

Human World, Japan, Kyoto, Youkai Sub-Dimension.

After James disappeared with Kotengu, the girls were able to get a hold of themselves. Shortly after that, Kunou woke up. Once everyone was at their best again, the girls decided that the first thing they should do was disable the barrier holding Yasaka in her residence. Then, they remembered all the unconscious members of Yasaka's guards.

"Okay, we should split into two groups." Sona suggested. "One group will try to open this barrier, and the other will tend to the injured soldiers."

"Yeah, without them, we'll have no way to deal with all these oni." Rias said as she looked around the former battlefield. "Even if we all keep a few pairs of energy locking cuffs on us, this is too much."

Looking around, everyone agreed with Rias' assessment and Sona's plan. So, Rias, Akeno, and Flora were assigned to the group that would try breaking the barrier. Meanwhile, Sona, Tsubaki, and Reya were sent to help the incapacitated soldiers from Yasaka's guards. Meanwhile, Ayame would be in charge of Kunou's protection.

After a few minutes, Rias and her group reached the barrier. Yasaka's residence was enormous. As it not only house Yasaka and Kunou, but also the hall where Yasaka conducts council meetings, other government facilities, and a large battalion of the most elite guards, who could be seen doing everything they could to break the barrier from the inside.

"This place is huge." Flora murmured as she looked upon the Japanese style palace.

"Yeah, it's almost as big as my estate." Rias said while appreciating the Japanese style architecture.

"I think it's bigger than your estate, Rias." Akeno said while pointing at a spot a little further away from the palace.

When Rias looked where Akeno was pointing, she saw the guards trying to break the barrier from the inside. There were over five hundred. That, she could tell without counting. Then she looked past those guards. When she did, her eyes opened wide. Behind them was a barracks and a training field large enough for all the guards present to train simultaneously.

"Yeah, I think you're right." Rias said in disbelief.

After that short conversation, the trio reached the barrier. When they did, they found out exactly how sturdy it was. Immediately, Akeno and Flora knew that they would be unable to break the barrier with their level of power. Because of that, they left it to Rias to try and breach it. Unfortunately, Rias was only able to make fist sized holes in the barrier even with her most powerful attacks. This would be a time-consuming process. Armed with this knowledge, the best idea Rias came up with was to spread her [Power of Destruction] across the surface of the barrier and let it eat away at the barrier.

After a few minutes, Rias had created a whole in the barrier big enough for the average human woman to pass through without issue. Destroying the entire barrier, however, would take quite some time. Shortly after the breach was created, a servant on the palace grounds noticed the three devils and the hole they created.

"There's a hole in the barrier!" The servant shouted excitedly. "Someone! Someone, quick, go tell Lady Yasaka that there is a way out."

With that, Rias, Akeno, and Flora decided not to enter the barrier. It would not be good if they were mistaken as intruders after helping Yasaka deal with the rebels. On the other side of the barrier, the palace was in an uproar because of the servant's frantic shouts. It did not take long for a group of guards to surround the breach in the barrier. Once they did, it took even less time for the guards to notice Rias and the other two.

"Who are they?" One of the guards questioned.

"They're devils!" Another guard shouted. "I knew it was a bad idea to trust them with Miss Kunou's safety. Now they've come to take advantage of our troubles."

"Are you an idiot?" A third guard questioned. "If they were here to cause trouble; do you think they would send only three?"

Seeing the three devils on the other side of the opening in the barrier, the guards began to discuss among themselves, until an obviously higher-ranking guard put an end to it.

"All of you, shut your mouths." The Guard Captain shouted. "Lady Yasaka has arrived."

With the Guard Captain's shout, the rest of the guards fell silent instantly. Then, they dropped to one knee while creating a path to the breach in the barrier. When they did, Rias, Akeno, and Flora were able to see a woman approaching the barrier from the end of the path created by the guards. Accompanying the woman was a tall man with long white hair and one arm. As they approached, the trio could make out the features of the woman approaching them.

The woman, Yasaka, had delicate facial features with golden eyes. Her long blonde hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail with a bandage, reached down to her legs. Traditional shrine maiden attire covered her voluptuous body. Rounding off her look was a white coat held closed by a red obi and a golden crown. Along with her attire, her pair of fox ears and nine wagging fox tails made up her entire look.

Alongside Yasaka was a tall, handsome young man with long white hair reaching his knees and short bangs parted to either side of his forehead. On his fair skinned face are golden eyes with slit pupils, two purple strips on each cheek and one on each eyelid, and a black crescent moon in the center of his forehead. Dressed in a white Kimono and hakama that is bunched at the ankles, over it, he wore a black cuirass, a spiked pauldron over his left shoulder, and a yellow sash, all having Chinese design.

"Oh, my If it isn't the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess. To what do I owe the honor." Yasaka said as she was close enough to the breach in the barrier to recognize those on the other side.

"Lady Yasaka." Rias curtsied in the style of a noble, then continued. "As it turns out..."

Rias then proceeded to explain why she and her companions were here. She told Yasaka about the letter they received asking them to bring Kunou to Kyoto, about the battle that was going on when they arrived in the Youkai Sub-Dimension, about the battle the seven girls had with the seven strongest oni, about James who took away Kotengu to limit the collateral damage during their battle, and finally about the plans the seven girls came up with while James was gone.

"I see." Yasaka said while bowing her head in gratitude. "Thank you for taking care of Kunou all this time. You have helped me more than I could ever repay."

"You shouldn't be thanking me; James was the one who housed and protected Kunou from the moment she arrived in Kuoh." Rias said, not thick skinned enough to take credit for something that she had not done. "Also, everyone has enjoyed Kunou's presence immensely. You are truly blessed to have such an adorable and well-mannered daughter."

Hearing Rias' praise Kunou, Yasaka smiled proudly. She then turned her attention to the two girls accompanying Rias.

"My apologies." Yasaka said after noticing Akeno and Flora. "I would assume these are members of your peerage. It is a pleasure to meet you both."

"Well, you would only be half correct, Lady Yasaka." Rias said with a smile. She then gestured to Akeno and continued. "This is Himejima Akeno, [Queen] of my peerage."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Yasaka." Akeno said while bowing politely.

"And this..." Rias said while gesturing to Flora. "... is Flora Nanadan, [Pawn] of James Alaverus.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Yasaka." Flora said while also bowing politely.

"I assure you girls; the pleasure is mine." Yasaka replied with a smile. "Also, allow me to introduce you to the captain of my guards, Sesshoumaru. The heir to the royal clan of the inugami."

In response, Sesshoumaru only nodded at the three girls.

"It's a pleasure." Rias replied to the introduction, then turned her attention back to Yasaka. "I believe our companions will need help tending to the injuries of the injured guards out on the battlefield."

"Yes, you're right." Yasaka agreed, then she turned her attention to Sesshoumaru. "I need you to select a squad of guards to help the injured."

"Understood." Sesshoumaru replied. Then, he turned to the kneeling guards and gave orders. "Squad Four, go to the battlefield and assist in tending to the injured. Squad Five, do what you can to break this barrier from the outside. Squad Six, you follow me to guard Lady Yasaka. The rest, take up emergency defensive positions."

"Yes, sir!" Replied all the guards present.

Then, the guards began to move. Once there was only the squad designated to guard Yasaka remaining, Yasaka spoke to Rias once again.

"Now, I think we should also go to where your companions are." Yasaka said, hiding her nervous feeling behind a smile. "Not to say I don't believe your story, but I would like to see that my daughter is well with my own eyes."

"Completely understandable." Rias said with a smile. "Then, if you're ready, I'll lead the way."

"Please." Yasaka nodded in agreement.

Then, the group began to return to the battlefield. After a few minutes, they reached the rest of the group. Suprisingly, when they returned, James had already returned. And when he noticed them, he patted Kunou on the back, who he was holding in his arms, and pointed in Rias' group direction. When she looked in the direction James pointed, Kunou's eyes lit up. Jumping out of James' arms, she ran toward her mother as fast as she could.

"Mommy!" Kunou shouted happily as she ran.

Seeing her daughter doing well, Yasaka smiled brightly. Then, she knelt, paying no mind to her surroundings, and opened her arms welcomingly. Kunou, without hesitation, jumped into her mother's arms when she was close enough.

"I missed you so much, Mommy." Kunou said while shedding tears of joy.

"I missed you too, Sweetie." Yasaka replied with a beautiful smile. "Did you enjoy your time in Kuoh?"

"Uh huh." Kunou nodded excitedly. "James-Oniichan and Leona-Obachan were super nice. And all the Onii-Sans and Onee-Sans played with me and took me to fun places. And..."

While Kunou continued to tell Yasaka about her time in Kuoh with the Alaverus, James and Ayame made their way over to Rias' group, following Kunou's dash. When they arrived, James nodded at the smiling Rias, Akeno, and Flora. Then, like a High-Class devil, he bowed to Yasaka and introduced himself and Ayame.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am James Alaverus." James said politely. Then, he gestured to Ayame and continued. "And this is Sarutobi Ayame, [Pawn] of my peerage.

Hearing the name, Sarutobi Ayame, Yasaka and Sesshoumaru both raised an eyebrow.

"So, the daughter of the satori patriarch has found a lord to serve?" Yasaka said with a mischievous smile. "There will be many disappointed, young nobleman among the youkai when this news gets out."

"Lady Yasaka, I would appreciate it if you didn't tease me." Ayame said while bowing her head. Though the little smile on her face could not be hidden.

"Indeed, I suppose this is neither the time nor the place." Yasaka said with a nod. She then shifted her attention back to James and spoke. "Alaverus-San, Gremory-San and even Kunou mentioned that it was you and your family who have taken care of my daughter. Tell me, how would you like me to repay you?"

"Please, Lady Yasaka, never speak of repayment again." James said sternly. Then, with a smile he continued. "There is no payment necessary. Spending this time with Kunou was a joy in and of itself."

Hearing James' words, Yasaka's smile could not help but widen.

"Then, at least allow me to invite you and your companions to a banquet." Yasaka said which caused Kunou's eyes to light up. "For obvious reasons, the banquet will not be held today. However, you will receive the invitation before you return to Kuoh."

"We would be honored." James said answering for his peerage. Then, he discreetly looked at Rias.

Noticing his glance, Yasaka smiled even brighter.

"Not to worry, the heiresses of both Gremory and Sitri will also receive invitations." Yasaka said with an appreciative smile.

"I'm sure Sona, like me, would be honored to accept." Rias said politely.

At the same time, James smiled bashfully.

'Was I really that obvious?' James thought to himself as the conversation went on.

Just a little aftermath Chapter. A second chapter is on the way.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

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