
New Life

Michael will be your new name, said Mrs. Amelia. We finally found you thank you dearest God, said Mr. Frank. So this is where you live? I thought he must be from a rich family because of his good looks, said Suzie Michael's foster mother.

I really thought we could get some money from his real parents for raising him for 15 years looks like I was wrong, I can't believe he's from a wretched home, said Daniel Michael's foster dad. come darling let's go he said to Suzie.

*10 minutes Later*

Amelia and Frank stood up and told Michael that they are not really poor but were testing his foster parents character but unfortunately they failed. *50 minutes Later*

They drove into the compound of the Jones family. When they got into the magnificent living room. Michael saw two identical twin girls named Sara and Lilah respectively. They told him that he will join them in their school called Royal institute.