
High School DxD: The Tale of the Gutsy Sekiryuutei!

Not all grand heroes started off great and Michael Hanamura is an example, he is a regular student with no redeeming qualities nor features which would gain him attention and he was an orphan to some no name people who don't even matter. Basically his life and existence in a nutshell was destined to be boring which leads him to death but also led him to another chapter of his life!

Retribrutus · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

The Khaos Brigade attacks and captures Gasper and Koneko-chan!? The Battle of Kuoh Academy starts now! There's no way I'll let my Kouhai be captured like this you watch! Bet on it! Pt. 2

(In the Old School Building)

Making it to the Building safely both, Michael and Rias exit from the storage room and into the hallway.

"Koneko-chan! Gasper!" Michael called out for the pair.

"They must be in one of the Upper floor rooms, lets go look." Rias said.

"Alright!" Michael nodded but suddenly felt a large explosion from outside, "What was that?"

Rushing towards a window the pair see a giant cloud of smoke come from the direction of the New School Building.

"Isn't that where we just left?"


Michael and Rias watched in worry as they looked out towards the trail of smoke in the sky.

(Back at the New School Building's Front field.)

After the surprise bombing from the hooded figure both her and Drayfus stood in place on the school field as they watched the smoke settle down. Forming powerful a united powerful barrier Sirzechs, S. Michael and Azazel protected everyone who was trapped in the room.

Watching in disgust, Drayfus responds, "Stooping so low as to work with your enemies to survive, you must have fallen pretty low, Sirzechs, if I were you I would've just died knowing you were devil, who finally met his end."

"Just what do you think you're trying to accomplish, Drayfus?" Sirzechs asked the Descendant of Mammon.

"Like I said before, my personal interests lie in killing the Dawn Lucifer and taking back what I deserve." Drayfus continues to glare at Katerea who does her best to assess the situation while using a magic formula to see the number of mages in the area.

Looking across the school field she was able to observe the surroundings much more closely with the help of her magic. Pinpointing a few straying mages she realized that they changed their targets and are now turning towards the Gymnasium to dispatch of the other forces in the area.

Widening her eyes, Katerea informs everyone,

"This doesn't look good at all, I've sensed the enemy sending large numbers towards Sona's peerage."

"Wait, really?" Xenovia gasped.

"This isn't looking good." Kiba looked.

"Do not worry, they'll be fine."

Everyone looked towards Raymond, who was done placing down one of the frozen participants of the conference.

Turning to face them, he says, "I placed a few of my barriers around that building while visiting the area during Open House."

Laughing to himself, Azazel said, "So you really were interested in visiting this place after all, and I here I thought you would be bored just like Vali?"

"There were some things I needed to discuss with somebody, but…" Raymond casts a glance over at the hooded figure staring at the collected group of devils, angels and fallen angels,

"It's far from boring…"

Looking at the hooded figure as well, Azazel narrowed his eyes and said, "So that's the person, who confronted you, the other day, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"I see, then I'll make sure to handle this."

Azazel had a face that said he meant business; Raymond would have urged his leader to allow him to fight the stranger, but knew not to agitate him when he gets into this kind of state.

"Oh, are you talking about me~!?" The hooded figure giggled and waved her hand, "Oh my, I can't believe you remembered me the other day, I must have left a loving impression on you, didn't I!?"


Kiba looks to see Raymond put on a face of anger/disgust as he responds to the figured stranger.

'Have he and that person met before and are acquainted?' Kiba thought then focused on the enemies ahead, 'No, can't get sidetracked, I must stay concentrated on the enemies I have in front of me.'

"Hey everyone over there I'd like to tell you all something very, VERY important~!" The stranger waved as her voice sounded very hard to sound adorable despite how creepy it was. Coming off from her was a dark red aura which was filled with malice and killing intent which makes almost everyone on their absolute guard.

"Who is that?" Irina stepped back.

"It's releasing something so terrible it's hard to breathe." Xenovia's hands shivered as she held Durandal close to herself.

Laughing the figure's tone suddenly went from cheerful to dark and murderous, "You're all going to die…die…DIE."

"…! Wait, those words." Sirzech's eyes widened in complete unsettling shock.

But not only he was off put by this but also Grayfia, S. Michael and Katerea were looking at the figure in complete horror as the way she said those words were completely familiar.

"No, how is that…?" Serafall eye's widened.

"For such a thing as for this to happen…O, Lord." S. Michael bowed his head as his face was filled with sorrow.

"Lord Michael, what's wrong?" Irina turned back towards her respective leader to wonder why he would look so sad.

Both Kiba and Xenovia were confused as to why the leaders would act such a way while struggling to stay focus on the enemy ahead.

"What's wrong, was it something I said, or was it something you've heard before? But seriously though I intend to kill all of you! Won't that be soooooooooooo fun. I've always wondered if the bloods of devils, angels and fallen angels were the same or different colors or maybe it was the taste that's different! Hmmmmm! These guesses are killing me, while I should be killing you all instead! Oh, by the way did I forget to mention that I'll kill you all, hahahahahaha!"

The figure rubbed her chin in thought as she laughed. Taken off guard by the dangerous aura it was leaking out Kiba could only wonder who was hidden under that hood because the words she was spewing were pure insanity.

"Let me take care of this one, Sirzechs and Michael?"

Stepping forward was Azazel who released a radiant, powerful yellow aura and a unexpected killing intent towards the figure. Neither Sirzechs nor S. Michael did anything to stop the Governor-General as they simply closed their eyes in agreement. Turning back to face Raymond Azazel ordered,

"Raymond, I need you to help clear the mages surrounding the area to lower the number of enemies as support to everyone."

"Yes, sir." Raymond listened to his orders.

"Hey you." Azazel pointed at the figure towards the direction of air and smirked mysteriously as he stared at the figure in suspicion, "If you really want to kill us; why not try your chances with me first."


Azazel released all 12 of his jet black wings and flew high up into the sky.

"Awwwwww~! No fair, you can't decide to die first, I wanted to save the best for last!" The figure stomped her foot on the ground like a child not getting her way, but before she continued she simply said in her dark tone which sounded more mature in contrast with her other voice,

"But I can allow it, since I can finally get my revenge on you, Mr. Crow Bitch…" The figure's aura soon began to compress around her until something from her back started to bulge out and free itself, "I'm gonna enjoy ripping your wings out and choking you with them!"


Coming out of her back were a pair of red scaled Draconic, Dragon wings which looked more pterodactyl than Michael's own Boosted Gear they looked more lifelike and actually intimidating.


"A dragon!?" Irina gasped.

"Things seem to be only getting even more troublesome." Kiba tightened his grip on his sword.

"I'm afraid so, but something doesn't feel right I've known this feeling before." Sirzechs looked at the figure's wings as everyone was caught off guard to see that their enemy was a dragon as well but that wasn't all the wings itself they had a certain vibe it felt as though they weren't the wings of some ordinary dragon in fact they really seemed familiar.

"This aura it's the same as back then…" S. Michael remembered this overwhelming aura what the wings no the aura of what the figure as a whole was carrying.

Sighing in turn, Azazel said, "So they found the chopped up pieces, huh?"

Laughing maniacally the figure opened her palms and looked up at Azazel as under her hood revealed it was a green dragon's eye, "Hehehehe…Hahahahahahahahaha! Yes this is it! This feeling of hatred around me, this clashing of powers around us and the dead bodies of so many it's all so familiar it's so nostalgic don't you all agree!?"

"!" The leaders were shocked as they knew what she meant.

The figure looked up at Azazel and roared, "Now let's fight each other to the death now shall we AZAZEEEEEEEL!"



With a single flap of her wings the figure was able to launch herself directly at Azazel in a couple of seconds and attacked with no moment's hesitation as Azazel guarded the attack with his forearm along with a barrier to maintain his defense and canceled out the would be bone shattering punch.

"It seems my hunch was right after all." Azazel said to himself as he saw something under the figure's hood emit a red dangerous light.

'I definitely can't let the two of you meet, especially, now.' Azazel thought as he pulled away a little too soon as the light from the hood turned out to be…!

"Dragon Blaze!"


The figure released enormous gout of flames and filled the entire sky with them as they engulfed the body of Azazel and the many mages who were attacking the leader from the angle he was floating in.

"The flames of a dragon…" Kiba muttered as he watched the fire lit sky.

Once the flames died down there was no trace of Azazel to be found, but that didn't mean he was dead since the figure simply giggled it off and turned around to see a cross armed Azazel floating right behind her.

"Very impressive, Crow boy, you were able to dodge with your incredible speed! I guess they don't call you the Governor-General for nothing!"

"Heh! They don't just hand the title and job out to anyone, you know? Now tell me, who was it that supplied you with such powers because I haven't felt something this familiar in over a long time?"

"Ah-ah-ah! That's a secreeeeeeeet~!" The figure hushed.

"Oh really? A secret, huh, so let's play a game! If I win you tell me everything you know about that supplier of yours and maybe reveal yourself in the end and if you win well you did say you wanted to kill me, so I guess that could be your prize." Azazel shrugged.

"A game, huh, okay I'm game, teehee! But why not make my prize all the sweeter by giving me something of yours?" The figure laughed.

"Okay, then what's it you want?" Azazel said amusingly, he thought if this needed to be taken care of he should at least try and make it entertaining.

"It's something, you don't need to know because it was never yours in the first place so let's begin!" The figure's aura grew incredibly bright and dangerous as it released aftershocks which killed the many mages allying her.

"Oh well, might as well enjoy myself some Armageddon then." Azazel smirked as his aura did the same as well but only this time the two aura clashed and killed even more mages stationed in the area around them as the remaining defending leaders created a barrier to protect everyone else.

(With Michael and Rias)

"Was that the Ero-Ossan and who is that hooded person?" Michael wondered out loud.

"I don't know, but it's clear that they're an enemy as well, right now we should be focusing on our task." Rias turns to Michael who looked a little worried but nodded.

"Righ-uh!" Michael stopped himself as he felt something strange emanate through him.

*BUM!* *BUM!* *BUM!*

"Gack!" Michael gripped his right arm and fell to his knees.

"Michael, what's wrong?" Rias exclaimed as she kneeled to his side and checked what happened to him.

"My arm it feels really hot, and it won't calm down!" Michael winced as he saw his slowly dragonized looking hand.

[This aura and power I'm sensing could it be!?] Ddraig felt a very, very familiar presence from the fight occurring right outside.

(Back in the school field)

Unfurling his set of 10 jet black wings Raymond immediately took to the skies almost immediately, Raymond engages an incoming attack from almost 50 mages all at once.

*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!*

Imbuing a defensive barrier made up of his nightmarish flames Raymond blocked the attacks with little to no problem as he insulted the human mages,

"Pathetic beings, learn your place…"




Soaring above the attacking mages, Raymond pocketed both his hands and started wrapping his black wings with his scorching flames and flapped his wings with a strong force that it shot multiple blade-like feathers at the mages while imbued with his nightmare fire.

The pained cries of the mages filled the area as they fell to the ground and continued to cringe as they slowly turned to ash by the flames. And to its other effects if their fear struck expression showed it they were experiencing their nightmares at that second before their deaths. Looking down with an amused smile Raymond commented,

"…Burn and suffer."

"Now all at once!"

Suddenly appearing to a quick shot at him 4 mages tried to combine their magic into a single shot behind Raymond until…




A total of three magic circles created a demonic powered blast in the shape of an Asian Dragon devoured the mages and obliterated them into dust. Flying with a total of 10 devil wings confirming her status of being a direct descendant of an original Maou, Katerea flies over to Raymond's side and said,

"Handling this lot alone will be difficult, so allow me to assist you only this once."

"Are you sure? Being the descendant of the original Leviathan should mean you should hate a fallen angel such as me?" Raymond turned back to face Katerea.

"What you said may be true, but I wouldn't say my reason to disliking you was because of my descendants disdain towards your race. It just so happens to be that I generally don't like you lot, but if there were such a thing such as a compromise to end all the devil race from losing any more lives of their fellow kin, then I'll be there with no hesitation to ally myself with you all." Katerea stated her reasons, "Also, you seem more tolerable than your leader."

"…" Raymond stared silently at Katerea before he focused on the incoming swarm of mages beginning their attack.

"Now shall we?" Katerea covered herself with a massive amount of demonic power as she raised her staff in the air to prepare another attack combined with Raymond's flames as their individual powers made a burst of which destroyed the incoming mages and caused a bright light to fill the sky.

"Amazing…" Kiba could only watch the high leveled beings take care of the mages like they were pathetic flies.

Staring up at the sky, Drayfus focused his sight only on Katerea and smiled admiringly at her as he didn't want to tear his sight away from the sight of such a beauty such as her.

'My dear Katerea, This sight I thought would forever lose, gazing upon you like this, but here it is again right in front of him. Your beautiful hair, the way you looked more sophisticated with those glasses, and your heavenly breas…I mean, heavenly smile!' Drayfus shook his head as he grew flustered, 'But each time I look at you now I feel so disgusted that you couldn't be mine, when I know that the Filthy Dawn Lucifer is still out there alive…just, wait for me, I'll make sure to hand his head to you on a platter to prove I'm more superior to him.'

Reaching to grab the hilt of his katana, Drayfus stares at the remaining leaders with narrowed eyes with the intent to kill, "But first allow me to get rid of these roadblocks before going after him."

Cornered with creating the barrier the leaders were guarding the frozen and defenseless others from the attacks from the mages. Any broken concentration could mean their instant death if they were to be distracted.

"We are outnumbered; we need to avoid a war of attrition." S. Michael focused on holding the barrier up along with Sirzechs, who explains,

"Grayfia is currently analyzing the gate."

"Which means, we need to buy her time." Serafall said then turns back to an approaching Drayfus who wasn't really about intent to give them that much time, "With Drayfus-chan being a High-Class Devil he can just as easily create some damage to the barrier at this state."

Without the extra support of Azazel to hold up the barrier things were looking thin right now, it seemed they were cornered once again by the enemy.

"Then allow me to handle him, Sirzechs-sama and Serafall-sama." Kiba stepped forward with a demonic/Holy Sword in hand.

"You will?" Sirzechs questioned Kiba.

"The power Drayfus holds is still a danger even to Ultimate-Class Devils when he's taken too lightly, fighting him alone is basically suicide for a devils of such lower experience." Serafall warned.

"If so, then I'll do my best to ward him off for as long as I can." Kiba stabbed his blade into the ground and placed both hands on the bottom handle.

"Kiba instead of asking to face him, yourself, let me help you to better your chances." Xenovia offered her help but Kiba shook his head and gave his usual prince like smile.

"Excuse me for being selfish, Xenovia-san, but I feel as though this should be a one on one fight between swordsmen and if I were to back down from a challenge such as this then I'll set a terrible example for the Gremory Boys by making them look bad and make Michael-kun mad." Kiba then unearthed his blade and walked towards the wall of the barrier about to leave as soon as the enemies attack starts to let up for him to go through it.

"That means we'll have to do our part and keep the enemies at bay with Katerea-sama and Raymond, Irina." Xenovia readied Durandal.

"Right, let's do our best Xenovia!" Irina smiled determinedly to her former comrade as her former disdain towards her was gone.

"I hope Azazel could handle himself against his enemy." S. Michael said his worry.

"Don't worry, Chief Michael. Our friends are also there." Xenovia smiled.

"Yes, Buchou and Michael-kun will definitely make it to help just in the nick of time." Kiba nods then sees the enemies stop their fired and approach at another angle to where the barrier is weakest.

"Now is your chance, I'll be opening the barrier now!" Sirzechs exclaimed, "Prepare yourselves."

"Right!" Kiba, Xenovia and Irina readied their weapons and waited for their signal to go.

"Let's end this…" Drayfus grabs the hilt of his katana and crouches down as he releases a strong aura while imbuing more of his demonic power into the sword as his arm's muscles started to flex in a dangerous manner.

'He's intending to attack everyone all at once; I have to counter it by using enough force to block out the attack!'

Kiba readies his holy/demonic sword and crouches down as he focused all of his demonic power to increase the strength and compression of his leg muscles.

After a few seconds of waiting and staring at the enemy's movements, Sirzechs confirms the position and yells, "Now!"


Using his speed to propel himself at Drayfus like a bullet, Kiba disappeared in a blur before Xenovia and Irina leave the barrier to fend of the mages attacking the leaders.

"It's ready." Drayfus after collecting enough power prepares to launch an attack against the cornered leaders and unsheathed his long katana blade which was colored pitch black with all the demonic power covered around it, "Evil Shadow Edge!"

Lunging forward to swing with all of his might, Drayfus roared as he swung his blade down but then a sudden interruption from another sword intervened in his attack.

"Stop, right there!"


The sound of Kiba's sword hitting against Drayfus' blade filled the entire school field with the sound and echoes of resounding metal.

"Hm?" Drayfus looks down to see a struggling Kiba push back the dangerous attack with all of his effort, Drayfus who taken off guard simply forced the blade down upon Kiba who used the muscles of his legs to stay up right. The two sides tried to force one another back and get the advantage but the only one who seems to get at a better angle was Drayfus who was still shocked that someone caught him off guard. Struggling to put up much of a fight Kiba's legs started to grow weary from the single impact.

*Clackle! Clackle! Clackle! Clackle!*

The two blades continued to clash but now Kiba was losing the battle of upper body strength as he was almost on his single knee.

'He's strong, very strong, I bet he's just using his bare arm strength over his demonic power just to overpower me.' Kiba realized he can't block out the power and looked around for another direction free of any of his allies, 'Which is why I should just redirect it!'

"Haaaaaaauh!" Kiba roared as he did his move.


"Hou…" Drayfus said with half lidded eyes as he watched in interest.

Using the edge of his sword, Kiba slide the edge of Drayfus' katana and changed it's attack course into the woods as a WIDE slash of energy went through the trees



In one stroke, all of the trees were cut in half and fell back all at once at the same exact time.

"That did it…" Kiba panted as he then noticed the edge of Drayfus' katana about to impale him, "!"

Jumping back right on time, Kiba was able to avoid receiving any damage but…



Once the blade of Drayfus' Katana touched the ground it created a large, deep crevice through half of the school field.

"Such destructive power…" Irina who hacked through one mage gasped.

"It's just the same as my Durandal, but I didn't sense his blade use that much power to do that." Xenovia looked to see that the katana didn't exude any of the dark powerful attributes it did before.

'Meaning…' Kiba looked up to see Drayfus readjust himself and look at Kiba with a look of superiority, 'He just used his bare strength to do this.' Kiba gulped and simply smiled to himself, 'To be honest, I'm a little terrified seeing how the odds are against me, I wonder, how do you handle being in fights like this Michael-kun?'

Standing up, Kiba bowed to Drayfus respectfully.

"It's nice to meet you, Drayfus-san, my name is Yuuto Kiba a pleasure." Kiba gave a challenging smile which didn't move Drayfus at all as he looked down at Kiba and asked,

"Just who are you?" Drayfus narrowed his eyes.

"Just like before I am Yuuto Kiba, servant and Knight to Rias Gremory of the Gremory Household." Kiba introduced himself fully, "Now let's start this fight."

"A servant, so that must mean you're a Low-Class Reincarnated Devil then?"

Drayfus sighed in disappointment as he motions to sheathe his katana.

"What are you doing?" Kiba asked.

"Get out of my sight."

The words coming from Drayfus' mouth sounded completely disrespectful towards Kiba.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you fake devil, you're not worth my time right now. The only ones I need to kill are your disgraceful leaders that's it, so move."

Drayfus nudged his head for Kiba to step aside.

But the blonde teen still stood and gave a face full of confused anger, "This is a fight between swordsmen there shouldn't be any distinction about your enemy besides them holding a sword directly at you."

"That may be true, but there's a certain power scale and gap, you fail to see between us, and may never get to see if you keep standing in my way." Drayfus sounded completely threatening as his tone sounded cocky and annoyed.

"Power scale? What do you mean by that and how are we so different?" Kiba was infuriated that he was being underestimated before he had the chance to fight and the look of disinterest only made him all the more angrier.

Groaning, Drayfus shook his head and muttered as he facepalmed himself, "Do I really say this out to a faker, anti-christ." Drayfus raised his head and started walking to the side as Kiba followed his movements which seemed really lax, but off-putting for him to take a chance to attack because he was so open and no one sane would do that on the battle field wouldn't do that unless they have nothing to worry about in the first place.

"Okay, first, let me ask you something, When you were born, what were you?" Drayfus questioned.

"A…human." Kiba reluctantly answered.

"Ding-Ding! Good. It seems your learning a little, now tell me when I was born what was I, huh?" Drayfus opened his arms to gesture to himself.

"A…devil?" Kiba raised an eyebrow.

"Eeeeeeh!" Drayfus crossed both his index fingers, "Wrong, I wasn't just a devil, I'm Pure-Blooded Devil something superior to you since birth, and up to this day, and even until you die. The odds were stacked against you in this "supposed" fight. Right now, I'm sickened that the fact that today most of you fakers are the strongest of the strong in the devil world, so I see you as nothing but…what was the word again…? Oh, right! Pure and utter Garbage!"

Drayfus emphasized then stopped walking to face, Kiba, who let his hair covered his eyes as he released a massive killing intent something that reached even Xenovia and Irina who were a distance away while Drayfus was unaffected by it.

"So since I've put the facts into that little brain of your's, I want you to listen, alright? What I'm doing is eventually delaying your death until the end, so why not enjoy your last hours of life like a good young man and let me get back to work oka-?"


Reacting just on time, Drayfus lazily dodges a thrust to the face from Kiba's sword and watched the Low-Class Devil go past him. Drayfus stared at Kiba as he noticed a few snips of his hair was cut off.

Upon landing, Kiba gave Drayfus a look filled with rage,

"Don't underestimate me because of my birthright."

Sighing exasperatedly, Drayfus shook his head and placed both hands on his hips and pointed at Kiba's right shoulder while saying, "Amateur…"

Kiba looked confused for a minute and looked over to his shoulder to see a large gash on it already bleeding out at a moderate amount.


"Guagh!" Kiba dropped to a knee and held his shoulder in pain as he looks up to see Drayfus slowly sheathe his katana with his thumb.


"I tried to warn you, and maybe next time you should try and attack with your feet planted firmly on the ground, or else you'd just make an easy target." Drayfus looked down at Kiba again.

Thinking about what just happened, Kiba thought, 'How did he get me, I didn't see him use his sword at all..or maybe I just wasn't able to see it in the first place at all…'

"It seems your finally getting it now. Do you see that you were outmatched, the second you drew close to me, was the second I decided to give you a warning nick." Drayfus warned.

Kiba looked at the big gash on his shoulder and gulped as to think what would have happened if it wasn't just a nick.

"Now will you move out of the way and go die somewhere?" Drayfus sees Kiba stand up and ready his Holy Demonic Sword once more, "Are you serious why stand in my way once you've seen the distance in power?"

"Because it means I just have to surpass it." Kiba who was once furious was now smiling.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you're still a low-class reincarnated devil, no matter how you look at it your still weaker than me just by that alone. So just get out of the way."

"No, because I…I still haven't cut you at least once." Kiba said the familiar words of a friend.

"What?" Drayfus was befuddled.

"It'd be really sad for me to fight without at least putting a single scar on you and if I were to leave you unscarred and go back to everyone else then Michael-kun would just laugh in my face." Kiba's chuckling was starting to annoy Drayfus even more.

"But even so...I still can't allow you to get pass me and hurt my friends, if they can't defend themselves then I'll be their blade." Kiba proclaimed as he stood straight up to continue fighting, "I'll never betray my friends and leave them to die!"

"Hm?" Drayfus scratches his chin and looks up as he said, "You do have a point, betraying your comrades is something you can't live with and even if you'll die later then you'd just feel terrible. I may see you as garbage, but after hearing that I might just consider taking you serious…"

"Then let's start."

"Listen to my words, you faker, I said might, I didn't agree to fight you, seriously." Drayfus unsheathes his katana and revealed the serpent design along the blade, "But for now I'll indulge you for a while if I were to crush you then it wouldn't keep me busy until my real target arrives, so for this fight I'll give you a handicap. I'll only use my sword arm to fight just one handed style without using any of my demonic power and the abilities of my weapon."

Hearing what Drayfus will hold back, Kiba simply smiled wider as he said, "Really then? Then I guess I'll just have to make you use that power and take me seriously."

Raising his blade, Kiba readied his stance.

"Just you try pathetic, faker." Drayfus crouches down in his stance.

Both swordsmen stared each other down before they both took their first step and vanished from plain sight. Anyone inexperienced would have thought they disappeared but actually they were still fighting, but in a speed the normal eye couldn't catch as the sound of metal banging.


Looking at Kiba delay, Drayfus approaching them through a battle and Irina and Xenovia fending off the mages with Katerea and Raymond Sirzechs said, "Everything seems to be working so far, now we must leave our faith in Michael-kun and Rias to retrieve Gasper."

"I pray for their safe return." S. Michael agreed to the plan's procedure.

"…" Looking worried and unfocused Serafall could only think about the safety of her son, who was still in danger of being assaulted by the enemy as she looked off into the direction of the gymnasium and said a heavy heart,


(In the gymnasium)

"Whoa!" Saji screamed as he was sent flying into a cart of basketballs, flinging them around as he was kicked away from his assailant,

"Ngh…dammit, just who the hell are you?"

Saji grunts as he picks himself up to glare at a tall standing Rallen holding an exhausted Shura by the collar. The boy seemed to have sustained minor injuries, but the way he was breathing heavily implied that he over did it against the stranger.

'How could this have happened? I know this feeling from Gasper's sacred gear, but why is it making everyone stop all of a sudden?' Saji looked around to see the frozen faces of his fellow servants standing there in motionless ignorance to the situation. He tried to boggle his mind over, why he himself didn't get frozen like the others, but could only guess it was the black aura his Absorption Line made around him. Could it be that a fraction of Vritra's soul was protecting him?

Shaking his head, Saji pushed those past thoughts aside and focused his mind on the enemy ahead,

'Enough of the lingering thoughts, the enemy in front of me is more important. First, this guy came out of nowhere through some magic door or something, and suddenly attacked us without warning, so it's obviously clear he's an enemy, but what's his main objective?'

"Eerrgh…" Shura whimpered as he tried to at least move his arms to struggle.

"You're already done? I'd suggest you rest like a good little boy." Rallen tightened his grip around Shura's collar effectively strangling the battered child.

"Shura-sama!" Saji cried out and gritted his teeth, he needed to do something or else the Kaichou wouldn't forgive him for letting her only nephew get seriously hurt.

"I sensed the power of a dragon here and expected it to be the Red Dragon Emperor, but it seems that I was off by a landslide." Rallen commented as he held up the kid and stared at him, "You possess only a fourth of Vritra's sacred gears, and you can't even make more than 3 lines with it... So I guess it was my fault for making such a disappointing mistake, but at least this child did prove to be of some entertainment for me for just these couple of minutes."


Saji's eyes widened as Rallen heartlessly dropped the now unconscious boy like a doll, this man just dropped the son of Leviathan like a discarded tool for fun.

Enraged Saji growled, "You bastard…"

"I shouldn't worry about him right now, you should be more worried for yourself." Rallen opened his hands and released a green, devilish aura with a sharp intent.

"…!" Saji gasped as he took a step back as he felt just what horror the aura held in it, this power it was very dangerous as even the image of an evil grinning dragon was starting to appear inside it.

"W-Who are you?" Saji sweated.

"I don't see how that concerns you at this point considering I just assaulted you all, but whatever…" Rallen sighed then revealed his brown eyes and stared at Vali with little indifference, "My name is Rallen Ketten, and I'm here as a temporary recon member for the attack on the 3 Great Powers."


"It's nothing that I'd personally involve myself in, but, yeah internal affairs with you devils between New and Old Maou Devils are fighting it out as we speak by our group name Khaos Brigade." Rallen shrugged nonchalantly as though this didn't have anything to do with him.

"Wait, the Khaos Brigade, that terrorist group the Kaichou and Fuka-Kaichou brought up the other day?" Saji remembered a conversation, he overheard while cleaning the hallways of the school. It was between Sona and Tsubaki discussing a rumor of a group of mixed factions rebelling against their respective powers as a single dangerous unit known as the Khaos Brigade.

"Yeah, that's what I just said…" Raymond sighed in exhaustion as he repeated what Saji just clarified.

Saji's heart stopped as he heard that, 'An attack wait the leaders are being attacked at this very moment then the Kaichou and Mike with everyone else is in trouble!' Saji's hand trembled in anxiousness to support the others, but then remembered something crucial, turning back, he looked at his frozen companions and looks back at the mysterious man in frustration,

'Damn, I can't leave everyone here, it's too risky and they might die!'

He continued, "My job here is to delay any outside forces from interfering with the attack, but sadly, I got stuck with you, a weak devil, who doesn't even have all the pieces of a dragon sacred gear, how boring."

Suddenly, Rallen's eyes began to flicker in the color of silver as he covered one eye and groaned, "Look, I know how you wanted to fight the Red Dragon Emperor, but I can't just let these two stay alive, allow me to at least get rid of these two before going to the next opponent."

Was he talking to himself?

Suddenly his eyes flickered again as Rallen replied with a stoic expression which showed some tiredness,

"I don't care if you're not going to enjoy this with only a quarter of the pansy assed Vritra's soul here I still need to do what I came here for and your whining isn't helping."

Looking a little wistful, Saji could tell disappointment when he heard the man talk to himself and was annoyed and mostly creeped out, but shook his head to clear his thoughts, 'I don't know what he's doing, but now's my chance to get everyone and get them to safety, I can tell by this guy's power, he's hiding something terrifying so retreat is the best option at this point.'

Taking the first step was needed so Saji started his plan action by charging at Rallen and raising his fists.

"Here, I come!"

Rallen, who stood in place still continued his argument without noticing Saji's incoming attack.

'He's not paying attention now!' Saji punched at Rallen's face only for the blonde man to catch it with little to no problem, 'H-He caught it?'

Rallen, who was now done talking to himself muttered, "Can't you see I was in the middle of a conversation?"




Saji tried to pull away from the punch, but was sent from flying by a punch by Rallen who was so fast that it couldn't have been seen.


"Don't you devils have any manners at all?" Rallen sighed as he looked at the limp Saji with his back against the wall, "He was right, maybe this will be a waste of time, so I'll just end it right now."

Rallen who raised his hand summoned a red magic circle in his hands and held a orb of flames over it, Saji lifts his head as to wonder who the man was who kept calling him a devil. Since it was implied many times it was obvious to think he wasn't one as well and with the Old Maou Faction so could he be a human and if so how can he use magic?

"Nothing personal, but I need you two to die is that cool with you?" Rallen asked calmly, who would even ask something like that with no sick twisted face behind it, but with a calm non-caring one, instead?

"N-No…" Saji shook his head.

"I was being rhetorical." Rallen readied the spell and exclaimed, "Fire Bullet."


The spell fired a blast of flames towards Saji who raised his right arm to create a barrier just barely enough to block the attack for a while as he was pushed back against the crater that was known as the gym wall.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Saji redirected the fire towards the ceiling of the gymnasium.


"Hmmm?" Rallen noticed something different from Saji as his barrier has a certain faint green glow in it, "I see, so that's what you did?" Rallen turns to look at his arm to see a line from Saji's Absorption line attached to him.

Panting like crazy, Saji picks himself up as the spell ends and smiled, "That's right, I was able to latch a few lines on a couple of places before you retaliated with that punch."

It wasn't easy to decipher, but after saying that Saji started counting under his breath.

"Using my sudden absent mindedness against me, impressive, but you just used a few places, so I take it you placed a few lines somewhere else?" Rallen who grabbed the line on his arm imbued his hand with a green sharp aura and cuts it off with ease.

Narrowing his eyes, Saji placed that image away for later and smiled, "I guess you can say that, but first I'll be taking back the Kaichou's nephew!"

Saji's absorption line extends towards Shura laid out on the ground with little notice.

"I'll just get rid of him now, just to save you the trouble." Rallen prepares to fire a massive magic bullet at Shura but then senses something falling right at him. Rallen's eyes widened as he sees a large steel beam of many holding up the roof fall right towards him.

'He used my spell to release one of those beams?' Rallen jumps back to avoid the slow incoming steel, but was unaware of his target being out of his reach.




Saji shouted in his mind as he wrapped his line around Shura's torso and retracted the boy back into his arms on time before the beam crushed where the two were just at.

'Interesting, he was able to separate me from that boy, it seems I shouldn't underestimate him too much.' Rallen, who was still in the air gave the faintest of smiles in actual enjoyment it seems he was starting to like this picked up fight, his eyes flickering once more Rallen said, 'I know he's good, but that won't be enough to just let me give you control.'

But getting into his view he saw a line from the Absorption line attach itself to a pole directly above him.

"So he can make more than just 3 lines." Rallen half smirked as he was unable to move in the air at the rate he was going.

"Retract!" Saji shouted as the absorption line pulled Saji in after Rallen while holding Shura as he breaks the line off and creates a large magic circle with a mixture of Rallen's power and his own demonic power as he shouts, "Now let's see how you like getting burned, Fire Bullet!"


A black beam mixed with an array of flames traveled towards Rallen who could've easily avoided the attack but let it grow nearer and nearer as the man smirked twistedly belying his old calm personality.

'It seems he was able to turn the tables on me, but it still won't be enough…' Rallen's right eye turned completely silver as he leaned in towards the flames and opened his arms invitingly for the flames to injure him as he shouted in a different insane voice,

"Yes, that's the way give me all you got you, Pansy assed Prison Dragon, Vritra!"

Getting a shiver up his spine, Saji gasped as he heard that voice while catching a glimpse of those silver eyes as he was quick to retreat and fly back using his devil wings to gain ground as smoke filled the other side of the gym. Landing safely, Saji places a resting Shura on the ground and covered his mouth as he thought,

'It seems, I was right to question it, but I definitely felt the same presence of a dragon from that guy just like Mike, but at the same time it didn't feel the same it felt as if it was completely deranged!' Saji shuddered as he tried to remember Rallen's appearance and couldn't see any signs of a visible weapon or Sacred Gear on the man to give him such power.

'Where exactly was he keeping that Dragon if he was using it's power?' Saji mulled over this many times then remembered his time would be limited if the blast wasn't enough to subdue him, 'Darn I don't time to think this many stuff through I should hide the others away from the danger and regroup with the others who still need help.'

Deciding that the most appropriate place would be the storage room, Saji attempted to do just that, but…



Stopping in his tracks, Saji turns to see a blast of a magic blast broke through the wall he just stood in front of and left a massive opening to the outside.

"…" Saji stopped in his tracks and gulped as he looks back to see a figure sitting against his own side of the gym laughing.

"Just…" Rallen's voice sounded exhaling menacingly.

"Where…" The demented voice from before laughed threateningly.

"Do you think…" Soon both voices tried to sound in sync but failed until they tried again and finally…

"You're going?"

As the smoke dies down, Saji could see only in shock as Rallen was sitting up with only his green leather jacket completely ruined and burnt by the attack as his body was completely unaffected as Rallen's right eye was brown as the other was completely silver.

"This fight just started, and you're going to leave now? No…you're going to entertain us for a little, Possessor of Vritra."

Rallen gave a battle maniac smirk the same a Vali's, but unlike his Rallen's was a bit more uncontrollable.

Stricken by the fear of facing a strong opponent, Saji could only mutter, "I wonder how Mike's handling his own side of the problem?"

(With Michael and Rias)

In the room, where Gasper and Koneko were being held captive 6 female mages were guarding them just to make sure no intruders would interfere in their plan as they even had time to have a little conversation.

"It seems everything is going to plan."

"You can say that."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I mean, do we really have to really wear these cloaks?"

"What, you mean, you don't like them?"

"No, of course not I mean why do we have to reveal, so much skin and look at us we look like a cult."

"W-Well, I think we look pretty exotic."

"Exotic? How can you look exotic if your face is covered by this hood, which is making it hard to see and is the main reason why we use magic circles to trace after the enemy as we blindly attack."

"Look it may seem contrived, but it was a good design at the time."

"Just listen wearing this makes us easy targets."


The mages conversed in front of the door as a slight yelling noise was heard from something they didn't mind a few minutes ago up till now as it finally grasped their attention.

"Wait, do you hear that?"

"Yeah, it sounds like screaming what you're going to criticize screaming now you, critical bitch?"

"I know it's screaming, what I was asking was who was doing it, you son of a-!"



"Michael Hanamura's here to save you, my kouhai, just leave it to the Great Hanamura to handle this!"

Our hero roared as he kicked open the door which flattens the female mage, he was currently wearing his boosted gear ready to fight but then look down to see the trembling female mage making gagged noises out of pain.

"Magnus!" The mages screamed.

"Oh my god-ow, I am so sorry my foot slipped, and I didn't see you there and to be honest I was going to punch you when I broke in, but man now I feel terrible, and hey…you okay, cause your coughing up a lot of blood right now…" Michael's eyes widened as he tilts his head to look at the now unconscious mage.

Walking up behind him, Rias could only pinch her temples and apologize, "Excuse my servant for… the rude entrance."

Rias looks to see Michael knelt down poking the mage with a pitying expression as the mage was no longer breathing as he said flat out,

"I think she's dead…"

"*Sigh!*" Rias shook her head.

Next Chapter- Chaos at Kuoh Academy begins! Devils vs. the Khaos Brigade Part 1!

Thanks for reading guys and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter yep, so the two following parts about 19,990 words meaning, I'll probably have to cut the next chapters' into parts too considering their lengths...

Well, I'm Out so Peace Out!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts