
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

How James Rescued Lilith I

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

Seated in the Satans meeting room in the Devil Council building, four of the Five Great Satans met while James should have been at school, preparing for his graduation from Kuoh Academy. Since James accepted Kurama and Hiei into his second peerage, completing it, a week has passed and James' trip to the Land of the Dead was over, leaving all the upper echelons of devil society thoroughly confused.

"how did he manage to bring her back?" Falbium, the least likely candidate to start a conversation, asked in a sleepy tone. "I don't know how many tiems I've read the report. Still, none of it makes any sense."

"I don't know." Sirzechs replied. "I don't even know how he got us to agree to his plan to visit the Land of the Dead alone."

"What's even more baffling is that there were no reports of a battle in Hades' territory." Ajuka added to the conversation. "Hell, there wasn't even a report of a Grim Reaper dying."

"Isn't that obvious?" Serafall asked, puffing her chest proudly.

"If it's so obvious." Sirzechs said with an exasperated sigh. "Then would you please enlighten us?"

"Because Jay-Kun is the best." Serafall said with a big smile on her face.

Simultaneously, Sirzechs and Ajuka face palmed at the totally expected response from Serafall. Then, they both picked up the report James had submitted about the incident and started reading it for the hundredth time in the last few days.

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

At the same time, in the Alaverus Estate, a small girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail with grey eyes was seated on the sofa playing a video game, frustration evident on her pretty face.

"James, why is this so hard?" The little girl, Lilith, the original Lucifer's wife, asked as she failed to beat the boss she was fighting once again.

"That's just how it is, Grandma." James replied, trying his best not to snicker at Lilith's obsession with video games since he brought her back from the Land of the Dead. "Hell, all Souls-like games are like that. At least until you figure out the patterns."

While Lilith pouted in frustration, James smiled while thinking about what he did over the past week.


Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

The day after accepting Hiei and Kurama into his peerage, James, accompanied by his [Queens] Scathach and Irene, went to the Underworld to meet with the other Four Great Satans and the Devil Council in his capacity as Sataniel.

"You know, now that I think about it…" James muttered as he walked through the halls of the Devil Council building. "How the hell did they come up with Sataniel as my title?"

"What do you mean?" Irene asked curiously. "In most stories, that's the name of the Demon of Wrath, right?"

"That's true." James replied with a nod. "But it's also the name of a traitorous fallen angel from Grigori. Hell, he was once part of the Khaos Brigade."

"Really? I never heard about that." Irene question. "But if that's true, it sounds like they are mocking you."

Waving dismissively, James denied that assumption.

"Nah, by that time, I was already considered the strongest devil in the Underworld." James said with a smile. "So, mocking me in that way would have been kinda dumb."

"It is more than likely due to the uncreative fools in the Council." Scathach chimed in. "It is obvious that they are not much in the way of forward thinking, based on how long they allowed the leaches of the Council to continue their actions."

Hearing Scathach's reasoning, both James and Irene could only nod their heads. A lack of creativity was definitely a probable cause for James' lackluster title.

A few minutes later, with the trio continuing to chat idly, they finally reached the Council's meeting room. Stepping in front of the other two, Scathach was the one to pull the door open, gesturing for James to enter. Then, she fell in line with Irene and followed him into the meeting room.

After entering the meeting room, James scanned the devils present. Realizing that all forty of the Council members and the other Satans were present, James nodded in satisfaction.

"Good evening, everyone." James said with a smile as he walked toward his designated throne. Then, after taking his seat, with Scathach and Irene standing behind him, James continued. "I know we're all busy people, so I'll skip all the pleasantries."

Seeing that a lot of the council members frowned at his perceived lack of manners, James simply continued to smile while ignoring their discontent. Even if they were unhappy, there was nothing they could do about it, anyway.

"Very well." Zekram said, bringing an end to all the discontent grumbling with his statement. "Then, why did you call for this Council meeting?"

Hearing Zekram's question, everyone firmly placing their gazes on James, who was still smiling. However, when James heard the question, his smile gained a bit of viciousness to it.

"I plan to go to the Land of the Dead." James said, more informing the others of his decision than asking for their permission.

Hearing the tone in James' voice, the discontent in the council members' gazes grew more apparent. However, James continued to ignore them.

"And why would you do that?" Sirzechs asked, curious to see where James was going with this.

"You know my lineage, right?" James aske.

"Yes, you are the son of my [Bishop], Cassiel." Sirzechs replied.

"And what about his lineage?" James asked.

"He was an escaped experiment of Hades..." Sirzechs said, trailing off at the end. "Don't tell me, are you going there to take revenge for Hades almost killing your father?"

Waving dismissively, James could only smile wryly. Although wrath was his main sin, he was old and educated enough to know just how big a political shit storm he would whip up if he went to the Land of the Dead and attacked one of the Greek Pantheons most influential deities.

"Although that sounds like fun, I'm not that brash." James said with a smile. "But you have to wonder, how did Hades create my father and all the other failed devil experiments?"

Hearing that, everyone focused on James' next words. Although they knew it should have been impossible for Hades to create devils with new bloodlines, they never figured out how that was possible.

Meanwhile, James glanced over the expressions of the other higher-ups in the room. Based on what he saw, they had clearly put a lot of thought into it, but they could not figure out the trick behind Hades' experiments.

'*Sigh* Master was right, these old fogies have no creativity.' James thought as he scanned all the expressions in the room. 'I guess they're just too old and stuck in their ways.'

"How were the 72 Pillar Houses created?" James asked as he leaned forward and supported his chin with his intertwined fingers.

"With a ritual performed by the original Lucifer using his and Lilith's…" Ajuka said, his eyes widening as he reached that point.

"That's right." James nodded when Ajuka figured out what he was getting at.

Although not as quickly as Ajuka, the faces of the others, except for Zekram, whose facial expression hardly ever changed, began to pale in realization.

"You think he somehow procured the corpse of the original Lucifer and Lilith?" Zekram asked in an even tone.

"The corpse of Lucifer, yes." James said, nodding toward the first Bael. "But I have my suspiciouns that Lilith is still alive, or at least she was when my father was created."

"Does that mean you intend to retrieve their bodies?" Sirzechs asked, a slight frown on his face.

"Exactly." James said with a nod. "If they are both dead, then we should retrieve their bodies so they can be given proper burial rights. However, if Lilith is still alive, I'd like to save her from the status of being Hades' lab rat."

"I approve." Zekram said, surprising the rest of the Devil Council members. "Just the thought of our progenitor's bodies being in the clutches of another pantheon is disgraceful. We shall send a messenger to Olympus with our intentions to have them returned immediately."

'I knew that would stoke that old man's pride.' James thought to himself. 'As one of the oldest devils, there is no way that Zekram would allow the possibility of such a slight on the devils.'

Naturally, after Zekram's declaration, the Devil Council members fell in line. Meanwhile, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Falbium exchanged confused glances. While Serafall simply looked at James with stars in her eyes. Not only because he had done something she deemed amazing, but also because of his new manga "Is this a Zombie?", That she found absolutely hilarious. A breath of fresh air, with magical girls, after reading Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which she would grudgingly admit was a masterpiece.

===Flashback End===

'Man, if I didn't spring that shit on them out of the blue, Sirzechs and the rest would have protested.' James thought to himself. 'I mean, even though he was just bullshitting because of his pride in the case of Cao Cao, Sirzechs really is against anything that would cause a war to start.'

"[Yeah, that little plan of yours would have never even caught traction had you talked it over with the Satans beforehand.]" Ddraig replied. "[But how did you come up with such a subtle manipulation?]"

'Master's experience and wisdom are vast.' James replied internally.

"[So, you're saying you used Scathach's old lady wisdom?]" Ddraig asked.

'Absolutely not.' James said, feeling a shiver go down his spine.

At the same time, Ddraig felt his soul shiver as well. Both he and James could feel Scathach's killing intent locking onto them from a distance.

'Damn it, Ddraig.' James shouted internally. 'Don't pull me into your shit. Even if Master wants to kick your ass, you know whose ass she'll kick to get to you?'

"[How the hell did she even know I was thinking something rude about her?]" Ddraig asked with his soul still shuddering in fear. "[You know, Partner, I think I've changed my mind about having you as an heir. I don't' really need a physical body anymore. So, there is no reason for me to teach you my skills.]"

'Holy shit…' James muttered internally. 'Did you just give up the chance to get a new body because you're afraid of getting your ass kicked by Master? Did the Dragon of Domination just fold like a piece of paper? Damn, all these years turned you into a pussy, huh?'

"[Of course not! I am Y Ddraig Goch! I fear nothing!]" Ddraig roared. A moment later, however, his tone changed into something much less… dominant… as he continued. "[I'm just saying, things have gone well for me ever since I became the [Boosted Gear]. There's no reason to change a good thing right? What's the human saying again? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?]"

At that, James could only deadpan. In fact, even though he could not even look at Ddraig, the dragon could feel the judgement in James' gaze.

"[Don't look at me like that.]" Ddraig said, James' gaze into empty space making him feel uncomfortable.

'Pussy.' James said.

"Damn it! I lost again!" Lilith shouted as she raised the controller above her head.

That immediately caused James to start moving. Just as Lilith lowered her hand, intending to smash the controller on the floor in front of the sofa, James dove forward to intercept.

As his hand approached the controller's landing point, James felt as if everything was moving in slow motion.

'Please, I have to make it in time.' James thought to himself. 'That's my limited-edition cherry blossom pink controller. Even though I could fix it with magic, I don't wanna see it smashed into a hundred pieces.'

Meanwhile, While James was diving from the sofa, a teleportation circle appeared in the corner of the living room. When it vanished, Leona, Venelana, and Grayfia appeared in its place.

A moment later, James managed to get his hand under the controller, saving it from a cruel, rage quit induced fate.

"*Sigh* Thank Satan… I made it in time." James said in a relieved tone.

"First of all, why are you thanking yourself?" Leona said in a playful tone. Then, her tone became much more severe as she asked her next question. "More importantly, why are you at home and not at school?"

"Oh, hey, Mom." James said as he picked himself up from the floor. "There are three reasons, actually."

"Do tell." Leona said, crossing her arms under her breasts and above her, clearly pregnant, protruding stomach.

"First," James said, holding up the controller, "Because Grandma got really interested in Souls-like games."

Nodding in understanding, Leona, though unsatisfied with that answer, gestured to James to continue.

"Second, because I wanted to spend some time with Grandma to get to know her." James said with a smile, causing Lilith, who had been isolated and experimented on for nearly a millennium, to smile in return.

Much more accepting of that reason, Leona nodded once again.

"And the third?" Leona asked.

"Because, after finals ended, school got boring as hell." James said with a bright smile.

Like James, Leona also smiled brightly after hearing his last reason.

"I understand." Leona said with a nod. "Well then, have fun with Mother-in-law. The little one has been really energetic today, So, I'm a little tired. I'm gonna go and take a nap."

Meanwhile, Venelana and Grayfia had similar thoughts about that conversation.

'That went almost exactly like I expected it to.' Venelana and Grayfia thought simultaneously.

Thanks for reading, I hopeyou enjoy the story.

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