
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

The Best Part of Waking Up (R-18)

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

The day after mid-terms, James allowed himself to sleep in. Having gone through the whole debacle with Kokabiel and the Excalibur fragments closely followed by the mid-terms, James was exhausted. Not physically but mentally. However, he was awakened much earlier than he expected by a warm and slippery sensation coming from his lower body. Accompanying that sensation were frequent sounds of slurping and the occasional sound of gagging.

Groggily opening his eyes, James took a few moments to get his bearings. Once he was fully awake, he noticed a bulge much bigger than his morning wood could ever produce in his blankets. Thinking he had a good idea of what was going on, James lightly tugged at the edge of his blanket, revealing a head full of long silver hair bobbing up and down. And with the slippery, warm feeling coming from his crotch, James knew there was a pretty pair of lips wrapped around his dick. Smiling happily, James spoke to his visitor.

"Good morning, Moka." James said with a smile.

*Slurp!* *Pop!*

"Good morning, James." Moka said with a smile as well.

Reaching down, James then pulled Moka up to eye level and stole her lips. Then, after a short kiss, James spoke again.

"So, what's got you coming to see me so early in the morning?" James asked curiously, while fondling Moka's ass, which was wrapped in a pair of very short elastic nylon shorts.

"We got a call from Rias about half an hour ago." Moka replied, still smiling while enjoying James' caresses. "She asked us to help clean the school's pool. In return, we would be able to use it for the rest of the day as we please."

After she finished speaking her purpose for entering James' bedroom, Moka slid back down his body and wrapped her lips around his dick once again. Then, while maintaining eye contact, she began to bob her head up and down while massaging his shaft with her tongue.

*Slurp!* *Slurp!* *Gag!* *Slurp!*

"Oh, no hands, nice!" James exclaimed in pleasure. "Cleaning the pool, huh? But wasn't it rebuilt a little more than a week ago? How is it so dirty already?"

*Slurp!* *Pop!*

"I don't know." Moka said as she wiped the saliva dripping from the side of her mouth. "But a day at the pool sounds nice, doesn't it?"

"It does." James said with a nod as he once again pulled Moka upward.

Then, with practiced movements, James slid Moka's shorts off her sexy toned legs.

"Oh, no panties?" James asked in mild surprise.

"I know you're sleeping in today, but it's not as late as it seems you'd like to believe." Moka said while rolling her eyes. "The sun just rose a few minutes ago, I haven't even gotten dressed for the day."

Nodding in understanding, James made Moka straddle his hips. Then, he lined his dick up with the entrance to her pussy while planting his feet onto the surface of his mattress. A moment later, he thrust his hips upward while creating a silencing barrier.

"Ahn~~!" Moka moaned in pleasure as James entered her.

"So, what time do we need to be at school by?" James asked as he pistoned up into Moka, his speed increasing slowly over time.

"Mmm~! 10 a. Ahn~ m." Moka said between moans. "Rias Ahn~~! Wanted us to Mmm~! Arrive early so we would have more time~~~! To play Ahn~!"

"I see." James said with a nod. Then, he turned his head to look at the clock on his nightstand. "It's a little after 6 now, so we have a bit of time to play before we need to get ready."

Continuing to pound Moka as he spoke, James enjoyed the lustful expression on her face. Then, he pulled her flush against his chest and started to pound her even harder.

"Oh~~~~, Fuck Yeah~~~~! Fuck me, James~~~! Fuck me harder~~~!"

Accepting her request, James began pushing down on Moka's hips in tune with his upward thrusts. Less than two minutes later, Moka reached her first orgasm.


At the same time, Moka opened her mouth wide and sunk her fangs into the nape of James' neck.

"Oh~ shit!" James moaned from the pleasure the little draculina's bite brought with it.

As she sucked a small amount of blood, Moka came down from the reverberations of her orgasm rather quickly. Then, she removed her fangs and smiled at James."

"Fuck Folgers. That's the best part of waking up." Moka said with a grin.

James smiled in return. Then, with one fluid motion, James rolled the two of them over and pinned Moka underneath him.

"Well, if you're awake, I think it's time to get back to business." James said as he plunged into Moka as hard and deep as he could.


Two and a half hours later, James and Moka were sitting in the bathtub together. They had worked up quite the sweat during their morning workout, after all.

"Hey, Moka." James said, getting her attention as he combed his fingers through her hair while she rested against his chest. "There's something I always wanted to ask you. Ever since the first time we did it with Mizore."

"What's that?" Moka asked lazily, enjoying the after-service James was providing.

"Are you into girls?" James asked curiously. "Not that there's anything wrong with that But I still remember walking in on you and Mizore making out and touching each other before our first time."

After hearing James' question, Moka giggled for a bit. Then, with a smile she answered.

"Not really." Moka replied. "I can appreciate other girls' beauty, but I'm not physically attracted to them."

"Then, why...?" James asked in confusion.

"Why was I kissing her? Moka finished James' question. "Because I could feel you approaching the room. And I thought it would turn you on if that was the first thing you saw after opening the door. And what do ya know, I was right."

Once again, Moka giggled. James could only smile wryly in response. He had to admit, seeing his girls making out really does turn him on. After that, James and Moka simply enjoyed the bath with some casual conversation.

Half an hour later, James and Moka exited James' bedroom, hand-in-hand, and made their way down the stairs. Entering the living room, they were met with the scene of Leona, Mizore, Cu Chulainn, Ayame, Shuna, and Shion watching the news. When everyone noticed them, they were greeted with smiles and morning greetings. Mizore was the one who reacted differently.

"You sure took a long time to deliver the message from Rias, Moka." Mizore said sarcastically while pouting.

"Yeah, we had a rather 'deep' conversation about our plans for the day." Moka replied with a cheeky smile.

Hearing Moka's response, Mizore pouted even harder. Leona laughed loudly at the blatant innuendo. While Shuna blushed at her own imagination of how their "conversation" went. Cu Chulainn shook his head, while imagining Tsubaki in her swimsuit. Shion, however, was thoroughly confused by the innuendo and was not sure why everyone reacted that way.

"They just had sex." Shion said with some confusion in her tone. "It's not like it's the first time, why are all of you making a big deal out of it?"

Tilting her head as she asked her question, Shion's question was met with silence. No one knew how to respond to her straightforward question. Then, after a few moments of silence, they all moved the conversation along as if nothing happened.

"So, are you going to help Rias clean up the pool today?" Leona asked with a smile.

"Yeah, taking a swim and having some fun with everyone sounds like a great idea." James said, returning the smile.

"Hey!" Shion exclaimed. "Don't ignore me."

"Shion, do you want to come with us to the pool?" James asked.

"Can I?" Shion asked with stars in her eyes, completely forgetting her previous grievances.

"Sure, I don't see why not." James replied with a smile and a shrug.

"Yay!" Shion exclaimed as she rose to her feet. "I need to go pick out a swimsuit."

Then, she ran from the room and up the stairs. The sound of Shion rummaging through her wardrobe could be heard shortly afterward. Then, Shuna rose from her seat and began to make her way upstairs as well.

"I should probably go help her, or we'll be late." Shuna said as she walked up the stairs elegantly.

"I would assume you're coming too, Lancer." James said as he shifted his attention to Cu Chulainn.

"Yeah, it's a good chance to spend some time with Tsubaki." Cu Chulainn answered with a smile.

James only nodded in response, expecting that answer. Then, he turned his attention to his mother.

"Mom, what will you be doing today?" James asked curiously.

Instead of answering, Leona covered her face with her hands and pretended to cry.

"My baby doesn't even ask me to hang out with him anymore." Leona said in the most heartbreaking tone she could manage. "Now that he has all those girlfriends, he's forgotten about his mom."

Rolling his eyes in reply, James did not even feel it necessary to dignify his mother's act with a response. Noticing that she could not elicit a response from her son, Leona sighed then answered his question.

"*Sigh* I'm gonna go sing some Karaoke with the girls in the Underworld." Leona said with a smile.

Hearing her reply, everyone left in the living room shuddered in pure terror. Even Ayame, the resident masochist, showed fear on her face. Although she enjoys torture as much as any good masochist did, Leona's singing was too much, even for her.

Recovering quickly, James put on a forced smile and replied.

"That sounds like fun." James said. "Make sure to tell everyone I said hi."

"Don't worry, I will." Leona replied with a smile. "You really should make some time to come and visit, though. Everyone misses you."

"I know. *Sigh*" James replied. "It's just so much shit has..."


"Language young man." Leona said sternly after [Flash Stepping] to James' side and smacking him upside the head.

"You know, Mom, I've never seen you use the [Flash Step] outside this house." James said while rubbing the back of his head where he was slapped. "I developed that as a battle technique, ya know?"

"I do use it for battle." Leona said innocently. Then, her expression changed into a resolute one. "The battle against my son's potty mouth is never ending."

With that, everyone laughed while James could only smile wryly. Then, everyone continued to chat and laugh. About fifteen minutes later, Shuna and Shion came back downstairs with bags holding their swimsuits and changes of clothes. Seeing that they were prepared to go, everyone else realized how close to the time to leave it was and rushed up to their own bedrooms and quickly picked out swimsuits and packed their own bags.

A few minutes later, everyone was seated around the dining room table eating breakfast. Consisting of eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and gravy, they enjoyed the American breakfast while chatting about school, training, romance, and whatever else came to mind. Then, after finishing breakfast everyone was ready to leave.

Stepping out the front door, they were greeted with the sight of Rias and Sona leading their peerages outside as well. Meeting up on the sidewalk, everyone exchanged greetings.

"Sona, are you going to clean the pool with us?" James asked curiously.

"*Sigh* Unfortunately, no." Sona replied tiredly. "I have to take care of Xenovia's transfer documents today. Then, the Student Council has to start preparations for the parent's visitation day that happens every year before the term's final exams."

Hearing that, James and Rias paled. Cu Chulainn looked as if he lost his soul as well.

'Does that mean I agreed to help clean the pool for nothing?' Cu Chulainn thought to himself as his shoulders sagged.

"Damn it!" James exclaimed.

"Is it really that time again, already?" Rias said forlornly.

Akeno, Tsubaki, and Reya smiled in delight as they watched James, Sona, and Rias' expressions distort with frustration. Everyone else only looked on in confusion.

"I don't get it." Mizore said innocently. "What's so bad about Parents' Day?"

"Fufufu." Akeno giggled in her signature manner. "Normally, nothing."

"But think about who is most likely to attend for those three when they find out about it." Tsubaki said while adjusting her glasses with a smile.

"Then, think about how embarrassing those people's actions would be." Reya said with a giggle. "Whether intentionally, like in James' case. Or unintentionally, in Rias and Sona's cases."

Taking a moment to imagine the scene in their classroom on Parents' Day, the rest who were confused had their expressions turn into smiles of amusement.

"Oh, if only I could be a fly on the wall." Cu Chulainn said with a wicked smile on his face.

"Well, you'd have to be a fly on the wall today if you want to see Tsubaki after we get to the school." James replied sharply.

Hearing that, Cu Chulainn's mood dropped again while James wore a triumphant smile.

As they walked, the group continued talking about Parents' Day. Eventually, they met up with Flora along the way. Another twenty minutes later, they met up with Issei, Asia, Saji, Mio, and Maria outside the school gates. Then, they all entered the school grounds and headed for their own destinations. The Student Council officers headed to the Student Council office, while everyone else headed to the locker rooms near the pool to change into clothes more suitable for cleaning.

I wrote a short R-18 scene cuz why the fuck not? This is the first of two today.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always welcomed.

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