
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Christmas Night II

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

Running his predatory gaze over Akeno, Mizore, Ayame, Yasaka, and Shuna, James was trying, and failing, to decide who would be next.

'I really wish I had more dicks in situations like this.' James thought to himself as he let his gaze run over the ladies who were still wearing their Santa costumes. Then, he looked at the other five women and noticed that they too were still dressed. 'Damn, I didn't take any of their clothes off. Well, they do look good in those Santa suits. But it feels weird that I'm the only one in the room who got naked.'

Shaking his head to rid himself of the stupid thoughts, James focused on the five women who were hoping they would be next. Well, four of the five women were hoping that they would be next. And James decided to ignore the one who he knew wanted to be ignored.

"You, come here." James ordered, pointing his finger forward.

When she saw James' finger pointing at her, Mizore smiled. Then, she crawled towards him quickly.

"Tch!" Akeno clicked her tongue in disappointment.

"Don't worry, Akeno-San." Yasaka said with a smile. "You know we'll all get our turn."

"I know..." Akeno said in a frustrated tone. "But this itch really needs scratching."

Ignoring the pouty Akeno, Mizore continued to crawl across the bed. When she reached the edge of the bed, in front of James, James turned her around and raised her dress up over her ass. Then, he began to massage her ass with his right hand and run his finger along the lips of her pussy with his left.

"Mmm~!" Stop teasing me, James." Mizore whined while wiggling her hips. "Put it in me alread... Ahn~~~!"

With James sudden penetration, Mizore's eyes and mouth opened wide as she moaned loudly. Then, she felt James grip a handful of her hair and make sure that her face stayed pointed toward the four women he had yet to have sex with. While pounding Mizore from behind, James looked at the other four.

"This is what you want, right?" James asked with a smile. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn... But Ayame, you have to count how many times everyone else cums or... Hehehe."

That chuckle at the end of James' speech sent chills down everyone's spine. Ayame, however, was wondering if it would be worth it to get the number wrong on purpose. That chuckle made the punishment sound absolutely delicious.

After his statement, James completely ignored Ayame once again. Instead, he focused on getting the most out of every stroke and making Mizore feel as much pleasure as he could.

Finally tired of just waiting around, Akeno rose up to her knees and made her way over to James, climbed off the bed, and pressed herself against his back. Once in position, she wrapped her arms around his torso and began kissing up and down his neck and nibbling on his earlobe.

"Fuck her, james." Akeno whispered sensually. "Fuck her hard. Make her scream."

Although he agreed with Akeno and wanted to really give it to Mizore, James had given everyone about the same amount of time. A minimum of fifteen minutes, basically. So, he did not want to speed up his pace and end up cumming faster than he had with everyone else.

"Oh... My... Fucking... Ahn~~~~!" Mizore shouted as she came again. "I'm cumming~~~~~!"

"Hmph!" James grunted as he came with Mizore.

However, it did not feel like a long time passed when James came inside of Mizore, bringing their session together to an end. When James pulled out, Mizore slumped forward with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Having cum seven times in fifteen minutes, there really was not much else she could do.

Without wasting time, James turned around, still in Akeno's embrace, then picked her up off the floor and slid himself right into her.

"Mmm~!" Akeno moaned from the swift insertion.

Then, James began bouncing Akeno up and down on his dick. While he did so, he turned around so that Ayame, Yasaka, and Shuna could watch his dick slide in and out of Akeno while her ass was gripped in his large hands.

"Ooh~! I've been waiting for this~~~!" Akeno moaned as her ponytail waved in rhythm with her bouncing.

Unfortunately for Akeno, James decided that she would not get to cum like the other girls. Every time he felt her pussy tightening around his dick like it usually does when she reached a climax, James would stop, or at the very least slow down, his thrusts. Which earned an annoyed groan from Akeno. After a bout fourteen minutes, however, James kicked things up a notch. With the extra forceful pounding, Akeno came in seconds. However, instead of letting her come down from her orgasm, James continued to pound away for a full minute.

By the time James came, Akeno had passed out with her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue sticking out of her mouth, and her body convulsing violently.

Laying Akeno on the bed next to Mizore, James pulled out of her a moment later. Then, he climbed back onto the bed and made his way over to Yasaka. James then laid Yasaka on her side, pulled her top down a little lower, causing her breasts to pop out, and raised her skirt. Then, he propped one of Yasaka's legs over his shoulder and straddled the other one. After that, he slowly pushed himself inside of the nine-tailed fox.

"By the gods." Yasaka gasped.

Once James was inside her, the first thing he did before thrusting in and out of her was pulled on one of Yasaka's tails. Which received a yelp in return. Then, he slapped her ass crisply. After that, he began to piston his hips. Starting at a slow pace, James increased his speed just before Yasaka could ask him to do so, every time.

By the time James was pounding her at his full speed, Yasaka was gripping on to the sheets tightly while her entire body moved with each of James' thrusts. On top of that, her ass was now red thanks to all the spankings James gave her whenever the urge struck him.

"Fuck me, James~~~! Fuck me~! Fuck me~!" Yasaka screamed as she came for the fifth time.

Just as James felt himself about to cum, he pushed Yasaka's leg to the side and leaned down toward her ear.

"I wonder what Kunou will think of being a big sister?" James whispered into Yasaka's fox ear.

With her ear twitching after feeling James' breath, Yasaka's pussy tightened far more than it had at any other point tonight when she heard his words. At the same time, James grunted from the extra stimulation and emptied his ninth load of the evening into Yasaka.

Once the last drop of cum exited his dick, James leaned forward again and kissed Yasaka on the cheek after seeing how happily she was smiling. Then, he pulled out of her with an audible pop. James then turned his sight to Shuna, who seemed to be sitting in a puddle of her own juices.

"You're the last one, Shuna." James said with a gentle smile on his face, purposely ignoring the last girl in the room's existence.

Shuna, who was too excited from waiting and watching, forgot the fact that there was still one more girl in the room. On the other hand, Ayame, who had either been forgotten or ignored, was feeling touches of both heaven and hell. Heaven because she was totally ignored by James, and hell because the itch in her lower lips was close to unbearable. On top of that, she was unsure if her count on how many times the other girls had cum was right.

James then crawled over to Shuna, who had untied her obi by now and laid on her back. Once James was close, Shuna spread her arms invitingly.

"Come, James-Sama, I am yours." Shuna said with a smile and a heavy blush on her face.

Unlike the other women, Shuna enjoyed making love more than fucking. So, as she enjoyed it, James took on a slow pace with Shuna. Instead of immediately thrusting his hips as hard and as fast as he could, James first grinded his dick all over the inside of Shuna's pussy. After reaffirming all her sensitive spots, James began stroking those spots at a slow yet forceful pace.

"Mmm~~! Yes~, James-Sama~!" Shuna moaned with her arms wrapped around James neck. "Right there, mmm~~ keep going. Ahn~~~!"

As time went by, James slowly increased his pace. By the time James had been inside of Shuna for twenty-five minutes, Shuna had cum three times and James had reached his usual pace. Then, in the next five minutes, Shuna came five more times with her nails dug into James' back and her legs wrapped around his waist the whole time.

When James finally came, Shuna came one more time while screaming at the top of her lungs. Then, all at once she lost strength in her body and passed out. Seeing that, James smiled and kissed her softly.

After pulling out of Shuna, James got off the bed and walked over to the fridge in his bedroom. After opening the door, he looked inside for a moment then pulled out a bottle of water. He then closed the door to the fridge and walked over to his desk where he took a seat and screwed open the bottle.

*Gulp!* *Gulp!* *Gulp!*

"*Sigh* That hit the spot!" James said after emptying the bottle of water in one go. Then, he spoke again, seemingly randomly. "How many?"

"Twe... Twenty-one." Ayame said through labored breathing.

"Huh, I didn't think you could count that high." James said in an uncaring tone. "Whatever, come on over here then."

Following James' instructions, and after he released his [Kido], Ayame seemed to simply melt away from her spot on the bed. In the next instant, she was standing next to James shivering, thanks to the insult, and looking at his dick eagerly. Smiling at her enthusiasm, James sat Ayame on his lap, without putting his dick inside her. Though, she could feel its shaft pressing against her pussy lips and clit.

While Ayame was waiting for James to do... anything to her, James reached back and pulled open a drawer on his desk. Once the drawer was open, he shuffled around inside it for something. After finding what he was looking for, he pulled it out.

A moment later, Ayame could feel James taking the necklace he had given her early that morning from around her neck, which actually made her worry that he was throwing her away. However, that feeling disappeared when she felt something made of leather wrap around her neck before being buckled in place.

"This is proof that you belong to me." James said in a somehow cold and simultaneously loving tone. "That way you'll never forget whose toy you are."

Ayame then brought her hands up to her neck and felt a slim, soft leather collar wrapped around her neck. Then, when her hands got to the fastening buckle, she felt the locket was now hanging from it instead of the necklace that it originally hung from.

Surprising not only James, but even herself, Ayame began to silently shed tears. Then, she suddenly turned around and kissed James passionately. When she ended the kiss, she saw James smiling at her gently, which made her blush and turn her face away in embarrassment.

While Ayame was looking away, James smiled wryly.

"She gets all sexually excited when I treat her like shit.' James thought to himself. 'But when I'm gentle and loving with her, she blushes like a high school girl making eye contact with her first crush.'

After that thought, James turned his expression indifferent.

"Did I tell you that you could turn around?" James asked in a cold tone.

Hearing his tone, Ayame's whole body stiffened. Then, she turned back around so that her back was facing James as quickly as she could.

"Please forgive me, James-Sama." Ayame said with her cheeks red for a different reason.

Without responding, James raised Ayame off his lap and lined his dick up with her pussy. Then, he lowered her, causing the head to penetrate her. A moment later, he hooked his arms under Ayame's knees and lifted her off her feet.

Ayame fell back, causing her to rest her back on James' chest. Then, James began thrusting upward so fast that she could not even regain her balance. Instead, all she could do was moan unintelligibly for the next fifteen minutes. On top of that, every one of the six times she came in that time period, James would slip his index finger under the back of her collar and pull, restricting the blood that made it to her brain, which intensified the orgasms.

By the time James came inside her, Ayame was little more than a drooling mess with a sloppy smile on her face.

"*Sigh* And that's everyone." James said as he pulled his dick out of Ayame.

As soon as his dick was freed, however, he felt it enter another warm and wet hole.

*Slurp!* *Slurp!* *Gulp!* *Pop!*

"Do you expect this Scathach to be satisfied with only one round?" Scathach asked from between James' and Ayame's legs.

'This is going to be a long night.' James thought as he looked at the bed and noticed that more of his girls were beginning to stir.


Sorry about the late post, I fell asleep after I got home from work.

Read 5 chapters ahead on my Patr3on at:


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

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