
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Triumphant Return

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City Lilith.

Once the train arrived at its destination, the group of fourteen disembarked. They were greeted by two of the Four Great Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan. As well as a group of servants from both the Gremory and Sitri Houses. With the Gremory servants led by the head maid and Sirzechs' wife, Grayfia Lucifuge. With Rias and Sona in the lead, the group approached those who had been awaiting their arrival. Once they drew near, the servants and guards bowed and saluted, respectively, then shouted their welcomes passionately.

"Welcome back, Lady Rias!!!"

"Welcome back, Lady Sona!!!"

Although James, Leona, Rias, and Sona were expecting this, as this was not their first time seeing it. The rest of the group were taken aback. Kunou even clinging tightly to James in surprise. Dante on the other hand found it to be a pain.

"They act like it's been centuries." Dante said in annoyance. "they've been gone, what? Seven months? Now I see why Pops betrayed."

"Um... I think there was more to his betrayal than that, Dante." Mizore said, looking at Dante with concern.

"Mizore, you shouldn't pay attention to this pizza loving idiot." Lady said as she rolled her eyes at Dante's stupid comment.

"Now, now." James said, interjecting in the Dante bashing that was surely about to start. "Dante's not an idiot, he's just a dumbass that doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut."

"Shut the hell up, Kid!" Dante shouted after James joined in on insulting him.

"See?" James said with a sigh. He then continued. "He's telling the one who, not only, pays his salary but also owns his shop to, 'shut the hell up.' A dumbass who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut."

Dante then realized that all James said was true. Not the dumbass part of course. But the fact he basically told his boss to shut up, well not basically but literally. Not wanting to admit his mistake, Dante shrugged his shoulder and decided to just ignore what the others were saying.

During this conversation, the atmosphere had become festive. With the servants and onlookers cheering and clapping their hands. The soldiers and guards raised their guns to the sky and offered a gun salute. There was even a band in the background playing an uplifting song. However, there was one person in this crowd of people that was either unable to or did not care to read the atmosphere.

"So-Tan!" Serafall, who had grown tired of waiting for the group to walk near, threw herself at Sona and wrapped herself around her younger sister like a koala.

"What? What are you doing?" Sona questioned in a fluster. With her cheeks red with embarrassment, she tried her best to separate herself from Serafall while shouting. "Elder Sister, let go of me, this instant."

"But I missed you so much, so-Tan." Serafall said as she rubbed her face on Sona's chest. "How come you didn't come to visit?"

Struggling with all her might, Sona was unable to remove herself from Serafall's embrace. Looking around in desperation, she made eye contact with James. Seeing the desperation and embarrassment in Sona's eyes, James made his way over and placed a hand on Sona's shoulder. When Serafall turned back to see who was interrupting her bonding time with Sona, Sona saw James with one of the saddest expressions she had ever seen.

"Jay-Kun! What's wrong?" Serafall immediately let go of Sona and pulled James into a hug, Burying his head into her bosom. "Did someone bully you? Tell me who and I'll freeze them into an ice cube."

Although he was touched by the love and concern Serafall showed him, James was scared out of his mind at the moment. Scared that someone would notice the developing erection from being pressed into Serafall's rather sizeable breasts. Also, scared that he would die of asphyxiation due to the same. As the feeling of death became more real, James was saved by Leona when she noticed James' flailing arms beginning to grow weaker as time went by.

"Sera, are you trying to kill my baby?" Leona said while hugging James defensively. "You know it would be hard enough for grown men to resist if you put their faces between your breasts, let alone a hormonal teenager like James."

"Mom! What are you talking about?" James shouted in embarrassment.

"Don't think I didn't notice the little problem you were having." Leona said playfully as she let go of James.

"Mom!" James shouted, his embarrassment growing with Leona's public teasing.

At the same time, Sona felt grateful that James had extricated her from the embarrassing situation. However, she felt sorry for James who was now being humiliated publicly after helping her.

'I have to think of a way to repay him.' Sona thought to herself with determination.

Trying to put an end to the spectacle in front of him, Sirzechs finally stepped forward. With Grayfia a few steps behind him, he spoke to the group of mostly adolescents.

"Welcome back to the Underworld." Sirzechs said with a smile. "As I'm seeing some new faces, I suppose your stay in the Human World has been fruitful, so far."

Stepping forward in response to Sirzechs greeting, Rias also smiled as she responded.

"Before we discuss how things have gone during our time in the Human World, allow me to introduce you to our guest, Kunou The daughter of Yasaka, leader of the Kyoto youkai." Rias said as she presented Kunou before the crowd.

By this time, Leona had released James who made his way to stand next to Kunou as her guard. A role that his position dictated. Once she felt his presence beside her, Kunou looked up at James. Seeing his encouraging smile, she turned back to Sirzechs. With a polite bow, she introduced herself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Kunou said then raised her head and continued. "I am Kunou. And I'd like to thank you for helping my mommy by looking after me."

Shortly after making her self introduction, Kunou's courage quickly waned. With a nervous expression, she hid behind James. Only sticking her head out from his side to watch her surroundings. Seeing this, Sirzechs and even Grayfia smiled at the cute little fox girl. James on the other hand, patted Kunou on the head and spoke gently.

"You did great, Kunou." James said in a gentle tone.

Kunou smiled due to the patting and words of encouragement.

Eventually, the festivities came to an end and the group left the station where the train stopped. They then broke into two groups. One consisting of Sirzechs, Leona, James and his peerage, and Rias and her peerage. The other consisting of Serafall, Sona, and her peerage. Before separating, however, they agreed to meet up at the Gremory Estate to celebrate the kids' return.

After separating, the groups each got into a convoy of carriages and headed to the Gremory and Sitri territories, respectively. Once James group made it into Gremory territory, James could not help asking.

"Why did we take the carriages? We could have just teleported, right?"

"The truth is, Rias is quite popular in the territory." Sirzechs replied with a smile. "It raises the population's morale knowing that she is nearby."

"So, she's like a pop idol." Mizore said innocently.

"The haughty 'ojou-Sama' type." Moka chimed in.

"What do you mean by 'haughty ojou-Sama' type!?" Rias asked, clearly offended by the character assassination.

At that point, the interior of the carriage fell silent. Everyone's eyes fell on Rias in blank amazement as they thought there may not be another person in the entirety of the Gremory Territory who is this unaware of themself.

"What? Why are all of you looking at me like that?" Rias asked in confusion. "I'm not a haughty ojou-Sama, right?"

As Rias looked around at the people in the carriage, upon making eye contact, they would look away. When she got to James, he smiled brightly and simply replied. "Yes, you are." Thinking James a traitor, she looked to her staunchest supporter, Sirzechs, with pleading eyes.

Seeing the look in Rias' eyes, Sirzechs began to answer. "Of course, you are... Ugh. Grayfia, what was that for?"

As Sirzechs was about to answer Rias with the answer she wanted to hear. Basically, doting and coddling her as he has always done, Grayfia elbowed him sharply to stop him.

"Have you forgotten already?" Grayfia said in a low tone. "You promised to stop treating her like this, for her own good."

"But Ria-Tan..." Sirzechs replied beginning to defend his actions.

"No buts." Grayfia said, cutting off his excuses.

Eventually, Sirzechs slumped his shoulders in dejection. Grayfia then proceeded to answer for Sirzechs.

"Unfortunately, what Miss Moka has said is true, Lady Rias." Grayfia said gently. "That is, however, the fault of your father and elder brother. The rest of the family is looking forward to your growth now that the two of them have promised to act as proper role models."

"What do you mean by that?" Sirzechs questioned indignantly. "I've always been a good role model."

Once again, the carriage's interior fell into an awkward silence. This time, even Rias could not, in good conscience, take her brother's side. Seeing the blank looks on everyone's faces, Sirzechs did not even have the heart to try and defend himself any further.

"Was I really that bad?" Sirzechs asked himself after hanging his head.

Seeing Sirzechs so dejected, no one knew what to say. Finally, Grayfia patted him on his shoulder. When Sirzechs raised his head, what he saw was Grayfia with an uncharacteristically gentle smile on her lips.

"You were, in fact, that bad." Grayfia said without mercy. "And even after promising to do better, it seems you have no intention to do so. I'll have to take this up with Lady Venelana, it would seem."

Hearing that, Sirzechs shuddered. No matter how powerful he may be, he is still unable to even talk back when his mother is unhappy with him. Even though it has been centuries, his body still remembers the demonic power charged spankings he received in his youth.

"Please, don't tell Mother." Sirzechs begged as he held his wife's hands tightly. "I'll make every effort to do better."

Seeing this, no one could believe that the strongest devil in history was begging his wife not to tell his mother about his wrongdoings. This surreal sight was quite incredible in its own right. More importantly, the carriage was quickly approaching the Gremory Estate. Through the windows, the group was able to see another greeting like that in Satan Territory, though on a much smaller scale.

"*Sigh* How many more times will we have to go through this song and dance?" James asked disinterestedly. "I mean we should have seriously just teleported back to the Estate."

"With as much popularity as you have, I'm surprised you're not more used to this." Cu Chulainn said sarcastically.

"Aww... That's adorable, Little Cu is trying to be witty." James said as if he was looking at a mentally ill patient.

"Damn it!" What the hell are you talking about?" Cu Chulainn asked indignantly.

"Lancer, you know he's a mangaka, right?" Moka asked with concern about Cu Chulainn's intelligence.

"What does that matter?" Cu Chulainn asked.

"Most, if not all, of his fans have never seen him." Moka said with her hand placed on her forehead.

"I really feel sorry for Tsubaki-Nee." Mizore said with a similar posture. "She's so smart and he's so...not..."

Hearing Moka's explanation, Cu Chulainn froze momentarily. After which he looked away and spoke.

"Just leave me alone."

That led to the carriage being filled with laughter. Eventually they made it to the Gremory estate, and just as they expected there was more cheering and gun saluting to welcome Rias back to the territory. Once they finally made it into the mansion and set down their luggage, the group waited for the Sitri family to arrive. Once they did, the return celebration began.

Here's the first of two.

Thanks for reading, I hope ou enjoy.

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