
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Rias' Punishment (R-18)

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

Rias' celebration party lasted for several hours after Rias and her peerage returned from the [Rating Game]. Eating, drinking, and playing games was most of the agenda during the party. Those who had lovers spent time with them happily while chatting with their friends. Yuuto was constantly surrounded by Reya, Momo, and Tsubasa. At the same time, Tomoe did all she could to gain Gasper's attention. Unfortunately, Gasper's timid personality made getting close to him a difficult task. Halfway through the party, Tsubaki and Cu Chulainn disappeared. When everyone noticed, they all wore knowing smiles. The only ones who were not present were Dante and Lady, who had taken a job.

Rias, on the other hand, spent the entire time practically glued to James. If he was seated, she was seated on his lap. If he was eating, he only managed to consume any food because Rias fed him. And if he was playing a game, she cheered for him intensely. Even though she was clearly going overboard, everyone let her be. At least for tonight. It was no secret that Rias has been in love with James for more than ten years. And now that she could express herself openly, she lost control.

Eventually, the party started to wind down. While everyone was preparing to leave, Rias approached James bashfully.

"Um... James... Can I talk to you for a while." Rias asked with her face red. "In... private?"

Hearing that, everyone present smiled. Except Koneko, who was going through something similar to Rias before she won the [Rating Game]. Akeno, understanding what it was that Rias wanted to "talk" about, even considered barging into Rias' room while they were "talking."

"Sure." James replied with a smile. "You guys can go back home without me."

Listening to what James said, everyone noticed that James neglected to say that he would be returning home tonight. That, of course, caused everyone to smile at Rias. Also understanding what James' statement meant, Rias blushed even harder. At the same time, though, her eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Have fun, Rias." Venelana whispered into her daughter's ear.

"Mom~!" Rias shouted in embarrassment.

Seeing the embarrassed Rias, everyone laughed. A few minutes later, all the visitors left Rias' mansion. Only Rias' peerage, excluding Issei and Asia, were left in the mansion. Aside from James, that is.

"Okay, let's go to my room." Rias said while pulling James along with her face as red as her hair.

Smiling in response, James allowed himself to be pulled through the house by the blushing redhead in front of him. Not much time passed before James was standing beside Rias in front of her bedroom door. A moment later, Rias reached her hand to the doorknob, nervously. Then, she took a deep breath to calm her emotions and pushed the door open.

"Please, come in." Rias said with a smile.

"Thanks for having me." James replied as he stepped into the room.

Although this was not James first time entering Rias' room, he was always surprised by the number of manga and light novels he could see at a glance. There was definitely more anime paraphernalia in the room than should be physically possible. That statement was not hyperbole. Space magic was used to expand the room. So, there was more in the room than the house's size could possibly support.

"Please, have a seat." Rias said while offering James the chair at her desk.

Nodding at Rias' offer, James sat on the chair as instructed. Then, Rias immediately straddled James and draped her arms ove his shoulders.

"Someone seems a little impatient." James said with a smile.

Rolling her eyes, Rias wrapped her arms around James' neck while staring into his eyes.

"I've been waiting for this for as long as I can remember." Rias said with a seductive smile. "You're not going to tell me that we should go on a few dates first, so you know how you feel about me, right?"

At that, James could only smile wryly. Two years ago, when Sona, Akeno, Mizore, and Moka began getting impatient, James used that excuse because he was not yet ready to step forward with their relationship. Eventually, he accepted his feelings, and they established their relationship. However, that was two years ago. James had already accepted that he loved Rias. And he knew that he had loved her for a long time.

"No, of course not." James replied while smiling wryly. "I don't need to figure out how I feel about you, Ri Ri. But I do need to punish you."

"Punish me? Why?" Rias asked in shock.

"Do you think I couldn't notice all your subtle seduction attempts over the years?" James asked as his smile turned from a wry one to a sadistic one. "Even when you knew I couldn't touch you."

Seeing the change in James' smile, Rias was surprised and a bit excited. Although not as serious as Akeno, let alone Ayame, Rias also wanted to be dominated. Just remembering when James showed his dominant side after she threw a tantrum when she and the others found Akeno in bed with him caused her to masturbate many times before bed.

Before she could react or say anything, Rias found herself laying across James' lap with her stomach resting against his thighs.

"Huh, when did he...?" Rias asked in confusion.

"You know you've been a bad girl, right?" James said while rubbing Rias' ass over the skirt of her school uniform.

"I'm sorry, James." Rias said while lowering her head. "I just... Kya~!"


As Rias was trying to explain her actions, James interrupted by slapping her full and round ass. Although he did not use much force, James managed to create a loud sound, that he was less than satisfied with.

"Hmm... That sounded a little muted." James said while stroking his chin with his free hand.

Rias was already excited. For years, she had dreamed of being dominated by James. However, she was pulled out of her daydreams when she felt the fabric of her skirt sliding upward. Eventually, she felt her ass was exposed to the air.

"Oh, that's a bold selection." James said as he looked at Rias exposed ass.

There was no fabric covering Rias' backside. Instead of a pair of normal panties, she was wearing a crimson red thong. Placing his hand on her round ass, James spoke once again.

"It looks like you were prepared." James said with a sneer. "Did you know this punishment was coming? Or maybe... you were hoping this punishment would happen?"

Rias' face was burning red. However, she was far from embarrassed. Instead, she was so excited she could barely contain herself. Noticing this, James placed his free hand on the small of her back. In this position, with a little force James could prevent Rias from raising her upper body.



Then, without warning, James slapped Rias' ass once again.

"Much better." James said with a smile while rubbing Rias' bare ass. "Skin to skin makes a much more satisfying sound."

For the next few minutes, James continued to slap and rub Rias' ass. Eventually, James let his fingers slide between her thighs and brush against her crotch.

"Oh, I guess the punishment was effective." James said in a tone of mock surprise. "Look how much she's cried."

As he spoke, James continued to rub the wet patch on the crotch of Rias thong.

"Mmm~! Yes, I Mmm~ was a bad girl. Ahn~ and needed to be Ahn~ punished." Rias said between moans.

Satisfied with the response, James prepared to put up a silencing barrier. Before he did, however, he could sense someone eavesdropping outside Rias' bedroom door. After noticing who it was, James' smile grew even more sadistic. In an instant, James placed a barrier that would prevent entry over the door. Then, he placed a barrier around the one eavesdropping. After that, he put up a silencing barrier that encompassed the bedroom and the eavesdropper.

Satisfied with his work, James lifted Rias and had her straddle him again.

"Now that the punishment is over." James said with a loving smile. "How bout I give you what you've been waiting for, Ri Ri?"

Looking into Rias' eyes, James could see anticipation swirling in their depths. With that, James placed his lips against hers. A moment later, he extended his tongue and ran it across her lips. Rias opened her mouth and extended her own tongue, as well.


Rias moaned into the kiss ecstatically. Her first kiss was everything she wanted, and more. As the kiss intensified, James hands began to explore Rias body that was more voluptuous than it had any business to be. Then, he untied the ribbon around the collar of her school uniform. After that, he began to unbutton the white shirt she was wearing. However, he had no intention of removing the corset. Eventually, they both backed away from the kiss. As Rias tried to catch her breath, James slid the unbuttoned shirt off Rias' shoulders.

"I like the matching lingerie, Ri Ri." James said while staring into Rias' eyes.

As he spoke, he slid Rias' arms out of the short-sleeved shirt of the Kuoh Academy summer uniform. Then, without warning, he buried his face in her cleavage. At the same time, James reached around Rias' back and unhooked her bra.

"Ahn~!" Rias moaned as James licked between her breasts. At the same time, she gently wrapped her hands around the back of his head.

Next, James pulled back and wrapped his lips around Rias' left nipple. Sucking strongly while flicking his tongue, Rias began to squirm from the stimulation.

"Mmm~! Wow~, that feels mmm~ amazing~." Rias cried while squirming.

Subconsciously, while James was sucking on her nipple, Rias rubbed her crotch against James. Noticing this detail, James chose to ignore it, for now. Instead, he switched to her other nipple and repeated the process. With that, Rias' excitement grew.



Then, without warning, James slapped Rias on the ass again. In response, Rias threw her head back and moaned. At the same time, her grip on James' head tightened as she unconsciously pulled him tighter against her breast.

After a few more minutes of sucking, licking, fondling, kissing, and spanking. James figured that was enough foreplay. Then, James' raise Rias' hips. In response, Rias stood, though she did not back away. As Rias stood over him, James unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Then, he lowered them, along with his boxers, to his ankles and kicked them off.

While James was undressing from the waist down, Rias was fondling her left breast as she watched. Then, when James' standing dick was exposed, Rias slid her thong to the side and began to lower herself once again. With James lining things up, Rias was able to touch her pussy's entrance to the tip of James dick. Then, after taking a deep breath, Rias allowed her body to fall prey to gravity.


"*Gasp* Hmph!"

All at once, Rias took the entirety of James inside of her. With tears of both joy and pain pooling in her eyes, Rias wrapped her arms around James' neck tightly. In response, James began to rub her ass. And he stole a kiss. Over time, the kiss intensified. After about a minute, the two separated.

"I love you, James. Rias said while staring at James with a smile. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Ri Ri." James replied with a smile.

Then, Rias began to raise her hips. As she did, the proof of her virginity was smeared over James' dick. A moment later, Rias lowered herself again.


Rias moaned as she felt her pussy slowly shaping itself around James' dick. Then, she began to raise the speed that she was bouncing on James.

"Mmm~ This Ahn~ feels better Ahn~ than I expected." Rias moaned sweetly.

Meanwhile, outside the bedroom, the eavesdropper was losing her mind. Because of James' barriers, she could neither leave nor join in on the fun. And honestly, the neglect was really exciting for her. As she listened to the sounds of pleasure coming from the door, she fondled her breasts and furiously rubbed her fingers against her panty-clad pussy.

At the same time, Rias was about to reach her first climax.


And when she did, her eyes opened wide as her back arched and she moaned loudly. However, before she could recover, James slid his butt forward and planted his feet on the floor. Then, he began to slam his dick upward, over and over. Feeling the intense stimulation, Rias' eyes rolled back, and she held on to James for dear life.

"Oh~ My~ Fucking~ Satan~!" Rias screamed as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her. "Yes~, James~! Fuck me~! Fuck my pussy like it's your property. Ahn~~~~~!"

Eventually, Rias lost strength and flopped down on James' chest. At the same time, James stopped drilling Rias. While he waited for Rias to regain her stamina, James continued to rub her round ass with satisfaction. About a minutes later, Rias raised her head. Due to the sweat from their intense exercise, Rias' hair was stuck to her face and forehead, which James found incredibly sexy.

"That was incredible." Rias said with stars in her eyes. "I don't know how many times I just came, but now I'm even more jealous of the other girls because I had to wait so long."

In response, James chuckled. Then, he hooked his arms under Rias' knees and lifted her suddenly.

"Kya!" Rias yelped in surprise as she quickly wrapped her arms around James' neck for stability.

"Well, since you had to wait for so long, how about we spend tonight making up for lost time." James said with a devilish smile on his face.

Rias could only nod, mesmerized. At the same time, James walked toward the bedroom door. Then, he placed Rias' back against the door. After that, he whispered into her ear, loudly.

"I'm going to fuck the shit out of you, Ri Ri." James said loud enough to be heard through the door.

In response, Rias' pussy tightened around James' dick, which he never pulled out of her. At the same time, the eavesdropper whimpered in frustration. Although she was excited by the situation, she also wanted to feel James inside of her.

A moment later, the bedroom door began to shake violently.

"OH~ Fuck~! Yes~, That's Ahn~~~! It!" Rias shouted as she orgasmed again, not even thirty seconds after James began fucking her. "More~! Fuck me harder~!"

And for the next five minutes, James slammed into Rias with everything he had. Eventually...

"Hmph! I'm gonna cum!" James said as he continued to slam into Rias.

"Inside~! Cum inside of me~!" Rias screamed in ecstasy.

A moment later, James blew his load deep inside of Rias.


Rias came once again, as well. As she did, her pussy tightened like it was trying to suck every drop of cum out of James that it could. Eventually, James was the first to recover. A few moments later, Rias also recovered. Then, James whispered into Rias' ear again, this time so that only she would be able to hear him.

"A bad girl has been listening to us through the door." James said with a sadistic smile on his face. "I think she needs to be punished."

Hearing that, Rias was confused at first. However, after a moment, she understood what James meant and she intuitively knew who would eavesdrop on her time with James. Charged with lust and anger, Rias lowered her legs. Once her feet were on the floor, she took a moment to steady herself, then she turned around and yanked the door open.

What she saw was Akeno laying in the hallway with her left hand fondling her exposed breasts and her right hand stuffed into her drenched panties. Looking down on her [Queen] coldly, Rias spoke.

"Would you like to explain yourself, Akeno?" rias asked sternly with her hands resting on her hips.

Being caught red-handed, even the shameless Akeno was a bit embarrassed.

"Well, you see..." Akeno said as she tried to come up with an excuse.

Before she could, however, Rias reached out and dragged her into the room. Then the door was slammed shut.

First of two R-18 Chapters for today. I hope you like the lemons.

I know a lot of readers don't like Rias. I just hope I don't lose too many readers after this.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always welcomed.

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