
High school Moments

Jace, a kind-hearted and determined young man, bears the burden of a turbulent family life. His stepmother and stepbrother constantly engage in heated disputes, creating a volatile atmosphere at home. Despite their different backgrounds, Jace and Kate's paths cross unexpectedly one fateful day. Jace, tired of the constant turmoil within his own family, finds solace and support in his budding friendship with Kate. Drawn to each other's resilience and compassion, they soon realize they share a deep connection.

Tife_7736 · Urban
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12 Chs



The girl groaned in frustration as she got out of the car, she was furious that her mom didn't send a car to pick her up from the airport. Yeah, this is definitely one of the reasons why she always doubts she is her real mom. She could remember that day she angrily demanded a DNA test. If not only that they are 99.9 matches, she would have run away then, but it proves that the wicked woman is her mum. She groaned in frustration and looked up at the big mansion which was their house, starting at it to bring back memories; a Mixture of good and bad memories. She shook her head and carried her suitcase heading toward the gate, as she was about to ring the bell, she saw a familiar plump woman, yawning and tired; probably tired of sitting, she looked as if she had been sitting waiting for someone until she smiled, recognizing her, she is their housemaid who was always like her mother when her mother left for a business trip when she was young before she left for UK she smiled she could see some white hair underneath her black hair she is getting old, this makes her sad.

" Aunty Mae!" she called out and the woman looked at the person calling her.

She stood up and smiled

"Kate is that you?"

"Aunty Mae" She rushed to hug her

" Oh Goodness you've grown up pretty well, I'm proud of you. I almost did not recognize you" Aunty Mae said, smiling and Kate hugged her again, she could smell a mixture of oil, pepper, and flour, she smiled and released her.

" I missed your food," Kate said, smiling

" I know you did, I spent the whole day cooking your favorite food," Aunty Mae said in a high-pitched voice probably happy that she had prepared that.

" Let me help you with your suitcase"

" No I can do it, just open the gate"

Aunty Mae smiled she knew Kate hate it when she worked. She smiled, she couldn't win against her anyway, she opened the gate and they both entered.

When they got inside, Kate looked around and asked about her mum, then Aunty Mae pointed at her room then she sighed

" Go and greet her I will take your suitcase to your room," Aunty Mae said and Kate smiled, nodding, and she went to her mother's room.

Entering her room, she saw her in front of her dressing mirror, dressed up and applying make-up on her face, also wearing her earrings and necklace, She saw her suitcases and cursed underneath. She was probably going on a business trip again. She was not surprised, this was not her first time anyway.

" I'm home," she said, and she watched as her mother stood up

" I can see that," she said and called on Aunty Mae

" Help me to put those suitcases in my car"

"Yes ma'am" Then she left

" I'm going on a business trip and It going to be a while until I come home. Stick to the rules, no dating rules, if you try to go against them, then you should know I'm good at transferring you, changing your school is a piece of cake for me, you know" she said and made for the door then she stopped

" Oh right, don't cause Mae any problems you know she is getting old now," she said and finally left.

Tears blurred her vision, she just seemed like her stepmom now. She smirked,

" Perfect way to welcome your child that you have not seen for five years, it's just like I wasn't welcome here". She sighed sadly until she remembered something, and she smiled.

Later that evening, Kate went on a walk, and everything had changed, she almost didn't recognize anything again. She stopped at a big mansion, it had probably changed too, the interior design and everything then she smiled and then moved on. As she was going, she mistakenly bumped into someone, making the person's snacks fall down

"Oops, I'm sorry," Kate said and bent to pick up the snacks and give the person.

"Thank you," The person said and turned to leave.

" Nala?" Kate called, and the person stopped and turned to Kate.

"It really you Nala" Kate smiled,

" Are you Kate?" Nala asked slowly and Kate nodded positively, smiling

" I apologize for not recognizing you, I knew you are familiar, but I'm afraid of taking the wrong person" Nala explained and Kate smiled

" I'm going to your house, I heard you are arriving today, so I wanted to check on you"

" Oh, thanks, actually I was trying to look around, everything has changed"

Nala stared at Kate as she looks around, she was a tall, slender girl who has a mysterious beauty. Her skin was fair, and her facial features were exquisite especially her eyes, they sparkle and were full of light, seeing her she thought of a summer blossoming fresh flower.

' she was enticing' Nala thought

"Good afternoon" Kate greeted, making Nala snap out of her thought.

" Oh right, Afternoon" she smiled.

" I'm sorry Kate, I always make fun of others that they have a bad memory but those I make jests of turned out to remember you clearly, all I remember about you is when you always maltreat Jace when we were kids, I'm the one with bad memories," she said, her eyes downcast, feeling sad.

" I remembered then too, you hate me a lot then," Kate said, sad

" I'm really sorry Kate, you know we were still kids then"

"It's okay, I do not hang onto the past, the past is in the past" She looked at her and smiled

" I mean it, you don't have to feel bad," Kate said after seeing her guilty face.

" Right, how are Jace and Donald?" Kate asked, changing the topic.

" What? Do you still remember their names? It's been five years" Nala was astonished

" Yeah, I never forget anything about us, those moments are the best moments of my life, I cherished them a lot," Kate said, smiling

" We missed you a lot here too, especially Jace, he missed you like crazy," Nala said and they both smile

" You won't imagine the looks on their face when they hear you are coming, they are so happy, feeling naughty," She said and they both burst into laughter.

" I hope you like it here," Nala said,

" I definitely will, I will run a fresh and achieve my dreams here," Kate said and they both smiled.

" The weather is nice"

" Yeah, it is". They both keep chatting, thrilled to meet again.