
High School DxD: The Tale of the Gutsy Sekiryuutei!

Not all grand heroes started off great and Michael Hanamura is an example, he is a regular student with no redeeming qualities nor features which would gain him attention and he was an orphan to some no name people who don't even matter. Basically his life and existence in a nutshell was destined to be boring which leads him to death but also led him to another chapter of his life!

Retribrutus · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Open House Conclusion and I get a new Vampire Kouhai! Oi! If you don't stop crying I'll smack you upside your head! Pt. 1

Walking through the hallways of the Academy, Michael had a wide eyed look on his face, he just encountered Raymond the older brother of Raynare and had a very strange encounter with the man.

"Okay, I never thought that would happen all of a sudden." Michael said to himself.

[Yes, it even surprised me how easily you were frightened when he walked up to you like that.]

"Well, well, well… Look whose back, you here to keep being cryptic and shiz like usual?" Michael said with half lidded eyes.

[Maybe, but that's for another time, I'm just here to talk to you about your meeting with that Fallen Angel.]

"Well if you wanted a hello your too late he left as soon as he was done telling me what he wanted." Michael sighed.

'But seriously that really scared the pants off of me the way he showed up but as he explained things I've sort of come to somewhat understand the guy feared as a monster.'

Michael went 50 minutes back and remembered his encounter with Raymond.


Walking through the grounds of the school, Michael carefully followed Raymond to a lone tree in case the man would pull any moves on him. The aura that Michael sensed from the Fallen Angel was mysteriously dangerous, he could feel it's terrifying influence make his spine chill out of fear. But thankfully it didn't feel hostile at the slightest so he wasn't too paranoid but cautious to a point.

Leaning against the tree, Raymond looked at Michael while crossing his arms while he still emitted the dangerous aura.

'What's going on? Why is this guy suddenly interested in me?' Michael gulped nervous to say anything, 'I hope he's not doing this because Ray-chan is staying with me, a devil, instead of him, a Fallen Angel.'

"Hm? Is something the matter?" Raymond asked with a normal tone.

"U-Um…" Michael scratched his cheek.

"You don't have to be scared. You can say what's on your mind, I just simply want to talk to you." Raymond shrugged as his aura started to flare up even more.

'If you do then why does your aura look so restless?' Michael had a hysterically thought as he sweatdropped.

"Is something ailing your ability to speak? Hmm, this is quite strange, according to Azazel-sama's instructions he told me that if I were to give you the chance to talk then you'd do it without hesitation because you were a… What was it called… A Great Loud Mouth?"

'Man, Ero-Ossan sure knows how to give people the wrong impression of me!' Michael growled as he hated himself inside for knowing that was somewhat true, 'Oh well, I guess I better tell the guy why…"

"E-Err…Your aura is…making it hard to relax." Michael said with a nervous voice.

"Hou? I didn't notice." Raymond suddenly suppressed his aura to where it couldn't affect anyone, "I guess that does explain why the many people I walked past today were stunned in fear. Forgive my lack of consideration."

"N-No, it was nothing." Michael shook his head then thought,

'Seriously, he was walking around the campus like that and didn't notice? This guy's rep as a monster must be real if he caused a lot of people to be that scared of him.'

"So why did you call me here?" Michael said the question which confused him and frightened him.

"I just came to talk to you about some pieces of information that I received over these past months." Raymond said.

"Months? About what?" Michael asked.

"About my sister, Raynare and the events which occurred around her." Raymond said with a strict older brother tone.

Michael's eyes widened at that as he looked up avoiding eye contact and said, "R-Really now?"

"Affirmative." Raymond nodded and continued, "In the past, I was told by some reports that she was tasked to observe you by orders of Azazel-sama."

"Wait, observe me? Why would the Ero-Ossan ask for that?"

"Because no matter what, a human with a Sacred Gear preferably one of the dragon variety always goes out of control under certain situations." Raymond explained, "But tell me this, has my sister in anyway tried to kill you during her observation?"

"No, she didn't kill me as you can see." Michael answered immediately.

"I'm not asking about whether she did it or not that's obvious. What I'm asking is if she had that intention from the start?" Raymond said as his tone grew more serious and demanding.

"I don't know." Michael shook his head.

"Are you sure because she had an immense hatred for humans and wouldn't hesitate to kill one she was involved with?" Raymond said.

"I'm sure and even if I wasn't sure it wouldn't change the fact that Ray-chan is my friend." Michael stood defensively.

"But what if she was pretending to be your friend to someday kill you…" Raymond asked.

"I don't like 'what ifs' and I certainly don't like your accusations. She's my friend and I don't intend to start doubt her." Michael grew angry at Raymond's accusations.

"Don't worry, I believe you. After all, she saw the error of her mistake and decided to assist you against Mid-Class Fallen Angel, Dohnaseek, who held her captive and went along with her original plan to extract the Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing from Asia Argento, a former Sister of the church and now Bishop to Rias Gremory, who is a devil and your master."

Raymond just now had tons of information about the past events.

'What the hell? He knows that much about what happened?' Michael was visibly scared since he never knew anyone but the people who were there had such thorough information.

"You must now be wondering why I know this much about that conflict. That's because my useless sister's friends tried to report it to the other higher ups but failed because a personal note from the person responsible confessed to her actions thus nullifying their pleas." Raymond explained, "Also, I keep a very close eye on someone as useless as Ray-Ray on my spare time."

'Useless? I don't like the way that he said it, but I think he means it in some affectionate way. I don't know why he says it like that but they're siblings at the end of the day.' Michael was conflicted by the way Raymond talked.

"Dohnaseek has been taken care of so you mustn't worry." Raymond covered his mouth with his hand and gave Michael a dark stare.

"Taken care of?"

"Yes, I made sure that he learnt the consequences of his actions by scarring his brain with a nightmare which will surely teach him to know his place." Raymond said.

"And that nightmare would be?"

Raymond looked at Michael and gave him a stoic look, "The nightmare of losing to a human in an eternal loop. Thanks to you, he's experiencing a more horrid dream because it already happened in reality."

'You mean I'm the main source of the nightmare?' Michael gulped as he does remember beating that douche to a pulp but nothing like this.

"Now moving on, next we have my former Senior or senpai as you Japanese say it, Kokabiel."

Michael's back straightened at that, he remembered that guy all too well and always jumped in anxiousness to fight.

"He gathered the fragments of Excalibur and tried to initiate a war with the Church and devils by killing and raping the little sisters of Maou." Raymond explained, "Anyone dying would have inevitable, but no one important died from that incident."

"But what about that Priest and Balba, the Pedo-Ossan?"

"Like I said, no one of important value died, well, at least in my case." Raymond scratched his head.

'Wow, that's messed up but really hilarious!' Michael laughed in his ass off in his mind.

"After retrieving him after your 'smack down' I made sure to teach my senpai how wrong it is to act out of line by demoting him to a lowly low class by ripping out all 6 pairs of his wings." Raymond said with a reminiscing smile, "It was so fun seeing such a prideful leader such as him beg and cry for mercy at the hands of his own subordinate."

'Ahhhhhhh! He really does have an S-side just like Akeno-senpai!' Michael panicked in his head.

"Although it was quite enjoyable it still doesn't excuse the lives he almost took." Raymond's smile disappeared as he looked at Michael with a threatening stare which made the latter yelp, "Out of all of those lives, my sister would have been one of them and that doesn't excuse the pain she would have gone through had you not stop, Dohnaseek. These painful experiences occurred because you were involved that is why you, a dragon, who lures more power to himself must receive something coming to you."


'This doesn't sound good is he really going to fight me because of that? Well, I did cause trouble for Ray-chan but still!'

Michael gulped and grew ready to fight as Raymond approached Michael while raising his hand.

"Thank you." Raymond had his hand up to shake Michael's.

"Eh?" Michael broke out of his fight stance to tilts his head in confusion, "You're not going to kill me or torture me?"

"Why would I do that?" Raymond questioned.

"Because you just literally said that I caused trouble and near death to your sister, twice." Michael repeated.

"I know but you prevented that from happening any further that is why I must thank you." Raymond urged to shake Michael's hand.

"What you be talking, Raymond?" Michael crossed his arms and used a Black Man's typical voice.

"I expected things to go downhill once she decided to stay here with you, but as time grew on she became happier and safe in your presence. I can see that you all have taken great care of her and will continue to do so." Raymond explained.

"So you're not going to put me in a horrible nightmare?" Michael asked cautiously.

"No." Raymond shook his head.

"Then no problem, pal, it's my duty as the Great Hanamura to be Ray-chan's friend and protect her." Michael happily shook Raymond's hand.

'I'm so glad that I'm off the hook from getting tortured!' Michael cheered in his head.

Done with the handshake, Raymond said, "In fact, I must ask for your forgiveness in return."


"I was the one, who instilled the hatred of Humans into her heart to begin with, all in a matter to protect her from any danger I'd suspect a human would do because of the twisted things they've done to others and their own kind."

'Well, to be honest that does make sense due to all the wars and stuff humans did.' Michael thought.

"So I created nightmares which depicted the sins of mankind into her every night since we were children to ingrain disdain and hatred towards humans of any kind." Raymond then looked at Michael, "But I guess humans of any kind don't meet up with any Sacred Gear wielder."

"In the end, a human saved her from danger and certain death...kukukukukuku… I guess not even I could see something so ironic ever happening. I guess this proves how pitiful I am." Raymond gave himself a bitter chuckle.

"It's fine, you don't need to apologize to me." Michael folded his arms behind his head, "And besides to be honest even if you didn't do that, I and Ray-chan would still be friends so no need to beat yourself over it."

Smiling at Michael, Raymond said, "I wonder about that but still… Thank you, Sekiryuutei."

"No call me, Michael or Mike, either is fine." Michael grinned.

"Well then Michael, I leave my sister in your care from now on." Raymond walked past Michael.

"Wait, me? Aren't you going to take care of her too?" Michael asked.

Raymond stopped walking.

"I mean she is your sister and if you wanted couldn't you take her back into the Grigori?" Michael asked.

Turning back Raymond shook his head, "No she's affiliated with the devils as a traitor so any hopes of her returning at this point are slim and the nightmares that I placed in her dreams were forced which instilled her fear of me as a monster in her eyes."

"But if you told her that, then maybe she can-"

"I wouldn't have an issue like that, but tell me what were her exact words when she told you all about me?" Raymond still looked forward away from Michael.

"Well, she…" Michael remembered the way Raynare talked of Raymond like some creature who wouldn't show emotion, but now after meeting the guy for a while he now learns that he's really a nice guy and if Raynare wasn't able to see that in the first place then that must mean she really sees him as nothing but a monster from the start.

"Don't worry about me. Its fine I'd rather watch over her from a distance and relax knowing you're protecting her." Raymond raised his hand and walked off, "The Meeting of the Three Factions will begin soon and I must prepare. Speaking with you has been rather enlightening, Michael Hanamura."

"Yeah…" Suddenly a question popped up into Michael's head, "Oi! I have another question!"

"Yes?" Raymond stopped and turned around with a stoic expression.

"Just now why were you so riled up releasing that much aura and why did you even come today?"

"Because today was a day where relatives could view and observe their young ones so I didn't hesitate to watch over Ray-Ray today and forgive me once again I was busy going through my footage of her that I got a little excited." Raymond coughed in a fit.

"Wait, what?" Michael blinked a little dumbfounded to hear Raymond say such a thing.

"No, it was nothing. Pretend that you didn't hear any of that." Raymond quickly turned around and began walking away.

Michael could swear he saw the man's face going a little red but it must have been his imagination.

'Excited? Does that mean he really likes Ray-chan as a sister so he's some sort of bro-con?' Michael thought.

"Well, until our next meeting goodbye." Raymond left the area leaving Michael alone.

"Whoa, that was strange." Michael sighed in relief finally happy that the moment passed, "Now what was I going to do before being interrupted...?"

Michael rubbed his chin as he walks over to a nearby wall, "Oh yeah, I remember!"


Michael pulled out a bottle of spray paint and sprayed the wall with a blue color vandalizing school property but labeling the words 'Saji wuz here' all over it.

"Yeah, vandalism… I did promise Saji I'd make a mess for him." Michael laughed and dropped the bottle and walked away whistling.


"Yeah, that was a strange dude but he seemed cool." Michael said as he walks through the hallway leading into the school's main hall.

[Yes, even if it was a little restrained power, I could still sense that Raymond guy can still be a stronger challenge for you in the future.]

'Future? Nuh-Uh! No! Non! Negativo! Never gonna happen! That guy's power is freaking scary, man! He doesn't even need to fight you, all that happens with a battle against him is being burned by his flames and being put in a horrific nightmare!' Michael shouted in his head, 'In fact, I'm going to do my best to stay on his good side or else I'll end up like Dohnaseek and Kokabiel. For once I'm starting to pity the bastards hat I beat up.'

[Really, even Riser?]

'Hell no. Screw, Riser, I freaking hate him. Unless he redeems himself in my book, the next time I see him I'm going to kick him in the nads." Michael thought.

[That sounds a little harsh, but anyways I didn't come here to discuss Vanishing Drive to you.]

'Finally, so what do you got on it?' Michael asked excitedly ready to know how to beat Vali's power and somehow learn how to use his own version of that power also.

[First is this, Vanishing Drive is an ability learned by Divine Dividing hosts with exceptional strength to use at least 50% of Albion's raw power in their base form.]

'Base power? You mean without Balance Breaker?'

[Correct, Vanishing Drive allows the user to raise their base strength, speed and power to the next level. But an extra perk to the power is that whoever uses it will be able to disappear without a trace and hide their power and even their very presence to attack their enemy. It's a dangerous technique which shouldn't be looked down upon.]

'Incredible, so that's why it's called Vanishing Drive, it's kind of ironic how the Vanishing Dragon and the way Vali popped in and out kind of coincide when you think about it.' Michael chuckled, 'So Ddraig do you think I can-?'

[No, the way you are now isn't enough to handle that kind of power.]

'Aw, come! I can use Balance Breaker so that must mean that I can at least use power like that!' Michael growled and clenched his fist.

[You mean the Balance Breaker that hurts not only your opponent but yourself whenever you boost up in strength.]

'W-Well, it doesn't matter because I can still use it.' Michael looked off to the side.

[Just because you can use it doesn't make you all the stronger, Partner. Sure your body has grown to accommodate that power to allow the use of Scale Mail but you're still too weak to tap into any more power beyond that.]

'That's being unfair I can do it if I put my mind to it! Don't underestimate the Great Hanamura!'

[Then you won't mind if I tell you about your complete control of my power to show you what I mean.]

'Go on, do it! I bet it's not even that bad.'

[You can control about 7.5% of my power in just your base state nothing more or less you are basically using a teaspoon out from a huge barrel of sugar. No your using less than that, it's basically half a teaspoon.]

'7.5 is half a teaspoon in power!? There must be a mistake because I can use more than that when I use Scale Ma-!'

[Like I told you because you forced more of my power out before you were ready, now you can cause massive damage to yourself rather than to your opponent. And if you're rival can use it that means he can already use about 55% at least or more considering how he easily used it before.]

'55% but…so what your saying is that I can't use your power to even the playing field against Vali at all not even if I sacrifice any part of my body to you?'

[I'm afraid that's just it partner, I'm afraid to tell you that even if you turned your entire body into a Dragon that your odds of winning will still be slim.]

Michael stopped walking to close his eyes in frustration he knew there was a gap between him and Vali but he never knew it was that huge,

'Dammit, why am I so weak? I gained power but it's still not enough to even match Vali's at all. And if I can't even get stronger than I already I am then how can I protect my friends and everyone when things go bad again.'

[Don't beat yourself up it takes time to develop your body to handle such power but even if you could there may be low chances of you even reaching Welsh Drive.]

'What do you mean?'

[Welsh Drive and Vanishing Drive requires the user to be acknowledged by a past possessor residing in their Sacred Gear, the remnants of their consciousness remains even after death. It's like passing on their sins onto you to unlock the power but to do that you must at least gain attention first.]

'So I have to get some dead person's approval to get that power man this is really complicated and how the hell should I even do that?'

[I wouldn't worry about that part yet you've already succeeded in getting someone's attention already. He hasn't been impressed yet but the fact that you've got his attention out of the other past possessors means that you can attain the power once you've attained a stronger body.]

'Really? Whose?" Michael asked a little interested.

[It's no one you should worry about at the moment, besides you should worry about counteracting Vanishing Drive alone and training yourself to handle more of the dragon power within your still ineligible body.]

'So basically all I got to do is train, train, train! Right?' Michael grinned.

[That is correct.]

'Then no sweat! The Great Michael Hanamura will train his body till broke to gain that power and protect the people he loves! Yeah I have a new goal in mind now: Unlock Welsh Drive and kick Vali's ass but if I can find a way past his Vanishing Drive before that then I can just skip get Welsh Drive and kick his ass! Hahahahaha!'

[Yeah, Partner, go for it. I will cheer for you as you get pummeled to a bloody pulp.]

'Oi! Oi! That isn't helpful at all it sounds like your pitying me!' Michael would give the Dragon inside him a dirty glare if he were actually staring at him.

[Just remember this final tip of advice while you train to counteract your rival's technique, Albion's Vanishing Drive exceeds in speed to better increase his user's chances to land a hit in a fight. So when he vanishes along with his presence make sure to be observant and react when the time is right. That is all.] Ddraig cut off the connection.

'Reaction and Observation, huh?' Michael rubbed his chin as he now entered the main school hall,

'I guess I have to improve these two things to get the upper hand. But when I think about it Vali can use Balance Breaker too so wouldn't his power also increase while he uses Vanishing Drive? Man this is so complicated but annoying that Vali has this much more power than me.'


Michael crossed his arms and had his eyes swirl around in a mixture of anger and confusion as steam blows out his ears.

"I heard you had to deal with an issue involving your family again Kai." A familiar voice popped up.

"Wait, Aniki?" Michael blinked as he looks towards his right to see a group of people he knew very well it was Sirzechs, Kai, Grayfia, Rias, and a handsome man with crimson hair and a goatee, wearing white fancy suit.

'Aniki, Shishou, Grayfia-san, Buchou are here and who is that with them wait crimson hair is that Buchou's dad?' Michael gasped.

"Yes but it's handled now after I calmed down Sona I sicked Katerea-chan on Sera-chan while I allowed Shura to go with them so it would be a load off my shoulders." Kai tiredly scratched his head while as he pocketed one of his hands, "Shura is still doing pranks without me knowing so it's hard to stay focus on my own business without finding him overdoing things to get my attention.

"Children can become a hand full at times but you learn to handle it very well as you grow older with them." Rias' father smiled, "Right, Rias?"

"Otou-sama, just what do you mean by that?" Rias' face looked embarrassed.

"Also, I did warn you about Serafall overdoing it once she found out about Open House." Sirzechs gave Kai a bitter smile.

"Yeah, you did, but I believe things are much fun this way." Kai rubbed his chin, "It may be exhausting but somewhat fun."

"It seems anything will gain your attention as long as it entertains you in the end, huh?" Sirzechs gave a slight chuckle.

"Anything that entertains me gets to live while other things that bore me deserve the right to disappear." Kai laughed then noticed Michael at the corner of his eye, "Michael-san?"

'He noticed me?' Michael's eyes widened as he felt stupid for not walking over to them, earlier.

"Don't be shy~! Come over here." Kai beckoned Michael over with a wave of his hand.


Walking up to the group, Michael had a nervous expression as he waved, "Um, hello, everybody. What's going on here?"

"Oh, Michael-kun, it's nice to see you again. I was worried something had happened to you yesterday morning." Sirzechs smiled.

"Nope, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me though, Aniki." Michael chuckled, nervously.

"Aniki?" Kai's eyebrows rose in shock as he looked towards Sirzechs, who simply chuckled with a warm smile in response, but Kai didn't look all too happy about it so he decided let it slide, for now.

"Michael, did you just now call Onii-sama, Aniki?" Rias approached Michael as her eyes widened in shock as her face turned red.

"Yeah, he said it was okay after he offered me to call him Big Brother." Michael crossed his arms.

"But don't you think that's a bit weird?"

"How so?"

"Because that means…" Rias stopped herself from continuing as her hair covered her eyes once her red face almost matched her crimson hair.

"Huh? Buchou?" Michael tilts his head in question, "What's wrong? Are you sick or something?"

"So you're Hanamura, Michael?" Rias' Father walked up to Michael and extended his hand to him.

"Y-Yes sir!" Michael stuttered.

"I'm Rias' father, It seems you've been taking care of my daughter, thank you."

"Oh it's nothing as Buchou's Pawn of course I have to protect her with all my might." Michael hesitantly shook Rias' father's hand while right by his side Rias was now shown smiling as her red face was dulled down to a slight blush.

"It's nice seeing you again, Michael-san. How have you been?" Kai smiled.

"Oh, I'm fine, Shishou. Thanks for asking." Michael bowed to Kai.

"That's good to hear, and how have you been enjoying your gifts so far?" Kai asked.

"They're so cool and really helpful! Thanks for giving them to me, Shishou." Michael chuckled.

"You deserved it for overcoming a trial against the Phoenix, Riser-san. So don't just be thankful to me." Kai patted Michael's head.

"O-Okay." Michael nodded.

Opening his eyes, Kai looked at Michael with an interested smirk and said, "You've gotten stronger since my absence."

"Yeah, I faced Kokabiel and kicked his ass." Michael grinned.

"Yes, I heard. Good job, but I also heard that you injured your arm while doing so, too." Kai pointed at Michael's cast.

"I-It's fine, it'll finish healing soon so…"

"You broke your agreement with me when you promised not to overdo it. So now I'll have to punish you later for it."

"W-W-W-What?" Michael's face turned pale.

"Is what I would say, if I wasn't so busy. Besides, you have a lot of things on your mind that you want to unload, so I'll talk to you about it later."

'My mind? Wait, does Shishou know about Vali already how?' Michael thought.

Kai excused himself and bowed, "Sirzechs, Lord Gremory, Rias-sama and Grayfia-san if you'll excuse me I still have to check on Sona-chan before returning to Sera-chan and Shura."

Walking past Michael, Kai whispered, "We'll begin your training tonight at midnight."

"Right." Michael whispered back thankful that he would get some more practice in.

"Kai-san, seems to have a rough time handling the Sitri family by himself these days." Rias' Father said.

"Yeah, but with him there, the Sitri household seems to be more fun right, Ria-tan?" Sirzechs smiled towards his little sister.

"Onii-sama, don't add a 'tan' to my pet name and call me that please…" Rias looked away in embarrassment.

'Whoa, Ria-tan? So Buchou was called that back then?' Michael lightly blushed, 'It sounds cute, wonder if she'll let me call her that in private since we confessed to each other.'

"No way…Ria-tan. Even though in the past you followed me every-time while saying 'Onii-sama Onii-sama'… It's the rebellious age, huh…" Sirzechs seemed to be shocked by Rias' rejection.

"Geez! Onii-sama! Why must you bring up my childhood?"


Rias' Father took Rias' picture when she was angrily pouting.

"That's a nice face, Rias. It's good, to raise you so splendidly… I will fill your mother's share of enthusiasm as she was sadly unable to attend today."

"Otou-sama! Geez!" Rias was getting more embarrassed and frustrated by the minute.


"Can you two please behave yourself in public, you're starting to trouble, Lady Rias." Grayfia pulled both Sirzechs and Rias' Father by the cheek.

"It huwts Grayfia! It huwts!" Sirzechs had teary eyes.

"Fwogwive me fwor being twoo excited and unpwofessional, I pwomise to behavhe fwom now on!" Rias' father also had teary eyes.

'This seems familiar.' Michael sweatdropped.

"Thank you, Grayfia." Rias sighed in relief.

"You're welcome, Lady Rias." Grayfia released the two men and bowed.

"Michael-kun." Sirzechs picked himself up and rubbed his red cheek.


"If it is alright with you. Could we spend the evening in your home to watch our collected videos?" Sirzechs asked.

Michael was surprised by that and wondered why the Maou-sama wanted to stay at his place instead of a better more spacious hotel.

"I find it more relaxing and comfortable in your home to do such things, so if you would?"

"No it's totally fine, you can all come over if you want." Michael chuckled but stopped once he felt a strong pinch pull at the skin of his arm, "Ouch…"

Michael looked to his side to see Rias blushing while looking at him in annoyance.

'Oh that's right I did it again, didn't I?' Michael thought, 'Well at least things can't get any worse.'

"Michael! You, son of bitch!" Saji roared as he was seen rushing the teen.

"Well, that's my cue to leave! Bye!" Michael saluted goodbye to everyone before running away from Saji who shook a bottle of spray paint.

"Why did you spray my name in Graffiti? If the Kaichou found this before I did, then she would have killed me!" Saji shouted.

"It's not my fault! I warned you that I would do something like this!" Michael shouted.

"Hahahahaha! He seems to be a lively one it seems you'll have your hands full with this one, Rias." Rias' father laughed.

"Yes, I know." Rias sighed in exhaustion.

Once Open House ended, Michael and everyone returned to his home to enjoy another evening filled with visitors as Rias' Father, Sirzechs and Grayfia were watching videos they recorded.

"This is splendid." Rias' father sat in front of a nice spread of delicious food cooked by Asia and Raynare.

"Yes, it looks quite delicious." Sirzechs said in agreement.

"T-Thank you."

"It means a lot to hear that from Rias-san's father and the Maou-sama."

Raynare and Asia were happy with the compliments so they continued making more dishes of food to satisfy their guests.

Taking a few plates from them, Michael had on a frown, "Sorry that I did this too you guys again."

"It's no problem, Michael-san, I really enjoy helping and the company that comes with it is nice."

"I don't mind this at the slightest too Michael-sama if it's to help you in any way I'll do it without hesitation."

Asia and Raynare happily replied.

"Thanks, you two, I appreciate this and Ray-chan?" Michael put down one plate as he remembered his discussion with Raymond today.

"Yes, Michael-sama?"

Michael strongly placed a hand on Raynare's shoulder as his face grew closer to hers.

"I'll do my best to protect you from anything dangerous from now on." Michael showed a determined face.

"U-Uum…thank you, M-Michael-sama that means a lot to me." Raynare blushed and stuttered, "W-What b-brought this on?"

"Nothing, it's just that I needed to say that for once." Taking notice of the jealous pouting Asia, Michael pats her head and grins,

"Don't worry, Asia, I'll always keep you safe and by my side from now on, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Michael-san, I'll do my best to always be by your side as well." Asia nodded.

Taking the plates to their table and heading back to sit with Rias, Michael noticed the embarrassed expression on Rias' face grew as the adults began watching the open house videos for all to see.

"Asia-san, you look great here." Sirzechs complimented.

"That's so embarrassing…" Asia had on a timid face while blushing.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." Michael chuckled, "You don't see me all embarrassed."

"Here is when Michael-sama was hounded by his fellow classmates on how he created a perfect sculpture of what they referred to as a 'Gundam'." Grayfia commentated on the video.

"Shit just got real!" Michael gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, 'I was wrong things are getting worse!'

"Impressive! Hanamura, Michael is popular in class." Rias' father smiled.

"And now here we have Michael-sama's classmates fleeing from him like the plague after a girl wearing glasses appeared." Grayfia concluded.

'Okay, that was embarrassing.' Michael slumped down in his seat and facepalmed himself.

"Now let's begin Rias next!" Rias' father smiles as he begins Rias' video next.

"Once we're done with part 1, let's watch part two and leave part 3 for later, so Mother could watch it with us." Sirzechs took a sip of his drink.

'Wait they made a 3 part video about Buchou isn't that a bit overkill?'

[Well, you know what they say, Michael.]

'Yeah, there ain't no kill like overkill.' Michael nodded.

"This is a hell, the likes of which hasn't been seen before...…"

"B-Buchou?" Michael rubbed Rias' back in order to soothe her, but…

Rias was still shaking her whole body while blushing to the maximum limit!

"Hahaha! It's a father's job to pay attention to his lovely daughter."

"Please look! Our Ria-tan is raising her hand and answering the Sensei's question!"

"I can't bear it! Onii-sama you, idiot!" Rias finally broke and ran off into the hallway.


Sirzechs-sama is knocked down by Grayfia-san's paper fan!

"Buchou!" Michael ran after her.

After calming down just a little, Rias retreated to Michael's room as she sat on his bed with her cheeks puffed out in displeasure. Sitting right beside her, Michael who was looking up at the ceiling was brainstorming for something to talk about, which was already hard considering that the ceiling won't give him the topic he needed.

"Are you okay, Buchou?" Michael asked still looking up at the ceiling.

"…" Rias remained silent.

'That bad, huh?' Michael thought, 'Right, I forgot when we're alone I should call her by name maybe that can cheer her up.'

"Everyone's having fun and I'm glad that your Father likes me, but if you ask me... I think he kind of over did it." Michael chuckled.

"…Yes, but like you said the fact that my father likes you does dash my worries." Rias responded.

'Good a sentence that's a steady start.' Michael sighed in relief.

"Hey, Michael." Rias mumbled.

"Yes?" Michael looked to his right to see Rias' complicated expression.

"Are you happy that you met me?" Rias asked.

"…" Michael remained quiet.

"I know that we confessed to each other just the other day and I answered a question for you similar to this yesterday, but I still have this urge to ask you. I'm grateful that I met you, a life without you is impossible for me to even imagine anymore. You hold a special place in my heart." Rias placed hand on her chest while still looking troubled.

"Rias…" Michael whispers as he leaned



Still a little jumpy from hearing Michael call her by name, Rias turns to face the boy, and right on time too as Michael overlapped her lips with his own. Eyes wide open, Rias was taken aback by Michael suddenly kissing her. Losing focus, she fell flat on her back on the bed with Michael laying on top of her, his chest over her soft breasts.

Breaking the kiss, Michael grins, "I already said that I loved you, so of course I'm happy to have met you."

Rias blushed.

"I'm glad that I met you, Rias because if it weren't for you, then I probably wouldn't be here with so many friends that I care about. Just hearing you say that your glad you know me is something I really enjoy listening to. Making my chance of meeting you, all the more better." Michael chuckled as his face grew red without his awareness, "I'm glad that I met you and I'm glad to say this, I love you, Rias Gremory."

"Michael…" Rias cried as tears streamed down her cheeks, "You don't know how happy I am to hear this, thank you, and I love you too."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Rias pulls Michael into another kiss, but this time it was deeper and filled with the love that they professed to each other. Slipping in some tongue into his mouth, Rias rolled her's around the interior of Michael's mouth, urging him to play back and roll his tongue in retaliation a bit faster.

The two tongues fought for dominance while getting a taste of each other into their mouths.

Running out of oxygen, Michael broke the kiss to look at the beautiful girl in his arms panting for air just like him. A strand of clear saliva was the the only thing connecting the two's lips together save for their passionate gaze.

"Michael…take me..." Rias pants as she grabbed Michael's hand and placed it on her breast.

"B-But Rias…" Michael gasped.

'Right now! But there are guests literally in the next room it would be awkward if we were to do it again and-…why do I smell death?' Michael blinked as an encroaching feeling of imminent pain was approaching him. He can feel it…


Reaching out to grab something a hand tugged strongly behind the collar of Michael's shirt.

"Graack!" Michael choked as the collar of his shirt was pulled back so much that it cut off his ability to breathe.

"I knew there was something going on, but I never expected this…" Raynare the cause of Michael's suffocation said with an irked expression as she doesn't relent with choking Michael.

'Oh no she found me out!' Michael's face was turning blue as the back of his head was pressed into Raynare's chest.

"Rias-san, just what do you think you're doing with Michael-sama? Kissing him like this is unfair..." Raynare looked at Rias with a half lidded angered stare as a demonic aura covered her visage, it almost seems like she was about to attack Rias.

"Me kiss him? No, no, no, you must be mistaken, Raynare. I was the one who was getting kissed by him." Rias sat up and giggled knowing her current superiority over the Fallen Angel, "He took the first move without me even knowing, so wouldn't this be fair if that happens?"

"You…" Raynare grit her teeth as her grip on Michael's collar tightens.

'Losing air fast! I'm dying you know, Ray-chan!' Michael grew limp as he slipped out of Raynare's grip and fell forward head first into Rias' bust.

"This confession confirms my first blow was super effective." Rias hugged Michael's head close to her chest and patted him.

"Grr….! That still doesn't mean you've won yet." Raynare glared at Rias.

"You think so because him taking my virginity is quite a victory, don't you agree?" Rias gave a mischievous smile.

"He took your WHAT?" Raynare said in a dark tone as her hair covered her eyes.

'And here it comes…' Michael winced as his face was still in betwixt Rias' breasts.

"Oh, I'm sorry it just seemed like the right time to bring it up." Rias had a challenging smile on her face.

"…" Raynare stayed quiet.

"Ara ara, it seems you're too late, Raynare-san. My first blow has already been decided this battle might as well be over." Rias proclaimed her victory; she had expected Raynare to give up but the reaction she gained confused her as Raynare was now,



"What could be so funny, Raynare-san?" Rias asked suspiciously.

"You just said that Michael-sama took your virginity, right?" Raynare giggled, "This may have ruined my plans to be his first but now that I see it this way, it's actually great for me now!"

"And how is that so great?" Rias wasn't comfortable with how things were going.

"Don't you understand, Rias-san? Since Michael-sama also lost his virginity with you, it means…" Raynare gave a challenging stare and surprising lecherous grin and said, "He'll be less awkward and easy-going now because when I push myself onto him, he'll start to lose resistance and get easily tempted."

Finally realizing what this means, Rias gasped, "No…"

"Yes, Rias-san, what you did just made things a lot easier for me and everyone!" Raynare pulled Michael out from betwixt Rias' breasts and placed his head into her breasts now, "Now come here, Michael-sama, I'll make sure that you'll get real acquainted with my breasts next…"

'I'm never going to breathe again, am I?' Michael sweatdropped as he was trapped in marshmallow hell devoid of hearing anything but his lack of breathe.

"No, so this is what Akeno meant." Rias had on a face of regret as she clenched her hand.

"Hey, Michael-sama…" Raynare whispered as her cheeks started to flush, "If you want you can have my virginity as well, I don't mind if it's you and if that still doesn't satisfy you, then maybe I can give you my first kiss as well, yes, I wouldn't mind giving you everything that I can offer, Michael-sama."

Although Raynare was whispering sweet promises into his ear, Michael was still unable to hear anything as he was screaming for help.

"Mmmmmmmmph!" Michael screamed from within the soft suffocating trap known as Raynare's breasts.

"Raynare-san." Now leaking a demonic aura of her own Rias glared at Raynare, "I would very appreciate it if you would release Michael right now."

"Hou?" Raynare smirked and released her demonic aura back out again, "What's wrong Rias-san just a few moments ago you just said that your first blow decided the battle, so won't you be so lenient as to let Michael-sama have his way with me?"

"No, he's still not done with me yet, he has yet to know my body completely before tasting other women." Rias crossed her arms.

"Me too so if you would be so kind as to leave the room and let me and Michael-sama begin." Raynare hugged Michael closer to her chest.

"I won't say this again, Raynare. Back off." Rias put extra emphasis in her words.

"Oh, really? Then Rias-san my response would have to be is make me." Raynare smirked.

The two Bishoujos had their frightening demonic auras clashed against one another as a battle was sure to engage.

'Okay, I have no idea what's going on, but I'm seriously about to die so could someone please help me!' Michael was close to seeing the light.

Suddenly getting pulled out from Raynare's grasp, Michael was free to breathe again but was suffocated once more all thanks to a teary eyed Asia holding him back by the neck with her arm.

'Oh come on!' Michael cried as he finally gave in and suffocated.

"Please let go of Michael-san." Asia pouted.

"Asia. let go of Michael right now! It's already difficult trying to find the right time for opportunities like this with you, Raynare and Akeno around."

"Asia-san, just let me have Michael-sama for only about 2 hours and I'll make sure to lend him to you afterwards!" Raynare pleaded.

"I already told you that won't happen!" Rias glared at Raynare.

"Why be selfish, Rias-san? I believe that I deserve a turn with Michael-sama too!" Raynare growled, "And besides you're not the boss of me."

Both Rias and Raynare were annoyed having another interruption get in their way while arguing with each other.

"It's not fair that Michael-san gets to be with just Buchou and Raynare-san. I too want to be alone with Michael-san and if I have to d-do something like that too, then s-so be it!" Asia's face turned red as she tried to force those words out.

Dropped the limp Michael, Asia engaged in an argument with Rias and Raynare.

"You two, fighting isn't good. I think especially in front of Michael-sama, it's unwise."

"That's true, fighting isn't good."

Stopping the three girls from fighting was Grayfia and Sirzechs who entered the room.



Everyone blinked out of surprise.

"I slipped out for a bit. There's something that I needed to talk with you about again, Rias." Sirzechs smiled.

"What is it?" Rias asked.

"Why not release your other bishop soon?" Sirzechs said.

"*Cough!* Wait, there's another bishop besides Asia?" Michael picks himself up after regaining consciousness.

"Yes, but his ability were too dangerous for me to control and was sealed away." Rias explained.

"Dangerous?" Asia asked.

"I thought you were the one who decided that?" Rias was curious why her brother would want something so sudden.

"That's right, but after your battle with Phoenix and Kokabiel. I began to change my mind." Sirzechs said the past events to better suit the future in case of any threats.


"You've expanded your family and strengthened your forces. I think you are capable of handling him now. Release him, Rias."

"If my brother, no, if the Great Satan, Lucifer-sama, commands it…" Rias bowed.

"Wait, where has the Bishop been this whole time?" Michael asked.

"Inside the Old School Building." Rias said.

"Wait, really? But all the rooms in the Building never had a person like that well except that room with the Do Not Cross Police tape." Michael shrugged, he's explored the entire building but nothing through that restrained room.

"It's needed that no one ever release that seal or something dangerous of what the likes of no one has ever seen would happen." Rias warned.

"Dangerous, hmmm…" Michael rubbed his chin then checked the time, "Oh would you look at the time I promised Shishou that I have something to do at that place in midnight…" Michael slowly back out of the room.

"But Michael-san, it's only 10:30." Asia said the time.

"Yeah, but I'm really getting so geared up that I can't wait to improve my skills so bye everyone, Yoink!" Michael laughed excitedly as he rushed out his apartment.

"I don't think that he was excited for training do you?" Raynare asked Asia and Rias.

"Nuh-uh." Both girls shook their heads as they wondered what the 17 year old was doing.

At night, inside of the Old School Building, Michael and Saji who were holding flashlights ventured through the ground floor of the building.

Saji was once again dragged into another one of Michael's skirmishes against his will. He didn't want to forcefully enter the ORC's main base yet alone do it in the dark when things look especially creepy.

"Dude, what are we doing here at night?" Saji's face was full of fright as he used his flashlight to survey the area in case anything would pop up on him.

"We're here to see Buchou's old Bishop, who was locked up in the room that we're about to enter, she said that he's dangerous and no one has ever witness that danger before so…" Michael grinned and laughed, "That's why I must seek out this danger for myself and make the name Hanamura legendary!"

"You idiot that sounds like a terrible idea, and just look at this place it's giving me the creeps! Can't we just go home!" Saji pleaded.

"No way this is an adventure and as men, we must seek it!" Michael clenched his fist.

"Adventure? No man don't bring that up again! Remember the last time you wanted to go on an adventure?" Saji whined.

(Flashback: 2 year ago)

Walking through the housing district of town were 15 year olds Michael and Saji looking for a perfect house to commit a B/E a Breaking and Entering. Michael wanted to up his not so great reputation and needed a wingman which is why he needed Saji's help in case things go wrong.

"Mike, this is a bad idea we should stop before we get a little ahead of ourselves." Saji tried to deter Michael's goal.

"No, this is the ultimate risk to make the Great Hanamura legendary!" Michael clenched his fist, "If I do this then people will finally take me serious."

"But Mike this is still going to result in us getting arrested and it will get on our records and No! Please no we can't do this we just c-can't!" Saji was started to lose it.

"Look don't bail on me man if you do then this freaking friendship is over forever!" Michael pointed at Saji and exaggerated his words, "I will not even talk to you in the next life!"

"F-Fine, just chooses the house you want so we can get this stupid thing over with." Saji agreed but had a backup plan to run away when things got hairy and since he's been hanging out with Michael for years he knows things will be terrible.

"That's the one…" Michael pointed to a two story home.

Walking up the stairs, Michael and Saji stood in front of the door and started grow nervous and scared mostly Michael the one who wanted to something like this.

"H-Here we are…" Michael began.

"Yup." Saji nodded.

"In front of the door…"


"Your more scared than me aren't you…?"

"I'm trying not to throw up…"

… … … …

No one made a move at all and kept quiet.

"So are you going to do it?" Saji's face turned pale.

"H-Huh? Oh, y-yeah I did say I would do that, didn't I? Hehe!" Michael nervously laughed as he walked up to the front door and started to wiggle his finger in anxiousness as his heart started to beat quickly, 'Okay 1…2…3… and-!" Michael stopped himself to think,

'Wait, I don't think I can do th-! Wait, of course I can!'




Michael kicked down the door and threw it off of its hinges and slid into the darkness of that home.

"Holy shit you actually did it…" Saji was amazed and shocked.

Breathing heavily, Michael nodded and said, "Yeah and that felt really good~!"

"I bet it did pal, so what are you stealing?" Saji asked.

"Steal?" Michael turned around to have a face of question.

"Yeah, I mean you broke into the house so aren't you going to steal something?" Saji asked.

"…" Michael blinked before turning back, he had the rush to B/E from the start but suddenly after he kicked down the door he felt like he accomplished something and the thought of him doing anything further made him bored. Meaning only one thing which drove Michael to do this…

"What's wrong?" Saji asked.

"Dude…I think that I just wanted to kick down a door…" Michael whispered.

"…" Saji gave a dark glare towards Michael.

"Huh? Saji?" Michael tilts his head until Saji grabbed him by the Collar and shouted,

"EEEEH!? Are you nuts you just wanted to kick down a FREAKING DOOR!"

"Y-Yeah but since that's it shouldn't you be happy that we won't steal anything?" Michael whistled while looking away.

"Why you I'm gonna gut you like a fi-!" Saji growled.

"Who the hell is there!" A man appeared from out the darkness and appeared himself to be a tall built body builder about 6 foot 8.

"Well…shit…" Michael's eyes widened along with Saji's. The man was half their size and his muscles was about the same size as their heads put together. And it made things worse since the man had a pissed off look on his face Uh-Oh!

"So we have a little of shit-stained brats trying to steal from me eh?" The man cracked his knuckles, the sound was so loud that it made Michael and Saji grow a shiver down their spines, "It seems I better get rid of you two before you do any more damage."

'We're going to die unless we do something come on Saji think! Think! Think!' Saji shut his eyes closed for a miracle of an idea to pop up luckily it did, 'Brain Blast!'

"Forgive us sir we were just in the neighborhood and wanted to prank you by kicking your door repeatedly." Saji explained, 'Really is this the best I can come up with?"

"Oh really now?" The man approached the two being unmoved by Saji's words.

"Yes and if you'd be so kind if to let us walk free and-" Saji stopped when the man grabbed a nearby lamp and bended it with no trouble.

"No." The man growled and dropped the bent lamp.

"Oh I see…" Saji gulped.

"So which one of you will go first?" The man cracked his knuckles again meaning business, either both of them get their asses handed to them or one of them will get their heads busted. Saji was trembling in fear as Michael crossed his arms in anger.

"You know what that's it I'm not going to be afraid of you!" Michael pointed at the man, he knew it was his decision to do this and he didn't want to back down now, "Because I'm going to take you down oaf!"

"Ohohoho! So you are brat? Then show me how you can beat someone like me!" The man flexed his muscles.

"Oho, you're going to get it pal…" Michael nodded.

"Mike, what are you doing? You can't beat him, his muscles can literally pop our heads off their necks!" Saji whispered loudly.

"Trust me, I got this one." Michael gave a thumbs up and approached the man.

"Just to be fair, I'll let you hit first since I want to report that you two actually tried to fight back." The man opened his arms and left himself open.

"Okay, but you may want to prepare yourself." Michael warned.

"Please a pipsqueak like you will never hurt me, so just go ahead." The man smirked.



Michael shrugged then swings his leg back then strongly kicks it up between the man's legs.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The man cried in pain as he grabbed his balls in pain.

"Critical hit!" Michael cheered.

"Oi! Don't you think that was a bit too hard?" Saji sweatdropped.

"He asked for it." Michael shrugged.

"Y-Yeah, I guess you're right." Saji nodded.

"Damn you…" The man cried as he falls over in pain.

"Hahahahaha! That's what you get for messing with me, The Great Hanamura!" Michael cheered and placed his foot on the man's upraised butt like a pedestal.

"Okay, since he's down let's get out of here." Saji looked outside to see a few nearby houses start to light up.

"Wait, before we go I have to do one more thing." Michael looked to his right and saw a closet, "Booyah!"


Michael kicked down the closet door with ease.

"Okay, I'm done." Michael grinned.

"What is wrong with you!?" Saji shouted.


"Okay, it got out of hand, but we still had fun." Michael chuckled.

"Yeah, it was but do you know what's not funny?" Saji said with a serious face.

"Teachers trying to be funny." Michael said in disgust.

"No, when you have to take longer routes to school because some muscle beefed man is searching to kill you!" Saji shouted.

"Get over it you still get here on time." Michael whistled.

"You really don't care for anyone but yourself huh?" Saji groaned.

"Shhh! Shut up I found the door." Michael approached a door with many Police "Do not cross" tapes, "So this is it. It won't open." Michael tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"It seems to be sealed by some magic." Saji rubbed his chin.

"Really then can you unseal it?" Michael asked.

"Yeah but I think if something is sealed it should remain sealed, you know just saying." Saji was passive and knew Michael would keep pushing him into doing it. Raising both his hands Saji started to undo the seal but with minor results as the seal seemed too tough to break.

"I don't know if I can do this man this seems pretty durable." Saji grunts.

"Oh come on let me try." Michael did the same and started to use magic to break the seal but it did no effect, "Your right it didn't."

"Yeah and if we want to at least leave a crack in it we have to stay like this for at least another 10 hours." Saji explained.

"What 10 hours I can't do this for 10 hours I still have things to do!" Michael stopped his attempt and scratched his head it seems this adventure will have to be postponed for now.

"So can we go home now?" Saji stopped and started walking ahead.

"Yeah let's bounce." Michael slumped down and walked out the hallway.

Unknown to them a single bat flew past over their heads silently.