
High School DxD: The Tale of the Gutsy Sekiryuutei!

Not all grand heroes started off great and Michael Hanamura is an example, he is a regular student with no redeeming qualities nor features which would gain him attention and he was an orphan to some no name people who don't even matter. Basically his life and existence in a nutshell was destined to be boring which leads him to death but also led him to another chapter of his life!

Retribrutus · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Let's help out Kiba! I won't let my pal suffer through this alone anymore! Let's Destroy the Excaliburs!

The Battle between the Gremory Boys and the Church Duo commenced with Michael up against Irina and Kiba facing Xenovia, both sides were exerting a dangerous intent to harm towards one another. The area was covered in a barrier so the battle would not affect the outside world in any way, especially the school. With Michael, the teen was dealing with his old childhood friend, Irina Shidou who charges at him with her Excalibur Mimic,

"Now Michael-kun prepare as I shall bring holy judgment upon you with Excalibur Mimic! Amen!" Irina who the first move raised her blade and swung it down upon Michael.

"Judge-what now?" Michael tilts his head as the Holy Sword approaches.


With quick reflexes Michael was able to use the back hand of the Boosted Gear to block the attack of the Holy Sword as he and Irina jumped back and stared at each other.

"What? How come my sword wasn't able to make a dent on you?" Irina questioned then looked to see Michael's red gauntlet in a slow realization, "Wait is that?"

Michael took this as his chance as he charges forward, "Now it's my turn to attack!"

"Eh?" Irina was broken from thought and realized she was still in a middle of a battle.

"Concentrate..." Michael focuses some touki into his left arm before firing it at Irina.

"Hmph!" Irina was quick to evade as she steps to the side to avoid the punch and tries to swing her sword into Michael's now open arm.



Michael gritted his teeth and raised his gauntlet covered arm to block the blade's harmful affect against him. Michael quickly swung back his arm and sent Irina reeling back, but quickly Irina was able to swing her blade to graze Michael's uniform before jumping back to gain ground.


"Hey, that was my favorite shirt!" Michael gasped.

"It's sadly the only one he ever wears." Raynare sighed as she herself knows Michael's current wardrobe.

"It's still my favorite!" Michael cried.

"Remember this may be a match, but you are still fighting a wielder of Excalibur, so remain cautious!" Rias warned.

"Roger, Buchou!" Michael nodded and raised his Boosted Gear as he boosts up his power, "Boosted Gear, pump me up!"


"Boosted Gear, you mean the mid-tier Longinus Sacred Gear?" Irina gasped upon realization, but not just her even Xenovia caught sight of this as she and Kiba prepare to face each other,

"The Boosted Gear? In a Far Eastern Country? I guess nothing is strange when occurrences like these happen." Xenovia sighed then quickly raised her blade as she blocked an incoming attack from Kiba's sword.


"You should worry about the opponent you have standing in front of you instead of Michael-kun." Kiba prepares another strike as Xenovia intercepts it with her Excalibur before it hits.


"Interesting, the Sacred Gears "Boosted Gear", "Sword Birth" and even "Twilight Healing" have been gathered into one area. You all truly posses unique Sacred Gears!" Xenovia stays defending Kiba's quick attacks as she takes her chance to attack and try to cause large amounts of damage while Kiba uses his speed to dodge the fatal swings of the Excalibur.




"This power bestowed upon me by the hatred of my comrades, who had their lives taken as they were consumed by regret! With my own hands and this power I will destroy the Excaliburs and their wielders too!" Kiba proclaimed his resolves to destroy the Holy Sword as Xenovia and Kiba's sword battle continued. As Xenovia simply prepares to attack,



One strike from Xenovia's blade pushed Kiba back a little as she prepares to exploit the opening until...

"I don't think so!"


Kiba created another demonic sword in his other hand to parry the blow of the Excalibur as he fixes his stance and goes in to attack cautiously when he is given the chance as the two swordsmen clash blades.


In Michael's fight, the teen was literally just guarding Irina's attacks as he boosts his power to the recommended amount he needs, already he has boosted about 3 times but it still wasn't enough. And it's not particularly easy to block Irina's attacks while trying to focus on getting more power.

"Come on, just a little more!" Michael grunts as he dodges a swift blade to the head as he boosts more power,


"Good, just two more!" Michael nodded then gasps as he sees Irina quickly approaching,

"Damn!" Michael was too slow to react as Irina was already close to his range,

"Hyah!" Irina lunges at Michael and swings her blade upwards against Michael's shirt.


Now showing half of his naked somewhat muscular chest Michael growled, "Oi! What has this shirt ever done to you!"


"Now come on, Michael-kun this won't be a fair judgment if you don't at least put up a fight." Irina teased.

"Oh yeah, just you wait Irina because once I'm done boosting then you'll get i-!"


"Done!" Michael nodded.


Suddenly a red aura bursts out of Michael's body rapidly as he has succeeded in collecting enough power to attack with,

"Alright, here I go!" Michael then charges at Irina and rapidly fires an array of punches and kicks at the exorcist. But unfortunately he was unable to land a single hit due to Irina's agile movements.

"Hold still!" Michael grunts as he fires a punch at Irina.

"Why should I?" Irina giggled as she quickly ducks the hit.

"Grrr! This is really getting annoying!" Michael fires a quick swing with his leg but Irina ducks the kick and thrusts her blade towards Michael's chest,

"Your open!"


Michael once again used his boosted gear to shield the blow and causing Irina to stutter back.

'Now!' Michael nodded as he charged at the girl while cocking back his fist.

"Oomph!" Irina catches sight of this and swung her sword out in front of her to stop Michael's pursuit.

"*Gasp!*" Michael gasped as he felt a chill up his spine once the Holy Sword's blade grew closer so he jumps back to avoid the weapon.

Smiling at the impressive level of skill Michael has, Irina picks herself up and says, "Your pretty impressive Michael-kun even though you are a devil you show signs of great reaction and strength but those won't matter if you can't catch me."

'She's right, I can't catch her at this rate especially if she has that Holy Sword, and since I already used Explosion, I can't Boost up until it times out. So I'll just have to use a new plan to get her.' Michael takes a step forward and launches himself at Irina with incredible speed as a final tactic to get a hit on the girl.

Giggling to herself, Irina readies her blade as she giggles, "How silly of you Michael-kun, thinking you can take me on when you know I have a greater advantage against you especially when your a devil who can't handle the Holy Sword."

"Let's see how silly this is when I knock you flat, Irina!" Michael roared as he cocked back his fist.

Finally within range Irina swings her sword downward at Michael who in turn adjusts his body to the left to dodge the sword's blade before continuing forward to see his target.

'There!' Michael raised his open palm and readies himself, 'Since her front is heavily guarded I have to get her from behind if I want to get a good hit in.'

"Wait, what are you-?" Irina gasped as she sees Michael slowly go under her shoulder.

"Got ya!" Michael brought down his hand and...



Spanks Irina's ass really hard as a red magic circle was placed onto her body as he grins.

"There, Dragon Break."


Michael then quickly scrambles to his feet and snaps his fingers as he looks back at Irina, "Now everything is set up..."


The magic circle began to glow as Michael grins back at Irina and says, "Now it's time to show you the Great Hanamura's atta-!" Michael catches Irina staring at him with teary eyes and a little blush as he tilts his head and says, "What?"

"M-Michael-kun, you pervert!" Irina cried out, "I-I can't believe you touched me like that so roughly especially when we're in the middle fight!"

Michael points his finger at Irina and shouts, "Oi, don't go calling me a pervert when I obviously did that for a reason and besides we're fighting so aren't we supposed to be rough with each other?"

"Y-Yeah, but still..." Irina looked away as her blush grew a little more, "Next time just warn me when you decide to do something like that, okay?"

Michael looked dumbfounded, 'We're in a fight, so why do I have to do that, and why is her face red all of a sudden it's weird?'

Suddenly, Michael heard comments from his friends behind him,

"Ufufu! Michael-kun, you may be sexually curious but I don't think it's the time to act like that in the middle of a battle." Akeno giggled.

"Huh?" Michael turned back to see his friends giving him disappointed looks.

"Auuuuuu..!" Asia pouted while having teary eyes, "Michael-san is so mean, if you were curious about such things then maybe I..."

'How am I so mean when I just defended you a while ago, Asia?' Michael thought.

"Michael-sama truly is cruel, he can do all these things to me, but he does it to someone else who doesn't give consent, he truly is a pervert." Raynare shook her head while she had teary eyes.

"Wait, what but-!" Michael gasped then he heard something hurtful from Koneko.

"...You truly are the worst."


Michael fell to one knee and held his chest in pain, 'The worst?'

Then these words from Rias stirred Michael up,

"Michael, we'll discuss about your sudden lewd outburst later."

'But I didn't do anything!' Michael cried as he stood up and gripped his head in frustration.

Michael then growled and pointed at Irina with a furious expression, "It's all your fault that I'm getting punished! Now I'm going to take you down!"

"Me, but it was you who-!" Irina responded.

"I already said I didn't want to do it for that!" Michael screamed then thrusts his fist out to create a a mass of demonic power in the size of a softball,

"Here, let's see you take my load and still stand, Dragon Shot!" Michael roared as he fired a red beam of concentrated power at Irina.

"Hmph!" Irina took a side step to dodge the straight forward attack and said, "Too bad it missed!"

"We'll just see about that!"


Suddenly the magic circle on Irina's body glows brightly as the beam swerves back to attack its chosen target.


"What?" Irina gasped as she tried evading it once more only to have the beam change course and try to attack her, "It's not getting shaken off!"

"That's right I planted a seal on you so you wouldn't escape getting hit!" Michael chuckled, "So all you can do now is run until it gets you!"

Irina then stopped running and faced the beam while holding her Excalibur in front of her while sticking out her tongue, "Nope~!" Suddenly the shape of the katana changed to that of a large framed mirror which reflected the beam off of it and sent it flying back at Michael.

"What the hell?" Michael gasped as he crossed his arms over his chest to block the attack.


Standing in the smoke Michael panted as he received some damage from the attack thanks to the energy he stored up as only his clothes took a little damage.

"Okay, I see what you did there… and I have to admit it was pretty clever." Michael grunts.

"I know wasn't it?" Irina winked and transformed her mirror into a katana once more.


Meanwhile in Kiba's battle, Kiba was able to push back Xenovia a little, but as he did he soon found out that he was actually getting pushed back as well, seeing that he quickly jumps back to his other swords and stabbed the regular sword he had been using down before grabbing a fire and ice demonic sword as he screamed,

"Now burn to ash then freeze, Flare Brand and Freeze Mist!" Suddenly a raging torrent of flames was released in one sword as the other expelled a freezing cold force of ice.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa!" Kiba roared as he used his knight speed to attack Xenovia with his elemental demonic swords. But even with swift movement all it took for Xenovia to do is simply evaded his attack with little to no movement as she swings back her Excalibur and says,

"You have impressive moves. but it's still too weak." Xenovia commented before swinging her sword forward against Kiba's own swords.


With a single strike Xenovia was able to crush the blades of Kiba's demonic sword with ease.

"!" Kiba was speechless by the spectacle.

Then taking her chance, Xenovia lifts Excalibur destruction over her head and spins it before bringing its blade into the ground and…


Creating a huge magnitude which shook the ground and sent Kiba reeling back along with Irina, who was unfortunate to stand near their fight and actually get knocked off her feet.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa!" Irina cried.

"Whoa, that was amazing…" Michael said with wide eyes then sees a shadow above him, "Huh I wonder who that is?"

"Look out!" Irina cried as she fell straight towards Michael.

"Oh my Go-!"


Getting the air knocked out of him, Michael now laid face first into the dirt as Irina sat on top of him.

"Ooops! My bad, sorry~!" Irina giggled.

"You know what you can do to prove you are?" Michael picked up his head and smirked.

"Huh?" Irina asked.

"By getting the hell off me!" Michael shouted, enraged.

Irina was quick to do so, but quickly readied herself and entered an offensive stance like before as Michael tiredly picks himself up.

"Man that hurt badly." Michael rubbed his back in pain, "How much do you weigh? I mean it felt like you gained weight while working with the church."

Irina grew flustered at the comment and let her guard down as she retorted, "T-That isn't true your just imagining things!"


Michael then saw Irina's slowly crumbling guard and smirked with an idea in mind.

"I mean how could I when the evidence is plainly obvious!" Michael continued his insulting, "I mean when you fell on me I literally thought an anvil from those old cartoons hit me!"

"W-What do I r-really weigh that much?" Irina grew teary eyed and looked at her body hastily.

"Pfft! That much? I'd say you weigh about 5 tons!" Michael shouted.

"F-F-Five Tons!?" Irina gasped and froze in place.

'That's it... Get your spirit broken so I can deal the FINAL BLOW!' Michael thought as he points his finger at Irina and smirked,

"Also Irina your thighs look totally chunky too."


Irina's spirit just shattered as her entire guard was now down as she cried,


"Now's my chance!" Michael dashed at Irina and tackled her down, also luckily able to knock the Holy Sword out of her hands. Michael straddled Irina's hips and held down her wrists as the girl struggled to get up,

"Haha! Yes, I, The Great Hanamura have won! Victory is mine!" Michael laughed heartily as Irina stared at Michael with a pair of furious teary eyes.

"Michael-kun has truly become a devil, resorting to such cruel words to break down my spirit!"

Michael looked at Irina and grinned, "Hehe! Sorry, I did have to say those lies about you to get the advantage."

"Lies?" Irina blinked.

"Yup, lying about your cool figure was the only way I was able to bypass your defenses and get an great upperhand."

"Wait, so you didn't mean a word you said?" Irina gasped and blushed as she just realized Michael complimented her figure. Irina slowly pulled her leg back towards Michael's crotch, "And you truly meant to say that you actually liked my body?"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Michael tilted his head in question then chuckled, "Who cares about that now since I wo-GACK!"

Michael's face froze as he felt a painful sensation in his groin; he looked down to see he was correct Irina did in fact kick him in the privates…

"Even if it was a lie I couldn't just let you off so easy~!" Irina winked.

"Michael-san!" Asia cried.

"No, not there if it receives damage then it will be unusable for me!" Rias gasped in fright.

"You can hit Michael-sama anywhere you want, but please not there! I beg of you!" Raynare cried in fright at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Ugh…my…children." Michael squeaked in pain.

"I'm afraid that it's my win." Irina stood up and walked towards her Holy Sword and looked back to Rias with a knowing smile.

"I suppose it is. Shidou Irina-san I acknowledge your victory." Rias begrudgingly admitted.

"Thank you." Irina transformed her katana into an arm brace again and bowed.

As Michael who was still trembling on the ground squeaked, "I can't feel my legs…"

Back to Kiba's fight.

"Huuuuuuuuaaa!" Kiba hoists up an empty hilt and creates a large demonic sword which was taller than his entire body.

"Let's settle this! You're Holy Sword or my Demonic Sword which is more destructive!" Kiba charges at Xenovia blindingly as Xenovia stays in her stance and looked at Kiba disappointingly,

"How sad." Xenovia with a quick swing of her blade Xenovia dug the axe-like hand guard into Kiba's gut upon great impact which even forced Kiba to throw up some blood as he falls down in defeat.

Xenovia looked down upon Kiba and said, "You're a person who uses Demonic Swords to support your agile style. But once you let yourself use a large weapon beyond your control you couldn't use your speed to your advantage at all. And yet you still made such an avoidable mistake…"

Kiba gave Xenovia a spiteful glare and slowly picked himself up with no result, "S-Stop, we're not done yet…"

"Once you get a cool head maybe I'll think about fighting you once more," Xenovia looked back at Kiba and gave him a challenging smirk, "Senpai." Xenovia then sealed Excalibur destruction.

Walking towards her robe Xenovia says, "We're done here, wouldn't you agree Rias Gremory?"

"Yes, I am grateful you two did not finish off my servants with your Holy Swords." Rias agreed with a bitter smile.

"Then we'll leave, but remember our talk from earlier, do not interfere." Xenovia stated once more as she puts on her robes and begins to walk away with Irina.

"There's something I wish to know though, do you have any information on which Fallen Angel stole the Holy Swords?" Rias asked.

Xenovia still kept looking forward and said, "One of the leaders of the Grigori, Kokabiel is the Guilty man responsible."

"!" Almost everyone but Michael, Asia and Kiba gasped.

'Kokabiel-sama!?' Raynare thought, 'But why is he-! No, wait could he be trying to!?'

"The Gri-what?" Michael asked as he slowly recovered from his near "fatal" blow.

Akeno answered, "They are known as the "Protectors of the Son of God" a group of Fallen Angels."

"Oh, that's right, Ray-chan said she was a part of it right?" Michael asked Raynare who was still busy in thought, "Ray-chan?"

Snapping out of thought Raynare shook her head and said, "Oh sorry Michael-sama I was just busy thinking is all."

Rias continued her conversation, "Your seriously going to handle a Cadre-classed Fallen Angel by yourself? Such an attempt is suicidal."

"We know of the possible outcome, but we'd rather destroy the Holy Swords than let a Fallen Angel take them." Xenovia said.

"We know what we're doing. As one of the Priests sent here before us has already been killed." Irina explained.

Getting up Kiba grunts, "Freed Zelzan, is the one responsible."

"Wait that mucked up looney Turkey did that!?" Michael screamed as he remembered bad memories of that priest almost killing me.

"The Stray Exorcist?" Rias questioned.

"I just happened to see the sight of him cutting down the priest with a Weapon which exuded a Holy Aura, a Holy Sword." Kiba explained.

'Wait, he knew about this and didn't tell us?' Michael growled and stared at Kiba in anger, but not just because he didn't tell them that, but also that he's been rather secretive to the group since he's been away.

"A stray you say?" Xenovia asks, "So that's who did it. We appreciate the information but remember this is our issue with the Fallen Angels not yours so I'd heavily advise that you stay out of our way." Xenovia then continued to walk away and said, "Goodbye."

"Hey, wait up, Xenovia!" Irina called out before waving bye, "Well I guess this is it then, we'll be leaving now and Michael-kun remember not to lie about my weight again or I might have to bring "judgment" upon you again!" Irina then ran off as Michael covered in between his legs and shuddered.

"Man…" Michael looked at himself and Kiba and said, "We just got rekt."

[Yeah, you sure did especially your balls.] Ddraig held back a slight snicker

'No one was asking you, Ddraig!' Michael teared up, 'They still hurt by the way…'

Later in the clubroom as everyone was about to leave, Rias then stopped a silent Kiba from leaving the room.

"Stop, Yuuto. I won't let you leave me. You are a Gremory Knight." Rias said sternly.

"Forgive me, Buchou." Kiba walked out the door without looking back at anyone.

"Yuuto!" Rias gasped.


"K-Kiba-san…" Asia said sadly.

Michael who was watching the scene simply bit his lip and got up and ran towards the door and opened it, "Bring your ass back here, Pretty Boy!"


"Michael!" Rias gasped in surprise as she watched the teen run after Kiba.

"Rias-san." Raynare called as Rias turned back to see the Fallen Angel nodding.

Walking out the door of the School house Kiba looked up ahead without turning back to the call of Michael's voice.

"Pretty Boy, get back here!" Michael shouted as he finally gets outside and gets closer to Kiba.

"…" Kiba kept on walking until a hand reached him from behind and turned him around…


Michael punches Kiba straight across the face with all his might as he sent Kiba falling back.

"*Pant!* and just*Pant!* where do you think you're going?" Michael asked.

Kiba touched his red cheek before looking up in the sky with a blank look, "It is my own business, stay out of it."

Michael growled, "Like hell I will! First it was with fighting the Stray Devil, next it was you losing your cool in the fight and now you're dissing Buchou? Just what is up with you, Kiba?"

"I don't expect you to know what I'm going through." Kiba stood up, "You'll never understand what it's like to have your cherished friends taken from you."

"What did you say?" Michael growled, "Of course I know what it feels like don't you dare bring up that "you can never understand me" crap!" Michael clenched his fist and said, "Like with Asia I felt very angry and thought like you too."

Michael gritted his teeth, "Thinking about killing that bastard Dohnaseek for revenge and to clear my conscience of that image of Asia's final smile. So don't say I don't understand anything!"

Kiba gets up and points at Michael with a serious, angry stare and said, "That may be the case but, Asia-san was already revived before you can experience the loneliness that comes with her death. Try imagining that feeling being kept inside you for so long that you couldn't feel anything but your growing anger and sorrow as you kept living!"

"Ugh!" Michael was taken aback by Kiba's logical words and wanted to say something, but couldn't dredge up the words to say anything.

Kiba then turns his back on Michael and continues walking off, "Until you've experienced the same pain I've gone through then don't even bother sympathizing with me."

Walking off leaving Michael alone, Kiba walked off in a random direction.

"…" Michael looked up as he heard the approaching footsteps of Asia coming to check on him,

"Michael-san were you able to stop Kiba-san?" Asia asked.

"No…" Michael said in a monotone voice.

"I see…" Asia said sadly then asked, "Are you alright though?"

"No…" Michael shook his head and looked down and felt saddened that he wasn't able to help or even feel what Kiba's gone through up until now. Right now he just didn't know what to do…


Michael's eyes widdend as he felt someone from behind him wrapping their arms around him, "Asia?"

"Whenever, Michael-san isn't okay, I start to get nervous and a little scared." Asia said in a calm voice which was soothing Michael's sadness, "But whenever I stay this close to Michael-san, I feel more relaxed and happy."


"When I was new here you were the first person to show me kindness, and after that you became my friend and helped me when I thought I was alone. Michael-san has done so much for me even when I didn't ask for any help. That's why I feel empathetic whenever Michael-san is happy or sad because your always thinking of ways to help." Asia gave a sincere smile.

'Empathetic...Empathetic wait that's it, I get it now!'

Surprised by Asia's words, Michael was quick to shake his head and turn back to the girl and smile as he grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "Thank you, Asia I feel much better now."

Smiling happily, Asia was quick to hug him again as she said, "I'm so glad, I was able to help Michael-san."

"Yeah, I'm glad that I can help you too." Michael nodded then thought,

'What's up with me getting all sad now? Get your head in the game Hanamura, we've barely tried to help Kiba yet! And after hearing what Asia just said right now I think I might have a plan to helping Pretty Boy!' Michael rubbed his chin and grinned.

(The next day)

In a crowded café, sat Michael drinking a cup of tea, a deliberate habit he started to grow from staying with the Gremory Group. He still preferred Akeno's tea more than some public cafe's, but since he's here he might as well have something to fill up on.

"Meh, needs more sugar." Michael stared at his tea in disappointment.

"Yo, Mike." Saji entered and smiled.

"Hey, Saji, sorry for calling you out so suddenly." Michael said.

"No problem, I already finished some of my daily work for the Council so the Kaichou gave me the day off today, so what's up?" Saji chuckled and sat down.

"You may as well sit down before I tell you my problem." Michael groaned.

"Oh boy this does sound unsettling." Saji looked surprised, "You want me to help with another problem? But I thought you just invited me because we're going to eat lunch while you pay."

"*SNRK!*" Michael held in a laugh, "Yeah right, when do I ever carry money with me?"

"…" Saji blankly looked at Michael before getting out of his seat, "Later."

"W-Wait, I'm just kidding, so just sit back down...please!" Michael cried as Saji sighs and looks back at Michael and says,

"This better be a good one, Mike."

"Trust me, it is, so here is how it goes. I need your help in destroying the Holy Swords." Michael began.


[30 Minutes of explaining later…] Ddraig narrated.

'What are you doing?' Michael asked.

[I'm bored and this is the only entertainment I could think of.]


"And that's how it goes man so will you help me?" Michael asked then puts guilt over on Saji, "And remember the answer you give has a 50% chance of making Asia cry."

After explaining everything about the Holy Swords and Kiba to Saji, his best friend gave him a response he could not understand.

"Sure, why not?" Saji accepted the offer rather easily.

"You coward!" Michael shot up from his seat and pointed at Saji, "How dare you reject your only best friend in his time of need, and you'd even let Asia cry! You monster…"

Saji looked around to see the many people looking and whispered, "Michael, I said that I was okay with it alright, geez!"

"I mean after all th-wait, you're serious?" Michael asked with wide eyes.

"Yes." Saji nodded as Michael sat down,

"Wait, really? Shit! I even prepared a whole speech to demean you in public and force you to accept against your will as other looks at you like some sort of disgrace." Michael explained in full detail.

"Yeah, I kind of saw that coming since this café is usually busy after school hours." Saji said as he looks around to see a few fellow Kuoh Academy students.

"But why the sudden acceptance?" Michael asked.

"Because the way I see it if I left you to deal with the Holy Swords by yourself, then you'd might accidentally start a war between the Devils and the Church. Also after you told me that story about Kiba, I actually started to feel sorry for the handsome bastard for once." Saji explained then growled, "But dammit if Kaichou finds out about this she'll be pissed, which means I'll have to think of a way to get off the edge of that steep cliff."

"Saji, please." Michael gave Saji a serious stare.

"Chill, I already said I'd help so stop looking like that, it's weird seeing you so serious about something other than food." Saji chuckled nervously.

"Thanks, Saji, I appreciate it." Michael sighed.

"Don't thank me just yet, so what's your plan on getting the Church on board with your plan?" Saji crossed his arms.

"It's nothing to worry about, I already have the perfect idea that will work." Michael smiled.

"So what's your percentage rate of succession?" Saji asked as Michael kept his smile then grinned.

"About 40%." Michael smiled.

"40%? That's terrible, we'd be better off with another plan then." Saji's eye twitched as he groaned.

"Well, it could be 40% based on one of the factors, but if I put in some other stuff into the negotiation then the succes rate wil be about 60% I think..." Michael scratched the back of his head.

"Well, that's an improvement, but it's still not good enough. If we're looking to get permission then we have to be at 85% at least so it can be more successful." Saji explained, "So let's start off with 100% as we go through the negatives that would lower our chances."

-0%- None

-10%- Destroy Excalibur Fragment

-20%- Getting involved in a Church Matter

-10%- We're Devils

"These are the negatives we can't deny, anything lower would have to be our faults in the matter." Saji said.

"But still even if it's just a little chance we still have to try!" Michael said anxiously.

"I knew you'd say that, but maybe if we go at it in different approach than us being devils, then maybe we can get more of a chance to getting permission and be presented as reliable to the pair." Saji rubbed his chin.

"There we go... You can do it, Dr. Science!" Michael cheered.

"Please don't call me that." Saji shook his head then grinned as he had an epiphany, "Wait, I've got it, you're the new Red Dragon Emperor, so let's use that as our advantage."

"Okay, but how do I do that?"

"Don't worry, I'll explain things later lets just find them before it gets dark." Saji smiled.

"Wicked! Now we're all set now we can-!"

Suddenly a waitress placed a tab on Michael's table to show a large amount of money spent on food.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I just ordered two drinks." Michael looked at the waitress.

"Eh? But aren't you paying for the young miss over there?" The waitress points to a single table to where Koneko was enjoying a rather large glass of ice cream and seeing as there are 3 other glasses it meant she was already eating the time he spent there.

"How long has she been there?" Michael then looked at the bill as Saji blinked,


"What the hell, she's been eating that much? Craaaap! How am I supposed to pay for all of this!?" Michael cried as his eyes bugged out.

"Don't worry buddy, I'll help." Saji reached for his wallet.

"Wow, thanks man." Michael sighed in relief.

"Oh, wait I forgot my larger bills next to my bike let me come back after getting it." Saji immediately walked out the café.

"Okay, take your time." Michael hummed then gasped in realization, "Wait a minute, you son of a bitch! You don't have a bike!"

"Dine and Dash for the win!" Saji laughed as he ran outside.

"Darn, now I have to pay, but maybe if I ask Koneko-chan for some money to lend then maybe I could..." Michael rubbed his chin until her saw Koneko get up from her seat then rush out the restaurant in a split second.

Michael froze before screaming, "You guys are the worst!"

"Sir, are you ready to pay?" The waitress asked as Michael gulped and gave her a wry smile.

"Well, you see I don't have enough money to pay for it…" Michael gulped.

The waitress gave Michael a dark glare then suddenly grabbed him by the neck of his collar, "Oh, so you mean you'll pay for the money through hard labor?"

"Technically I didn't say that..."

"Otherwise I'd have to call the police." The waitress threatened.

"...Guh..." Michael whimpered as he got dragged into the kitchen to serve the time and pay off the bill.

Outside after two hours, Michael was walking besides Saji and Koneko while looking rather exhausted after being forced to clean the male's restroom all. By. Himself. Also Koneko tagged along because like Michael, she too felt concerned for Kiba's well-being as she's being cooperative with the two Pawns.

"You guys suck." Michael spat.

"It's your fault for getting easily tricked, man, things like this would usually happen to me as you'd usually find a way to pin the blame on me. Huh, you must really be off your groove today." Saji smirked, "Meaning this Kiba stuff is really serious to you."

"…It won't be easy searching for the two." Koneko said.

"Yeah, but nothing is really easy in the start so let's be patient." Saji commented.

"Yeah your right it might take even months, years hell maybe centuries but we musn't give up for if we do then it will mean the end of Pretty Boy!" Michael said dramatically, "Now let us commence with our search."

"We already began about 2 hours ago…" Saji groaned.

"Don't be a smart-ass Saji." Michael sighed then saw Koneko tugging on his shirt, "Huh, what is it?"

The girl points towards a street to show a pair of white robed women holding an offering box as they cried out,

"Please give blessings to the lost lamb-"

"Please give charity to us on behalf of the father in heaven!"

No one would pay any attention to them and continued walking away.

"How can this be? This is the reality of the developed country of Japan? That's why I don't like countries that don't have the smell of our beliefs."

"Don't say that, Xenovia. We lost all the money we had. So we have to rely on charity from these heretics or else we can't get food, you know? Aaah, we can't even buy a single loaf of bread!"

"Hmph. It all happened because you bought that fake looking painting."

Xenovia pointed at a painting of a saint that was drawn really badly.

"What are you saying? This painting has the drawing of someone who looks like a saint! That's what the person in the exhibition said as well!"

With Michael and Saji, the latter looked over with a half lidded look of curiosity.

"So is she a little…?" Saji asked.

"Yeah, she's too trusting whenever someone says or brings up anyone in the Bible or involved in church." Michael nods and sighed.

"I see." Saji scratched his head.

With Xenovia and Irina,

"Then do you know who the person in the drawing is? I certainly don't."

The person in the picture certainly looked like a foreigner and was wearing poor clothing and had something on his head. There was also a baby Angel on the background with a trumpet who was floating in the air.

"…I think it's…Saint…Peter…?"

"Don't mess around. Saint Peter wouldn't look like this."

"No, he must have looked like this! I'm sure about it!"

"Aaah, why did my partner have to be someone like you…God, is this also a trial?"

"Hey don't hold your head down. You really get depressed when you are down, don't you?"

"Shut up! That's why the Protestants are called heretics! You guys have different beliefs than us Catholics! Show more respect to the saints!"

"What! What's wrong, it is Catholicism where they still abide by the old law!"

"What did you say, heretic?"

"What did you say, heretic!?"

Those two started to argue by banging their heads against each other…


Then we heard the sound of their stomachs rumble when we were a distance away from them. The two of them dropped onto the ground with their stomachs rumbling.

"…First of all, let's do something to fill our stomachs. Or else it's not a matter of retrieving the Excaliburs."

"…You are right. Do you want to get money from the heretics by threatening them? I think God will forgive us if we threaten the heretics."

"Do you plan to attack the shrine? Or do you plan to steal their offertory box? Don't do either. Let's use our swords to put on a performance. It's an international entertainment that works in every country."

"That's an excellent idea! If we can cut fruits with our Excaliburs, then we can gather some cash!"

"Well, we don't have fruits. It can't be helped. Let's cut the picture instead."

"No, stop you can't cut this down!"

The two church goers engaged in another argument as they were involving the Fake St. Peter portrait now.

"Maybe we should do something about this." Saji said.

Michael stood in place and rubbed his chin, "Maybe…Maybe…"

Koneko looked at her senior in annoyance and pushed him forward,

"Just buy them lunch, baka-senpai." Koneko commented.

"Alright, but Saji you're paying since you ditched me." Michael growled.

"Okay, I guess that's fair. I mean how much money does it take to feed two teenage girls?" Saji crossed his arms.

"Amazing! Irina, it's so delicious Japanese Cuisine truly is amazing!"

"This is the stuff, I can't get enough of the meals at these family restaurants!"

In a Family Restaurant, both Xenovia and Irina were digging into the establishments entire food menu. As they already had 4 course meals already. As Saji gave a forced smile as he could feel his wallet literally lighten up, "Man they are eating like animals right guys?"

Saji turns his head to the right to see something terrifying…

It was the pair of Michael and Koneko hastily eating food as well as Michael ate in a more rabid fashion as Koneko ate in a more quiet fast pace.

Stopping his eating, Michael looked at Saji and said, "Could you please pass the salt?"

"Oi! Who said I was paying for you two?" Saji shouted.

"No one, so that's why I decided to let you pay for 'all' of our meals!" Michael chuckled.

"Damn you… just die right now." Saji growled as tears streamed down his face.

Once they were finished eating both Xenovia and Irina looked rather depressed for some reason.

"How can we let ourselves get tempted by devils? What has the world come to?" Xenovia said while gritting her teeth.

"We sold our souls to the Devils!" Irina was in the prayer position while sounding kind of sad.

"Pfft! I don't care at least I wasn't the sucker who paid for you two to eat." Michael smirked and folded his arms behind his head.

"Oi!" Saji slapped Michael upside his head.

"O, Lord bless these kindhearted Devils." Irina prayed.


The devils gripped their heads in pain as Michael banged his against the table really hard.

"Screw your blessings, we're devils, we don't need them!" Michael cried in pain.

"Whoops, sorry I did it without thinking...again." Irina smiled cutely.

After drinking a glass of water Xenovia then asks,

"So what is your purpose of meeting us?" Xenovia asked as Michael glared at her,

'I still don't like this girl for what she did to Asia, but I can let it go especially for Kiba's sake.' Michael thought.

"We want to help you destroy the Excaliburs." Michael stated his reason.

"What?" Xenovia questioned.

"Yes, we aren't going to go crazy and destroy them all we just need to destroy at least one sword that's all." Saji explained.

"I understand now, We could probably ask you to destroy one." Xenovia seemed nonchalant about the idea.

"Alright see told you 60% would be a good chance." Michael smiled.

"There's a first thing for everything." Saji shrugged, "Even morons have to make guesses to get half the questions on a test right."

"What did you say!" Michael growled.

"Hey Xenovia, are you sure? Even if it's Michael-kun, he's still a Devil, you know?" Irina raised an objection.

"Irina, to tell you the truth, it would really be tough to retrieve the three Excaliburs and to battle Kokabiel with only the two of us."

"I know that. But...!"

"The minimum objectives we have to achieve are to destroy the three Excaliburs or take them back. If our Excaliburs are going to be stolen then we might as well break them before it happens. Even if we use the last resort, there's only a 30% chance that we will succeed in our mission and return home safely."

"Yeah, but, we knew that the success rate was high enough for us come to this country to put our lives on the line."

"Yeah. The higher-ups also told us to continue with our mission as well and dispatched us to this country. It's almost self-sacrifice."

"And isn't that what we, the followers, desire for?"

"I changed my mind. My beliefs are flexible. So I can act in the best way."

"You! I have been thinking about it for a long time, but your faith is a bit weird!"

"I won't deny it. But I think that it's our duty to accomplish our mission and return safely. I'm going to live and continue fighting for God. Am I wrong?"

"…You are not wrong. But..."

Saji then elbows Michael, who gasps upon realization,

"Oh right, well if you can't trust me as a devil then how about me as the Red Dragon Emperor then?"

"Yes, I can trust the power of the dragon, but to think I'd meet the Sekiryuutei so far out in this country. Even if you're a devil, I can still see that you have a large amount of dragon power within you. And if legends are correct then maybe you can boost your power to that of a Maou and break the Excaliburs with no trouble correct?" Xenovia said rather joyfully.

"That may be true, b-but your belief is weird if you're going to trust the power of a Dragon." Irina still objected.

"I don't mind being weird and besides he's your childhood friend, Irina so shouldn't you trust him? And weren't you the one blabbering about how excited you were to see him again?" Xenovia said.

"…" Irina became silent as her sight glanced up at Michael to show him giving her a pleading expression.

"Irina, please…" Michael said.

"Fine. I see no problem having Michael-kun and his friends help." Irina nodded.

"Sweet!" Michael pumped his fist up in the air, "Now everything's ready!"

"Is he always this loud?" Xenovia asked as Saji, Irina and Koneko nodded at once,

"Yes…" The three answered.

Calling Kiba was quite a challenge for Michael, so he had Koneko do it for him as they all agreed to meet at the park. After explaining the agreed negotiation Kiba then stated his response,

"I see you were given permission to destroy the Excaliburs. It may be what I want, but I still find it unsatisfactory to get permission when I can just do it any time I wish to." Kiba responded.

"Your words are rather rough. If you were a Stray Devil then I would have you cut down without any time to spare." Xenovia said with hostility.

Suddenly a fierce stare down between the two began as they were about to draw their weapons until.

[Dragon Booster!]

Releasing his Boosted Gear, Michael growled, "Quit. It." Michael's serious tone stopped both swordsmen as the teen glared at both of them while the rest watched in shock at Michael interrupting the two.

"I've had it up to here with this hostile bullshit. We're supposed to be a team, and help each other even if it's temporary, if any of you try to fight with me around, then I'll gladly join and give you two a real fight." Michael said as a large amount of dragon aura leaked out of his body, "Unless you'd actually rather talk than take shots at each other?"

Seeing this both Xenovia and Kiba backed down, and started to actually talk instead of getting into a fight.

"So you do hold a grudge regarding the "Holy-sword Project". Against the church and the Excaliburs."

Kiba sharpened his eyes at Irina's words.


He replied with a low and cold voice.

"But Kiba-kun. Thanks to that project, the research on holy-sword users showed results. That's why it created people like Xenovia and I, who can synchronize with the holy swords."

"You think it's a forgivable to just kill any and all test subjects just because the project was able to be helpful to you two by being just a statistic?"

Kiba looked at Irina with eyes filled with hatred.

"N-No, what I mean is…" Irina looked away.

"Oi! Kiba calm yourself down, man." Michael puts his hand on Irina's shoulder which seemed to relax the girl.

"That incident also became one of the worst cases among us and people felt disgusted about it. The person in charge of that project at that time was said to have a problem with his belief. So he was charged with heresy. Now he's one of those people on the Fallen-Angels side." Xenovia said.

"On the Fallen-Angel's side? What's the name of that person?" Kiba asked.

"His name is Balba Galilei. The one known as "Genocide Archbishop."."

"…If I go after Fallen-Angels, then can I reach him?"

Kiba's eye had the color of a new determination.

"Like you said yesterday he has a stray priest as his assistant aiding him as a fellow stray." Xenovia explained.

"Wow, Freed, that turkey? He really likes to come out at the wrong time." Michael growled.

"It's common for exiles to work together." Xenovia said.

Kiba sighed and said, "After hearing all of this I no longer have any reason to refuse cooperating with you."

"Well that's it so I guess our deal is prepared." Irina said.

About to leave Xenovia said, "We will repay you for the meal someday, Sekiryuutei, Michael Hanamura."

"Bye~! Michael-kun, I'll make sure to call you once we're ready to discuss a cooperation strategy." Irina waved and followed Xenovia.

"Well I guess that worked out well." Michael exhaled in relaxation as he waved to them goodbye.

"Yeah, I guess it did, but who the hell is Freed?" Saji asked.

"Well you better take a seat because this will take a long time to explain." Michael groaned as he was about to begin until,

"Didn't I say this was my own business?" Kiba gave Michael a serious stare.

"Yeah, you sure did." Michael nodded.

"So why are you still getting into it?" Kiba asked.

"Because…I want to help you Kiba." Michael answered.

"But why?" Kiba asked.

"Well since letting you leave Buchou to go off crazy somewhere might make her sad and besides your my friend, I can't just leave you hanging." Michael chuckled and scratched his head, "And besides, I guess I can understand what you're going through."

Kiba looked rather serious at that and would have commented but Michael interrupted and said,

"You're my comrade, and if I were to let you go off on your own, you'd probably die and if that happens then I could never forgive myself and live with the exact same grief that your going through." Michael walked up to Kiba and placed his fist upon Kiba's chest, "So to cut the middleman and make sure I don't live my life on a shitty note of regret, I then thought, heck, why not prevent the heartache before actually happens, eh?"

Kiba looked surprised as Michael grinned,

"Kiba, we're your friends so at least try to trust us alright, pal?" Michael grinned then raised his fist, "And besides I need another dude to be around just in case Saji gets his ass rid on by the Kaichou."

"Oi!" Saji growled.

"…Yuuto-senpai. I would get lonely if you were to disappear." Koneko gave a sad expression which shocked Michael as he was visibly crying.

"*Sniff!* Y'know she really does have a heart doesn't she?" Michael wiped his tears.

Seeing and hearing this Koneko elbows Michael in the gut and continues pleading towards Kiba.

"…That's why I will help you, so please don't go away..." Koneko's sad tone even made Saji cry next.

"*COUGH!* Just agree to it you selfish bastard!"

"Just tell her you won't go away already you damn bastard!"

Michael and Saji cried hysterically like the idiots they are.

"Hahaha. I give up. If Koneko-chan says that to me, then I guess going in alone is a big no for me. Okay from now on I will work with you all. Thanks to Michael-kun, I know who my true enemy is. But since we are doing this, we are definitely going to defeat the Excalibur. "

"Look I might not be involved in this matter, but let me do my best for you and besides you're not the only one fighting for something." Saji walked up to Kiba and shook his hand.

"Thank you, Saji-kun." Kiba shook the teen's hand, "It means a lot knowing I'll be able to avenge my past comrades with the ones I have now."

"No sweat and if we're going to be honest about our goals then I should to." Saji nodded and pulled back his hand to point at himself, "Because my dream one day is to become an Ace in the Rating Games as Kaichou's left hand man since you know Fuka-kaichou is her queen and they are right hands to the King so it makes perfect sense. Also finding the Holy Swords may benefit me in more combat experience as well."

Michael slid in and smiled with half lidded eyes, "Liar."

Saji growled and glared at Michael, "What did you say?"

"You know what I mean, because I heard from a certain somebody last week that they wanted to impregnate their President then marry them." Michael implied it was Saji.

"Eh?" Kiba tilts his head at that.

"You bastard, you promised you wouldn't tell!" Saji lunged at Michael and pulled his cheeks really hard.

"Hah! You actually believed me, and you're an unbelievable dumbass if you believe you're supposed to impregnate someone before you marry them! What are you trying to do force her into marriage?" Michael growled as he pulled Saji's cheeks hard too.

"I don't want to be called that by the King of Dumbasses like you!" Saji growled.

"Well, you better listen clear ya, dumbass because this dumbass can tell your plan a mile away!" Michael growled as the two then started to engage in a brawl as they punched each other as Kiba and Koneko laughed.

"They sure do act chummy, don't you think?" Kiba smiled and laughed.

"…They are still morons." Koneko coldly said.

As this event occurred another was playing itself as well as a diligent Raynare was in a market shopping for more groceries to feed Michael and the others.

'I wonder if Michael-kun loves croquettes.' Raynare thought as she was slowly filling her cart with various types of food.

Asia was doing her best at a devil job with her client as Rias was gone for a while as she told her and the rest she'll be with Sona discussing some important matters. But she actually knew that the main topic was Kiba. She may have not known the guy rather well but she too felt worry for him as well and hopes that Michael could find a way to help him.

Though she knew he was already on the job as she saw his serious expression the whole school day. Such a face causes chills to go down her spine as this side of him strangely excites for some reason as when she tried to strike a conversation with him, his strong tone and quick to the point responses would visibly shake her on the inside as she would fumble her words in the process.

'It's just that something like that changing him somehow makes my chest feel hot. Could it be that he's showing a more masculine side of himself than before?' Raynare blushed as she placed a hand on her chest in thought before remembering something.

"But that could wait for another time as another issue is bringing itself up…Kokabiel-sama." Raynare furrowed her brow and looked down, "I knew he was against Azazel-sama's withdrawal from war, but would he seriously try to start another war especially when our race is barely just recovering?"

Pushing the cart, Raynare was oblivious to where she was going, "And it's even worse when that disgusting stray priest, Freed Zelzan is with him too." Raynare growled as she remembered that insane man all too well, he was a maniac who wouldn't know how to act civilized especially towards his own superiors.

But what really pissed her off about him was that she heard that he had tried to kill Michael! Michael! Especially when he wasn't even a devil to begin with! She knew it was under Dohnaseek's orders, but still such a threat towards Michael made her want to kill Freed a thousand times over.

'A Holy Sword mixed with those two don't mix well, I hope things will be settled down as soon as possible.' Raynare sighed then gasped as she suddenly hit her cart up giants the back of someone in front of her without her knowledge.

"S-Sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I was-!" Raynare bowed in apology as the man sighed.

"So pathetic you can't even do something so simple as pushing a cart." The person she crashed into was a man. The same man Michael met with the other day, "And you even let your thoughts cloud your mind of judgment how sad, Ray-Ray."

Hearing that Raynare grew a little angry, "Hey what gives I already apologized and-! Wait, Ray-Ray…?" Raynare stopped herself as she heard a familiar name someone once called her a long while ago then gasped upon realization, "Y-You!" Raynare looked up to see the man face to face and showed an expression of utter terror, "Why are you here?"

"Use your words you reject, Geez! Why must I have such a untrained Little Sister?" The man scratched his head and said in an annoyed tone.

(The next day)

It was at night and Michael was leaving from the apartment to go see the others about their plan to eliminate the Holy Sword. Asia was saddened to see that he had to go so late to do a Devil Job (Yeah he lied…He knows he's a monster for lying to such a sweet girl!) but understood as this will make him better in the future. As for Raynare herself she has been rather quiet and somewhat lost in thought as she too was worried for Michael leaving so late but allowed it. Michael did want to know what the issue was with her to be so serious but decided to handle one problem at a time before engaging.

In the Abandoned Church, everyone was getting ready to depart for the search as Michael, Kiba and Saji wore Priest's clothing as Koneko was wearing a nun's costume. Michael had to cancel hanging out with his client for today but he didn't feel too bad because he knew the Ero-Ossan would be obsessed over some new object to collect in under 20 seconds.

"I can't believe us devils are seriously wearing this." Saji said as he finished putting his costume on.

"I don't care what I wear as long as it helps me get to my goal." Kiba finished adjusting his collar.

Xenovia then said, "We'll be better searching in separate groups than all of us as a whole."

"Yes, a search party of that size will only attract more attention to ourselves if we do that." Kiba nodded.

"Alright sounds like a plan!" Michael grinned then said, "Because after this I'm gonna be named Michael Hanamura, "The Excalibur Slayer"!"

"Wait wasn't this supposed to be to help Kiba?" Saji asked.

"Yeah, yeah, but this is even more important! I can be famous!" Michael chuckled in excitement.

"…Idiot-senpai, is the worst." Koneko sighed.

"Selfishness along with perverseness? Michael-kun, you truly are a terrible devil!" Irina cried shamefully then prayed, "Dear Lord! Please never forgive this sinful Devil!"

"You suck." Saji implied.

Michael looked at everyone around him then said, "Alright, you guys can officially all go straight to hell, and we'll take the east side."

"Fine, then I guess Me and Irina will take the west part of town." Xenovia nodded.

"Remember if you happen to come into any trouble just call my cell okay?" Irina said to Michael in a nagging fashion.

"I know, I know." Michael picked at his ear and looked to the side.

"Do you or are you just trying to pretend understand to make yourself sound better?" Irina asked in reassurance.

"Of course I do, I'm not an idiot!" Michael growled.

"If you weren't then I wouldn't be asking." Irina said with half closed eyes.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Michael shouted.

Staring at the two childhood friends Koneko said, "…This looks like an old married couple fighting."

"Uh-huh?" Saji nodded as Kiba lightly chuckled.

"Alright, Team Hanamura Alpha Sentai let's go!" Michael roared and thrusts his fist up.

"That isn't the name we discussed…" Saji groaned.

Xenovia then stopped Michael and said, "Oh wait, before you go there's something I must tell you,"

"Look if you're asking for an apology from me then you're going to have to redeem yourself in my book because I still think you're a bit-" Michael said honestly before Koneko socked him in the gut to shut him up.

"No, it's not that, I'm just grateful that you were taking care of us in our stay here, so as thanks I'll tell you this message the White Dragon has awakened."

"!" Michael gasped in shock then suddenly felt himself get anxious after hearing that.

[It seems your fated battle will arrive closer then I'd expect.]

'Y-Yeah.' Michael nodded.

Separating into groups, Michael's own group was walking down the street searching for any signs of Holy Activity nearby. They already searched 3 areas and couldn't find such a presence so they searched for the fourth time.

'Man, now I have this White Dragon crap on my mind, that blue haired girl sure knows how to mess me up.' Michael growled.

"Baka-senpai…?" Koneko called after seeing Michael's faraway look.

"Oh sorry, for spacing out, so where do we look next?" Michael asked.

"Maybe a place without people who can easily see us." Saji suggested.

"So what kind of place should we go to?" Michael asked.

"I have a place in mind." Kiba said.


After walking for only a couple of minutes, Michael and the others arrived to an abandoned building to where they once defeated the Stray Devil, Viser.

"This place seems to work perfectly as its away from the public." Saji said while looking around, "So what does this Freed guy look like?"

"Well he's technically a bishonen, but also a psychotic bastard who kills anyone despite being a devil or a human." Michael explained.

"How do you know?" Saji asked.

"Because he tried to kill me when I was human."

"Wow, that must have sucked."

"Yep, it did, but the most psychotic thing about him is that laugh he does out of freaking nowh-"

"HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" A demented laugh was heard in the area.

"Like that." Michael pointed out then looked above to see a man jumping off the roof and falling their way.

"Time to die!" The man was revealed to be Freed who was wielding a unique looking blade which exuded Holy Aura.

"Oh no, you don't!" Kiba then summons a demonic sword with his sword and blocks Freed's attack with great reaction.

"Hmph!" Freed was quick to back step away and lands to see his targets weren't priests, "Awww~! No priests? I was really hoping to kill some today! And all I get were a bunch of shitty devils instead, but who cares I guess this will compensate!"

"Freed!" Michael shouted.

"Michael-kun!" Freed smirked.

"Freed!" Kiba shouted.

"Pretty Boy!" Freed sneered.

"Koneko-chan!" Michael shouted.

"…Michael-senpai…" Koneko said.

"Kiba?" Saji said with a confused look.

"Michael-kun?" Kiba questioned.

"Saji-kun!" Freed smirked.

"Fre-wait, how do you even know me?" Saji gasped with wide eyes.

"I see that you've returned to me, Michael-kun! Oh, how weird fate is? Are you more worthy to kill now, huh? Has your Dragon Power increased to the point where you can actually stand a chance huh? Hey, why the hell am I asking you when I can just see it for myself!" Freed lunged at Michael with the intent to kill, but not before…


Kiba jumped ahead and clashed blades with Freed.

"Your opponent is me!" Kiba grunts.

"Oh, you again? Wow, you must really like me, or is it you're taken with my Excali-chan, huh? Well too bad because its job is to cut down shitty devils like yourselves!" Freed smirked as a battle of speed now commenced between the two, "Devils meet Excalibur Rapidly and Excalibur Rapidly prepare to meet the soft disgusting flesh of these damned devils!"




*GIN!* *GIN!* *GIN!*

"Alright time to boost up." Michael summoned his Boosted Gear and points it at Kiba who was locked in a speed fight against Freed that made Michael lose his sight of the teen.

[Dragon Booster]


At the rate the battle is going, Michael could tell the fastest out of the two was Freed with his Excalibur as Kiba's Knight Speed was looking a little slow compared to the Priest.

"That Excalibur is giving him super speed?" Saji clenched his fist.

"Yeah, and I can't send Kiba power if he doesn't hold still." Michael growled.


"Kiba, do you need a power up right now!?" Michael shouted.

"No! I can handle this on my own!" Kiba grunts as he continued to clash blades with Freed.

"…Too fast." Koneko said as she looked at the fight intently.

"I know I can't even see where Kiba especially with Freed's speed getting in my way, I need some way to stop him." Michael spat.


"A way to stop him, huh? Well then let me handle it then." Saji stretched out his hand and said, "Time to Line Up!" Suddenly a black aura surrounds Saji's left arm as a deformed chameleon was place on his hand, "Now go!"


Suddenly a radiating line shot itself out of the chameleon's mouth and wrapped itself around Freed's leg.

"What the hell?" Freed grunts as he fell down then turns to see the line, "Chi! Such a pain!" Freed tried to cut the line with his Excalibur, "What the hell is this one of those stupid Dragon Sacred Gears?"

"Wait, you have a dragon Sacred Gear?" Michael asked.


"Yeah, it's rather convenient right?" Saji chuckled, "It's called Absorption Line and with it I can absorb the power and strength from my enemies whenever I attach the line to them."

"So wait, you used that during the dodge ball game?" Michael gasped as he realized the mystery behind Saji getting that much power before.


"Sure did but enough about that. Concentrate on giving Kiba power." Saji grunts as he restrains Freed.

"Right." Michael nodded then looked up at the roof, "How do I get up there?"

Suddenly getting picked up by with her Rook Strength, Koneko said, "…Like this."

"W-Wait, no I just remembered I could fl-AAAAAA!" Michael was then flung at Kiba as he screamed, "Dammit Koneko-chaaaaaaaaan!"

"Huh?" Kiba looks up to Michael in confusion, "Michael-kun?"

"Kiba here's my power now take as I increase your assets!" Michael shouted as he raised his hand up.

"That sounded a bit weird, Michael-kun." Kiba commented.

"Just take the damn power Pretty Boy!" Michael smacked Kiba's shoulder as he gave him all of his boosted power.


Now radiating a strong aura of the dragon power Kiba stood over Freed and shouted, "It'd be rude if I don't use the power given to me! Sword Birth!"

A blue magic circle appeared over Kiba before he stabs his sword in the ground and…


Coming from the ground many demonic swords were coming towards Freed in many directions.

"Shit! Damn! Fuck!" Freed cursed as he stood up and knocked away the demonic swords with his Holy Sword.

Suddenly coming from within the abandoned building was a voice who said, "Sword Birth? Hmmm? I believe that's a sacred gear which could create an infinite amount of powers based on the user am I correct?"

"Whose there?" Kiba asked as he broke his concentration to see the figure coming out of the shadows to reveal a very old guy who looks like a pedophile in priest's clothing.

"…Balba Galilei!" Kiba growled and gave the man the most hateful glare Michael could ever see him make.

"The one and only." The old man admitted then turned back to look at Freed, "Freed. What are you doing?"

"Old man! I can't run away because of this asshole's stupid lizard tongue!" Freed whined like a baby.

"I see you still can't use the holy sword properly well here's a hint use the element more wisely and gather into the blade so it can be easier to cut it." Balba explained.

"Really!? I can do that!? Well Here I go~!" Freed's sword then grew bright with holy aura then was swung to cut the absorption line, "Haha! It worked!"

"No, he's going to escape with the pedophile old man!" Michael gasped.

"Pedo-what?" Balba asked then shook his head, "Never mind that we'll be leaving now Freed."

"Alright so bye-bye~! Shitty Devils!" They would have escaped if not for a rushing Xenovia who clashes blades with Freed!


"You will not escape!"

"Michael-kun, you idiot you forgot to call!" Irina jumped into the fray also.

"Irina?" Michael gasped.

"Michael-ku-!" Irina began until Saji shouted,

"No, you two. We're not doing that joke again!"

"Awww...Fine…" Michael and Irina sighed.

"Freed Zelzan. Balba Galilei. Rebels. I will cut you both down in the name of God!"

"Ha! Don't say the name of the hateful God that I hate! You bitch!"

Freed and Xenovia exchanged swords, but he took something out. It was a ball of light. That was!? The item used for escaping!

"Old-man Balba! We are escaping! We are going to report to the boss, Kokabiel!"

"There's no other way."

"See ya! Alliance of Church Followers and Devils!"

Freed threw down the ball of light on the ground.


"Ah! My eyes its like seeing Ddraig naked in the shower!" Michael shouted.

[Well technically I don't wear clothes.]

"…..AAAAAAAAH!" Michael's screaming picked up after hearing that.

"We are going after them Irina." Xenovia said.

"Okay!" Irina nodded.

Xenovia and Irina nodded at each other and sprinted from here.

"I'm going after them too! I won't let you escape Balba Galilei!"

Kiba also sprinted after the escaped enemies.

"Yo! Wait up guys!" Michael called out and began running as he looked back to see no one was following him, "What's up with you two we need to help Kiba!?" Both Koneko and Saji looked ahead in fear.

'Wait... I sense a disturbance…' Michael thought as he turns back to see a terrifying sight which makes his hairs stand on end, 'Oh crap…'

"How troublesome." Sona said in a serious face.

"Indeed, Michael would you care to explain this?" Rias said in a serious face also.

"Okay, before we begin I'd just like to say… Ddraig made me do it!" Michael nervously grinned.

Both Rias and Sona gave Michael a stern glare which causes Michael to sweatdrop.

[Yeah, that won't work now, kid.]

15 Minutes of Explaining Later!

"So you were destroying Excalibur. You two…" Rias said with an unpleasant face and put a single hand on her forehead.

Sitting in the seiza Positions were Michael, Koneko and Saji as they were getting scolded by their masters.

"Saji. For you to do something like this without my notice? I am heavily disappointed in you and even after I gave you a day off no less." Sona said with a cold/disappointed expression.

"F-Forgive me, Kaichou…" Saji looked down in shame as he tried to avoid eye contact with his master.

'Sorry dude.' Michael thought with a guilty expression.

So Yuuto went after this Balba character?" Rias asked.

"Yeah, that Pedophile is getting his ass chased by Kiba, Irina and Xenovia I think he said he would call when something happened so we shouldn't worry." Michael explained.

"Michael…" Rias sighed, "Kiba is an avenger do you seriously believe he would call us if anything were to happen to him at all?"

"Well, maybe he could of...huh..." Michael's face froze as he couldn't come up with a retort and said, "Wow I seriously did not think this through did I?"

"No. No, you didn't." Rias shook her then looked to Koneko, "And Koneko."

"…Yes Buchou." Koneko answered.

"I would understand Michael doing something so reckless." Rias said, "But why you, I'd expected more from you than to do this."

'Wait so she puts more expectations on my junior than me?' Michael slumped down in sadness.

"…I don't want Yuuto-senpai to go away…" Koneko said what's true to her heart.

"Yeah, Buchou I didn't want Kiba to die, so I had to do what my mind told me to do." Michael stood with determination.

"I-I also didn't want to watch my friend's comrade disappear either." Saji muttered to himself while looking off to the side.

"What was that?" Sona asked with a commanding tone.


"…Saying what you want now won't change what has happened you two must realize that your actions could affect the Devil world okay?" Rias scolded.



Michael and Koneko nodded as they apologized soon after,

"I'm sorry, Buchou."

"…I'm sorry, Buchou."


Looking to the side of heaving slapping, Michael could see a crying Saji getting spanked by his master, Sona.

"I agree with your actions to support your own kin. But secretive behavior must be punished." Sona said as she raised her hand.

"Aaaaaaaaack! I already apologized! I'm sorry Kaichou, I really aaaaaam!" Saji cried.

"Not yet you still have a 1000 spankings." Sona said as she brought her magic imbued hand down to spank Saji once more.


'Is that going to happen to me?' Michael gulped then looked back to Rias who approached him and Koneko, 'Oh no it is!'

"You mustn't worry about Yuuto, I already sent my familiar to search for him. Let's regroup with the other club members and meet with him when found and from there we will decide on what to do, okay?"

"Yes." Michael gulped and nodded as Koneko simply nodded,



Being pulled into a hug both Michael and Koneko were surprised as their master said, "Such reckless children. Making me worry so much…."

'Wait that's right I forgot Buchou is a kind master so that means I'm scott free woohoo~!' Michael cheered.

"Not fair, why am I the only one getting punished while they hug it out?" Saji cried.

"They are them and we are us." Sona continued spanking Saji while using magic.

'Haha suck it Saji! No spankings for me, woooooooh!' Michael grinned then heard the opposite of what he wanted to hear.

"Now bend over, Michael and show me your bottom." Rias smiled while her hand was covered by a crimson aura.

… …

"Huh!? But I thought you forgave us?" Michael gasped as he shrinks back in fear and crawls back while extending his hand at Rias to futilely get some distance

"I did, but as your master I can't lag behind so get ready!" Rias was about to begin as Michael cried.

"W-Wait stop!" Michael cried until…

"…Wait just a moment, Buchou, Michael-senpai is not the only person at fault here please I think I should be punished as well with half of his spankings." Koneko bent over and said.

"Koneko?" Rias said surprised.

Michael seeing this shook his head and got on a knee, "No, Let me get all the spankings Koneko-chan."

"…Michael-senpai wasn't the only one at fault so I should also-" Koneko sat up but was cut off by Michael patting her head.

"As your senpai let me take responsibility for my own mistake, you shouldn't suffer for my unfortunate plan and I kind of caused you more trouble lately so let me do this." Michael smiled as Koneko was shown to be lightly blushing but she still was hesitant to let Michael take the whole punishment.

"Wait, what if I smiled through the entire spankings would it make you happy?" Michael grinned as Koneko looked surprised at that option, "Come on, me smiling through it will prove that everything is okay, so what do you say?"

"…O-Okay." Koneko nodded slightly as Michael bent over and said,

"Alright bring it on The Great Hanamura is ready!" Michael chuckled.

"Right I see how it is then." Rias smiled at Michael's kindness to Koneko and raised her hand to begin, "Now Michael here are you 1000 spankings!"

And that day Michael's ass died, but even through all the pain he smiled. May he be remembered for his courage to sacrifice something so important. As Koneko watched her senpai's spanking with a slight grateful smile.

[R.I.P]: [Michael Hanamura's Ass (1998 – 2015)]

Walking back home with Rias, Michael was walking very bowl legged as he had teary eyes but still kept his smile,

"Hah, that was nothing." Michael chuckled with a little sniffle.

"If it wasn't then would you like some more?" Rias asked with a smile as more crimson aura surrounded her hand.

"N-No, ma'am!" Michael shook his head in fright as they climbed up the stairs to the front door of Michael's apartment.


"Welcome back, Michael-san and Buchou!" Asia opens the door while wearing OH MY LORD!

'Is she just wearing an apron!?' Michael gasped.

"You must be tired working so late. I'll start getting dinner ready right away." Asia smiled.

"Whoa! Whoa! Asia?" Michael looked at the white apron then back to the blonde girl's face.

"Yes, Michael-san?" Asia leaned it which caused her breasts to lean up to press up against the apron.

"Where did you get those clothes?" Michael asked.

"Um, my friend, Kiryuu Aika, said that when men get tired they need clothes like this to refresh them after a long hard working day." Asia lifted up the hem of her apron like a dress.

Michael bit his lip which bled as he growled, 'Damn you, Aika you always find a way to make my day so frustrating as it is! First the Holy Swords! Now the White Dragon and now I have to try and keep Asia innocent from her lecherous four eyes!'

Smiling herself, Rias walks in and rather pleased and says, "I see. There was that method too, huh?"

"Wait what method?" Michael asked but Rias simply winked before walking past Asia, "Asia, you're going to become a wicked and sexy female devil one day."

"Eh? But I didn't do this to be a sexy devil." Asia gasped.

"If that's the case then hurry and put back some clothes will ya?" Michael rushed then remembered, "Wait, where's Ray-chan?"

"Oh Raynare-san is…" Asia began but…

"Right here, Michael-sama~." Raynare cooed as she was leaning against the frame of Michael's bedroom door as she wore nothing but a red apron. Approaching Raynare gave Michael a seductive smile

"Not you too…" Michael gulped as he stepped back.

"I also took up Aika-san's advice and wanted to refresh you today, so what do you think Michael-sama do I look good in this apron?" Raynare teased.

"Errr…" Michael looked away as his face turned red as he nods and exclaims, "Yes, the two of you look good in them."

Seeing this Rias gave Ranare a challenging stare as Raynare shot back a stare of her own.

"Is there something the matter, Rias-san?" Raynare smirked as she wrapped her arms around Michael's arm and pressed herself against him.

"Hmph. Not at all now if you will excuse me I will change as well." Rias began walking to the kitchen but not before whispering to Asia, "And Asia, you should be proud you were able to get the first move on me."

"You're too kind." Asia smiled happily.

"Seriously can someone tell me what's going on cause I am confused." Michael said with wide eyes.


"Yeah?" Michael looked up to see Asia was worried,

"If my clothes are an issue for you then I could-"

"She is correct Michael-sama, if you want then we could always take them off if you want." Raynare said while pressing her bust up against Michael's arm even more.

Michael groaned and shook his head,

"No, wait you two I didn't mean to be rude, actually you two look good in those to be honest." Michael smiled sincerely, "And I guess you've refreshed me."

'In more ways than one.' Michael sighed in frustration.

"Really?" Asia gasped happily then hugged Michael's other arm, "Thank you…"

"No problem, I'll always tell you the truth since we are going to be together forever, right?" Michael smiled as Asia excitedly nods to that.

"Together forever?" Raynare repeated which made Michael look down at Raynare's somewhat saddened face as he said, "Ray-chan, are you okay?"

"Oh? Yeah, I am don't worry." Raynare gave a smile and nodded.

'Hm?' Michael thought.

"Well you two don't have to worry about anything if that's going through your minds." Michael said as both Raynare and Asia look up to see Michael giving them a grin,

"Because whether it be the Church or anyone else I promise to protect you all with all my might. So I'll basically be your night light whenever you feel scared of something all right?"

"Michael-san, I don't regret becoming a devil." Asia said with a grateful expression.

"Huh?" Michael was shocked to hear that, 'Wait she is, but I thought she loved the church more though?'

"I can't forget my faith, but now, I have something even more important than my feelings towards God. Buchou, the club members, friends for school, Raynare-san…and you." Asia smiled as she said the many things she is grateful for, "Every one of you is precious to me so I want to be with everyone forever and ever."

Suddenly Asia grew teary eyed and wrapped her arms around Michael and hugged him tightly, "I don't want to be alone again!"

"Asia…" Michael looked at Asia with a sad expression and could sympathize with Asia's feelings completely.

"I too, do not wish to separate from everyone." Raynare said also with teary eyes from out of nowhere.

"Ray-chan, why are you-?" Michael was surprised as Raynare hugged Michael tightly as she cried and dug her head into his chest,

"I don't ever want to be taken away from Michael-sama's side again! I want to stay here."

Seeing that both girls are crying Michael simply shrugged and hugged the two back absent mindedly as he grabbed behind their backs and hugged them tightly,

"Don't worry you two, I will make sure that you'll never get separated from me by anyone against your will while I'm around." Michael said unaware of the blushes Asia and Raynare are forming as he could hear a slight moan coming from Asia.

"M-Michael-san?" Asia moaned.

"Huh?" Michael questioned then heard Raynare moan,

"Michael-sama, are you so happy with our looks that you want to start showing your appreciation already?" Raynare's voice was rather tempting as Michael was still unaware of what they mean until he felt something soft in his hands and he of course looked down to see what it was and guess what? He was actually grabbing both the Bishoujo's asses.

'Shit! I forgot they aren't wearing anything underneath the aprons!' Michael gulped, 'But why do their butts feel so soft all of a sudden in my hands?' Michael palmed both the girl's butts once more out of curiosity as he heard them moan his name once more under his strong grasp.

'So soft...' Michael's curiosity was getting the best of him as he wanted to continue but-

"Michael!" Rias called as she exits the kitchen to reveal herself wearing a tight fitting purple apron with a heart on top as she was completely naked underneath as the apron looked more erotic than Raynare and Asia's put together.

"So how is it?" Rias curtsied in front of Michael

Suddenly Michael was overcome by the variety of beautiful bodies that his face turned red and steam came out of his ears as he quickly said, "You look amazing B-Buchou…now if you'll excuse me I'm going to be in the bathroom."

Michael quickly rushed over in the bathroom as the three girls watched in curiosity before Rias states while flipping her hair back, "I guess there really isn't anything wrong now right, Raynare-san?"

"Grrr! That was just a fluke Rias-san because very soon I'll get the upperhand." Raynare declared.

"Don't forget about me too, I also wish to gain Michael-san's attention as well." Asia said while pouting and having teary eyes.

The three girls stared at each other as sparks clashed between the three as Michael stayed in the bathroom with his knees tucked under his arms.

Later dinner was actually even more distracting as Michael had to try and distract himself with an old manga of Dragon Ball to calm himself down as he diverts the attention away from the half-naked girls who were now cooking for him. Before in his regular life he would have never thought that women would come and live in his home and cook homemade meals for him.

Later that night, Michael, Rias, Asia and Raynare slept together in bed peacefully after dinner until a large threatening pressure that had never been felt before was nearby as Michael and Rias were quick to get up from bed as Raynare and Asia followed in suit as everyone looked down in the mirror to see a very disturbing sight, Freed Zelzan giving them a demented smirk.

"That turkey is back!" Michael growled.

"I sense the presence belongs to a Fallen Angel." Rias snapped her fingers to conjure up her uniform as Raynare and Asia were quick to change to their clothes as well as for Michael he still kept his black shirt and gray shorts on as they went outside to confront the crazy priest.

"Yahoo! How's it been Michael-kun. Asia-tan and oh my look at this if it isn't my old bitch of a boss Ray-tan as well! How've you been doing since the last time I met you? Oh dear don't tell me I interrupted you all having sex, please forgive me but not reading the atmosphere is my charming point." Freed said in a strange was as usual.

'Seriously what is up with this guy's head?' Michael thought then said,

"Look what do you want ya Turkey because if you came to kill us all then-!" Michael growled then thrusts his fist forward,

[Dragon Booster!]

"I'll take you out here and now!" Michael declared.

"Whoa! Whoa! Don't get all mad with me, kid, I'm just the messenger." Freed waved his hands in front of him in a defensive manner.

"Messenger then that must mean the pressure being given off is from-!" Raynare looks up in the night sky along with Rias who glared at a young man wearing a black robe with detailed accessories as he had about 10 Black Angel Wings!

"A Fallen Angel?" Michael said to himself as Asia hid behind him in fear of the Fallen Angel.

"Ah, so we finally meet daughter of the house of Gremory. Your crimson hair is rather beautiful. It's so sickening that it reminds me of your brother it actually makes me want to vomit as we speak." The fallen angel said.

After hearing that, Rias gave Kokabiel a cold glare which even terrified Michael a little as she says, "Nice to meet you one of the leaders of the Fallen-Angels, Kokabiel. And my name is Rias Gremory. I will also add one more thing. We and the house of Gremory are a being who are closest to the Maou, and also the furthest from it. If you are here to discuss about politics with me, then it's no use." Rias said with a cold tone.

'Kokabiel you mean one of the leaders of the Grigori! Man this is strange why was someone famous in the bible here of all places and wait…he's holding something no someone don't tell me that's!' Michael's eyes widened.

"Oh, I forgot about this here. I have no need for something broken." Kokabiel tossed the person to Michael who was quick and cautious to catch her. Looking closely to see who is Michael gasped as he said, "I-Irina?"

In his arms, was his old childhood friend Irina Shidou who was covered in blood and wounds as her clothing was in tatters.

"Irina!" Michael screamed in worry as he shook her, "Oi! Wake up, are you alright?"

Laughing his head off, Kokabiel said, "It was her misfortune to enter my base. So I decided to give her an old fashioned welcome. As for the other two meh… they escaped."

Michael quickly turned to Asia and said, "Come on, Asia, I need your help with this."

Quickly rushing to Michael's side Asia used her twilight healing to begin healing Irina's wounds as the girl started to breathe even more gently than before.

'Wait her Excalibur where is it?' Michael gasped as he knew Irina wasn't so dumb to lose such a weapon and even knew that she wasn't weak to not get it taken without a fight."

"Hmph! Talking with a Maou what a joke. Well if I commit a crime such as raping and killing the kid sister of Sirzechs then his anger would be pointed towards me. I guess that won't be so bad in fact it'd be thrilling." Kokabiel spouted hateful words which caused Rias to give him a furious glare.

"What is your motive in contacting me?" Rias questioned.

"I will be rampaging in this town using your base, Kuou Academy, as the starting point. Then Sirzechs will also appear, right?" Kokabiel was quick to answer with happiness.

"E-Excuse me?" Rias was having trouble understanding the man's reason due to how insane it was, "If you do that then the war between the three factions will begin once more you know that right?"

"Yes, that's what I'm hoping for. I thought that Michael would start a War if I steal the Excalibur... But what he sent were grunt Exorcists and two holy-sword wielders. It's boring. I'm really bored indeed! That's why I'm going to go on rampage at Sirzech's litter sister's base. See? Doesn't it sound fun, right?"

"But Kokabiel-sama such a thing is against Azazel-sama's methods!" Raynare chimed in as Kokabiel looked down at her with a disgusted look.

"I do not wish to hear that coming from an exiled one such as you, you might as well be garbage at this point traitor." Kokabiel sneered as Raynare was visibly conflicted by that insult, "I don't gve a damn about Azazel pulling out of the war because our numbers were dwindling all I cared about was that we were winning that's all that matter!"

"…You, Battle-Freak." Rias said in hatred.

"Hahahahaha!" Yes, and I'm not ashamed of it too because once the war ended it got so boring between the three sides! Azazel and Shamza weren't that keen on the next war. So they then started to collect boring things like the Sacred Gear and started to do some weird research. Something useless like that won't be of any use to us! …Well, it's a different story if it's a "Boosted Gear" like the one the brat over there has… But it's not something you can find so easily." Kokabiel focused his attention at Michael who kept his head down as the man kept prattling on.

"Don't tell me you all are after Michael-sama's sacred gear now?" Raynare said defensively.

"Well I'm not interested in such a thing, but Azazel might be. His collection hobby is sure crazy." Kokabiel spat then laughed,

"Either way, I'm going to be starting a battle involving the holy-swords, Rias Gremory. For starting a war! A school where both little sisters of [Sirzech's], [Leviathan's] and the [Monkey of Destruction's] go to. It must be filled with demonic-powers so that I can enjoy the chaos! It's also the best place to release the real power of Excaliburs! It's a good place for the battlefield."

'Shishou?' Michael thought then heard Freed laugh as he revealed 4 of 7 excaliburs in all as two were in his hands and the last ones were stashed in his coat.

"Isn't my boss the best? His craziness suits someone like the best you know. Hyahahaha! Also for being good and eager he even gave me these treats!" Freed laughed,

"The one on the right is "Excalibur Rapidly". The one on the left is "Excalibur Nightmare". The one on my hip is "Excalibur Transparent". I also received "Excalibur Mimic" from the girl over there! I also feel like getting "Excalibur Destruction" that the other girl has. Hyaa! Am I the first person in the World to be in possession of this many Excaliburs? I also received an element from the geezer Balba that allows me to wield holy-swords. Right now I'm in a hyper mode that allows me to wield all of them, you know? I'm invincible! I'm wonderful! I'm the strongest! Hyahahahahahahahaha!"

"More like being OP if you ask me." Michael commented.

"Shut your tongue brat, before I rip it off!" Freed laughed maniacally.

"Balba's holy-sword research. It's the real deal if it shows this much result. To tell the truth, it seemed suspicious when he joined my plan." Kokabiel laughed as he openly admitted to being together with Balba, the Pedophile Archbishop (Nickname courtesy of The Great Michael Hanamura).

"Wait, what do you plan to do with the Excaliburs!?" Rias asked him as Kokabiel readied his 10 Black Wings and turned to the direction of the school and said, "Hahaha! Let's have a War! Little sister of Sirzech Lucifer, Rias Gremory!"

Before Kokabiel could leave he saw someone standing up glaring at him as he crossed his arms, it was Michael.

"You hurt my friend then you insult my other friends." Michael started to grow a large amount of red and white aura at the same time, "Then you threaten to destroy my school, my home, my friends and now you want to start a war just because you're freaking bored?"

Kokabiel looked at Michael in interest and said, "Yeah, I believe I can. So what are you gonna do about it, Sekiryuutei Brat?"

"BREAK YOU IN HALF!" Michael's loud voice echoed through the neighborhood.

"HmhmhmhmHahahahahahaha! That's what I love about starting a war, it's always these little brats making it entertaining and fun to fight as they let their anger get the best of them!" Kokabiel then smirked, "So if your willing to break me, kid, then you know where to find me."

"You heard the boss, Shitty Devil Brat, so you'd best get dolled up since it'll be the last night you'll ever get to see!" Freed pulled out a ball and threw it to the ground which emitted a bright,


As soon as everyone's sight is back they saw that both Freed and Kokabiel are gone!

"Michael! Quick, we have to go to the school!" Rias exclaimed.

"Right!" Michael nodded and looked to the direction of his school and back to Irina who was being healed by Asia still as he goes back to hold her hand tightly and said, "Don't worry, Irina, I'll give him a big ol' wallop in the face for doing this to you."

He thought, 'Kokabiel, I will make you pay for hurting my friends you turkey!'

Next Chapter- The Gremory Family vs. Kokabiel Pt.1: Our Bonds will guide us together!

Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Well I hope you have a nice day so make sure to leave a review if you want and that's pretty much it!

Well, I'm done so until we meet again! Stay safe!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts