
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Pride is the Devil

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

In an infirmary in the Devil Council building, Sirzechs lay in one of the beds while staring at the ceiling blankly. His duel with James had ended just a little over ten minutes ago. And at the moment, he was incapable of believing the duel's outcome.

'How?' Sirzechs thought in confusion. 'How did I lose? I'm supposed to be the strongest devil in history.'

While he continued to ask himself the same question over and over, he remembered the one sided beating he took during the duel. He was only able to connect one clean hit on James. No, that was inaccurate. James did manage to block that strike, after all.

'No matter how I think about it, this outcome should have been impossible.' Sirzechs thought to himself while he clenched his fists. 'I'm stronger and I'm more experienced...'

"Gah~~!" Sirzechs groaned in pain.

Unfortunately, the act of clenching his fists caused pain to shoot throughout his entire body, originating from his arms.

During James last combo that left Sirzechs unable to move, James had made sure to hit him in enough pressure points that his muscles would seize up every time he moved, causing him great pain.

"Damn, how long is this fucking pain going to last?" Sirzechs growled.

At that moment, the door to the infirmary opened. Sirzechs, however, did not even pay attention to it. He was too busy trying to understand how he could have possibly lost.

"*Sigh* No one expected the duel to end like this." Zeoticus said, looking at his son with concern. "Son, how are you feeling."

Hearing his father's voice, Sirzechs eyes opened widely. Then, he turned his head toward the sound of the voice. When he did, he saw his family looking at him with concern.

"Mother, Father, Ria-Tan, Millicas, and..." Sirzechs muttered when he saw the people who had just entered the room. However, his words trailed off when he saw the last person to enter.

"Grayfia..." Sirzechs muttered even softer.

What he did not notice, however, was the gaze that four of the five new arrivals were looking at him with. Gazes filled with disappointment. Unbeknownst to Sirzechs, the members of each participants' family were able to see what was going on after Sirzechs declared his surrender.

"Father, he doesn't deserve your sympathy." Rias said in a tone mixed with anger and disappointment.

Naturally, Rias' statement caused Zeoticus to sigh in resignation while Sirzechs' eyes widened to a comical degree.

"Ria-Tan, how could you say that?" Sirzechs asked weakly. However, he shrunk back when he finally saw the look in Rias' eyes.

After noticing the way his sister was looking at him, he scanned the expressions of the other people in the room. While Zeoticus was shaking his head with a somewhat sad expression, Venelana and Millicas wore looks of disappointment much like Rias did. Grayfia, on the other hand, looked at Sirzechs as if she did not know him.

'Why are they looking at me like that?' Sirzechs thought to himself. 'I've never done anything to them to get a reaction like this before.'

"Why would I say that?" Rias asked, the anger in her voice rising with each word. "After declaring your own defeat, you actually raised your hand intending to sneak attack James."

Sirzechs looked at Rias in surprise.

'How did she know about that?' Sirzechs asked himself. 'It was in the agreement that the other Satans and I came up with that the broadcast would end right after the duel ended.'

Then, Sirzechs remembered a last point that Grayfia suggested. She had suggested that the families of the participants, as well as the Satans, be able to continue watching the feed so that they could make sure there was nothing wrong with the losing party. Naturally, Sirzechs had agreed to that last suggestion at the time. He had no doubt that he would be victorious, and he would have no significant injuries. That way, they would be able to see him consoling James, and his reputation would grow even further.

Unfortunately for him, Sirzechs had forgotten about that later, disregarding it almost completely. Since he was sure that he would win, there was no reason to think about it too much. And when he actually lost, he was so consumed with anger that he had acted without thinking. Luckily, he did not release that attack he had gathered. Otherwise, he would probably be getting looks filled with disdain, rather than just disappointment.

"Dad, Auntie Rias is right." Millicas said, looking at his father with disappointment. "Why did you do that? You always told me it's okay to lose, as long as I live and don't give up, I can come back and win next time. But you..."

At that moment, tears began to form in Millicas' eyes, and he choked on his words. Even though he was a bright and intelligent boy, an eleven year old had no way of expressing the emotions he was currently feeling in words.

Seeing Millicas' reaction, Sirzechs froze completely. Right now, he was filled with shock, sadness and anger. Shock, because he was not expecting to see his son begin to cry. Sadness, because he realized that everyone had seen his shameful display. And anger, because his pride could not stand that they were not looking at him with admiration as they always had. A moment later, however, he shuddered.

'I'm angry... at them?' Sirzechs thought to himself. 'Why? What have they done to make me angry? They're looking at me like that because I messed up. I know that. But why I am I angry at them for it?'

Unfortunately, everyone noticed the anger that appeared in Sirzechs' eyes for less than a second. And when they did, Millicas cried even harder, while the disappointment in Rias and Venelana's eyes grew in intensity. On top of that, there was anger mixed into their gazes as well. Zeoticus was also looking at Sirzechs with disappointment now.

Though Grayfia was also looking at Sirzechs with disappointment, there was also some resolution flashing in her eyes.

"Well, I think it's time that we leave." Venelana said, wrapping her arms around Millicas and beginning to walk him back towards the door.

Hearing that, Sirzechs snapped back to reality.

"Wait... I'm sorry." Sirzechs said, trying to reach out toward his mother and son.

Unfortunately, a jolt of pain stopped him from moving. So, he could only watch as Rias glared at him before turning around to follow Venelana and Millicas. Then, after a conflicted glance, Zeoticus turned to follow them as well. The only one who did not move was Grayfia.

"Grayfia, dear, are you coming?" Venelana asked after noticing that Grayfia was still standing in her spot.

"I'll follow in a moment, Lady Venelana." Grayfia said without taking her gaze away from Sirzechs. "Right now, I need to talk to him."

"I understand." Venelana said with a forced smile. "Don't be too late, I'm sure Millicas needs you right now."

"Yes, I understand." Grayfia replied with a nod.

After the four were out of the room and the door was closed behind them, Grayfia took a few steps forward. A moment later, she was standing at Sirzechs' bedside. However, she did not begin to speak immediately. Instead, she stared into Sirzechs' eyes emotionlessly.

"The human saying, 'pride is the devil', could not be truer." Grayfia said quietly while maintaining eye contact with Sirzechs. "To see pride, change a man so much... To change him into the type of devil he fought, so hard, to free the Underworld from... Is disconcerting. Pride made you, who cared more about the well-being of his people more than anything else, turn into what you are today. A cunning, manipulative, vengeful devil. Just like the devils of yesteryear."

"Grayfia. No..." Sirzechs tried to retort.

"You don't think that you're any of those things, do you?" Grayfia asked.

Instead of responding, Sirzechs could only avert his gaze awkwardly.

"If you don't believe it, allow me to explain to you." Grayfia said as her voice grew colder. "Cunning and manipulative go hand in hand. You've been manipulating the people to admire you for quite some time now. When it should be your actions and deeds that garnered their admiration."

"That's not my fault." Sirzechs said weakly. "It was the Devil Council who made it impossible for me to do what was best for the people."

"I see." Grayfia said without changing her expression or tone. "So, that's why when I handed you the evidence of their crimes, you destroyed it, right? Because they made it impossible to do what was best."

'So, that's when everything went wrong.' Sirzechs thought to himself. 'If I ever find out who it was that found that information, I'll erase them from existence.'

Once again, Sirzechs shuddered at his own thoughts.

'What am I thinking?' Sirzechs thought to himself as he shook... tried to shake his head.

"From the expression on your face, I can guess what you're thinking." Grayfia said. "I would say that I'm disappointed in you, but I think we both know it's too late for that."

Sirzechs pupils began to tremble after hearing that. He wanted to cover his ears, at that moment. Why? Because his instincts were telling him that he would not like the rest of the words that Grayfia had to say.

"Anyway, I'm sure that I don't need to mention why I called you vengeful." Grayfia said in the same tone.

Naturally, Sirzechs knew she was referring to the sneak attack he not only considered but prepared to launch after his defeat.

"I said this before, when you pulled that stunt during the award ceremony." Grayfia continued. "I think it's better to end our marriage before I come to despise what you've become."

Sirzechs could feel his heart skipping a beat when he heard those words once again. Unfortunately, Grayfia was not yet finished.

"Unfortunately, it would seem that I delayed the divorce for too long." Grayfia said, anger marring her tone. "You had the audacity to look at Millicas with anger when he was disappointed in the way you conducted yourself. I don't even know the words to descriibe what I think of you right now."

Hearing the wrath and contempt in Grayfia's tone, Sirzechs began to shudder once again. This time, far more intensely. At the same time, it took all of Grayfia's will power to not slap the man she called her husband for centuries. After a while spent staring at Sirzechs in anger, Grayfia was able to calm down.

"*Sigh* Because of all of this, I'd rather not have myself associated with you any longer." Grayfia said, still struggling to keep her cool. "Therefore, I would like to formally request that I be traded away from your peerage."

Once again, anger flared in Sirzechs' gaze. However, it was quickly replaced with a lifeless expression. At this moment, he finally realized the weight of his actions. Because of what he had done and the way he treated the people he held most dear, he had lost their unconditional support. Something that he had taken for granted.

"As long as it's not to James, fine." Sirzechs muttered lifelessly.

This led to Grayfia looking at him with even more disdain.

"Rejoice, Lord Lucifer. Your pride shall remain intact." Grayfia said coldly, putting extra emphasis on the word "pride." "I believe your mother, Lady Gremory, has a free [Queen Piece]. I would like to serve as her [Queen] and personal maid until I've determined how I wish to proceed with my life."

Grayfia's tone once again made Sirzechs realize just how much he had changed, and how petty he had become.

"I will inform Lady Gremory once I return to the Gremory Estate." Grayfia said, unconcerned with Sirzechs' internal struggle. "By the time you have been released from your medical care, the ritual for trade will be ready."

Then, as if she could no longer stand to be anywhere near Sirzechs, Grayfia turned and walked away. Not even offering a farewell. Sirzechs, on the other hand, could only watch her leave with lifeless eyes.

Once Grayfia closed the door to the infirmary, she stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. Then, she began to walk toward the main entrance of the Devil Council building. However, when she turned the first corner, she found Venelana waiting for her. Not waiting for Grayfia to react, Venelana stepped forward and pulled Grayfia into a hug.

"I know you don't want to show weakness." Venelana said soothingly while rubbing Grayfia's back. "But crying is not a sign of weakness. It's okay to cry when the pain is emotional."

As Venelana spoke, a teleportation circle appeared below Venelana and Grayfia. An instant later, the two women vanished, and a single tear fell to the floor in their place.


You can read 3 chapters ahead on my patr3on at:


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