and throw it on the floor.

"What was that for," Joey says, glaring at me.

"Shut it, Joey," I say, glaring at him. "You know I don't drink. Drinking ruined my family! And you two should know that, considering the fact that we've been best friends since the fourth grade. And that I hate that you two, the only people who understand me, and know what I've been through, have started drinking too! But because, of that vary reason, everytime you two want to drink, you call me, because you know that after you get drunk, you can't even drive yourselves home! And you know that I agree because of Tucker, who died when I was ten because he was drunk driving! And now you want me to drink! Are you out of your mind!"

"I'm sorry," Hector says, but I know he doesn't mean it, since he's drunk.

"Me too," I say angrily, opening the truck back. "Get out and help me with the bike." As they get out and head over to my motorcycle, I say, "don't you dare drop it, like you did last time!"

"That, was an accident," Hector says, picking up the front of the bike as Joey gets the back. "I didn't mean to drop it. My hands just slipped."

"Then don't let your hands slip again," I say angrily, and he pouts. "Don't give me that face," I say as they put my bike in the truck. I close it again, and they head around to get into the passenger side. I get in the driver's side, and start the truck, backing out of our parking spot and drive towards the exit. When I get us out to the street, I look over at them to find they're both knocked out. And that means I have to wake up their families to get them out of this truck.

- - -

I'm just pulling into Joey's family's driveway, to find his dad sitting on a chair in the front lawn. As Mr. Thomson, Joey's dad, comes over, I roll down my window. "Nine thirty, good timing," Mr. Thomson says, crossing his arms.

"Thirty minutes before his curfew," I say, with a smile on my face. He raises his eyebrows and I sigh. "You already know he's drunk, so why you gotta make things so difficult for me."

"Because it's wrong," Mr. Thomson says. "He's an eighteen year old, he's not allowed to drink yet."

"Yeah, I know that," I say, rolling my eyes. "But he's still gonna drink. And you know I don't drink. So wouldn't you want him drinking with someone who only smokes cigarettes, and doesn't drink. Or would you want him sneaking out to drink, and trying to drive back drunk, and maybe getting in a car crash?"

"You know, I just want what's best for him," Mr. Thomson says, sighing. "Anyways, I'm fine with the drinking, as long as he doesn't do it alone, and as long as you're there to drive him home."

"You know I'd never let these two drink alone," I say, and he smiles.

"Okay then," Mr. Thomson says, and I see his wife come outside. "Help me get Joey to his room?"

"Don't worry about Joey, sweetie, Mrs. Thomson says to me, coming to stand with her husband. "We can get Joey to his room, you just get Hector home."

"I will," I say as they walk around the car, opening the door and helping Joey out of the truck. When they close the door, I wave, then pull out of the driveway and begin to drive to the other side of town, where me and Hector live.

- - -

When I get to the trailer park, where me and Hector live. I park the truck next to Hector's family trailer, and I hear the door open. Hector's dad and two older brothers come out, and I can't help but smile. I'm on good terms with Joey's family, but I'm basically best friends with Hector family. And I think of Hector and his older brothers, Hayden and Hudson, as if they were my brothers. And Hayden and Hudson were my brother's best friend's, so they basically have become my brothers.

We don't say anything as Hudson and their dad help take Hector inside as Hayden takes my motorcycle out the truck. When he gets it out, I'm already out the truck.

"I'll walk you there," Hayden says, coming over to where I am, bringing my motorcycle with him.

"You always do," I say, with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me, and we begin our journey, five trailers over.

"So, you're gonna be a senior in a few days, how do you feel," Hayden says, walking with the motorcycle.

"Like I'm gonna be the ruler of the school," I say, with a half smile on my face.

"But . . ." he says, and I roll my eyes.

"But," I pause before continuing "sometimes I feel like I don't belong."

"Do you know why," he asks and I shake my head. "Well, don't worry about it. Just find out why you feel like you don't belong, and tell me about it, and I'll help you make you feel like you belong."

"Thanks," I say as we pull up to my trailer.

"I'll chain up the bike," he says. "Knock twice when I can leave."

I nod, and head inside to find my dad sitting on the couch, with a can of beer in his hand and a few empty cans on the floor.

"Princess," my dad says as I close the door behind me.

"No, dad," I say, feeling a pain in my chest. "It's Tiffany."

"Tiff," my dad says, slightly looking up to see who it is, as if he doesn't even know his daughter. "Oh, I have news, but I'll tell you in the morning."

"Okay," I whisper as I come closer, and he lays down. I take the blanket off the floor, and cover him up, taking the beer from him. He instantly begins snoring, and I head to the kitchen, going in the cabinet and taking out a plastic bag. I head back to the couch, picking up all the cans of beer, thirteen cans, and head back outside, to find Hayden is still there.

"He just fell to sleep," I say, gently closing the door. "Can you throw this out for me.

"You got it," he says, taking the bag from me. "How many cans?"

"Thirteen," I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Could be worse."

He nods, then says, "I'll drive you, Hunter, and Joey to the mall for some supplies for school." I nod, and he says, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I whisper, opening the door and heading inside.