
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Something More Important Just Popped Up

Human World, Hanging Neck Island.

After being announced the winner, Hiei calmly made his way back towards the rest of his team. When he did, he scowled because James was smiling at him while clapping enthusiastically. Deciding to ignore that for now, he looked at Yusuke with a serious glare.

"Listen up, Spirit Detective." Hiei said in a tone that could cut iron. "I used up all my remaining energy in that last attack, So I will need to rest for a while."

Hearing that, Yusuke nodded in understanding. However, Hiei was not finished yet.

"If I wake up and we've somehow lost this tournament, even if you manage to live through it…" Hiei said, his glare intensifying. "… I'll kill you myself."

With that, Hiei lost consciousness and fell face first toward the ground. Although they were all stunned by his violent declaration, Yusuke reacted quickly enough to stop Hiei from face planting.

"You should have just let him fall." James said with a shrug and a laugh. "It would teach him not to threaten his teammates."

"I don't really think that would make a difference." Kurama said, finally able to at least stand after James used his [Healing Kido] for a while.

"I know, but it still would have been funny to see him face plant." James replied with another shrug.

Before the group could chat any longer, however, an announcement rang out over the arena.

{"Attention! Due to extensive damage, the tournament committee has deemed the ring, in its current state, unsuitable for use in the next match."} An emotionless female voice said over the arena's speaker system. {Currently, a cargo plane is flying in from the mainland to move the ring from the stadium to be used as a replacement. We ask that you, please, remain patient."}

"Well, I guess the chances of Hiei waking up after we've lost have gone down significantly now, huh?" James asked with a smile.

"Whatever, I'm going back to the waiting room." Yusuke said, ignoring James' joke. "At least there's somewhere to sit down in there."

"It looks as if Team Toguro is thinking the same." Kurama said, pointing to the other side of the ring.

Looking over to where Kurama was pointing, They could see the younger Toguro, with the elder Toguro riding on his shoulder, and Sakyo walking side by side towards the entrance they entered the arena from. However, when the elder Toguro felt Team Urameshi's gazes, he looked back at them.

After smiling sadistically, Elder Toguro made eye contact with James and held it for a moment. Then, he raised his thumb to his neck and dragged it across his throat.

Instead of feeling intimidated, however, James smiled at the gesture. Then, he made one of his own. Raising his right hand in Team Toguro's direction, James balled it into a fist with the back of his fist facing Elder Toguro, specifically. He then raised his middle finger in a slow and deliberate fashion.

Seeing such a clearly insulting gesture, Elder Toguro frowned. Over the years, he had gotten used to those he marked for death fearing him with every fiber of their being and those who he felt were weaker than him showing him the utmost respect. This "J", someone who ticked both boxes in his opinion, did neither of those two things and had the audacity to disrespect him.

"I'm going to kill that boy in the slowest, most painful way possible." Elder Toguro hissed.

Hearing his elder brother's words, the younger Toguro also looked over his shoulder. When he saw James flipping his brother the bird, he could not help but think back to James' declaration from two days ago. "… Oh, but I will kill your brother during the finals. That's non-negotiable. He's grown way to vile over the years." Is what James had said to him after his fight with Genkai.

After remembering that brief conversation, the younger Toguro's lips curled ever so slightly as he continued walking into the tunnel.

"I'd better not be disappointed later." The younger Toguro muttered to himself.

===Three Hours Later===

Slowly opening his eyes, Hiei regained consciousness. When he did, he carefully scanned the room he found himself in. Then, after noticing Yusuke and Kuwabara playing cards, Hiei relaxed slightly.

"How long have I been asleep?" Hiei asked while sitting up.

"Oh, you're awake!" Kuwabara exclaimed, startled by Hiei speaking suddenly.

"It's been about three hours." Yusuke said, never taking his gaze away from his cards.

"Three hours?" Hiei asked in bewilderment. "What was the outcome of the tournament? Since the two of you are still alive I would guess that we won, right?"

Hearing that question, both Yusuke and Kuwabara could only smile wryly.

"What's wrong?" Hiei asked. "Did someone die during the matches? Don't tell me J died against Elder Toguro…"

At that moment, the door to Team Urameshi's waiting room opened and James walked through it with Kurama following behind him.

"Aww, to think you cared so much about my well-being, Hiei." James said as he walked toward one of the empty seats in the room. "I'm so touched, really I am."

"Silence, you fool." Hiei barked in response. "The only reason I cared at all if you were dead or alive is because your life is meant to be mine after the tournament ends."

Nodding in response, James looked at Hiei with a sympathetic gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hiei asked with a frown.

"I guess… If you say it enough times, there's a chance it could come true… maybe?" James said while tilting his head. "Nah, probably not, huh?"

"I am definitely going to kill you." Hiei said with anger in his tone.

"I seriously doubt that, but do your best." James replied with a shrug.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Before the two could continue bickering any further, however, the entire arena began to shake. And along with the shaking, were loud, rhythmic sounds of impact.

"What the hell is that?" Yusuke asked in a panicked tone.

"Probably something ridiculous." James replied. "I bet Toguro got impatient and went to the old stadium to bring the ring over himself."

"Yeah right." Kuwabara said with a chuckle. That really would be ridiculous. No one just picks up a big stone ring like that, right?"

"Well, there's no point in discussing it here." Kurama said. "Why don't we go outside and see what is causing all this commotion for ourselves."

At Kurama's suggestion, the entire team stood up and made their way outside. When they looked toward the source of the loud sounds, they saw the ring from the stadium being carried on its side. And when they looked down, they saw Toguro in his muscular form holding it up on his back.

"Holy shit!" Yusuke exclaimed. "That big son of a bitch really is carrying the ring."

"Yes… He grew tired of waiting." A creepy, sinister voice said from behind Team Urameshi. "You have no idea how much he wants to kill you now that you've gotten stronger, Urameshi Yusuke."

Looking back towards the voice, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama saw a short male demon with unkempt, long, gray hair, extremely pale skin, and long, pointy fingernails wearing a blue, button-down, long-sleeved shirt with matching slacks and black leather dress shoes standing behind James. To their surprise, however, James had drawn one of his katana and had it pointed at the demon's heart.

"Don't you know its bad manners to just sneak up on people like that, Elder Toguro?" James asked without even looking back. "If you're not careful, it could get you killed."

After a moment, elder Toguro also realized that he had a sword tip aimed at his heart. However, what surprised him even more was how the tip was subtly correcting its aim.

Fifty years ago, while on a team with Genkai and his younger brother, Elder Toguro won the Dark Martial Arts Tournament. Back then, they were all simple humans. However, when they were asked for their wishes as the winners of the tournament, Genkai asked that the tournament committee never rope her into another one of their tournaments.

Meanwhile, both Toguro brothers asked to become demons. While the younger Toguro asked to become the same kind of demon as the one who massacred the disciples of his dojo, the whole reason they participated in the Dark Tournament in the first place, the younger Toguro asked to become a demon that was nearly impossible to kill.

So, Elder Toguro was transformed into a demon that could freely manipulate its bodily structure, move its vital organs around inside its body, and had high speed regeneration. So, when he noticed the sword tip trained on his heart, he began shifting it around inside his body. However, as he moved his heart, so too did the sword tip move with it.

'Impossible!' Elder Toguro exclaimed internally. 'There's no way he could know where my heart is. Or even that I could move it at all.'

"Well, let's go back inside, folks." James said, sheathing his sword as he spoke. "The matches will probably get started again soon."

Nodding in agreement, Team Urameshi turned around and started making their way back into the arena.

"Oh, and just so you know, I promised your brother I would kill l you in the finals." James said, looking back at Elder Toguro from over his shoulder. "And I intend to keep my promise, you vile, little gremlin."

With that, James and the rest of Team Urameshi entered the arena while Elder Toguro was left outside gritting his teeth.

===An hour later===

Underneath the mountain where Genkai transferred her inheritance to Yusuke, there was a spacious, extravagant room that had been carved out. In that room sat Rizevim Livan Lucifer, a middle-aged man with long, silver hair, with a nihilistic smile on his face as he watched the finals of the Dark Martial Arts Tournament on a 108-inch (2.74 m) 4K Television.

"That little boy with the Darkness Flames is rather interesting." Rizevim said after taking a sip from a glass of wine. "And who would have thought that I'd get to see Yoko Kurama again. That's a name nearly as old as I am. Hyahyahyahya!"

As he continued to watch the television and listen to the commentary, He continued talking to himself and commenting on the commentary.

"Oh, it looks like the little Satan is up next." Rizevim said to himself as he watched the elder Toguro and James hop into the ring.

"The little Satan?" Acnologia's deep voice rang throughout the room as he entered just in time to hear Rizevim's utterance. "Are you talking about that Dragon Slayer brat?"

'Shit!' Rizevim exclaimed to himself. 'I completely forgot he was here.'

As he thought that, Rizevim reached for the TV's remote control. However, just before he could change the channel, his wrist was grabbed with great force.

"Acnologia, what are you doing?" Rizevim asked with a frown.

"He's there." Acnologia said, ignoring Rizevim's question. "He must die, now."

With that, Acnologia released Rizevim from his grasp. Then , he turned around and swiftly walked out of the room.

"Oh, come on, can't you wait until the tournament is over?" Rizevim asked with a whine.

A moment before Acnologia was out of earshot, he replied to Rizevim's question with one simple word.


Rizevim's mouth fell open inadvertently as he watched Acnologia leave. Then, his expression turned into a frown, and finally, his face was marred with wrath.

"Damn that big, dumb lizard." Rizevim shouted angrily. A moment later, he created a communication magic circle on his right hand and held it to his ear. "It looks like we're starting the plan earlier than expected. … Why do you think? It's because of that damned lizard. … Yes, send the distraction units, I can't have any of the other brats coming to interrupt me."

A moment later, Rizevim ended the communication. Then, he looked toward the TV once more.

"Fuck! I need to get to the arena." Rizevim said angrily before he started rushing out of the hidden room. "If the lizard and the kid fight there, they'll probably destroy the whole thing. And that would ruin my carefully laid plans."

Meanwhile, back in the arena.

"From Team Urameshi, J." Yuri said from atop the newly installed ring while gesturing towards the two combatants that were standing in the ring with her. "And from Team Toguro, the Elder of the Toguro brothers."

Hearing the excited crowd who were made to wait for four hours between matches explode, Juri knew that there was no need to make them wait any more.

"Then, without further ado." Juri said, pausing briefly for dramatic effect. "Let the third match of the Dark Martial Arts Tournament Finals begin! … Fight!"

After the signal to begin was given, Both James and the elder Toguro remained in place. While Elder Toguro was trying out an intimidation tactic, that James thoroughly ignored, James was spreading his perception across the entire island. He had just felt a rather strong presence reveal itself, and he wanted to know who it was.

'Well, damn.' James said internally. 'Acnologia was hiding on the island as well.'

"[Finally, something interesting will happen]" Ddraig said, speaking for the first time in close to a week. "[Watching you play with all these weak demons has been beyond boring.]"

'I know. But it has refined my body quite a bit as well.' James replied. 'Plus, with this training, I was able to fuse my bloodline and [Dragon Slayer Magic], so there's that.'

"[It was still boring.]" Ddraig insisted.

'Yeah, yeah.' James said in a disinterested tone.

After his short conversation with Ddraig, James began smiling wryly. Then, as he started walking toward Elder Toguro with measured steps, he spoke a sentence that only four people in the arena, including himself, understood the meaning of.

"Irene, the big black lizard is inbound." James said in a voice that could be heard over all the crowd's chatter. "Get everyone out of here, now."

James then turned his attention back to Elder Toguro.

"Looks like you got lucky." James said to Elder Toguro. "I was going to take my time with you, to show you just how outclassed you were. But something of much greater significance just came up. So, now I don't have time for you."

"Since someone like you could never kill me, it sounds as if you're making excuses before running away." Elder Toguro said with a sneer. Then, as he shapeshifted his hands into a pair of large blades, he dashed at James with a sadistic smile on his face. "But I'll show you why a brat like you shouldn't run his mouth as he pleases!"

Before he was even in range, Elder Toguro swung one of his bladed arms at James. However, halfway through the swing, his arm extended as if it were made of rubber.

Expecting something like that, James casually swiped his right hand toward the incoming blade, causing it to pass beside him without causing any harm.

Seeing how easily his attack was deflected, Elder Toguro was not amused. So, he began swinging both of his arms as fast as he could, aiming to shred James into ribbons. Unfortunately, just as he had done with the first attack, James casually parried them all, without even drawing his sword.

In fact, James had not even materialized either of his swords on his hip. Instead, he opted to use hand-to-hand combat to take on this opponent, deeming Elder Toguro unworthy to die on the edge of either of his four blades.

"Damn it, why are you still alive?" Elder Toguro shouted frantically as none of his attacks could land on James. "Just die already!"

"You know, this is kind of pathetic." James commented casually while moving forward slowly as he continued to parry the incoming attacks. "Once upon a time, you were a fairly well-renowned martial artist. I mean, if you didn't have some level of skill, you would have never survived the tournament fifty years ago."

By the time he was done speaking, James was within an arm's reach of Elder Toguro.

"But I guess after losing your humanity, you lost the drive to improve too, huh?" James asked as he took another step forward. "It really is pathetic… [Inferno Blade Dragon's Immolating Fist]."

With the chant of his spell, a cherry blossom-pink flame engulfed James' right hand. Then, he threw a right uppercut that landed on Elder Toguro's left armpit.

As soon as James' fist made contact with Elder Toguro, the pink flames transferred from his hand to Elder Toguro's body. The curious thing about these flames, however, was that they not only started burning Elder Toguro from the outside, but there were also a number of razor thin cuts that were being cauterized as the flames expanded.

Lucky for the Elder Toguro, he did not have to experience the pain of having his entire body both burned and cut with thousands of razor-sharp blades simultaneously. The reason for that was quite simple. As James threw his punch, he made several minute adjustments and followed the movement of Elder Toguro's heart. And when his punch eventually connected, it caused the vile demon's heart to explode.

Meanwhile, following James' instructions, Irene had not only gathered the members of Team Urameshi's entourage, but she also used magic to pull the rest of Team Urameshi, Juri, Koto, Chu, Rinku, Jin, and Touya to her side. A moment later, They were all covered in the strongest barrier she could put up given the time constraints.

"What is the meaning of this, woman?" Hiei asked in a very testy manner.

Before anyone else could ask any questions. A roar could be heard throughout the arena. A moment later, when Elder Toguro's body was completely burned to ash, a large object smashed through the arena's roof, landing in front of James who had been staring up at the roof even before it was smashed apart.

"Today is the day I take my revenge, Dragon Slayer." a deep voice said from within the dust cloud that was created when the roof collapsed. "Then I'll get rid of that wretched dragon bitch in your peerage."

"That was a mistake, Acnologia." James said in a low and threatening tone as the dust cloud settled. "That dragon lady you're talking about is one of my women, now. So, you've signed your death warrant. Well, not that I would have let you live, either way."


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