
High school Necromancer's Hell system

Before reading points Willpower should be strong .If you are not seeing these what will you see in this f*****g world.

Leo_2049 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter-06 school after the break

On the first day of his school after the summer break he just passes everyone and sits on his regular seat in the class.Everyone was shocked, to who the handsome young man was. Two to three bullies came and stood on each side of his table. 

The Leader of bullies says 

"Hey!New guy.What's your name?

With a single word from the main character, froze everyone in the class with a mouth wide open .As he told everyone his name was 


Who was known for being chubby and shy. Just after that the teacher entered and everyone sat on their seats but couldn't believe that he was the same guy Leone.

The teacher starts taking attendance of the class as his name was told and he said 


Everyone started whispering to each other, with a glare from the leader of bullies to main character seated in the right corner of class.The class goes on…

 and comes to an end with the bell ringing,the teacher left the class.The bullies came again stood at each side with a glare the leader said

"Look here everyone who it is. It's our Leone.Yo! Fat guy or should I say, the handsome guy now.You really changed, but you are the same guy." 

The main character gave a death glare to the bully leader. Making him froze for a few seconds but this time he throws a punch with the ability of his known as "Rock Crusher".

<>(((((POV:- MC be like What the hell when did he awaken a ability.))))))<>