
Chapter 01

Yeah, it's a cliché start....

"Rae, Dinners ready" Agh! Mom. "Mom, start eating. I'll come after finishing this chapter" I yelled and drifted in to the fictional world. If you don't come now I'll..." "Coming mom." I groaned while rushing to the dining room. She used to threaten me to do things by 'Ill make sure you never see a book again.' The last thing I wanted was losing my precious books.

Nicole, my cousin was already sitting, eyeing the double chicken pizza on the table. When did she start to become punctual? "No cheese pizza?" "Oh! Sorry sweetie. I was busy with unpacking. I told Nicole to order." I sank my teeth in to a slice of pizza shooting Nicole a dirty look. She knows that I hate chicken pizza.  Nichole stuck her tongue out. "It's for the CD you broke"

"Girls, you are starting your senior year in a new school tomorrow. I expect you to do your best. Rae, you should control your temper. If you get in to trouble you know what I will do?" said mom sternly. "And Nicole, you should stop acting so reckless. Gosh! both of you are 18 now." "Ok Aunt Laura. I'll try." said Nicole shoving the last piece of pizza into her mouth.

"Now, hurry up and go to sleep. Nicole, no more movies today. Rae, no more reading." Nicole is a movie addict and I am a book addict. But don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a straight A student. I just love to read fictions.

I turned off the light and slipped under the blanket. I closed my eyes but sleep didn't reach me. It has been three days since we moved here. Nicole was the only one managed to settle down a bit. She forced me to talk to neighbors and make new friends. Agh! Why did dad want to transfer the company headquarters to a new town? New school, new people. At least Nicole is with me.  She's not only my cousin but also my best friend since diapers. My dad and her parents Aunt Millie and Uncle Josh went on a tour for a company thing. So Nicole is staying with us.  

Someone softly knocked on the door. "Rae, are you sleeping" It was Nichole. "Argh!" I covered my ears with the pillow. Yeah, I was too lazy to get down from the bed. "Come on Rae, I know you are awake." "Ok, coming" It took couple of minutes to make my mind to get down from the bed.

As soon as I opened the door Nicole stormed inside. "I'm in mortal danger" She squealed in fear. Mode drama queen : ON. "I think I lost my school entry form" sputtered Nicole." WHAT?" Did I forget to mention she's a super clumsy person? "Shh.. If Aunt Laura hears she'll kill me. Please help me Rae." Please She pouted partially crying. "Ok Miss Nicole, but you have to do my laundry for a week. Deal? "For a week? Argh.." she groaned. "Deal."

I released a huge yawn. Ouch! Something hard hit my head. "RAE!" Oh mom, please give me five minutes My voice was sluggish. "GET UP NOW!" "Ok, Ok. I'm up" I slowly opened my eyes. What! Two feet with perfectly manicured nails were right in front of my eyes. I quickly sat up. "Why am I lying on the floor near the couch?" "I want the answer to the same question miss" mom hissed in anger.

Then a yawn released behind the couch. Nicole stood up pushing the couch. "Why is this room so noisy?" "WHAT ARE YOU TWO UP TO?' Then realization hit me. We have fallen asleep during the hunt for the school entry form.

I looked at Nicole. Her eyes were filled with fear. "Please tell her" she mouthed. I shook my head. "Girls!" mom was on the verge of murdering us. Aunt Laura, I "lostmyentryformwesearchedforitwholenightbutdidntfoundit" Nicole blurted out. "What?" Mom asked in a puzzled voice but I was sure that I saw her eyes sparkling for a moment.

"Mom, our little miss clumsy has lost her school entry form yesterday. We were searching for it" "Don't kill me Aunt Laura" Nicole whined. "Don't worry Nicole. Im sure you can enter the school without the entry form" She didn't notice the sarcasm in mom's voice. "Oh thank god!" Nicole sighed in relief. How can she act like a total idiot? "Nicole, you have an hour before the school start. FIND IT!" Mom shot her a death glare and left to make breakfast.

"What should I do" She yelled pulling her curly black hair. "Rae, please can you search the laundry room?" "Sorry sis, I should help mom to make breakfast." I smiled evilly and walked to the direction of the kitchen. "Rae, please.... " "Its for the pizza" I yelled without looking back. Yeah, I am pure evil when it comes to revenge.

I was packing our lunch when Nicole came with tearful eyes. "I searched everywhere. "Then she broke in to tears. "Don't panic Nicole." Mom said in a calm voice. "Here's your entry form." "WHAT?" We both yelled together. "You have left it under the pizza box last night. I wanted to give you a punishment" said mom handing over the form to Nicole.

"Now hurry up and get ready for school."


I stepped towards the school building with Nicole. Just above the main entrance MATELAND HIGH SCHOOL was written in huge metallic letters. I opened my bag and searched for the school map. Where did I put it? "Map?" I nodded." See, I'm not the only one with a terrible memory. You told me to take it out from your bag during the drive" said Nicole waving the map in the air. I quickly grabbed it and ran my eyes through the map to find the main office.

It took about ten minutes to reach the main office. Then we got our class schedules. "Where is the locker area?" "We don't have enough time. Only five minutes left. So it will be better to go to the class." said Nicole. "Hmm.... Yeah, It's a relief we both have verryyy similar schedules. Only exception is I got drama as the 4th and you have music as the 4th"

Finding our class room wasn't hard. A plump woman was scribbling something on the board." Excuse me mam"  "Yes" "I'm Rae Wollen and she's Nicole Wollen. We transferred here today" I said handing over the admission card. " Come in. I'm your Physics teacher, Mrs. Clove. You can sit" she said showing empty chairs with her head.

The looked at the board which was covered with various letters and equations. Am I from a different planet? In less than five minutes my vision started to blur. Last night, when we checked the time before falling asleep it was 2.30 in the morning. I tried to keep my eyes open cursing Nicole in my head.

"Excuse me!" Someone murmured near my ear. "Peeezz gimme five minutes" I muttered sluggishly. "GET UP YOU INSOLENT GIRL!!!" The voice yelled. "I'm up. I'm up. By the way you don't have to yell so loud" I said opening my eyes.

"What did YOU SAY?" Oh my god! It was Mrs. Clove. Her face has turned red due to the anger. How can I be so stupid? How can I be unaware that I'm in school? I'm screwed. "Oh! I'm truly sorry Mrs. Clove. I didn't have the slightest idea that I'm in school." "You two" She pointed at me and Nicole. "DETENTION! Meet me at the physics lab right after the school." Nicole also has fallen asleep. "By the way," Mrs. Clove turned to Nicole. "It will be better if you could clean your desk which is covered with saliva. It's DISGUSTING!" The whole class erupted in to laughter. Then the teacher left the class fuming in anger.

"This is the most embarrassing thing happened to me in my whole life" Nichole murmured covering her face with her hands. Suddenly, "You two are awesome" squealed the girl who was sitting in front of me. She had a pale pretty face. Her right eye was covered with her short straight blackish brown hair. "You should have seen Mrs. Clove's face when you say 'peeezz gimme five minutes'. I'll do anything to see that face of her again." She started to laugh. "By the way I'm Demelza Brown." "I'm Rae Wollen. She is Nicole Wollen." "Twins?" "Don't insult me. I look better than her. Rae's my cousin." Nicole scrunched her nose. "Hah Hah! so funny" I muttered in annoyance.

"Demelza, lets go" said the girl who was sitting in the middle desk of the front row without looking back. "Hey, I'm socializing here" snapped Demelza. "You are always socializing Dem" The girl turned back. "Oh my god! I'm really sorry. I thought she's blabbering. Hi! I'm Cleo Andrews.' She gave us a friendly smile. 'This is Rae and Nicole, cousins" said Demelza. "What do you have next?" she asked. "Chemistry. We both have the same except the 4th. I got Music and Rae got Dram". answered Nicole. "We both also have Chemistry as the next. So we can walk to the class together."

The class was almost empty. So we were lucky to get the valued seats at the back of the class. "Erelda Mich, our Chemistry teacher likes to torture students. She wants us to do everything in her way. She's a Witch" Demelza dramatically whispered. "She's not that bad." Cleo gave Demelza a disapproving look. "That's because you're good at Chemistry." Demelza complained.

In less than a minute a women with black curly short hair came in. "Good morning". She greeted looking at the class. Then her eyes stopped at me and Nichol. "New faces. Come to front and introduce your selves" she said giving a slight smile. Duh! What is the importance of an introduction? Can't she just teach?

As soon as we finished our introduction, she looked at the class and smiled brightly. "Someone's in a good mood" Demelza muttered. "You said your teacher likes torture. right? She is in a gooood mood today. Do you know what it means? A pop quiz!" I groaned. "I have a surprise for you" said the teacher waving a paper in the air "POP QUIZ!" Demelza looked at me in awe.

I ran my eyes through the questions. Hmm. Not hard as I thought. I took my pen to write. But I suddenly felt light headed. Oh god! I looked at Nichole for help. She was looking at me with misery in her eyes. "My brain isn't working" I mouthed. "Mine too" she mouthed back. "Is talking allowed at the exams in your previous school Miss. Wollen?" asked Mrs. Howard in a sharp voice. I gave her a sheepish grin and looked back at my paper.