
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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The Best Way to Be Welcomed Back Home (R-18)

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

James and the girls have just returned from Kyoto with the rest of the second years students from Kuoh Academy. After hearing the last instructions from their teachers, the students were allowed to return to their homes. James' group was also looking forward to going home. Even though the hotel rooms were very nice, nothing compares to your own bed in your own home.

After making it back into the neighborhood, Flora was the first to separate from the group. Kissing James goodbye, she walked away with a smile. After that, everyone else separated in front of the three [King's] homes. After a round of goodbye kisses and Rias' pouting, James finally reached his front door. After unlocking the door and stepping past the threshold, James announced himself.

"Guess who's bizack!" James shouted loud enough to be heard throughout the house.

Following his announcement of his return, James first ran into Cu Chulainn. While James was taking off his shoes, Cu Chulainn made his way toward the front door. Dressed in an open button-down short sleeved shirt with a navy-blue T-shirt underneath and a pair of blue jeans, it was clear to James that Cu Chulainn was going to see Tsubaki.

"Yo, Lancer, how were things while I was gone?" James asked while extending a fist in Cu Chulainn's direction.

"Uneventful." Cu Chulainn said while fist bumping James. "A few strays showed up, but Lady put 'em all down pretty quick. She's gotten rather good with that gun kata of hers. I think you should spar with her to see her improvement."

"Sounds like fun to me, I've always like fighting opponents with unusual fighting styles." James said with a smile. Then, he leaned toward Cu Chulainn and spoke quietly. "I know you're going to see Tsubaki. Just a word of advice, I overheard a bit of the girls' gossip and Tsubaki wishes you'd be bolder."

After sharing that information with his best friend, James kicked off his shoes and strode into the house to see the other residents. The next one he came across was his mother. Sitting in the living room with the television on, Leona was looking at the door so she would not miss James' arrival. As soon as he stepped through the entrance to the living room, Leona used the [Flash Step] to appear in front of her son and wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug.

"Welcome home, Sweetheart." Leona said with a smile while hugging James tightly.

"It's good to be home." James said as he returned the hug. "How have you been, Mom?"

"Good." Leona replied happily. "Anyway, I won't keep you. I know you must be tired after your trip."

James quirked an eyebrow at his mother's blatant attempt to send him to his room. So, like a good son, he decided to let her know that he had seen through her little ruse.

"Are Mizore and Moka in my room for the reason I think they are?" James asked with a smile.

"Ugh, now that you've grown up, you're no fun anymore." Leona said with a pout. She then released James from her hug and turned back toward her spot on the sofa. "Just don't forget the silencing barrier."

"Ma'am, yes ma'am." James replied with a salute. Then, he made his way to the staircase.

As he reached the first step, he stopped. Then, he turned back toward Leona and gave her the messages from Kunou and Yasaka.

"Oh, yeah. Kunou misses her Auntie Leona, already." James said to Leona with a smile. "Also, Kunou and Lady Yasaka have invited us to come visit and bring in the new year together."

"Oh, that sounds like fun." Leona replied with a happy smile. "I was looking forward to meeting the woman that raised such an adorable girl."

In response, James scratched his head and smiled wryly.

"What's wrong?" Leona asked while tilting her head.

"Well, there's a not so slim chance that Lady Yasaka may ask you for the chance to pursue me." James said with a shoulder shrug. "Oh, and she's a widow, so there's no NTR to worry about."

Then, without waiting for a response from his mother, James made his way up the stairs. A few moments later, James was standing in front of his bedroom door. He could feel Mizore and Moka inside. He knew they had been in there ever since he entered the house, so that did not surprise him. What surprised him was the fact that he could tell they were in his bed, and they were stuck together. Curious to see why, James opened the door.

When the door was opened, James could see Mizore, wearing nothing but a light blue pair of panties with white thigh high socks, and Moka, earing nothing but a pair of white panties and black thigh high socks, laying in his bed and kissing deeply. At the same time, Mizore was fondling Moka's fairly large breasts while Moka was kneading Mizore's round ass. Immediately, James stepped forward and closed the door behind him. Then, he snapped his fingers and placed a silencing barrier around his room.

"I'll admit I'm surprised, but not disappointed at all." James said with a smile while he began stripping out of his school uniform. "I'm just wondering when you girls started going bi."

Hearing James' voice, Mizore and Moka were pulled out of their passionate make-out session. Knowing that James had seen them kissing, the two girls reacted differently. Mizore, blushing to the tips of her ears, hid her face behind her hands, while leaving gaps so she could watch James get naked. Moka, on the other hand, brazenly stared at James as he undressed while licking her lips like she had not had enough.

"Originally, we were just planning to lay here and wait for you to come up." Moka said with her eyes glowing red. "But when you took longer than expected, Mizore started to touch herself in anticipation..."

"Moka!" Mizore shouted, embarrassed that her secret was revealed."

Ignoring Mizore's protest, Moka continued like nothing was wrong. "So, like the good friend that I am, I kissed her so that she'd have an easier time getting in the mood. And like the good girlfriend I am, I ascertained that we are both completely warmed up and ready to play."

After that, Moka turned and wrapped her arms around Mizore. Then, she rolled over so that Mizore was laying on her back, meanwhile, Moka was hovering over her on all fours. Seeing this, James undressed even faster, he was afraid that his dick might tear through his boxers and slacks.

"Look, Mizore, it looks like James likes what he sees." Moka said before licking Mizore's earlobe.

Shivering due to the feeling of Moka's tongue on her ear, Mizore looked through the space between her and Moka's breasts. What she saw made her eyes light up. The bulge in James' boxers was impossible to miss. After that, Mizore looked up at Moka with puppy dog eyes and asked: "Moka, can I go first, please?"

"I think that's going to be up to James." Moka said while gesturing for Mizore to look into James' eyes. When she did, the emotion she could see in his eyes was lust. However, instead of feeling disappointed, Mizore felt herself grow even more excited.

"He's gonna destroy us, isn't he?" Mizore asked as she turned her sight back to the beautiful silver-haired girl.

"Definitely." Moka affirmed. "It's a good thing we don't have school tomorrow. Walking is probably gonna be pretty tough."

Blushing at Moka's statement, Mizore watched James as he drew nearer. Eventually, he was right behind Moka on his hands and knees like she was.

Then, James buried his face into Mizore's pussy over her wet panties. After that he licked straight up. However, when his tongue moved away from her pussy, he moved straight on to Moka's pussy.



"It's not that I doubted you, Moka." James said as he placed his hands on Mizore's thighs. "But I just like checking for myself, ya know."

Running his hands down Mizore's thighs toward her panties, she shivered at the feeling of his fingers on her skin. Then, when he reached them, he looped his thumb under their sides and pulled them down her legs sensually.

After that, James did a little repositioning. As Moka was straddling Mizore, He changed things so that Mizore's legs would be spread around Moka's instead of the other way around. Then, James put his hands on Moka's round and supple ass.


After massaging it for a moment and receiving a moan in return, James pulled Moka's panties down as well. After that, he pulled his boxers down and threw them to the floor. When James' dick was revealed, standing in all its glory, both Mizore and Moka's eyes lit up. Though, Mizore's carried a bit more wonder and awe in their depths as this was her first time seeing it. Moka, on the other hand, licked her lips, ready for what was to come.

After pulling off his boxers, James lined his dick up with Moka's pussy. This of course caused Mizore to pout as she wanted to have the first taste. But James was just naturally drawn to the doggy style position, like most men are.

"*Gasp!* Ahn~!" Moka moaned as she felt James pushing past her pussy lips.

Looking up at the mixture of pleasure and pain on Moka's face, Mizore's anticipation skyrocketed. Feeling her arousal rising proportionally, Mizore instinctively brought her hands to the side of Moka's face and pulled her into a kiss. Pushing her tongue past Moka's lips in the process.

"Mmm~! Mmm~~! Mmm~!"

At the same time, James had finally pushed his dick as far into Moka's pussy as he could. As she felt her vaginal walls stretching to accommodate James, Moka moaned continuously into Mizore's mouth.

Like Flora, Moka's hymen had already been broken during her martial arts training. James expected Mizore's to be the same. So, after a few moments of stillness, James began to slowly pump his hips. And as he did, Moka's moans became longer and louder.

"Mmm~! Mmm~~! Mmm~~~! Ahn~! Yes~ James, Ahn~ fuck Mmm~ me!"

As James sped up his thrusts, Moka was forced to break the kiss with Mizore. As she moaned and called for James, Mizore let her hands wander to Moka's breasts. While fondling and squeezing Moka's breasts, Mizore was being turned on more and more by the moans and faces her friend was making right above her. After a few minutes, Moka's moans reached a fever pitch. Looking up, Mizore could see her eyes rolling back and her tongue hanging out of her open mouth as she released the loudest and longest moan so far.


With that moan, Moka lost the strength in her arms, and she collapsed on top of Mizore. Feeling Moka's hard nipples rubbing against her breasts with every breath Moka took only served to turn Mizore on even more.

"James, please, hurry and fuck me too." Mizore asked in a begging tone while trying to spread her legs even wider.

James, having yet to cum, did not waste any time fulfilling Mizore's request. After pulling his dick out of Moka, James lined it up with Mizore's entrance. Then, with one continuous thrust, James pushed himself all the way inside of the light purple-haired beauty.

"Ahn~~~! It's~ so~ big~~~!" Mizore moaned as she felt James stretching her out. At the same time, she reached out her hands and grabbed Moka's ass.

"Ahn~!" Moka also moaned as Mizore's grip on her ass tightened.

With that, Moka came back from the throws of her orgasm. And when she did, she rolled from on top of Mizore and lay down to her right. Using her right hand, Moka turned Mizore's head to face her. At that moment, Moka planted her lips on to Mizore's own. And, while kissing her, Moka gently ran her fingertips down Mizore's body. All the while, James was ramping up the speed and force behind his thrusts.

"Mmm~! Mmm~! Mmm~~! Mmm~! Mmm~~~!! *Gasp!* Ahn~~~!"

As James pounded her pussy, Moka had begun to rub her fingers over Mizore's clit. With the intense stimulation, Mizore was forced to break the kiss so she could breathe. After taking in a deep breath of air, James managed to find her G-spot. Which, among other things, forced Mizore to empty her lungs again. Not to mention, when James continued to pound that spot, Mizore experienced the most powerful orgasm she ever had.

"Ahn~~~! Oh~~~ fuck~~~! I'm cumming~~~!"

With that, Mizore's back arched, her toes curled, and she clenched her fists tight enough to tear the sheets on James' bed. And with a high-pitched scream, Mizore's eyes also rolled back, like Moka's before her as she shuddered from the reverberations of an intense orgasm. Then, having also reached his limit, James pulled out of Mizore's quivering pussy and sprayed his cum over the beautiful girls in front of him.

As James relaxed his body after cumming, Moka used a finger to start wiping up the cum covering Mizore's belly. After that, she put her finger in her mouth and began to suck it while making eye contact with James.

"Mmm~!" While maintaining eye contact with James, Moka could not help but moan when her right nipple was licked clean of James' cum by Mizore.

After that, James watched with a smile and a standing dick while Mizore and Moka used their tongues to clean the cum off each other. Then, when they were finished. James conjured some water and rinsed their bodies. After that he kissed each of them while conjuring water in his mouth, force feeding it to them.

When they were all cleaned up, James crawled between Mizore and Moka and wrapped an arm around each girl. Then he spoke, while Mizore and Moka stared at him with their hungry gazes.

"I know you girls want to go for a few more rounds, but don't you wanna hear about the trip?" James asked with a smile.

With that, Mizore and Moka adopted an expression that made it clear they had completely forgotten about the school trip. Then smiling shyly, Mizore replied.

"Okay, tell us about it." Mizore said while burying her face on James' chest embarrassedly.

"But after that, we get back to business~." Moka said seductively before licking her lips.

Just a little sexy time interlude to close out today's chapters

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

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